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天空辐射制冷技术是指地球表面物体通过“大气窗口”波段(主要在8~13μm)向宇宙发射红外辐射以实现自身降温的过程。作为一种无需能量输入的制冷技术,天空辐射制冷可为应对能源危机及全球变暖提供一种新的思路。从发展历程看,传统的辐射制冷技术应用仅限于夜间。近年来,随着纳米光子学及超材料领域的发展,日间辐射制冷技术的优势已经得到验证。本文对天空辐射制冷技术的发展现状进行了回顾,涉及基本原理、材料与结构,分析了其潜在应用前景,并重点讨论了该技术当前研究与应用中面临的挑战。在能源形势与环境问题日益严峻的今天,探索天空辐射制冷技术在不同场景的应用,如建筑节能、减轻城市热岛效应、缓解水资源短缺、提高光伏发电效率等,有望助力我国的碳达峰、碳中和事业发展。 相似文献
空间辐射制冷技术的应用与发展 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
介绍了辐射制冷技术的应用历史与现状,列举了多种国外飞行任务使用的辐射制冷器的性能指标与简图,此基础上分析了当前辐射制冷技术的发展特点与趋势,提出了将来一段时期内辐射制冷技术的研究重点。 相似文献
传统压缩制冷技术广泛应用于各行各业,形成了庞大的产业,但它存在两个明显的缺陷:制冷效率低且氟利昂工质的泄漏会破坏大气臭氧层。自2000年起蒙特利尔协议生效,污染大气环境及破坏大气臭氧层的氟里昂制冷剂将逐渐被禁用,新的气体制冷剂{如HFC-134a)相继问世并已进入商品化生产。磁制冷作为一项高新绿色制冷技术,与传统压缩制冷相比具有如下竞争优势:1.无环境污染:2高效节能;3.易于小型化:4稳定可靠: 相似文献
太阳同步轨道辐射制冷技术的发展 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
辐射制冷装置由于具有寿命长、无机械振动、无电磁干扰、本身无功耗等非常适合于空间应用的一系列特点、优点,因而得到了广泛的应用。随着各国空间项目的实施,辐射制冷技术得到了长足的发展,并且逐渐成熟。迄今为止,这种类型的制冷器在空间应用中还是最广泛和最实用的。 相似文献
本文简述了磁制冷的基本原理,分析磁制冷工质的熵特性,总结了近几年磁制冷材料的最新进展,对磁制冷材料未来的发展进行了展望。 相似文献
In recent decades, the growing demands for energy saving and accompanying heat mitigation concerns, together with the vital goal for carbon neutrality, have drawn human attention to the zero-energy-consumption cooling technique. Recent breakthroughs in passive daytime radiative cooling (PDRC) might be a potent approach to combat the energy crisis and environmental challenges by directly dissipating ambient heat from the Earth to the cold outer space instead of only moving the heat across the Earth's surface. Despite significant progress in cooling mechanisms, materials design, and application exploration, PDRC faces potential functionalization, durability, and commercialization challenges. Herein, emerging materials and rational strategies for PDRC devices are reviewed. First, the fundamental physics and thermodynamic concepts of PDRC are examined, followed by a discussion on several categories of PDRC devices developed to date according to their implementation mechanism and material properties. Emerging strategies for performance enhancement and specific functions of PDRC are discussed in detail. Potential applications and possible directions for designing next-generation high-efficiency PDRC are also discussed. It is hoped that this review will contribute to exciting advances in PDRC and aid its potential applications in various fields. 相似文献
Jia Wen Zhang Bi Cheng Pan Lang Xu Tian Zuo Shuai Xu Tian Qi Xu Shen Jie Zhong Xiao Quan Yang Ying Cai Ling Min Yi 《Advanced Engineering Materials》2023,25(16):2300062
Passive daytime radiative cooling (PDRC) is a promising strategy to realize surface cooling of objects without any external energy consumption. While such materials typically exhibit dazzling white appearances, developing pleasingly looking colored radiative cooling materials is greatly significant but remains an arduous challenge. Herein, self-standing, flexible colored films available on both sides are prepared by using a facile and scalable strategy. The films are asymmetrically designed. One side is SiO2-filled porous structure with highly reflective pigment distributed that can selectively reflect solar light to generate specific color, and the other side is hierarchically porous three-phase composite with less SiO2, which maximizes the solar reflection. The breathable film achieves a relatively high near infrared reflectance on the colored side (up to 89%), and a broadband solar reflectance on the reverse side. Moreover, both sides exhibit extremely high mid-infrared emissivity (98%) allowing significant radiative heat loss. With the diverse but efficient reflectance and emittance, different sides of three colored films yield temperature drops ranging from 2.0 to 11.1 °C during daytime. Building energy simulation indicates that 655 MJ m−2 energy can be saved over the whole summer if the dual-sided available colored film is deployed in China. 相似文献
随着能源和环境问题的日益严重,不需要额外消耗能量的辐射冷却技术引起了广泛关注.基于地球和宇宙的巨大温差,辐射冷却技术能够直接将热量以辐射的形式传递到外太空,不仅能够产生净冷却效果,而且避免了废热排放带来的诸多环保问题.早期研究利用涂敷法将具有辐射冷却能力的涂料刷涂在物体表面,该方法仅能实现材料的夜间降温.为了实现材料的日间辐射冷却则需要在其中引入特定结构,如多层膜结构、二维光子晶体结构、超结构等以提高它的可见近红外波段的反射率和大气窗口的发射率.然而,相关制备技术存在工艺复杂、制备成本高、难以宏量制备等局限性,严重阻碍了辐射冷却材料工程应用的推进.随着辐射冷却理论研究的深入以及更多先进制备技术的发展,制备方法和手段也越来越多样化,如真空蒸镀、微纳米加工技术、直接涂敷法、挤出成型技术、静电纺丝法等相继被报道,通过这些方法能够低成本地制备出较大面积的辐射冷却材料,进一步推动了辐射冷却材料及技术的应用.本文归纳了辐射冷却材料制备方法的研究现状,对不同制备技术的优缺点进行了对比分析.首先概述了辐射冷却常用材料及其成型方式;然后介绍了辐射冷却材料常用制备方法及各自优缺点,简述了适用于特殊材料或应用场景的制备方法;最后总结了目前辐射冷却材料制备存在的问题并展望了未来的发展方向. 相似文献
蒸发冷却冷源+辐射供冷系统三种模式经济性分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
根据西安地区气象参数,充分利用蒸发冷却机理,合理地将冷却塔与辐射供冷相结合,将辐射供冷,暖技术推广应用于西北地区。针对西安某公司办公室,对系统的三种运行模式进行运行分析比较,得出利用冷却塔与辐射供冷相结合的空调系统,可以有效降低造价、节约运行能耗。 相似文献