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Boreal forests, aerosols and the impacts on clouds and climate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies have concluded that boreal forests warm the climate because the cooling from storage of carbon in vegetation and soils is cancelled out by the warming due to the absorption of the Sun's heat by the dark forest canopy. However, these studies ignored the impacts of forests on atmospheric aerosol. We use a global atmospheric model to show that, through emission of organic vapours and the resulting condensational growth of newly formed particles, boreal forests double regional cloud condensation nuclei concentrations (from approx. 100 to approx. 200 cm(-3)). Using a simple radiative model, we estimate that the resulting change in cloud albedo causes a radiative forcing of between -1.8 and -6.7 W m(-2) of forest. This forcing may be sufficiently large to result in boreal forests having an overall cooling impact on climate. We propose that the combination of climate forcings related to boreal forests may result in an important global homeostasis. In cold climatic conditions, the snow-vegetation albedo effect dominates and boreal forests warm the climate, whereas in warmer climates they may emit sufficiently large amounts of organic vapour modifying cloud albedo and acting to cool climate.  相似文献   

Selden AC 《Applied optics》2006,45(13):3144-3151
Model phase functions for atmospheric clouds and aerosols typically comprise a narrow forward lobe (corona), a broad diffuse background, and a narrow backscattering peak (glory), which can reach relatively high values, especially for polyhedral scattering particles, such as hexagonal ice columns and plates. The influence of these three major components on the asymptotic and transient attenuation of the scattered light is compared for several analytic phase functions to assess the dependence of radiative transfer in clouds and aerosols on the choice of phase function. The impulse response (temporal evolution of the angular intensity distribution) is sensitive to the higher moments of the phase function and could prove to be a useful technique for inferring the optical scattering parameters of clouds and aerosols.  相似文献   

Gobbi GP 《Applied optics》1998,37(24):5505-5508
Relationships for the interpretation of polarization lidar observations of aerosols and thin clouds are presented. They allow for the separation of contributions to backscatter from solid and liquid phases by the use of either the classical backscatter and depolarization ratio parameters or the particulate cross-polarized backscatter cross sections. It is shown that different aerosol phases can be better separated by use of the latter coordinates. Emphasis is placed on the study of composition and phase properties of polar stratospheric aerosols.  相似文献   

From an ingot to a wafer then to a die, wafer thinning plays an important role in the semiconductor industry. To reveal the material removal mechanism of semiconductor at nanoscale, molecular dynamics has been widely used to investigate the grinding process. However, most simulation analyses were conducted with a single phase space trajectory, which is stochastic and subjective. In this paper, the stress field in wafer thinning simulations of 4H-SiC was obtained from 50 trajectories with spatial averaging and phase space averaging. The spatial averaging was conducted on a uniform spatial grid for each trajectory. A variable named mask was assigned to the spatial point to reconstruct the shape of the substrate. Different spatial averaging parameters were applied and compared. The result shows that the summation of Voronoi volumes of the atoms in the averaging domain is more appropriate for spatial averaging. The phase space averaging was conducted with multiple trajectories after spatial averaging. The stress field converges with increasing the number of trajectories. The maximum and average relative difference (absolute value) of Mises stress was used as the convergence criterion. The obtained hydrostatic stress in the compression zone is close to the phase transition pressure of 4H-SiC from first principle calculations.  相似文献   

When lidar pulses travel through a short path that includes a relatively high concentration of aerosols, scattering phenomena can alter the power and temporal properties of the pulses significantly, causing undesirable effects in the received pulse. In many applications the design of the lidar transmitter and receiver must consider adverse environmental aerosol conditions to ensure the desired performance. We present an analytical model of lidar system operation when the optical path includes aerosols for use in support of instrument design, simulations, and system evaluation. The model considers an optical path terminated with a solid object, although it can also be applied, with minor modifications, to cases where the expected backscatter occurs from nonsolid objects. The optical path aerosols are characterized by their attenuation and backscatter coefficients derived by the Mie theory from the concentration and particle size distribution of the aerosol. Other inputs include the lidar system parameters and instrument response function, and the model output is the time-resolved received pulse. The model is demonstrated and experimentally validated with military fog oil smoke for short ranges (several meters). The results are obtained with a lidar system operating at a wavelength of 0.905 microm within and outside the aerosol. The model goodness of fit is evaluated using the statistical coefficient of determination whose value ranged from 0.88 to 0.99 in this study.  相似文献   

Gordon HR  Zhang T  He F  Ding K 《Applied optics》1997,36(3):682-697
Using simulations, we determine the influence of stratospheric aerosol and thin cirrus clouds on the performance of the proposed atmospheric correction algorithm for the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data over the oceans. Further, we investigate the possibility of using the radiance exiting the top of the atmosphere in the 1.38-microm water vapor absorption band to remove their effects prior to application of the algorithm. The computations suggest that for moderate optical thicknesses in the stratosphere, i.e., tau(s) < or approximately 0.15, the stratospheric aerosol-cirrus cloud contamination does not seriously degrade the MODIS except for the combination of large (approximately 60 degrees) solar zenith angles and large (approximately 45 degrees) viewing angles, for which multiple-scattering effects can be expected to be particularly severe. The performance of a hierarchy of stratospheric aerosol/cirrus cloud removal procedures for employing the 1.38-microm water vapor absorption band to correct for stratospheric aerosol/cirrus clouds, ranging from simply subtracting the reflectance at 1.38 microm from that in the visible bands, to assuming that their optical properties are known and carrying out multiple-scattering computations of their effect by the use of the 1.38-microm reflectance-derived concentration, are studied for stratospheric aerosol optical thicknesses at 865 nm as large as 0.15 and for cirrus cloud optical thicknesses at 865 nm as large as 1.0. Typically, those procedures requiring the most knowledge concerning the aerosol optical properties (and also the most complex) performed the best; however, for tau(s) < or approximately 0.15, their performance is usually not significantly better than that found by applying the simplest correction procedure. A semiempirical algorithm is presented that permits accurate correction for thin cirrus clouds with tau(s) as large as unity when an accurate estimate of the cirrus cloud scattering phase function is provided, and as large as 0.5 when a coarse approximation to the phase function is used. Given estimates of the stratospheric aerosol optical properties, the implementation of the algorithm by using a set of lookup tables appears to be straightforward.  相似文献   


In-air epitaxy of nanostructures (Aerotaxy) has recently emerged as a viable route for fast, large-scale production. In this study, we use small-angle X-ray scattering to perform direct in-flight characterizations of the first step of this process, i.e., the engineered formation of Au and Pt aerosol nanoparticles by spark generation in a flow of N2 gas. This represents a particular challenge for characterization because the particle density can be extremely low in controlled production. The particles produced are examined during production at operational pressures close to atmospheric conditions and exhibit a lognormal size distribution ranging from 5–100 nm. The Au and Pt particle production and detection are compared. We observe and characterize the nanoparticles at different stages of synthesis and extract the corresponding dominant physical properties, including the average particle diameter and sphericity, as influenced by particle sintering and the presence of aggregates. We observe highly sorted and sintered spherical Au nanoparticles at ultra-dilute concentrations (< 5 × 105 particles/cm3) corresponding to a volume fraction below 3 × 10–10, which is orders of magnitude below that of previously measured aerosols. We independently confirm an average particle radius of 25 nm via Guinier and Kratky plot analysis. Our study indicates that with high-intensity synchrotron beams and careful consideration of background removal, size and shape information can be obtained for extremely low particle concentrations with industrially relevant narrow size distributions.


介绍了一套由丝母型的输送轮和丝杆型的轮轴组成的盘管自动成形工装的设计及其应用过程.为了使盘管实现定螺距,需使输送轮能通过摩擦动力矩的作用在轮轴上转动.分析表明,一般条件下的动力矩要小于阻力矩,单靠调整输送轮和轮轴的结构尺寸很难取得满意的效果.通过对增加动力矩的4种方法的比较分析,采取其中对输送轮安装支撑机构的方法,效果较好.该工装特别适合于定螺距且长度较长的盘管在冷加工状态下制造.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for predicting the parameters characterizing the metrological characteristics of user equipment in space navigation systems. The method uses an interval form of expression for the measurement accuracy and it estimates not only the accuracy of the measurements but also provides an estimate of the confidence in it. Solutions are provided for the commoner cases of initial specifications for the accuracy of coordinate determination.  相似文献   

Barkey B  Liou KN  Takano Y  Gellerman W 《Applied optics》2000,39(21):3561-3564
In a preliminary experimental program, the measured bidirectional reflection properties between 1.0 and 3.5 mum from a grating spectrometer with a resolution of approximately 0.1 mum for ice crystal clouds generated in a cold chamber are compared with theoretical results computed from a line-by-line equivalent solar radiative transfer model. The theoretical calculations are based on the measured habits, concentrations, and sizes of the ice particles from replicas of the ice crystals that show a mean maximum size of approximately 7 mum. The experimental design was first tested with transmission measurements in a pure water-vapor environment that compare closely with theoretical expectations. Within the uncertainties and in consideration of the assumptions necessitated by the preliminary nature of this program, there is a close comparison between the experimental and theoretical results.  相似文献   

测量设备的计量周期是指按照规定程序对测量设备进行定期计量的时间间隔,一般为1年。随着中国空间站时代的逐渐到来,在轨测量设备运行时间需要多年以上,存在地面所说的设备计量超期使用问题,如何分析评估测量设备,合理确定计量周期、尽最大可能满足空间站需求变得较为迫切。本文结合中国未来空间站测量设备的实际特点,介绍了医监医保类设备确定计量周期的原则和方法,选择使用加权及总分评定法确定计量周期。本文既可为未来空间站设备计量周期确定提供参考,也可以为非强制检定设备确定计量周期提供参考。  相似文献   

Wulfmeyer V  Walther C 《Applied optics》2001,40(30):5321-5336
Taking into account Poisson, background, amplifier, and speckle noise, we can simulate the precision of water-vapor measurements by using a 10-W average-power differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system. This system is currently under development at Hohenheim University, Germany, and at the American National Center for Atmospheric Research. For operation in the 940-nm region, a large set of measurement situations is described, including configurations that are considered for the first time to the authors' knowledge. They include ultrahigh-resolution measurements in the surface layer (resolutions, 1.5 m and 0.1 s) and vertically pointing measurements (resolutions, 30 m and 1 s) from the ground to 2 km in the atmospheric boundary layer. Even during daytime, the DIAL system will have a measurement range from the ground to the upper troposphere (300 m, 10 min) that can be extended from a mountain site to the lower stratosphere. From the ground, for the first time of which the authors are aware, three-dimensional fields of water vapor in the boundary layer can be investigated within a range of the order of 15 km and with an averaging time of 10 min. From an aircraft, measurements of the atmospheric boundary layer (60 m, 1 s) can be performed from a height of 4 km to the ground. At higher altitudes, up to 18 km, water-vapor profiles can still be obtained from aircraft height level to the ground. When it is being flown either in the free troposphere or in the stratosphere, the system will measure horizontal water-vapor profiles up to 12 km. We are not aware of another remote-sensing technique that provides, simultaneously, such high resolution and accuracy.  相似文献   

Summary The above equipment made it possible sharply to decrease the time required for measuring the traveling wave factor, provided a graphic representation of the measurements, and speeded up the adjustment and checking of waveguide channels.Translation from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, 1960, No. 11, pp. 47–49, November, 1960  相似文献   

A 15-cm Ritchey-Chretien telescope with diamond-turned metallic mirrors has been developed for use in the cryogenically cooled infrared space mission, Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS). The IRTS is designed to register infrared emission from 1 μm to 1 mm with a relatively wide beam (8' to 30' depending on the wavelength). It will be operated at superfluid helium temperatures (~ 1.8 K). We tested the performance of the telescope system both at room temperature (~ 300 K) and at near-liquid-nitrogen temperature (~ 100 K) to investigate the effects of the support stress and the temperature on the telescope. The results indicated that the Hartmann constant stays within the design goal (~ 1') even in the worst case. The origin of aberrations is examined and possible improvements for future application are discussed.  相似文献   

基于内爆内嵌式测试仪的密闭空间振动测试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张涛  宋浦  顾晓辉  刘亚雷 《爆破器材》2011,40(1):9-11,15
为研究密闭空间内炸药爆炸产生的振动效应对设备的影响和破坏效果,在密闭爆炸塔内进行TNT爆炸试验,测量内部结构的振动加速度;测试使用内爆内嵌式测试仪,测试仪记录实验数据并回放到计算机。然后分析试验数据,找出结构在不同药量下振动加速度的分布规律,对实验数据进行线性回归,给出总结密闭空间内加速度的计算公式的方法。  相似文献   

Nano Research - The article In situ observation of synthesized nanoparticles in ultradilute aerosols via X-ray scattering, written by Sarah R. McKibbin, Sofie Yngman, Olivier Balmes, Bengt O....  相似文献   

Interleaved ionization electrode geometries offer the possibility of efficient rejection of near-surface events. The CDMS collaboration has implemented this interleaved approach for the charge and phonon readout for our germanium detectors. During a recent engineering run with negligible ambient radiation, the detectors were found to lose ionization stability more quickly than expected. This paper summarizes studies done in order to determine the underlying cause of the instability, as well as possible running modes that maintain stability without unacceptable loss of livetime. Additionally, first results are shown for the new version IZIP mask which attempts to improve the overall stability of the detectors.  相似文献   

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