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Previous research on developing parallel triangulation algorithms concentrated on triangulating planar point sets.O(log3 n) running time algorithms usingO(n) processors have been developed in Refs. 1 and 2. Atallah and Goodrich(3) presented a data structure that can be viewed as a parallel analogue of the sequential plane-sweeping paradigm, which can be used to triangulate a planar point set inO(logn loglogn) time usingO(n) processors. Recently Merks(4) described an algorithm for triangulating point sets which runs inO(logn) time usingO(n) processors, and is thus optimal. In this paper we develop a parallel algorithm for triangulating simplicial point sets in arbitrary dimensions based on the idea of the sequential algorithm presented in Ref. 5. The algorithm runs inO(log2 n) time usingO(n/logn) processors. The algorithm hasO(n logn) as the product of the running time and the number of processors; i.e., an optimal speed-up.  相似文献   

Randomized algorithms are algorithms that employ randomness in their solution method. We show that the performance of randomized algorithms is less affected by factors that prevent most parallel deterministic algorithms from attaining their theoretical speedup bounds. A major reason is that the mapping of randomized algorithms onto multiprocessors involves very little scheduling or communication overhead. Furthermore, reliability is enhanced because the failure of a single processor leads only to degradation, not failure, of the algorithm. We present results of an extensive simulation done on a multiprocessor simulator, running a randomized branch-and-bound algorithm. The particular case we consider is the knapsack problem, due to its ease of formulation. We observe the largest speedups in precisely those problems that take large amounts of time to solve. This work has been supported by the U.S. Army Research Office under Contract No. DAAG 29-85-K-0236.  相似文献   

根据平面点集Delaunay三角剖分的特性,将Delaunay三角剖分应用到分支问题上,改进和实现了一种分支问题处理算法。将相邻层轮廓线投影到同一个剖面上形成一个带约束边的平面点集,并将它们Delaunay三角化,根据这些三角形组来生成新的轮廓线,使轮廓线一一对应。实验结果表明该算法实现的效果较符合实际情况,能有效地处理各种不同情况。  相似文献   

曾志民  张晨  冯春燕  丁炜 《计算机应用》2005,25(10):2247-2249
研究实现动态并行路径的集中式流量工程,利用遗传算法提出流量优化算法,基于网络拥塞信息动态精简优化对象,基于网络链路利用率动态确定并行路径的采用,同时给出在并行路径间可行、简洁的流量分配方案简化算法的进化选择。仿真结果验证了提出的算法简化了解空间、降低了复杂度、提高了收敛速度,可同时确保优化性能。  相似文献   

This paper presents an optimal parallel algorithm for triangulating an arbitrary set ofn points in the plane. The algorithm runs inO(logn) time usingO(n) space andO(n) processors on a Concurrent-Read, Exclusive-Write Parallel RAM model (CREW PRAM). The parallel lower bound on triangulation is (logn) time so the best possible linear speedup has been achieved. A parallel divide-and-conquer technique of subdividing a problem into subproblems is employed.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a multigrid algorithm for parallel computers, the chopped parallel multigrid (CPMG) algorithm. The CPMG algorithm improves the processor utilization by reducing the work load on coarse grids without affecting the convergence rate of the algorithm. This is in contrast to earlier approaches (Gannon and van Rosendale, 1986; Frederickson and McBryan, 1989), where unutilized processors are used to improve the convergence rate. The CPMG algorithm reduces the coarse grid work bychopping the alternate cycles of multigrid. Using analytical results and simulations on sequential machines we show that the CPMG can achieve almost the same convergence rate as standard MG for many cases. Analytically we show that the advantage gained by CPMG over standard MG on a mesh connected massively parallel machine is 33% in hardware utilization, 50% in communication overheads and 38% in overall execution time. We have also evaluated the performance of CPMG on an actual massively parallel machine, the DAP-510. The advantage gained by CPMG over standard MG is 35% in overall execution time. Moreover, the CPMG can be integrated with other parallel multigrid algorithms, such as the PSMG algorithm (Frederickson and McBryan, 1989) and Decker's algorithm (Decker, 1990).  相似文献   

A greedy Delaunay-based surface reconstruction algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present a new greedy algorithm for surface reconstruction from unorganized point sets. Starting from a seed facet, a piecewise linear surface is grown by adding Delaunay triangles one by one. The most plausible triangles are added first and in such a way as to prevent the appearance of topological singularities. The output is thus guaranteed to be a piecewise linear orientable manifold, possibly with boundary. Experiments show that this method is very fast and achieves topologically correct reconstruction in most cases. Moreover, it can handle surfaces with complex topology, boundaries, and nonuniform sampling.  相似文献   

In this paper,a sequential algorithm computing the aww vertex pair distance matrix D and the path matrix Pis given.On a PRAM EREW model with p,1≤p≤n^2,processors,a parallel version of the sequential algorithm is shown.This method can also be used to get a parallel algorithm to compute transitive closure array A^* of an undirected graph.The time complexity of the parallel algorithm is O(n^3/p).If D,P and A^* are known,it is shown that the problems to find all connected components,to compute the diameter of an undirected graph,to determine the center of a directed graph and to search for a directed cycle with the minimum(maximum)length in a directed graph can all be solved in O(n^2/p logp)time.  相似文献   

With the emerging of new applications,especially in Web,Such as E-Commerce,Digital Library and DNA Bank,object database systems show their stronger funcitons than other kinds of database systems due to their powerful representation ability on complex semantics and relationshiop.One distinguished feature of object database systems is path expression,and most queries on an object database ar based on path expression because it is the most natural and convenient way to access the object databse,for example,to navigate the hyper-links in a web-based database,The execution of path expression is usually extremely expensive on a very large database.Therefore,the improvement of path expression eecution efficiency is critical for the performance ofobject databases.As an importan approach realizing high-performance query processing ,the parallel processing of path expression on distributed object databases is explored in this paper.Up to now,some algorithms about how to compute path expressions and how to optimize path expression processing have been proposed for centralizedenvironments.But,few approaches have been presented for computing path expressions in parallel.In this paper,a new paralle algorithm for computing path expression named Parallel Cascade Semijoin(PCSJ)is proposed.Moreover,a new scheduling strategy called right-deep zigzag tree is designed to further improve the performance of the PCSJ algorithm.The exper-iments have been implemented in an NOW distributed and parallel environment.The results show that the PCSJ algorithm outperforms the other two parallel algorithms(the parallel version of forward pointer chasing algorithm(PFPC)and the index splitting parallel algorithm(IndexSplit) when computing path expressions with restrictive predicates and that the right-deep zigzage tree scheduling strategy has better performance than the right-deep tree scheduling strategy.  相似文献   

Computing shortest paths in a directed graph has received considerable attention in the sequential RAM model of computation. However, developing a polylog-time parallel algorithm that is close to the sequential optimal in terms of the total work done remains an elusive goal. We present a first step in this direction by giving efficient parallel algorithms for shortest paths in planar layered digraphs.We show that these graphs admit special kinds of separators calledone- way separators which allow the paths in the graph to cross it only once. We use these separators to give divide- and -conquer solutions to the problem of finding the shortest paths between any two vertices. We first give a simple algorithm that works in the CREW model and computes the shortest path between any two vertices in ann-node planar layered digraph in timeO(log2 n) usingn/logn processors. We then use results of Aggarwal and Park [1] and Atallah [4] to improve the time bound toO(log2 n) in the CREW model andO(logn log logn) in the CREW model. The processor bounds still remain asn/logn for the CREW model andn/log logn for the CRCW model.Support for the first and third authors was provided in part by a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award CCR-9047466 with matching funds from IBM, by NSF Research Grant CCR-9007851, by Army Research Office Grant DAAL03-91-G-0035, and by the Office of Naval Research and the Advanced Research Projects Agency under Contract N00014-91-J-4052, ARPA, Order 8225. Support for the second author was provided in part by NSF Research Grant CCR-9007851, by Army Research Office Grant DAAL03-91-G-0035, and by the Office of Naval Research and the Advanced Research Projects Agency under Contract N00014-91-J-4052 and ARPA Order 8225.  相似文献   

The display of an implicitly defined surface is obtained by its projection onto the viewing plane. Ray casting is a technique that accomplishes this projection byfiring a mapping ray through each pixel of the screen into the world space. The intersection points of this ray with the surface are found; these points are further tested to determine which one is visible and is within the viewing volume. Finally, if a point that satisfies the above conditions is found, then the point is further processed for the determination of its shading value.Much progress in rendering algebraic surfaces has been made recently. However, most of the proposed solutions are based on subdivision methods. This paper focuses on a method that performsdirect rendering of such a surface that will minimize the number of operations; this method will also replace almost all required multiplications with additions. Furthermore, the VLSI-oriented algorithm lends itself to parallelism. In addition, how this method can be used in the calculation of the shading values is described and a VLSI architecture is briefly discussed. Finally, a by-product of this method is that it can be used to efficiently calculate the values of a bivariate polynomial in a rectangular grid and in parallel.  相似文献   

Object database management systems (ODBMSs) are now established as the database management technology of choice for a range of challenging data intensive applications. Furthermore, the applications associated with object databases typically have stringent performance requirements, and some are associated with very large data sets. An important feature for the performance of object databases is the speed at which relationships can be explored. In queries, this depends on the effectiveness of different join algorithms into which queries that follow relationships can be compiled. This paper presents a performance evaluation of the Polar parallel object database system, focusing in particular on the performance of parallel join algorithms. Polar is a parallel, shared‐nothing implementation of the Object Database Management Group (ODMG) standard for object databases. The paper presents an empirical evaluation of queries expressed in the ODMG Query Language (OQL), as well as a cost model for the parallel algebra that is used to evaluate OQL queries. The cost model is validated against the empirical results for a collection of queries using four different join algorithms, one that is value based and three that are pointer based. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new associative parallel algorithm for dynamic update of a minimum spanning tree after addition of a new node with all its incident edges to a graph. This algorithm is represented as the InsertVert procedure implemented on a model of an associative parallel system of the SIMD type with vertical processing (a STAR machine). The correctness of the procedure is proved and its time complexity is estimated. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grant 03-01-00399. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 1, pp. 19–31, January–February 2006.  相似文献   

基于无组织结构数据集的三维表面重建算法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
严京旗  施鹏飞 《计算机学报》2001,24(10):1051-1056
三维表面重建技术具有广泛的应用前景,通用高效的重建算法是迫切需要研究的课题之一。由于三维点集分布不均匀,目前通用的基于无组织结构数据集的重建算法欠缺稳定性,应用范围受到了限制。文中提出了分布不均匀补偿的近邻点确定算法,提高了算法的稳定性和可靠性,扩展了基于无组织结构数据集表面重建算法的应用范围。实验表明通过分布不均匀补偿的离散数据集三维表面重建算法具有很好的重建效果。  相似文献   

针对现有三维重建算法速度较慢的问题,提出了一种基于快速Delaunay三角化的散乱数据点的三维重建算法。首先,提出一种新的平面Delaunay三角化插入点目标三角形定位算法,利用插入点的方向搜索线与三角形是否相交以及交点个数加速目标三角形定位,不用额外判断点是否在三角形内;其次,自动检测曲面漏洞,利用凸壳的边界拼接方法进行漏洞弥补。实验结果表明,本算法不仅能较好地重建出三维模型,而且有较高的效率。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how the Hough transform approach to circular object location could be speeded up by at least an order of magnitude — e.g. for certain low-cost automated inspection applications. Image sampling is found to be required and an effective but simply implemented strategy is devised which achieves speedup factors of up to 25 with real images. The algorithm is highly robust against shape defects and partial occlusions, and in addition robustness is easily monitored in practical situations.  相似文献   

传统的多目标进化算法多是基于Pareto最优概念的类随机搜索算法,求解速度较慢,特别是当问题维度变高,需要群体规模较大时,上述问题更加凸显。这一问题已经获得越来越多研究人员以及从业人员的关注。实验仿真中可以发现,构造非支配集和保持群体多样性这两部分工作占用了算法99%以上的执行时间。解决上述问题的一个有效方法就是对这一部分算法进行并行化改造。本文提出了一种基于CUDA平台的并行化解决方案,采用小生境技术实现共享适应度来维持候选解集的多样性,将多目标进化算法的实现全部置于GPU端,区别于以往研究中非支配排序的部分工作以及群体多样性保持的全部工作仍在CPU上执行。通过对ZDT系列函数的仿真结果,可以看出本文算法性能远远优于NSGA-Ⅱ和NPGA。最后通过求解油品调和过程这一有约束多目标优化问题,可以看出在解决化工应用中的有约束多目标优化问题时,该算法依然表现出优异的加速效果。  相似文献   

论文提出一种基于点集自适应分组构建Voronoi 图的并行算法,其基本思 路是采用二叉树分裂的方法将平面点集进行自适应分组,将各分组内的点集独立生成 Voronoi 图,称为Voronoi 子图;提取所有分组内位于四边的边界点,对边界点集构建Voronoi 图,称为边界点Voronoi 图;最后,针对每个边界点,提取其位于Voronoi 子图和边界点Voronoi 图内所对应的两个多边形,进行Voronoi 多边形的合并,最终实现子网的合并。考虑到算法 耗时主要在分组点集的Voronoi 图生成,而各分组的算法实现不受其他分组影响,采用并行 计算技术加速分组点集的Voronoi 图生成。理论分析和测试表明,该算法是一个效率较高的 Voronoi 图生成并行算法。  相似文献   

This paper briefly describes the implementation of the odd-even merge algorithm on a parallel MIMD computer and discusses its computational complexity.  相似文献   

We present a new method for predicting RNA secondary structure based on a genetic algorithm. The algorithm is designed to run on a massively parallel SIMD computer. Statistical analysis shows that the program performs well when compared to a dynamic programming algorithm used to solve the same problem. The program has also pointed out a long-standing simplification in the implementation of the original dynamic programming algorithm that sometimes causes it not to find the optimal secondary structure.  相似文献   

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