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Heterogeneous computing (HC) environments composed of interconnected machines with varied computational capabilities are well suited to meet the computational demands of large, diverse groups of tasks. One aspect of resource allocation in HC environments is matching tasks with machines and scheduling task execution on the assigned machines. We will refer to this matching and scheduling process as mapping. The problem of mapping these tasks onto the machines of a distributed HC environment has been shown, in general, to be NP-complete. Therefore, the development of heuristic techniques to find near-optimal solutions is required. In the HC environment investigated, tasks have deadlines, priorities, multiple versions, and may be composed of communicating subtasks. The best static (off-line) techniques from some previous studies are adapted and applied to this mapping problem: a genetic algorithm (GA), a GENITOR-style algorithm, and a two phase greedy technique based on the concept of Min–min heuristics. Simulation studies compare the performance of these heuristics in several overloaded scenarios, i.e., not all tasks can be executed by their deadlines. The performance measure used is the sum of weighted priorities of tasks that completed before their deadline, adjusted based on the version of the task used. It is shown that for the cases studied here, the GENITOR technique finds the best results, but the faster two phase greedy approach also performs very well.  相似文献   

Mixed-machine heterogeneous computing (HC) environments utilize a distributed suite of different high-performance machines, interconnected with high-speed links, to perform different computationally intensive applications that have diverse computational requirements. HC environments are well suited to meet the computational demands of large, diverse groups of tasks. The problem of optimally mapping (defined as matching and scheduling) these tasks onto the machines of a distributed HC environment has been shown, in general, to be NP-complete, requiring the development of heuristic techniques. Selecting the best heuristic to use in a given environment, however, remains a difficult problem, because comparisons are often clouded by different underlying assumptions in the original study of each heuristic. Therefore, a collection of 11 heuristics from the literature has been selected, adapted, implemented, and analyzed under one set of common assumptions. It is assumed that the heuristics derive a mapping statically (i.e., off-line). It is also assumed that a metatask (i.e., a set of independent, noncommunicating tasks) is being mapped and that the goal is to minimize the total execution time of the metatask. The 11 heuristics examined are Opportunistic Load Balancing, Minimum Execution Time, Minimum Completion Time, Min–min, Max–min, Duplex, Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Simulated Annealing, Tabu, and A*. This study provides one even basis for comparison and insights into circumstances where one technique will out-perform another. The evaluation procedure is specified, the heuristics are defined, and then comparison results are discussed. It is shown that for the cases studied here, the relatively simple Min–min heuristic performs well in comparison to the other techniques.  相似文献   

Statistical measures for quantifying task and machine heterogeneities   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We study heterogeneous computing (HC) systems that consist of a set of different machines that have varying capabilities. These machines are used to execute a set of heterogeneous tasks that vary in their computational complexity. Finding the optimal mapping of tasks to machines in an HC system has been shown to be, in general, an NP-complete problem. Therefore, heuristics have been used to find near-optimal mappings. The performance of allocation heuristics can be affected significantly by factors such as task and machine heterogeneities. In this paper, we identify different statistical measures used to quantify the heterogeneity of HC systems, and show the correlation between the performance of the heuristics and these measures through simple mapping examples and synthetic data analysis. In addition, we illustrate how regression trees can be used to predict the most appropriate heuristic for an HC system based on its heterogeneity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of scheduling tasks on a distributed system, with the aim to simultaneously minimize energy consumption and makespan subject to the deadline constraints and the tasks’ memory requirements. A total of eight heuristics are introduced to solve the task scheduling problem. The set of heuristics include six greedy algorithms and two naturally inspired genetic algorithms. The heuristics are extensively simulated and compared using an simulation test-bed that utilizes a wide range of task heterogeneity and a variety of problem sizes. When evaluating the heuristics, we analyze the energy consumption, makespan, and execution time of each heuristic. The main benefit of this study is to allow readers to select an appropriate heuristic for a given scenario.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) are emerging as a promising solution in deep sub-micron technology nodes to satisfy design performance and power requirements. However, shrinking transistor geometry and aggressive voltage scaling are negatively impacting the dependability of these MPSoCs by increasing the chances of failures. This paper proposes an offline (design-time) task remapping technique to minimize the communication energy and task migration overhead of an application mapped on a heterogeneous multiprocessor system for all processor fault-scenarios. The proposed technique involves two steps–(1) Communication Energy driven Design Space Exploration (CDSE) to select an initial mapping and (2) Communication energy and Migration overhead aware Task Mapping (CMTM) for different fault-scenarios. The CDSE is formulated as a Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) problem and solved using an energy-gradient based heuristic. The CMTM problem is solved using a fast heuristic with the starting mapping selected using CDSE step. The proposed two steps technique is compared with state-of-the-art approaches through rigorous simulations with synthetic and real application graphs. Results demonstrate that the proposed CDSE reduces design space exploration time by 99% with a maximum variation of 5% from the optimal solution obtained by solving the MIQP problem directly. Further, the proposed CMTM reduces communication energy by an average 35% and migration overhead by an average 20% for all single and double fault-scenarios as compared to the existing fault-tolerant techniques. The CMTM also achieves over 30x reductions in execution time for large problem sizes with a maximum deviation of 15% from the minimum communication energy achievable with the given application on a given architecture. For streaming multimedia applications, the proposed technique delivers 50% higher throughput per unit energy as compared to the existing approaches.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous computing (HC) systems composed of interconnected machines with varied computational capabilities often operate in environments where there may be inaccuracies in the estimation of task execution times. Makespan (defined as the completion time for an entire set of tasks) is often the performance feature that needs to be optimized in such systems. Resource allocation is typically performed based on estimates of the computation time of each task on each class of machines. Hence, it is important that makespan be robust against errors in computation time estimates. In this research, the problem of finding a static mapping of tasks to maximize the robustness of makespan against the errors in task execution time estimates given an overall makespan constraint is studied. Two variations of this basic problem are considered: (1) where there is a given, fixed set of machines, (2) where an HC system is to be constructed from a set of machines within a dollar cost constraint. Six heuristic techniques for each of these variations of the problem are presented and evaluated.  相似文献   

In a dedicated, mixed-machine, heterogeneous computing (HC) system, an application program may be decomposed into subtasks, then each subtask assigned to the machine where it is best suited for execution. Data relocation is defined as selecting the sources for needed data items. It is assumed that multiple independent subtasks of an application program can be executed concurrently on different machines whenever possible. A theoretical stochastic model for HC Is proposed, in which the computation times of subtasks and communication times for intermachine data transfers can be random variables. The optimization problem for finding the optimal matching, scheduling, and data relocation schemes to minimize the total execution time of an application program is defined based on this stochastic HC model. The global optimization criterion and search space for the above optimization problem are described. It is validated that a greedy algorithm-based approach can establish a local optimization criterion for developing data relocation heuristics. The validation is provided by a theoretical proof based on a set of common assumptions about the underlying HC system and application program. The local optimization criterion established by the greedy approach, coupled with the search space defined for choosing valid data relocation schemes, can help developers of future practical data relocation heuristics  相似文献   

In a distributed heterogeneous computing system, the resources have different capabilities and tasks have different requirements. To maximize the performance of the system, it is essential to assign the resources to tasks (match) and order the execution of tasks on each resource (schedule) to exploit the heterogeneity of the resources and tasks. Dynamic mapping (defined as matching and scheduling) is performed when the arrival of tasks is not known a priori. In the heterogeneous environment considered in this study, tasks arrive randomly, tasks are independent (i.e., no inter-task communication), and tasks have priorities and multiple soft deadlines. The value of a task is calculated based on the priority of the task and the completion time of the task with respect to its deadlines. The goal of a dynamic mapping heuristic in this research is to maximize the value accrued of completed tasks in a given interval of time. This research proposes, evaluates, and compares eight dynamic mapping heuristics. Two static mapping schemes (all arrival information of tasks are known) are designed also for comparison. The performance of the best heuristics is 84% of a calculated upper bound for the scenarios considered.  相似文献   

Hypercube embedding heuristics: An evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hypercube embedding problem, a restricted version of the general mapping problem, is the problem of mapping a set of communicating processes to a hypercube multiprocessor. The goal is to find a mapping that minimizes the length of the paths between communicating processes. Unfortunately the hypercube embedding problem has been shown to be NP-hard. Thus many heuristics have been proposed for hypercube embedding. This paper evaluates several hypercube embedding heuristics, including simulated annealing, local search, greedy, and recursive mincut bipartitioning. In addition to known heuristics, we propose a new greedy heuristic, a new Kernighan-Lin style heuristic, and some new features to enhance local search. We then assess variations of these strategies (e.g., different neighborhood structures) and combinations of them (e.g., greedy as a front end of iterative improvement heuristics). The asymptotic running times of the heuristics are given, based on efficient implementations using a priority-queue data structure.This research is partially supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-88-K-0555, which is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

We address the two-stage assembly scheduling problem where there are m machines at the first stage and an assembly machine at the second stage. The objective is to schedule the available n jobs so that total completion time of all n jobs is minimized. Setup times are treated as separate from processing times. This problem is NP-hard, and therefore we present a dominance relation and propose three heuristics. The heuristics are evaluated based on randomly generated data. One of the proposed heuristics is known to be the best heuristic for the case of zero setup times while another heuristic is known to perform well for such problems. A new version of the latter heuristic, which utilizes the dominance relation, is proposed and shown to perform much better than the other two heuristics.  相似文献   

We investigate two distinct issues related to resource allocation heuristics: robustness and failure rate. The target system consists of a number of sensors feeding a set of heterogeneous applications continuously executing on a set of heterogeneous machines connected together by high-speed heterogeneous links. There are two quality of service (QoS) constraints that must be satisfied: the maximum end-to-end latency and minimum throughput. A failure occurs if no allocation is found that allows the system to meet its QoS constraints. The system is expected to operate in an uncertain environment where the workload, i.e., the load presented by the set of sensors, is likely to change unpredictably, possibly resulting in a QoS violation. The focus of this paper is the design of a static heuristic that: (a) determines a robust resource allocation, i.e., a resource allocation that maximizes the allowable increase in workload until a run-time reallocation of resources is required to avoid a QoS violation, and (b) has a very low failure rate (i.e., the percentage of instances a heuristic fails). Two such heuristics proposed in this study are a genetic algorithm and a simulated annealing heuristic. Both were “seeded” by the best solution found by using a set of fast greedy heuristics.  相似文献   

Efficiently scheduling a set of independent tasks on a virtual supercomputer formed by many heterogeneous components has great practical importance, since such systems are commonly used nowadays. Scheduling efficiency can be seen as the problem of minimizing the overall execution time (makespan) of the set of tasks under question. This problem is known to be NP-hard and is currently addressed using heuristics, evolutionary algorithms and other optimization methods. In this paper, firstly, two novel fast executing heuristics, called LSufferage and TPB, are introduced. L(ist)Sufferage is based on the known heuristic Sufferage and can achieve in general better results than it for most of the cases. T(enacious)PB is also based on another heuristic (Penalty Based) and incorporates new ideas that significantly improve the quality of the resulted schedule. Secondly, a mathematical model of the problem is presented alongside with an associated approach based on the Linear Programming method of Column Pricing. This approach, which is called Column Pricing with Restarts (CPR), can be categorized as a hybrid mathematical programming and heuristic approach and is capable of solving in reasonable time problem instances of practically any size. Experiments show that CPR achieves superior results improving over published results on problem instances of various sizes. Moreover, hardware requirements of CPR are minimal.  相似文献   

We consider a scheduling problem where n jobs have to be carried out by m parallel identical machines. The attributes of a job j are a fixed start time sj, a fixed finish time fj, a resource requirement rj, and a value vj. Every machine owns R units of a renewable resource necessary to carry out jobs. A machine can process more than one job at a time, provided the resource consumption does not exceed R. The jobs must be processed in a non-preemptive way. Within this setting, we ask for a subset of jobs that can be feasibly scheduled with the maximum total value. For this strongly NP-hard problem, we first discuss an approximation result. Then, we propose a column generation scheme for the exact solution. Finally, we suggest some greedy heuristics and a restricted enumeration heuristic. All proposed algorithms are implemented and tested on a large set of randomly generated instances. It turns out that the column generation technique clearly outperforms the direct resolution of a natural compact formulation; the greedy algorithms produce good quality solutions in negligible time, whereas the restricted enumeration averages the performance of the greedy methods and the exact technique.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous computing (HC) is the coordinated use of different types of machines, and networks to process a diverse workload in a manner that will maximize the combined performance and/or cost effectiveness of the system. Heuristics for allocating resources in an HC system are based on some optimization criterion. A common optimization criterion is to minimize the completion time of the machine that finishes last (makespan). In this study, we consider an iterative approach that repeatedly runs a mapping heuristic to minimize the makespan of the considered machines and tasks. For each successive iteration, the makespan machine of the previous iteration and the tasks assigned to it are removed from the set of considered machines and tasks. This study focuses on understanding the different mathematical characteristics of resource allocation heuristics that cause them to behave differently when combined with this iterative approach. This paper has three main contributions. The first contribution is the study of an iterative technique used in conjunction with resource allocation heuristics. The second contribution is the definition and mathematical characterization of “iteration invariant” heuristics. The third contribution is to determine the characteristics of a heuristic that will cause the mapping to change across iterations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce carousel greedy, an enhanced greedy algorithm which seeks to overcome the traditional weaknesses of greedy approaches. We have applied carousel greedy to a variety of well-known problems in combinatorial optimization such as the minimum label spanning tree problem, the minimum vertex cover problem, the maximum independent set problem, and the minimum weight vertex cover problem. In all cases, the results are very promising. Since carousel greedy is very fast, it can be used to solve very large problems. In addition, it can be combined with other approaches to create a powerful, new metaheuristic. Our goal in this paper is to motivate and explain the new approach and present extensive computational results.  相似文献   

在网格环境下,资源状况和用户行为相当复杂,是一个异构计算环境,元任务(meta—task)调度比传统并行调度更为复杂。如何映射一组任务到一组机器上被证明是NP问题,其目的一般是最小化任务完成时间(makespan)。为解决这一问题,已经提出一些启发式任务调度算法,例如具有代表性的MinMin元任务调度算法。本文在Min-Min元任务调度算法的基础上,通过虚拟截止时间制导的方法来改进Min-Min算法。实验结果表明,本文提出的算法具有更短的任务完成时间。  相似文献   

In order to minimize the execution time of a parallel application running on a heterogeneously distributed computing system, an appropriate mapping scheme is needed to allocate the application tasks to the processors. The general problem of mapping tasks to machines is a well‐known NP‐hard problem and several heuristics have been proposed to approximate its optimal solution. In this paper we propose a static graph‐based mapping algorithm, called Heterogeneous Multi‐phase Mapping (HMM), which permits suboptimal mapping of a parallel application onto a heterogeneous computing distributed system by using a local search technique together with a tabu search meta‐heuristic. HMM allocates parallel tasks by exploiting the information embedded in the parallelism forms used to implement an application, and considering an affinity parameter, that identifies which machine in the heterogeneous computing system is most suitable to execute a task. We compare HMM with some leading techniques and with an exhaustive mapping algorithm. We also give an example of mapping of two real applications using HMM. Experimental results show that HMM performs well demonstrating the applicability of our approach. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Scheduling program tasks on processors is at the core of the efficient use of multiprocessor systems. Most task-scheduling problems are known to be NP-Hard and, thus, heuristics are the method of choice in all but the simplest cases. The utilization of acknowledged sets of benchmark-problem instances is essential for the correct comparison and analysis of heuristics. Yet, such sets are not available for several important classes of scheduling problems, including multiprocessor scheduling problem with communication delays (MSPCD) where one is interested in scheduling dependent tasks onto homogeneous multiprocessor systems, with processors connected in an arbitrary way, while explicitly accounting for the time required to transfer data between tasks allocated to different processors. We propose test-problem instances for the MSPCD that are representative in terms of number of processors, type of multiprocessor architecture, number of tasks to be scheduled, and task graph characteristics (task execution times, communication costs, and density of dependencies between tasks). Moreover, we define our task-graph generators in a way appropriate to ensure that the corresponding problem instances obey the theoretical principles recently proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

Resource management systems (RMS) are an important component in heterogeneous computing (HC) systems. One of the jobs of an RMS is the mapping of arriving tasks onto the machines of the HC system. Many different mapping heuristics have been proposed in recent years. However, most of these heuristics suffer from several limitations. One of these limitations is the performance degradation that results from using outdated global information about the status of all machines in the HC system. This paper proposes several heuristics which address this limitation by only requiring partial information in making the mapping decisions. These heuristics utilize the solution to a linear programming (LP) problem which maximizes the system capacity. Simulation results show that our heuristics perform very competitively while requiring dramatically less information.  相似文献   

Energy-efficient resource allocation within clusters and data centers is important because of the growing cost of energy. We study the problem of energy-constrained dynamic allocation of tasks to a heterogeneous cluster computing environment. Our goal is to complete as many tasks by their individual deadlines and within the system energy constraint as possible given that task execution times are uncertain and the system is oversubscribed at times. We use Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) to balance the energy consumption and execution time of each task. We design and evaluate (via simulation) a set of heuristics and filtering mechanisms for making allocations in our system. We show that the appropriate choice of filtering mechanisms improves performance more than the choice of heuristic (among the heuristics we tested).  相似文献   

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