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rTiMo is a real-time version of  TiMo (Timed Mobility), which is a process algebra for mobile distributed systems. In this paper, we investigate the denotational semantics for rTiMo. A trace variable tr is introduced to record the communications among processes as well as the location where the communication action takes place. Based on the formalized model, we study a set of algebraic laws, especially the laws about the migration and communication with real-time constraints. In order to facilitate the algebraic reasoning about the parallel expansion laws, we enrich rTiMo with a form of guarded choice. This can enable us to convert every parallel program to the guarded choice form. Moreover, we also provide a set of proof rules, which can be used to verify the correctness and real-time properties of programs.  相似文献   

A new approach to estimating the fault-tolerance of the parallel control computing systems relies on the mathematical model-based determination of the probability of successful completion in a given schedule time of an arbitrary set of interdependent jobs (tasks) with random times of job execution and asynchronous job redundancy. The estimates were determined both for the standard execution of a set of tasks and for the case of single malfunction (fault or failure) of any computing system processor detected at execution of any job from the set. The basic distinction of this approach lies in that here the numerical values of the reliability parameters (probabilities or intensities of faults or failures) of the computing resources are neither given nor used.  相似文献   

《Parallel Computing》1997,22(13):1837-1851
The PAPS (Performance Analysis of Parallel Systems) toolset is a testbed for the model based performance prediction of message passing parallel applications executed on private memory multiprocessor computer systems. PAPS allows to describe the execution behavior of the computer hardware and operating system software resources up to a very detailed level. This enables very accurate performance prediction of parallel applications even in the case of substantial performance degradation due to contention for shared resources. In this paper the fundamental design principles and implementation methodologies for the development of the PAPS toolset are presented and the PAPS parallel system specification formalisms are described. A simplified performance study of a parallel Gaussian elimination application on the nCUBE 2 multiprocessor system is used to demonstrate the usage of the tool.  相似文献   

Static analysis tools, such as resource analyzers, give useful information on software systems, especially in real-time and safety-critical applications. Therefore, the question of the reliability of the obtained results is highly important. State-of-the-art static analyzers typically combine a range of complex techniques, make use of external tools, and evolve quickly. To formally verify such systems is not a realistic option. In this work, we propose a different approach whereby, instead of the tools, we formally verify the results of the tools. The central idea of such a formal verification framework for static analysis is the method-wise translation of the information about a program gathered during its static analysis into specification contracts that contain enough information for them to be verified automatically. We instantiate this framework with costa, a state-of-the-art static analysis system for sequential Java programs, for producing resource guarantees and KeY, a state-of-the-art verification tool, for formally verifying the correctness of such resource guarantees. Resource guarantees allow to be certain that programs will run within the indicated amount of resources, which may refer to memory consumption, number of instructions executed, etc. Our results show that the proposed tool cooperation can be used for automatically producing verified resource guarantees.  相似文献   

We solve the problem of constructing extended finite state machines with execution scenarios and temporal formulas. We propose a new algorithm pstMuACO that combines a scenario filtering procedure, an exact algorithm efsmSAT for constructing finite state machines from execution scenarios based on a reduction to the Boolean satisfiability problem, and a parallel ant colony algorithm pMuACO. Experiments show that constructing several initial solutions for the ant colony algorithm with reduced sets of scenarios significantly reduces the total time needed to find optimal solutions. The proposed algorithm can be used for automated construction of reliable control systems.  相似文献   

We present enforceable component-based realtime contracts, the first extension of component-based software engineering technology that comprehensively supports adaptive realtime systems from specification all the way to the running system.To provide this support, we have extended component-based interface definition languages (IDLs) and component representations in repositories to express realtime requirements for components. The final software, which is assembled from the components, is then executed on a realtime operating system (RTOS) with the help of a component runtime system. RTOS resource managers and the IDL-extensions are based on the same mathematical foundation. Thus, the component runtime system can use information expressed in a component-oriented manner in the extended IDL to derive parameters for the task-based admission and scheduling in the RTOS. Once basic realtime properties can thus be guaranteed, runtime support can be extended to more elaborate schemes that also support adaptive applications (container-managed quality assurance).We claim that this study convincingly demonstrates how component-based software engineering can be extended to build systems with non-functional requirements.  相似文献   

J. Kramer  J. Magee  M. Sloman 《Automatica》1984,20(1):93-102
Distributed computer control systems have a number of potential advantages over centralized systems, especially where the application is itself physically distributed. A computer station can be placed close to the plant being controlled, and a communications network used to enable the stations to communicate to coordinate their actions. However, the software must be carefully designed to exploit the potential advantages of distribution. This paper describes the software architecture of CONIC, a system to support distributed computer control applications. This architecture emphasizes the distinction between the writing of individual software components and the construction and configuration of a system from a set of components. A modular structure is used to separate programming from configuration. Typed entry and exit ports are used to clearly define module interfaces. Ports, analagous to the plugs and sockets of hardware components, permit modules to be interconnected in different ways. On-line modification and extension of the system is supported by permitting the dynamic creation and interconnection of modules. Message passing primitives are provided to permit modules to coordinate and synchronize control actions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a classification of misses and of components of the data traffic in shared-memory multiprocessors based on interprocessor communication. We consider protocols with invalidations, updates, and prefetches in systems with infinite and finite caches. We identify the set of essential misses and the essential traffic, i.e., the smallest set of misses and the smallest amount of traffic necessary for correct execution. The rest of the misses and of the data traffic is nonessential and could be ignored without affecting the correctness of program execution. To illustrate the classification of misses and traffic, we apply it to a set of parallel scientific programs and observe the overhead created by different hardware mechanisms when block sizes and cache sizes are varied.  相似文献   

We define methods for generating execution sequences for time-critical systems based on their modularized formal specification. An execution sequence represents a behavior of a time critical system and can be used, before the final system is built, to validate the system specification against the user requirements (specification validation) and, after the final system is built, to verify whether the implementation satisfies the specification (functional testing). Our techniques generate execution sequences in the large, in that we focus on the connections among the abstract interfaces of the modules composing a modular specification. Execution sequences in the large are obtained by composing execution sequences in the small for the individual modules. We abstract from the specification languages used for the individual modules of the system, so our techniques can also be used when the modules composing the system are specified with different formalisms. We consider the cases in which connections give rise to either circular or noncircular dependencies among specification modules. We show that execution sequence generation can be carried out successfully under rather broad conditions and we define procedures for efficient construction of execution sequences. These procedures can be taken as the basis for the implementation of (semi)automated tools that provide substantial support to the activity of specification validation and functional testing for industrially-sized time critical systems  相似文献   

Transient faults are emerging as a critical concern in the reliability of general-purpose microprocessors. As architectural trends point toward multicore designs, there is substantial interest in adapting such parallel hardware resources for transient fault tolerance. This paper presents process-level redundancy (PLR), a software technique for transient fault tolerance, which leverages multiple cores for low overhead. PLR creates a set of redundant processes per application process and systematically compares the processes to guarantee correct execution. Redundancy at the process level allows the operating system to freely schedule the processes across all available hardware resources. PLR uses a software-centric approach to transient fault tolerance, which shifts the focus from ensuring correct hardware execution to ensuring correct software execution. As a result, many benign faults that do not propagate to affect program correctness can be safely ignored. A real prototype is presented that is designed to be transparent to the application and can run on general-purpose single-threaded programs without modifications to the program, operating system, or underlying hardware. The system is evaluated for fault coverage and performance on a four-way SMP machine and provides improved performance over existing software transient fault tolerance techniques with a 16.9 percent overhead for fault detection on a set of optimized SPEC2000 binaries.  相似文献   

Hardware and software co-design is a design technique which delivers computer systems comprising hardware and software components.A critical phase of the co-design process is to decompose a program into hardware and software .This paper proposes an algebraic partitioning algorithm whose correctness is verified in program algebra.The authors inroduce a program analysis phase before program partitioning and deveop a collection of syntax-based splitting rules.The former provides the information for moving operations from software to hardware and reducing the interaction between compoents,and th latter supports a compositional approach to program partitioning.  相似文献   

Traditional implementation of sequential consistency in shared-memory systems requires memory accesses to be globally performed in program order.Based on an event ordering model for correct executions in shared-memory systems,this paper proposes and proves that out-of-order execution does not influence the correctness of an execution providing certain condition is met.Simulation results show that out-of-order execution proposed in this paper is an effective way to improve the performance of a sequentially consistent shared-memory system.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new model-based method for incrementally constructing critical systems and illustrates its application to the development of fault-tolerant systems. The method relies on a special form of composition to combine software components and a set of proof rules to obtain high confidence of the correctness of the composed system. As in conventional component-based software development, two (or more) components are combined, but in contrast to many component-based approaches used in practice, which combine components consisting of code, our method combines components represented as state machine models. In the first phase of the method, a model is developed of the normal system behavior, and system properties are shown to hold in the model. In the second phase, a model of the required fault-handling behavior is developed and “or-composed” with the original system model to create a fault-tolerant extension which is, by construction, “fully faithful” (every execution possible in the normal system is possible in the fault-tolerant system). To model the fault-handling behavior, the set of states of the normal system model is extended through new state variables and new ranges for some existing state variables, and new fault-handling transitions are defined. Once constructed, the fault-tolerant extension is shown, using a set of property inheritance and compositional proof rules, to satisfy both the overall system properties, typically weakened, and selected fault-tolerance properties. These rules can often be used to verify the properties automatically. To provide a formal foundation for the method, formal notions of or-composition, partial refinement, fault-tolerant extension, and full faithfulness are introduced. To demonstrate and validate the method, we describe its application to a real-world, fault-tolerant avionics system.  相似文献   

In interactive computer graphics, one often finds a gap between sophisticated algorithms, using very high level data structures, and poor methods of program and object construction. Particular programming languages are too readily adopted for solving problems, before a precise specification of the problem to be solved has been formulated.
This paper shows that progress can be made by using modern engineering methods to specify and develop graphical software. Two programming techniques are studied here: the algebraic specification of data types and a functional static modular method of problem statement.
The paper also discusses these proposals in the context of other modes of computer graphics specification and programming.  相似文献   

This article continues a cycle of papers, which describe an approach to construction and verification of discrete PLC-programs by an LTL-specification. The approach provides a possibility of PLC-program correctness analysis by the model checking method. For the specification of the program behaviour the linear-time temporal logic LTL is used. The correctness analysis of an LTL specification is performed automatically by the symbolic model checking tool Cadence SMV. It was previously shown how ST-, LD- and IL-programs are constructed by a correct (with verified program properties) LTL-specification. In this article, a technology of CFC-program construction by an LTL-specification is described. The language CFC (Continuous Function Chart) is a variation of FBD (Function Block Diagram). FBD is a graphical language for microcircuits. CFC provides a possibility of free allocation of program components and connections on a screen. The approach to construction of CFC-programs is shown by an example. PLC-program representation on CFC within the approach to programming by LTLspecification differs from other representations. It gives the visualization of a data flow from inputs to outputs. The influence and dependence among variables is explicitly shown during the program execution within one PLC working cycle. In fact, CFC-program is a scheme of PLC-program data flow.  相似文献   

Model checking is one of the most commonly used methods for checking program correctness. In this method, one verifies a program model given by the Kripke structure (labeled transition system) rather than the program itself. The specification is usually given as a temporal logic formula. In many subtasks of model checking, it is necessary to use relations that are defined on the set of program models and preserve the satisfiability of temporal logic formulas. There exist many relations of this kind, which are called simulation relations. In the present paper, we introduce a tool designed to check a wide class of simulation relations between finite models of programs. This tool is based on the simulation checking game-theoretic approach. The tool consists of two components. The first component is the formal language, which allows one to define various simulation relations in terms of an antagonistic two-player game. The second component is a software tool that, given two labeled transition systems and simulation definition, is able to check whether this simulation is satisfied between these labeled transition systems.  相似文献   

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