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The optical properties of Er3+-doped and Yb3+/Er3+ co-doped 12CaO·7Al2O3 (C12A7) poly-crystals, synthesized by high temperature solid state method, were investigated in detail. For Er3+-doped and Yb3+/Er3+ co-doped C12A7 poly-crystals, two main emission bands centered around 530/550 nm (green) and 660 nm (red) were observed under 980 nm diode laser excitation via an up-conversion process. The intensity of green up-conversion emission had a strong increase in Er3+ (1.0 mol.%, 1.5 mol.%, 3.0 mol.%), and the intensity ratio of red to green up-conversion emission had an increase in Yb3+ (1.0 mol.%, 2.0 mol.%, 10. 0 mol.%)/Er3+ (fixed at 1.0 mol.%). This detailed study of the up-conversion processes allowed us to identify the dominant up-conversion mechanisms in Er3+-doped and Yb3+/Er3+ co-doped C12A7 poly-crystals.  相似文献   

The process to prepare pure phase of hexagonal Y2O2S was investigated. Effect of mixed flux of Na2CO3 and S amounts was studied. The phase composition and morphology were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the single phase of Y2O2S with smooth morphology could not be obtained as the molar ratio of Y2O3, Na2CO3 and S was in the range of 1:(0.5-1):(2-3) until the molar ratio was increased to 1:1.5:4. Different Er3+ concentration doped Y2O2S...  相似文献   

ExperimentshaveconfirmedthatREFe12compoundsdonotexist.ThisphasecanbestabilizedbyreplacingsomeoftheironatomsbyasmallamountofotherelementssuchasTi,V ,Cr,Mn ,Mo ,W ,Re ,AlandSi ,andREFe12 -xMxintermetalliccompoundscanbeobtained[1] .Mcannotonlystabilizethestruc tureo…  相似文献   

A new Er2Mn2O7 compound was synthesized by the ceramic method and its crystal structure was characterized using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The magnetic properties were investigated using a BS2 magnetometer and the heat capacity was studied using a quantum design (PPMS). The structural study revealed that this compound was monophasic and crystallized in the monoclinic system with the P2/M space group. Magnetization measurements were carried out in the temperature range of 1.8-200 K under an applied magnetic field of 0.05 T. A crossover from a room temperature paramagnetic phase to an antiferromagnetic one at low temperature was detected from the magnetic study. The magnetic susceptibility, in the paramagnetic region above 40 K, was found to present a simple Curie-Weiss type behavior. From the specific heat (CP) measurements in magnetic fields up to 5 T, we noted the presence of a wide peak characteristic of a second order mag-neto-structural transition.  相似文献   

采用正交实验方法研究了大气等离子喷涂工艺参数主气流量、喷涂功率和送粉量对Al2O3陶瓷涂层结合强度和显微硬度的影响,通过X射线衍射仪和扫描电子显微镜研究了粉末和涂层的组织结构,采用WDW-50微机控制电子万能试验机、HV-1000维氏硬度计测量了涂层的结合强度、截面硬度,结合涂层组织结构并应用极差和方差分析方法对实验结果进行了分析,得到了优化后的工艺参数。结果表明,涂层由熔融和未熔融区域混合而成,截面形貌凹凸咬合,以机械结合为主。影响大气等离子喷涂Al2O3涂层性能工艺参数的主次顺序依次为:喷涂功率、主气流量、送粉量,随着功率和主气流量的升高,涂层的结合强度和硬度均出现先增加后降低的趋势。大气等离子喷涂Al_2O_3最优工艺参数为喷涂功率44KW,主气流量40L/min,送粉量40g/min,制备的涂层结合强度52MPa,显微硬度1219.4HV0.3,孔隙率值为4.00%。  相似文献   

Nanoscale RE3+ (RE=Ce, Tb) doped and codoped lutetium pyrosilicate Lu2Si2O7 (LPS) phosphors were prepared by using the sol-gel method. Heat treatment was performed in the temperature range from 900 to 1100 °C. The crystal structure was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed that the β-type structure of LPS was obtained at 1100 °C. The excitation spectra in the UV and VUV ranges and the emission spectra of the samples were measured at room temperature, and their luminescent properties were studied. The energy transfer from Ce3+ to Tb3+ in the codoped samples were observed and discussed.  相似文献   

The three sets of crystal field parameters (CFPs) obtained from spectroscopic and magnetic susceptibility studies of Tb3+(4i*) ions in TbA1O3 by Gruber et al. (J. Lumin. 128 (2008) 1271) were reanalyzed. These sets, fitted from experimental energy levels, are physically equivalent and correspond to specific choices of the axis system. Proper interpretation of experimental data for Tb3+ ions at monoclimc Cs symmetry sites in TbA1O3 crystal requires clarification of several intricate low symmetry aspects, namely, (a) three equivalent forms of monoclinic CF Hamiltonian, (b) relative orientation of the crystallographic axis system w.r.t. the symmetry-adapted axis system, (c) mono-clinic standardization of CFPs, (d) distinction between the actual and apparent low symmetry effects exhibited by CFPs, and (e) nominal nature of all fitted CFP sets. For this purpose, modeling of CFPs for Tb3+ in TbA1O3 was carried out using at the first stage only the Coulomb, i.e. point charge, contributions in the exchange charge model. The point charge model calculated CFPs disagree with the experimental CFPs, especially the rank k=6 CFPs. To explain this discrepancy and to verify the correctness of the theoretical CFP calculations additionally the superposition model was employed. The methods of analysis and modeling of CFP sets for monoclinic symmetry cases proposed here proved useful for the studied case as well as might be used for other ion-host systems exhibiting monoclinic or triclinic local site symmetry. Partial results for Tb3+ ions in TbA1O3 were presented here, whereas detailed results were given in a follow-up paper.  相似文献   

NiO-Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 catalysts were prepared by citrate method and used for hydrogen production from steam reforming of ethanol (SRE). The effect of nickel content and space velocity on the catalytic performance was investigated. The prepared catalysts were characterized with XRD and thermal analysis techniques. 20%NiO-Ce0.5Zr0.5O2catalyst was very active and selective for hydrogen production via SRE, in which ethanol conversion of 100% could be obtained with feed component of 20% (H2O+EtOH) and 80% N2, water/ethanol of 3/1 in molar ratio at 350 ℃. Also, the catalyst showed good stability for anti-sintering and carbon-resistance. The XRD illuminated that both NiO and Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 crystal sizes were very small in NiO-Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 catalyst, and Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 solid solution was formed.  相似文献   

The Gd2O2CO3:Eu^3+ with type-Ⅱ structure phosphor was successfully synthesized via flux method at 400 ℃ and their photoluminescence properties in vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region were examined. The broad and strong excitation bands in the range of 153-205 nm owing to the CO3^2- host absorption and charge transfer (CT) of Gd^3+-O2^- were observed for Gd2O2CO3:Eu^3+. Under 172 nm excitation, Gd2O2CO3:Eu^3+ exhibited strong red emission with good color purity, indicating Eu^3+ ions located at low symmetry sites and the chromaticity coordination of luminescence for Gd2O2CO3:Eu^3+ was (x=0.652, y=0.345). The photoluminescence quenching concentration of Eu^3+ excited by 172 nm for Gd2O2CO3:Eu^3+ was about 5%. Gd2O2CO3:Eu^3+ would be a potential VUV-excited red phosphor applied in mercury-free fluorescent lamps.  相似文献   

The influences of CeO2-ZrO2 and γ-Al2O3 mixing methods on the catalytic activity and stability of partial oxidation of methane (POM) were investigated over Ni/Ce0.7Zr0.3O2-Al2O3 catalysts. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, TPR, H2-chemsorption, and TG-DTA. For fresh catalysts, the results showed that the salt precursor mixing catalyst (ATOM) presented better performance than the catalysts prepared by the precipitator mixing method (MOL) and the powder mechanically mixing method (MECH). The result of XRD suggested that the interaction between CeO2-ZrO2 and Al2O3 in ATOM sample was stronger than the others, which led to more lattice defects and thereby better initial activity. Moreover, the MECH sample had the best stability and the least coke deposition in 24 h stability tests. The results of TPR and H2-chemsorption indicated that the intimate contact of Ni-Al in MECH sample enhanced the ability of resisting coke deposition and metal sintering.  相似文献   

La2O2CO3 was prepared by calcination of La2 (CO3)3 in the air. Catalysts Ni-Fe/La2O2CO3 with different mole ratios of Ni to Fe, Ni/La2O2CO3 and Fe/La2O2CO3 were prepared by impregnation method. The catalytic properties were evaluated on steam reforming of ethanol (SRE) from 300 to 700 ℃ under atmospheric pressure and the samples were characterized by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method (BET), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and temperature programmed reduction (TPR). The results showed that Ni-Fe bimetallic catalysts exh...  相似文献   

It is well known that sulfur dioxide(SO2) , morethan50%of which arise fromcombustion of fossil fu-els ,are precursors of acidrain andtheir emission pos-es a global threat tothe atmosphere .Environmental a-gencies have ,therefore ,regulated emissions of SO…  相似文献   

Materials with negative thermal expansion have many practical applications. However, these materials are known in only several oxide systems, and when the negative thermal expansion occurs, the contraction is usually small and limited to a narrow temperature range beyond room temperature. For obtaining a compound with negative thermal expansion in broad temperature range, the structural and magnetic properties of Gd2Fe17 compound were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and magnetization measurements. The Gd2Fe17 compound annealed at 1050 oC had a Th2Zn17-type structure. There existed an anisotropic strong spontaneous magnetostriction and a negative thermal expansion in Gd2Fe17 compound. The average thermal expansion coefficients was =-7.40×10-6/K in the temperature range of 294-453 K and =-1.80×10-5/K in 453-534 K, respectively. The spontaneous magnetostrictive deformation ωS decreased from 4.34×10-3 to near zero with temperature increasing from 294 to 572 K. The spontaneous linear deformation λc was much larger than λa at the same temperature below about 500 K.  相似文献   

(Bi2O3)0.73(Y2O3)0.27 fine powders prepared by wet chemical precipitation method were cold isostatically pressed to form solid electrolyte tubes, and sintered at 900 ℃ for 10 h in the air. Their pumping oxygen characteristics in non-dehydrated Ar gas were investigated, where a ZrO2 (Y2O3 stabilized) oxygen sensor was used to measure the oxygen partial pressure Po2. The results showed that the Po2 value reached magnitudes of 1×10^-2-1×10^-10 Pa at the applied pumping oxygen voltage of 0.5 V, 1×10^-37-1×10^-27 Pa at 1.0 V and 1×10^-53-1×10^47 Pa at 2.0 V within the temperature range from 550 to 650 ℃. Moreover, no cracks were found in the tested solid electrolyte tubes. Thus, the Bi2O3-Y2O3 system might be used in solid electrolyte oxygen pump for purifying gases.  相似文献   

K.  Lemanski  Deren    A.  Gagor    W.  Strek 《中国稀土学报(英文版)》2009,27(4):560-563
Absorption, excitation and emission spectra as well as decay time measurements at 10, 77, and 300 K were performed for Ga3Gd3Sc2O12 garnet single-crystal doped with Cr3+ and Nd3+ ions. Strong reabsorption of Cr3+ emission by Nd3+ absorption lines was observed. The assignments of f–f and d–d transitions were proposed. The broad emission band of chromium ions is an indication that weak/intermediate crystal field strength is present at the Cr3+ site.  相似文献   

Multiple-metal catalysts (Ni-Mn-Ce-K/bauxite) for Water-Gas Shift (WGS) reaction were prepared by impregnation, and the catalytic structure and properties were investigated by N2 physical, XRD, H2-TPR, and CO-TPD. The results indicated that the addition of 7.5% CeO2 improved the activity of the WGS reaction obviously, and also increased the specific surface area and pore volume of the catalysts. The addition of CeO2 decreases the reduction temperature, enhanced the adsorption and activation of H2O2, and improved the adsorption content of CO. Besides, active sites were not changed and the number of active sites on catalysts did not increase obviously.  相似文献   

Two novel washcoats Ce0.8Zr0.15La0.05Oδ and Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 was prepared by an impregnation method, which acted as a host for the active Pd component to prepare Pd/Ce0.8Zr0.15La0.05Oδ/substrate and Pd/Ce0.8Zr0.2O2/substrate monolithic catalysts for toluene combustion. The washcoats was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, Brunauner-Emmett-Teller (BET), and H2-temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR). The result indicated that both the washcoats had strong vibration-shock resistance according to ultrasonic test. Doping La3+ into CeO2-ZrO2 solid solution could generate more oxygen vacancies, and could inhibit the sinter of CeO2-ZrO2 solid solution when calcined at high temperatures (800, 900 and 1000 °C). The washcoat Ce0.8Zr0.15La0.05Oδ had much better redox properties. The reductive temperature of Ce4+ species shifted to low temperature by 60 °C when the washcoats calcined at high temperatures (800, 900 and 1000 °C). The Pd/Ce0.8Zr0.15La0.05Oδ/substrate monolithic catalyst calcination at 500 °C had the best catalytic activity and the 95% toluene conversion at a temperature as low as 190 °C. When calcined at low temperature (500 and 700 °C), the catalytic activity has little improvement, however, when calcined at high temperature, the catalytic activity of Pd/Ce0.8Zr0.15La0.05Oδ/substrate monolithic catalysts had significant improvement. As catalyst washcoat, the Ce0.8Zr0.15La0.05Oδ had better thermal stability than the washcoat Ce0.8Zr0.2O2, the developed Pd/Ce0.8Zr0.15La0.05Oδ/substrate monolithic catalyst in this work was promising for eliminating Volatile organic compounds.  相似文献   

The effects of Y substitution on the magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of(Gd1-xYx)3Al2(x=0-0.3) alloys were investigated by X-ray diffraction and magnetization measurements.All samples crystallized in single phase with Zr3Al2-type tetragonal structure.The lattice parameters and magnetic transition temperature decreased obviously with increasing Y content.The magnetic entropy change and refrigerant capacity of these alloys were calculated.The adjustable transition temperature and favorable proper...  相似文献   

通过火焰喷涂工艺和等离子喷涂工艺制备了Cr~(3+)掺杂Al_2O_3陶瓷涂层。采用扫描电镜、X射线衍射、荧光光谱仪等方法表征了涂层的微观形貌、孔隙率、相结构及发光性能等。对比两种不同工艺制备的Cr~(3+)掺杂Al_2O_3陶瓷涂层性能结果表明:等离子喷涂制备的涂层形貌、颗粒熔化状态、厚度均一性均优于火焰喷涂涂层,但火焰喷涂工艺涂层的发光性能远优于等离子工艺涂层,其原因是火焰喷涂制备的涂层中Al_2O_3粒子的熔融状态更差,保留了更多的α-Al_2O_3相,未熔粒子部分将以喷涂原粉中稳定的α-Al_2O_3结构存在涂层中进而影响其光学性能。  相似文献   

A near infrared to visible blue, green, and red upconversion luminescence in a Tb^3+-doped CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass was studied, which was excited using 800 nm femtosecond laser irradiation. The upconversion luminescence was attributed to ^5D3→^7F5, ^5D3→^7F4, ^5D3→^7F3, ^5D4→^7F6, ^5D4→^7F5, ^5D4→^7F4, and ^5D4→^7F3 transitions of Tb^3+. The relationship between upconversion luminescence intensity and the pump power indicated that a three-photon simultaneous absorption process was dominant in this upconversion luminescence. The intense red, green, and blue upconversion luminescence of Tb^3+-doped CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass may be potentially useful in developing three-dimensional display applications.  相似文献   

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