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“新工科”是在新经济、新产业背景下应运而生的教育新模式,在理论和实践教学过程中促进学生全面发展,将学生社会责任感、历史使命感、工程意识、实践能力、创新精神和工匠精神的培育渗透到高校工科教育各个方面,坚持把培养社会主义建设者和接班人作为高校工科教育的重要使命。作为工科教育重要组成部分,实践教学与理论教学共同承担着思政育人的责任和义务。高校工作者必须准确把握实践教学的特点和教书育人的规律,在实践课程中兼顾传授知识和价值引领两个教学职能。针对港航专业实践教学环节中课程思政的建设现状和存在问题,同济大学港口航道与海岸工程专业在新工科建设要求指导下,对专业实践教学环节中的基础必修类课程和进阶类课程进行了思政总体设计,解读了港航专业培养方案中蕴涵的课程思政内涵,细化和提炼了实践教学环节中的思政元素,构建了实践教学中的思政教学体系和多层次育人效果量化评价体系。结合培养计划和新工科立德树人根本任务,对具体案例展开分析与讨论,对港航专业实践教学中课程思政体系建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为解决《材料力学》这门工科专业基础课课程思政建设问题,深入挖掘材料力学课程内容中蕴含的思政元素,通过思政教育与学科教学相结合的方法,实现全程育人、全方位育人,使学生在掌握专业知识的基础上,具有良好的专业素养和工程师意识,培养爱国主义情怀,成为合格的社会主义建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

思政教育与课程思政是系统的育人工程。思政教育是立德树人的抓手,是高等教育之根本。课程思政是立德树人的着力点,是高校育人之灵魂。课程思政是培养德才兼备高质量人才的有效途径。通过探究专业课程思政缺少思政教育、教师思政素养不足、学生缺少思政教育引导等问题,科学设计教学项目,以项目为依托,甄选工科专业课程思政元素,以专业课程为植入载体,探究专业课程思政化路径,全方位、多视角和系统地实现课程思政教育,将专业课程思政元素诗歌化的形式融入课堂教学,提高学生对专业课程的兴趣,真正做到专业知识教育课程与思想政治理论课同向同行,培养有灵魂懂专业的社会主义建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

姜毅 《高等建筑教育》2022,31(3):102-108
课程思政建设是推进教育现代化、建设教育强国的有效途径,对培养社会主义建设者和接班人具有重要的现实意义。文章立足应用型本科院校,以土木工程专业的施工课程为例,在分析其课程思政建设必要性的基础上,从施工课程教师的思政修养建设、教学内容中的思政元素挖掘和融入课程思政的教学设计与组织3个方面探索课程思政的建设。  相似文献   

魏雷  徐一沣 《安徽建筑》2023,(12):131-132
在课程思政建设的大背景下,力学教师要根据学科特点,深度挖掘课程内容中的思政元素,既传授知识,又传播德育思想,落实立德树人的根本任务。文章通过分析“工程力学”课程思政的育人目标以及教学中存在的问题,提出要从专业力学师资队伍的建设、启发式思政教学和建立力学思政素材库三个方面来实施思政教育,实现知识传授、能力培养和价值引领的统一,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

<正>高校是培养我国社会主义建设者与接班人的重要教育场所,虽然高校思政教育工作在党和国家的重视下得到了一定程度的发展,但在高校思想政治教育实际工作中还存在一些问题。第一,口号响亮,欠缺实际。首先,有些高校虽设置了思政教育课程,却忽略了其重要性,认为只要学校和学生不出现违反道德、法律的行为与事件就行,没有从  相似文献   

思想政治理论课是进一步落实立德树人的一门重要课程,其作用不言而喻。作为政治教师,肩负着教书与育人的双重任务。在具体的教学工作中,如何进一步发挥思政课的作用,让思政课充满活力、焕发魅力,培养合格的社会主义建设者和接班人成了许多思政教师和社会各界关注的焦点。  相似文献   

高校思政教育为培养优秀的社会主义建设者和接班人发挥了重大作用。在建设思政案例库的基础上,在专业课程中嵌入思政案例,通过实施案例教学法来增强本科生和研究生的思政教育。经过两个年度的授课比较,发现案例教学法在研究生的授课过程中获得极大的成功,但在本科生中却不完美,学生的期末平均成绩反而有所降低。因此需要完善现有案例库,并在今后授课过程中对学生的课堂表现进行及时反馈和总结。  相似文献   

建筑制图作为建筑工程专业的必修课程来讲,不仅是教学的基础,同时也是建筑工程专业教学的重点,对学生思维能力有一定的要求。因此,在实际开展建筑制图教学的过程中,教师合理地将思政教育与其融合,不仅能够提高学生的绘图能力,同时能够帮助学生树立正确的人生观与价值观,全方面提高建筑制图教学的效率。基于此,本文分析了建筑制图与思政课融合的必要性,笔者根据自身经验提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

2018年全国教育大会上,习近平总书记指明了教育工作的根本任务、教育现代化的方向目标,明确了培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人六个方面的重点任务。新形势下,高等职业院校为实现培养出德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人这一教育目标,必须同时提升高职院校学生的社会主义法制素养,才能培养出知法、懂法、用法的合格社会主义建设者和接班人。本文主要探讨了提升高职院电子商务专业学生法制素养的四个主要途径。  相似文献   

Drawing Time     
Taking place in time, drawing is ‘the fundamental act of design’. It is instrumental in formulating duration in terms of process and also the ways in which architectural environments might be experienced. In this article, Brian McGrath , Dean of the School of Constructed Environments and Professor of Urban Design at Parsons School of Design in New York, reflects on three decades of experimental graphic work, which take a layered, multidimensional and augmented approach to representation.  相似文献   

Drawing research     
To understand research as new to architectural design is to ignore the history of the architect. Research—as the drawing forth of ideas—has been fundamental to the practice of the architect since the Italian Renaissance. The term 'design' comes from the Italian disegno, meaning drawing, suggesting both the drawing of a line on paper and the drawing forth of an idea. Disegno enabled architecture, painting and sculpture—the three visual arts—to be recognised as liberal arts concerned with ideas, a position they had very rarely been accorded previously. Alongside the traditional practice of building, architects acquired two new means to practise architecture—drawing and writing—as important as building. Since the Italian Renaissance, independently or together, drawing, writing and building have all been examples of architectural research and means to develop architectural design and the architectural discipline.  相似文献   

Drawing research     
To understand research as new to architectural design is to ignore the history of the architect. Research—as the drawing forth of ideas—has been fundamental to the practice of the architect since the Italian Renaissance. The term ‘design’ comes from the Italian disegno, meaning drawing, suggesting both the drawing of a line on paper and the drawing forth of an idea. Disegno enabled architecture, painting and sculpture—the three visual arts—to be recognised as liberal arts concerned with ideas, a position they had very rarely been accorded previously. Alongside the traditional practice of building, architects acquired two new means to practise architecture—drawing and writing—as important as building. Since the Italian Renaissance, independently or together, drawing, writing and building have all been examples of architectural research and means to develop architectural design and the architectural discipline.  相似文献   

建筑制图依赖的是一套表达建筑的标准画法。为了保证普遍的可读性,符号、线宽、线型、填充和填色都有固定的类型。当建筑本身不是"全局"的一部分,建筑制图还能表达些什么吗?制图技巧依旧,但是惯例却能被精确的直觉和细微的差别所打破。该文章通过对里伯斯金作品的解读,探讨"大制图"及其对建筑学科的影响。  相似文献   

Drawing Time     
Head of the Department of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at the University of Greenwich, Nic Clear is renowned for his role in championing film and animation techniques in architectural education. Here he challenges architects to put aside their assigned roles as mere imagers or practice technicians and embrace ‘the spatial possibilities offered by a whole range of emerging design activities - actual, augmented and virtual’.  相似文献   

Despite the obvious diversity in the ideology, materiality and character of architectural production, here it is argued that the way we (architects) draw is surprisingly uniform. One reason for this might be the limited range of materials and tools we draw with, and their generic qualities. Architect, researcher and maker Nat Chard reveals relationships between acts of drawing, making images and making ideas, by taking us through the design and manufacture of a series of analytical drawing instruments and contingent works. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对巴基斯坦卡拉奇卡西姆港已实施的国际集装箱码头施工总承包项目现场施工图ShopDrawing的绘制,总结了绘制Shop Drawing的前提条件以及在图纸绘制过程中需要注意的事项,为同类型国际港口工程中细化设计提供了一些参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

Foldout Drawing argues for the agency of representation as a form of mediation between materials and design. The project uses full-scale drawings to design fabrication and form simultaneously. It demonstrates that a hybrid projective drawing, operating between notational and geometrical logics, can integrate conceptualization, visualization, and fabrication.  相似文献   

小学综合楼寒假期间被拆除;南宁拆除违法建设的价值千万别墅;楼梯宽1.2米被称为“一线天”;太平天国古战场遗址内盖起猪圈;  相似文献   

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