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China’s oil giants’help in SARS warresults in good public images.ChinaNational Petroleum Corporation(CNPC),the nation’s largest oil company,hasdonates 20 million yuan(US$2.4 million)for the government’s fight against severeacute respiratory syndrome(SARS).CNPC contributed 12 million yuan(US$1.5 million)to the Ministry ofHealth and 8 million yuan(US$967,300)to Beijing Municipal Government.President of CNPC Ma Fucai said CNPC,as the key State-owned enterprise,isobliged to support the government in itsefforts to beat the epidemic。 In a letter to CNPC released in mid-May,Beijing Municipal Governmentexpressed gratitude to CNPC on behalfof all the citizens in Beijing and spoke  相似文献   

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) plans to set up a joint venture with Russian oil giant Rosneft to open up to 300 service stations in China. The joint venture, in which the Chinese company has a controlling stake, will cover oil refinery and retail business.  相似文献   

WangKeyu 《中国油气》2002,9(1):14-16
CNPC rapidly expanded its overseas oil and gas operation in 2001. The annual crude and natural gas outputs from the overseas projects were 16.23 million tons and 926 million cubic meters respectively while the crude processing volume was 2.3 million tons. Based on those oil and gas output, CNPC shared 8.31 million tons of equity crude and 577 million cubic meters of equity natural gas last year, up 20.96 percent and 29.66 percent respectively from the previous year, with an annual oil and ga…  相似文献   

Fortune magazine has sent an official letter to CNPC, stating that its list of the Global 500 Companies has been revised, and that CNPC has been upgraded from the 73rd to the 52nd largest company in the world. Fortune on July 12 released the latest listing of the Global 500 Companies, its well-known ranking of the world's largest companies. On that list, CNPC was ranked 73rd, with revenues of US$47,049 million.  相似文献   

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China's largest oil and gas producer, has cumulatively made an investment of 59.6 billion yuan (US$7.39 billion) for its overseas oil and gas business in the past few years. The group has established five oil and natural gas production bases in Africa, central Asia, America, the Asian and Pacific region and the Middle East.  相似文献   

CNPC and Sonatrach sign oilcontract On July 14, China National Oil &Gas Exploration DevelopmentCorporation (CNODC), which isresponsible for management andoperation of the overseas projectsinvested by CNPC, signed an oilcontract with Algeria NationalPetroleum Corporation (Sonatrach Inc)in Alger, under which the two sides willcooperate for oil field development inSouthwest Algeria's Adrar Provinceand construction and operation of a  相似文献   

CNPC Successfully Acquires Kazak Oil Company China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has recently announced that it successfully acquired PetroKazakhstan (PK), a Kazak oil company headquartered in Canada. A local Canadian court in Alberta has approved the US$4.18-billon acquisition of PK by CNPC, which took over the company through its wholly-owned subsidiary China National Petroleum Corporation International (CNPCI).  相似文献   

2005 objectives of CNPC China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), the parent company of PetroChina, has set the 2005 business objectives to bring up the annual additional oil and gas recoverable reserves to 220 million tons of oil equivalent,pump 161 million tons ofoil and gas in total, and raise the domestic crude processing volume to 120 million tons in the year ahead. At the five-day annual work conference closing on January 19 in Beijing, CNPC further clarified its goal to build itself into a powerful multinational integrated energy enterprise with the international competitiveness.  相似文献   

Russian cars, usually priced under 80,000 yuan(US$9700), will soon be a new choice for Chinesecustomers. The SOK Group, Russia's third largestauto maker, said in mid-May that it would set up ajoint venture auto factory with an annual production  相似文献   

China and Russia signed a deal in Beijing on February 17,2009 to lend US$25 billion to two Russian oil firms,which in turn will sell 15 million tons of crude oil a year to China for the next 20 years.  相似文献   

China's top oil and gas producer, CNPC, is likely to acquire a one-fifth stake of Yuganskneftegaz, a millionbarral-a-day oilunit of Yukos, according to Russian Energy Minister Viktor Khristenko. "The assets of Yuganskneftegaz will be spun off and transferred to a separate company, 100percent owned by the state," Khristenko said in a statement issued by his ministry. "Up to 20 percent of the shares in this company may be acquired by the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation. Such an option was mentioned in documents signed earlier with CNPC."  相似文献   

China National Petroleum building an 8.2-billion-yuan Corporation (CNPC), began (US$1.2 billion) refinery in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in late-September to reinforce the supplies of oil products in northwest China. The project will have an annual refining capacity of 5 million tons. Scheduled to come on stream at the end of 2010, this project includes 10 units and auxiliary facilities, such as a 5-million-ton atmospheric distillation unit, a 2.6-million-ton catalytic cracker, a 900,000-ton continuous reforming unit and 100,000-ton polypropylene unit.  相似文献   

CNPC and YUKOS signes oil pipeline agreementCNPC and Russia's private oil producer YUKOS signedan agreement on May 28 in Moscow, setting out key aspectssuch as the quality of oil to be supplied, contractual termsand pricing formulas to pave the way for a US$2.5 billion oilpipeline stretching the vast expanse of Siberian and intoChina.This agreement was inked on the third day of China'sPresident Hu Jintao's state visit to Russia. "The pipeline construction is the biggest project in Sino-Russian economic co-operation, and it is good news for bothsides," said Ma Fucai, President of CNPC. Under theagreement, CNPC agrees to purchase up to 5.13 billion barrelsof Russian oil, worth some US$150 billion, between 2005and 2030 supplied via the pipeline running from Russia'sSiberian oilfield to China's petroleum center in Daqing."This(the pipeline) is the best choice for the least investment,shortest distance and lowest risk," Ma added.The deal ineans the Russian Government will put off,indefinitely, a rival projec  相似文献   

The oil price has been soaring continuously while the oil consumption in China has been increasingly rising, China is expanding the import of marine petroleum exploitation equipment greatly to produce more oil from oceans. According to the statistics from Tianjin Port, one of the largest international trade ports in China, 39 generating electricity sets for offshore oil exploitation have been imported and passed through the custom formalities in the fi rst 7 months this year. The total value…  相似文献   

Ma Fucai resigned from the position as president of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC),the nation's largest oil company, on April 14 taking responsibility for the gas well blowout in Southwest China's Chongqing that killed 234 people on December 23, 2003. Vice president of CNPC Chen Geng stepped in as head of the oil giant. Chen was also president of the overseas-listed PetroChina at that time, of which CNPC is the parent company.  相似文献   

WangYong 《中国油气》2002,9(1):57-57
China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation (CPECC), a subsidiary of CNPC, and Pak-Arab Pipeline Company (PARCO) of Pakistan have recently reached an agreement to confirm the US$317-million contract for construction a pipeline for oil products in Pakistan by CPECC. The project is called the white oil pipeline project (WOPP) running from Karachi to Mahmood Kot, the distribution center of oil products in the northwest part of the country.General manager of CPECC Zhang…  相似文献   

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC),the country's third largest oil and gas producer,saw its full year sales revenues of 2008 rose 22.4 percent from a year ago to 98.3 billion yuan (US$14.37 billion).By the end of 2008,the total assets of the company were 428.5 billion yuan,up 267 percent from five years earlier.The company's listed ann CNOOC Ltd.said in mid-January it planed to lift its 2009 crude and gas production by 16 percent to 18 percent,as some significant projects are expected to come online this year.Total production will be 225 million to 231 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE),compared with the estimated production of 194 million to 196 million BOE for 2008.  相似文献   

On Dec, 16, 2005, annual output of Tarim Oilfield, owned by China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), surpassed 10 million tons oil equivalent and became the 5th top super giant oil and gas field of CNPC, with production capacity of 10-million-ton. A series of significant achievements have been made in exploration and development since the launching of exploration campaign in Tarim 16 years ago.  相似文献   

Yin Xian 《中国油气》2008,15(2):12-13
CNPC, China's largest oil producer, and Sinopec, the nation's largest refiner expressed they would increase their oil processing and halt oil products exports in the third quarter to ensure domestic supply. Vice president of CNPC Wang Yilin said on June 2 that CNPC would stop oil products export and increase the imports to secure the domestic market supplies. Meanwhile, Sinopec President Wang Tianpu also said that Sinopec would raise production, halt exports and adjust product structure to ensure domestic supply, especially for the reconstruction after the earthquake, the summer harvest and the Olympic Games. PetroChina said it would keep its operation at full steam in June to jack up its oil processing by 6 percent over the previous month. The oil giant would also import 600,000 tons of oil products. Sinopec will cut its ethylene production by 65,000 tons, or 11 percent of its monthly production capacity, in June to expand oil product supplies by 200,000 tons. It will also reduce arene production to raise oil products supplies.  相似文献   

为推进中国石油天然气行业发展、维护国家能源战略安全,中国石油天然气集团公司提出努力建成具有国际竞争力的跨国经营企业--综合性国际能源公司。规划到2015年形成综合性国际能源公司的总体架构,年营业总收入达到2万亿元人民币,国内外油气总产量当量达到4×108 t,国内外原油加工量超过2×108 t。到2020年,建成世界一流的综合性国际能源公司。今后一个时期该集团公司将:①继续加强国内油气勘探开发,提高油气生产能力;②有序高效发展炼油化工业务,努力保障市场稳定供应;③扩大海外勘探开发规模,建立长期稳定的油气合作区;④加快转变经济发展方式,实现安全发展、清洁发展、节约发展。  相似文献   

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