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This study investigated the physical properties (rheological and thermogravimetric analysis) of cornstarch-tannin adhesives and the mechanical properties (dry tensile strength and 3-point bending strength) of plywood made using cornstarch-tannin adhesives. This adhesive was evaluated for its utility in interior plywood manufacture. The optimum cure temperature and cure time of cornstarch-tannin adhesives were 170°C and 4?min, respectively. Plywood bonded with formaldehyde-free cornstarch-tannin adhesive exhibited excellent mechanical properties comparable to commercially available phenol-formaldehyde plywood adhesives. It was found that cornstarch-tannin panels which do not contain formaldehyde and with an emission equal to that of heated but unbound wood can be obtained by the use of hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine) as hardener. The work has indicated that an environmentally friendly wood adhesive can be prepared from a natural renewable resource (cornstarch and wattle tannin) for bonding interior-type plywood.  相似文献   

A hydroxymethylated resorcinol (HMR) was used as a coupling agent to improve glueability of silicone (aminofunctional polydimethylsiloxane) modified pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris) with polyvinyl acetate (PVAc). Priming with HMR did not significantly increase tensile shear strength of unmodified and silicone treated wood under dry conditions. Under wet conditions, tensile shear strength of the control specimens was increased by 37% and of the silicone modified specimens by 13%. Despite of higher shear strength under wet conditions, the primed silicone treated specimens displayed lower degree of wood failure than the unprimed treated specimens.  相似文献   

According to the market demands of high quality, thin and light, natural fiber fabric, with natural fiber as raw material, combined with the unique advantage of Siro-fil yarn, we design and develop a light-weight worsted fabrics. According to the characteristics of raw materials and product requirements, from raw material selection, spinning, weaving process and post finishing aspects, it respectively introduces the production process and key points of product formation. The type of thin compact Siro-fil worsted fabric has the style of elegant, lively hand, good elastic characteristics. The product can be used as a men's and women's shirt fabric, and has broad market prospects.  相似文献   

Waxes are used for treatment of wood surfaces for several decades predominately as surface treatments because they weakly penetrate into the wood. In order to overcome this issue, water emulsions were applied in the present experiment. Five water emulsions of various concentrations were used, namely montan wax, polyethylene, ethylene copolymer and oxidized polyethylene wax. Performance of wax treated beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) against white rot, brown rot and blue stain fungi was tested. In parallel, sorption properties of wax treated wood were determined. The treated specimens were more resistant to wood decay fungi. Polyethylene and oxidized polyethylene wax were found to be particularly efficient. Although this treatment does not improve resistance to blue stain fungi, it reduces the sorption of water.  相似文献   

Relative percentage of moisture content of surface and core layers in pine tannin-bonded particleboard influences markedly the internal bond (IB) strength of the board. This is due to the differential compression exercised on the layers related to their moisture content. The moisture content differential between surface and core layers in particleboard during pressing is a determining parameter for the internal bond (IB) strength of particleboard. In the case of tannin adhesives where these differences can be more pronounced than for synthetic adhesive the effect is more easily observable.  相似文献   

The scope of this work is to discuss the challenges and demonstrate the potential of microwave testing for applications in the wood processing industry. Microwave technology benefits from the anisotropic dielectric properties of wood to simultaneously identify grain angle, density, and moisture content of wood. Therefore, the theory of free space transmission measurement is thoroughly discussed with emphasis on the characteristics of (and how to deal with) reflections occurring in real measurements. A more sophisticated calculation method for the derivation of the desired physical wood properties is presented. The advantages of a modern laboratory style setup are shown and its possible transition in an industrial-style application is discussed. Moist (moisture content 7.6–14%) and oven-dry spruce samples are tested. The detection of grain angle for moist and oven-dry wood yields an RMSE (root-mean-squared-error) of 0.14° and 0.4°, respectively. Moisture content is evaluated with density- and thickness-independent methods. Adapted regression models are proposed yielding an RMSE for moisture content of 0.45% for a single frequency measurement. The promising advantages of wood moisture estimation with frequency sweeps instead of fixed frequency signals are discussed and demonstrated for all samples (RMSE 0.39%). The dielectric constant of moist and oven dry spruce in the range from 8 to 12 GHz is evaluated in respect to density, moisture content and temperature. The respective constants ε′, ε′′, and tan(δ) are formulated in a general form via a non-linear regression and compared to existing data in literature.  相似文献   

The development of twist in Norway spruce boards (Picea abies Karst.) during normal temperature kiln drying was researched. Tangentially oriented boards were sawn from diametrical radial planks, from which the basic wood properties, i.e. linear shrinkage and grain angle, were determined. The unrestrained boards were kiln dried using a selected drying schedule. During the controlled drying process the moisture content (MC) and twist of the boards were measured. Twist was generally induced by the shrinkage of wood below the fibre saturation point, and increased in proportional to the decrease in MC. The earlier appearance of twist, with regard to MC and drying time, was confirmed in the case of boards sawn from the central part of logs. The final twist amounted to between 10 and 20°/m in the case of boards close to the pith, and decreased to less than 4°/m in the case of boards sawn at a radius of 70 mm from the centre of the logs. Ring curvature had the highest impact on the final twist of the dried boards, followed by grain angle and tangential shrinkage.  相似文献   

The basic principle of methods measuring water retention of fibre pulp was adapted for a new method to prove differences in polarity and particle size of wooden particles used for particle board production. With this new method, particles come into contact with the liquid for a short time. Besides the laboratory method, appropriate data analyses of the weight-time curves, including the calculation of a novel polarity coefficient are introduced. The measurement signal was found to be most significantly influenced by the particle properties at the equilibrium of liquid charge and discharge, as well as within the asymptotic levelling phase around 30 s of testing. With increasing particle size, water retention values of both native and thermally modified particles decrease due to reduced specific particle surface. Thermally modified particles show significantly lower water retention values in the range of ?28 to ?46 % and higher variability which is thought to be related to reduced polarity. The method proved to be quick, easy to handle and reproducible.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method was developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of six major ergot alkaloids, ergometrine, ergosine, ergotamine, ergocornine, ergokryptine and ergocristine, as well as their corresponding epimers in food and feed samples. The method involves extraction under alkaline conditions and subsequent clean-up by applying a simple and rapid liquid–liquid partitioning procedure prior to LC–MS/MS analysis. Evaluation of the method revealed good linearity, accuracy and precision. The limits of quantification varied from 0.1 to 1 μg/kg depending on the analyte and matrix. The average extraction and clean-up recoveries in different matrices were between 45 (only for ergometrine in biscuit) and 90%. The uncertainty associated with the analytical method was not higher than 51% and 30%, at concentration levels of 2.5 and 150 μg/kg respectively. Analyte epimerization proved to be minimal during the analytical procedure. The method has been successfully applied to the determination of ergot alkaloids in some Belgian food and feed commodities. Ergot alkaloids were found in 104 out of 122 samples investigated. Ergosine was the most frequently occurring alkaloid, while the highest levels were observed for ergotamine, ergocristine or ergosine, depending on the product type. The total alkaloid content in positive samples varied from 1 to 1145 μg/kg.  相似文献   

OSB panels were manufactured with a mixture of pine and cypress heartwood and lignin and tannin based resins in order to propose an eco-friendly wood composite. The resistance of OSB panels against Reticulitermes santonensis was tested according to EN 118 and EN 117 as well as in a field test. OSB made from cypress showed more resistance against the tested termite, the resistance decreased as the percentage of pine increased. The degree of attack differed according to the choice of standard procedure. The field test results revealed that in outdoor conditions and when the termites had a feeding choice, all mixtures showed the same behaviour. The decay resistance was assessed according to EN 12038, and the results revealed that the resistance increases when the percentage of cypress increases.  相似文献   

The cell wall of wood tracheids is made up of various layers, distinguished from one other by the alignment of the innumerable, fine crystalline cellulose microfibrils within each layer that helically wind about the cell lumen. Microfibrils themselves are embedded in a more compliant, water-reactive matrix of amorphous lignin and hemicelluloses. The average inclination of microfibrils relative to the axis of the cell affects axial rigidity and dimensional stability of wood which are the two most important properties of wood. High and variable microfibril angles can be found in juvenile and compression wood, thus resulting in variations in product performance of forest products. For instance, seemingly identical trees in a plantation can have moduli of elasticity that differ by a factor of two or more. This is why the future is often seen in engineered wood products, where wood may be chipped, fiberised and blended before being glued together again: the average property values are little changed, but the range—the variability—is greatly reduced. There is the opportunity for better wood allocation and processing of timber, if averaged values for individual log characteristics, such as average microfibril angle, can be identified before the processing. In parallel there is genetic potential to select trees with low average microfibril angles. Unfortunately, determination of the average microfibril angle is a time-consuming, laboratory-based task. Preferably, a non-destructive, simple, field-hardened method should be employed that reflects the average microfibril angle in a given piece of wood. For this reason, acoustic methods have been developed to measure the velocity of sound propagation directly related to the stiffness of wood and in turn is dependent on the ultrastructure of the tracheid cell wall. In the fundamental equation, Edynamic=V2, the acoustic modulus is derived from two components, density, , and velocity of sound, V. The latter relates to the intrinsic wood quality and ultrastructure of the tracheid wall. It is shown that acoustic methods can sort and grade trees and logs according to their suitability for structural lumber and for a range of fiber properties of interest to papermakers. Thus, acoustic methods have applications in tree breeding, harvesting, and wood processing.  相似文献   

A rapid purification has been developed for Bacillus stearothermophilus α‐amylase starting with the commercial enzyme product. The two‐step procedure, using hydrophobic interaction chromatography and ion exchange, results in a 6.8‐fold increase in specific activity with an 86% recovery of starting activity. The molecular weight of the enzyme was 58,000 when measured by SDS‐PAGE The enzyme preparation consisted of three isozymes with pl values of 8.1, 8.0, and 7.8–7.7. The enzyme mixture had a broad pH optimum of pH 4.0–7.0 at 40° C and a narrower optimum of pH 5.2–6.5 at 90° C. The temperature optimum was 80° C when measured by the starch‐iodine assay; hydrolysis of maltodextrin indicated a constant, maximum rate between 70° C and 100° C. Calcium was shown to increase the half life of the enzyme at 90° C approximately 10‐fold; addition of 10% maltodextrin and calcium increased the half life of the enzyme 80‐fold.  相似文献   

The cell wall of wood tracheids is made up of various layers, distinguished from one other by the alignment of the innumerable, fine crystalline cellulose microfibrils within each layer that helically wind about the cell lumen. Microfibrils themselves are embedded in a more compliant, water-reactive matrix of amorphous lignin and hemicelluloses. The average inclination of microfibrils relative to the axis of the cell affects axial rigidity and dimensional stability of wood which are the two most important properties of wood. High and variable microfibril angles can be found in juvenile and compression wood, thus resulting in variations in product performance of forest products. For instance, seemingly identical trees in a plantation can have moduli of elasticity that differ by a factor of two or more. This is why the future is often seen in engineered wood products, where wood may be chipped, fiberised and blended before being glued together again: the average property values are little changed, but the range—the variability—is greatly reduced. There is the opportunity for better wood allocation and processing of timber, if averaged values for individual log characteristics, such as average microfibril angle, can be identified before the processing. In parallel there is genetic potential to select trees with low average microfibril angles. Unfortunately, determination of the average microfibril angle is a time-consuming, laboratory-based task. Preferably, a non-destructive, simple, field-hardened method should be employed that reflects the average microfibril angle in a given piece of wood. For this reason, acoustic methods have been developed to measure the velocity of sound propagation directly related to the stiffness of wood and in turn is dependent on the ultrastructure of the tracheid cell wall. In the fundamental equation, Edynamic=V2, the acoustic modulus is derived from two components, density, , and velocity of sound, V. The latter relates to the intrinsic wood quality and ultrastructure of the tracheid wall. It is shown that acoustic methods can sort and grade trees and logs according to their suitability for structural lumber and for a range of fiber properties of interest to papermakers. Thus, acoustic methods have applications in tree breeding, harvesting, and wood processing.
Zellwandstruktur und Holzeigenschaften durch akustische Methoden bestimmt
Zusammenfassung Die Zellwand von Holztracheiden besteht aus verschiedenen Schichten, die sich von einander durch eine Aneinanderreihung von unzähligen feinen kristallinen Zellulose-Mikrofibrillen in jeder der Schichten unterscheiden, die sich helikal um das Zelllumen winden. Die Mikrofibrillen selbst sind in eine wasser-reaktive Matrix aus amorphem Lignin und Hemizellulosen eingebettet. Der durchschnittliche Neigungswinkel der Mikrofibrillen relativ zur Achse der Zellen beeinflusst die axiale Steifigkeit und die Dimensionsstabilität des Holzes, die beiden wichtigsten technischen Eigenschaften von Holz. Steile und variable Mikrofibrillenwinkel können in juvenilem und Druckholz gefunden werden, wodurch sich Unterschiede in der Verarbeitung von Holzwerkstoffen ergeben. Beispielsweise können scheinbar identische Bäume in einer Plantage Elastizitätsmoduli aufweisen, die sich durch einen Faktor von zwei und mehr unterscheiden. Aus diesem Grund wird die Zukunft oft in technischen Holzprodukten gesehen, wo Holz zerspant, zerfasert und gemischt wird, bevor man es wieder zusammenleimt: die durchschnittlichen Eigenschaften werden wenig verändert, aber die Bandbreite—die Variabilität—wird stark reduziert. Können durchschnittliche Werte für individuelle Holzbalkencharakteristika, wie der Durchschnitts-Mikrofibrillenwinkel vorher bestimmt werden, besteht die Gelegenheit für eine bessere Holzauswahl und -verarbeitung. Parallel dazu gibt es ein genetisches Potential, um Bäume mit niedrigen Durchschnitts-Mikrofibrillenwinkeln zu selektieren. Leider ist die Bestimmung der Durchschnitts-Mikrofibrillenwinkel eine zeitaufwendige, auf das Labor bezogene Aufgabe. Vorzugsweise sollte eine zerstörungsfreie, einfache außen erprobte Methode eingesetzt werden, die den Durchschnitts-Mikrovibrillenwinkel in einem gegebenen Holzstück reflektiert. Aufgrund dessen wurden akustische Methoden entwickelt, um die Geschwindigkeit der Schallausbreitung zu messen, die direkt mit der Festigkeit des Holzes korreliert und damit auch abhängig ist von der Ultrastruktur der Zellwand. In der Grundgleichung, Edynamic=V2, wird der akustische Modulus von zwei Komponenten abgeleitet, der Dichte, , und der Schallgeschwindigkeit, V. Letztere bezieht sich auf die intrinsische Holzqualität und die Ultrastruktur der Tracheiden-Wand. Es wird gezeigt, dass die akustische Methode in der Lage ist, Bäume und Rundholz gemäß ihrer Eignung für Bauholz und für eine Bandbreite von Fasereigenschaften, im Interesse der Papierhersteller, zu sortieren und einzuteilen. Auf diese Weise finden akustische Methoden Anwendung bei der Aufzucht von Bäumen, ihrer Abholzung und Verarbeitung.

A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry assay was developed and successfully applied for the determination of phthalates in ham sausage migrated from packaging film. The phthalates studied were dimethyl phthalate (DMP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), benzylbutyl phthalate (BBP), bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP) , with dibutyl adipate (DBA) as internal standard. The sample pre-treatments included extraction with n-hexane, solvent evaporation and reconstitution with acetonitrile before and after solid-phase extraction (SPE). The extraction and cleaning up procedure was carried out with cartridges containing dimethyl butylamine groups, which showed extraction efficiencies over 87.3%. The calibration curves obtained were linear with correlation coefficients greater than 0.99. The method proved to be accurate and precise for the six phthalates used. It was successfully applied to a study on the migration of phthalates from packaging PVC film into ham sausage.  相似文献   

The influence of viscoelastic thermal compression (VTC) on surface wettability and bonding performance of wood was evaluated. Low quality beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were densified with the VTC process to different degrees of densification. Control and densified strips were bonded with phenol–formaldehyde (PF) adhesive and liquefied wood (LW). Shear strength of bonded assemblies was determined after 1 week of conditioning at 20 °C and relative humidity of 65 %. Wettability was determined on the basis of the contact angle of water, PF adhesive, and LW using the Wilhelmy method. Results showed that densification of beech and spruce wood did not significantly affect the shear strength of specimens bonded with PF adhesive. In beech assemblies bonded with LW shear strength decreased significantly with increased density, whereas in bonded spruce specimens decrease of shear strength was not significant. It was found that degree of densification and bonding process used in the study were not appropriately chosen for spruce wood specimens, since major deformations after the bonding process occurred. Wettability changed significantly after densification. Contact angle of water and LW increased after densification, whereas contact angle of PF showed inverse trend and decreased after VTC process. Furthermore, the degree of densification had a minor effect on the wettability.  相似文献   

Effects of chemical treatment of wood on the bonding strength of Norway spruce strands (Picea abies Karst.) embedded in a??cement matrix were investigated by means of a??pull-out test. Strands of varying thickness were used whereas a??strong influence of thickness on bonding strength could be observed. Using thick strands (800?μm) showed negative effect on bonding strength which is due to the swelling effect. The treatment of thin strands (400?μm) showed that using wet strands (~?90% moisture content) leads to the best results compared to untreated dry (12%) strands. By addition of setting accelerators (ammonium chloride) bonding strength of wet strands was even improved. Furthermore, effects of hot water and sodium hydroxide extraction as well as sodium silicate treatment were examined.  相似文献   

Salmonella spp. are a leading cause of foodborne illness. Mathematical models that predict Salmonella survival and growth on food from a low initial dose, in response to storage and handling conditions, are valuable tools for helping assess and manage this public health risk. The objective of this study was to develop and to validate the first predictive microbiology model for survival and growth of a low initial dose of Salmonella on chicken during refrigerated storage. Chicken skin was inoculated with a low initial dose (0.9 log) of a multiple antibiotic-resistant strain of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 (ATCC 700408) and then stored at 4 to 12 °C for 0 to 10 days. A general regression neural network (GRNN) model that predicted log change of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 as a function of time and temperature was developed. Percentage of residuals in an acceptable prediction zone, from -1 (fail-safe) to 0.5 (fail-dangerous) log, was used to validate the GRNN model by using a criterion of 70% acceptable predictions. Survival but not growth of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 was observed at 4 to 8 °C. Maximum growth of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 during 10 days of storage was 0.7 log at 9 °C, 1.1 log at 10 °C, 1.8 log at 11 °C, and 2.9 log at 12 °C. Performance of the GRNN model for predicting dependent data (n=163) was 85% acceptable predictions, for predicting independent data for interpolation (n=77) was 84% acceptable predictions, and for predicting independent data for extrapolation (n=70) to Salmonella Kentucky was 87% acceptable predictions. Thus, the GRNN model provided valid predictions for survival and growth of Salmonella on chicken during refrigerated storage, and therefore the model can be used with confidence to help assess and manage this public health risk.  相似文献   

Leno and lace are two kinds of special fabrics respectively born in the East and the West. Although the origin and weaving method of the fabrics are different, they have many similarities and occupy an important position in the history of textile. Based on the historical documents analysis, one can find that the origin of both fabrics is related to mesh-shaped capture tools and their appearance is featured by perforated appearance. With the aesthetic style of elegance, elaboration and grace, both fabrics symbolize noble identity in the upper class. The aesthetic orientation of leno and lace are usually related to the female, and they are the media for the female to hide or express their right and desire. So, the paper expatiates on cultural connotation of leno and lace from their origin, aesthetic tendency and the female spirit they represent. © 2017 China Silk Association. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(7):6021-6029
Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) caused by Mycobacterium bovis is an important zoonotic disease. This infection is difficult to control because of the limited ability of the tuberculin skin test (TST) and ancillary IFN-γ release assay to detect all infected animals. In this study, we aimed to develop an efficient assay based on the enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISpot) technique for the diagnosis of bTB, with IFN-γ monoclonal antibodies 3E9 and Bio-labeled 6F8 used as capture and detection antibodies, respectively. As expected, there were significantly more M. bovis-specific spot-forming units (SFU) in bTB-infected cattle than in healthy cattle when an M. bovis-specific antigen, CFP-10-ESAT-6 fusion protein (CE protein), was used. The M. bovis IFN-γ ELISpot assay demonstrated a high level of agreement (90.83%) with the BOVIGAM ELISA test (Thermo Fisher Scientific) for detecting bTB. Furthermore, 3 of 109 cattle tested negative by both the TST and the BOVIGAM ELISA tests, but positive by the ELISpot assay (TST? ELISA? ELISpot+). During subsequent long-term monitoring, these 3 cattle became TST+ ELISA+ ELISpot+. These results suggest that the M. bovis IFN-γ ELISpot assay we established could detect infected cattle earlier than the BOVIGAM ELISA test.  相似文献   

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