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Research indicates that self-reports of coping with stressful occurrences are associated with psychological and health outcomes. However, measures of coping may be biased by retrospective distortion as they assess coping over relatively long periods. In this study, a sample of 79 men completed a coping assessment daily for several weeks about the day's most "bothersome" problem. Repeated daily measurement of coping allowed analysis of within-subject effects of coping efforts. Same-day mood reported by the men (targets) and reports of the men's mood by their spouses (observers) were outcome variables. Within-subject analyses indicated that catharsis and social supports were associated with increased negative affect, whereas use of acceptance was associated with less negative affect. Use of distraction, acceptance, and relaxation were associated with increased positive affect. These findings held for both target- and observer-reported mood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Collaborative coping (i.e., spouses pooling resources and problem solving jointly) may be associated with better daily mood because of heightened perceptions of efficacy in coping with stressful events. The study examined the daily processes of collaborative coping (individuals' perceptions that the spouse collaborated), perceived coping effectiveness (ratings of how well they dealt with the event), and mood (i.e., Positive and Negative Affect Scale) across 14 days in 57 older couples coping with stressors involving the husband's prostate cancer and daily life in general. In hierarchical multivariate linear models, collaborative coping was associated with more positive same-day mood for both husbands and wives and less negative mood for wives only. These associations were partially mediated by heightened perceptions of coping effectiveness. Exploratory analyses revealed that collaborative coping was more frequent among wives who performed more poorly on cognitive tests and couples who reported greater marital satisfaction and more frequently using collaboration to make decisions. The results suggest that older couples may benefit from collaborative coping in dealing with problems surrounding illness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of naturally occurring, daily events on next-day mood. From a sample of 50 men (mean age 41.4 yrs) who had reported events and mood prospectively, 17 whose reports included a severe, negative event were selected. Same- and next-day associations were examined using both self-reports from the men and wives' reports about their husbands' mood; the wives' mean ages were 38.8 yrs. Instruments included the Assessment of Daily Experience and the Mood Adjective Check List. Same-day associations were observed, but there was no strong evidence of changes in next-day mood. Results offer no support for 2-day or longer effects of daily, negative events and highlight the need for prospective studies to address causal questions and cognitive mediational variables such as coping. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Daily mood ratings and corresponding diary entries were studied to determine relations between common events and two independent mood factors—Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA)—in a sample of 18 young adults over a 3-month period. In an extension of findings from earlier interindividual studies, PA (enthusiastic, delighted vs. sluggish, drowsy) was found to be associated with a wide range of daily events, whereas fewer correlations were found between these events and NA (distressed, nervous, angry vs. calm, relaxed). The relation between high PA and reported social interactions (particularly physically active social events) was especially robust, and its effects were noted repeatedly; NA was unrelated to social activity. As hypothesized, high NA was associated with physical problems; contrary to expectations, low PA also tended to be correlated with health complaints. Overall, the results reaffirm the importance of assessing NA and PA independently and suggest that PA is an interesting and important dimension that deserves more research attention. Theoretical considerations and clinical implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It is argued that insufficient attention has been paid to the nature and processes underlying positive experiences. An analogy is drawn between coping with negative events and the processes of taking advantage of, or capitalizing on, positive events. It was hypothesized that expressive displays (e.g., communicating the event to others, celebrating, etc.) and perceived control would be effective capitalizing responses after positive events. These responses were predicted to augment the benefits of the events on temporary moods and longer-term well-being. Two daily-diary studies of college undergraduates showed that expressive responses and perceived control were associated with positive affect above and beyond the benefits due to the valence of the positive events themselves. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study used experience sampling methodology to examine the relationship between stressful daily events and mood. Eighty-five male white-collar workers completed self-reports 10 times a day for 5 days. Controlling for individual differences in mood levels, multilevel regression analyses showed that events were followed by increases in negative affect (NA) and agitation (Ag) and by decreases in positive affect (PA). More unpleasant events were associated with greater changes in all three mood dimensions; controllability mitigated the effects of events on NA and PA. Prior events had persistent effects on current mood. High perceived stress (PS) was associated with greater reactivity of NA and PA to current events, whereas trait anxiety moderated reactivity of Ag. Results indicate that PS is related not only to a higher frequency of reported events but also to more intense and prolonged mood responses to daily stress.  相似文献   

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized by high negative affect (NA) and low positive affect (PA), but little is known about emotional reactivity in daily life. The authors used experience sampling methodology to investigate changes in NA and PA following minor daily events in MDD compared with healthy participants. Contrary to expectation, MDD participants did not report more frequent negative events, although they did report fewer positive events. Multilevel regression showed that both NA and PA responses to negative events were blunted in the MDD group, whereas responses to positive events were enhanced. NA responses to negative events persisted longer in MDD participants. Depressed participants with a positive family history or longer current episodes showed relatively greater NA responses to negative events. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examines the effects of six weather parameters (temperature, wind power, sunlight, precipitation, air pressure, and photoperiod) on mood (positive affect, negative affect, and tiredness). Data were gathered from an online diary study (N = 1,233), linked to weather station data, and analyzed by means of multilevel analysis. Multivariate and univariate analyses enabled distinction between unique and shared effects. The results revealed main effects of temperature, wind power, and sunlight on negative affect. Sunlight had a main effect on tiredness and mediated the effects of precipitation and air pressure on tiredness. In terms of explained variance, however, the average effect of weather on mood was only small, though significant random variation was found across individuals, especially regarding the effect of photoperiod. However, these individual differences in weather sensitivity could not be explained by the Five Factor Model personality traits, gender, or age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the mood-related and pain-related consequences of daily stressors among 74 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis who supplied daily reports for 75 days. Meta-analyses of time series regression coefficients disclosed a significant same-day relation between events and mood but no consistent effects of events on same-day pain, next-day mood, or next-day pain. With distributional characteristics of the daily data controlled, Ss with more active inflammatory disease showed a greater positive relation of events with same-day and next-day pain, those with a recent history of more major life stressors showed a greater positive relation of events with next-day pain, and those with less social support showed a greater positive relation of events with next-day mood disturbance. Implications of these and other findings for theories of stress and adaptation and the methodological challenges of daily experience research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

48 men scheduled for endoscopy were assessed for preferred coping style and assigned to 1 of 4 preparation conditions: (1) relaxation plus coping self-efficacy (SE) enhancement, (2) relaxation only, (3) procedural information, and (4) no preparation. It was hypothesized that increases in SE would be associated with better behavioral and self-report assessments of coping with endoscopy, and that coping style would moderate effects of SE enhancement. Hypotheses were largely confirmed. Ss in SE enhancement preparation experienced greater increases in coping SE and greater decreases in distress before and during endoscopy than did other Ss. Changes in coping SE were negatively correlated with changes in anticipatory anxiety, and SE ratings were significantly related to distress during endoscopy. Ss classed as monitors fared most poorly with no-preparation, whereas blunters did most poorly with procedural information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many researchers index mood variability by a within-Ss standard deviation computed from mood ratings provided by single Ss on several occasions. I argue that this index is theoretically limited because it refers mainly to the average extremity of mood change and not the frequency of change and that time-series techniques be used to better represent emotional variability. The studies here illustrate how one class of time-series techniques—spectral analysis—can be applied to daily mood measures to index the frequency of mood shifts. The convergent validity of spectral estimates of mood change frequency is assessed relative to self-report and parental-report measures of emotional reactivity. The divergent validity of the spectral estimates of mood change frequency is assessed by examining their relation to the within-subjects standard deviation computed from daily mood assessments. Results suggest that the spectral approach provides an adequate index of mood change frequency that is independent of mood change extremity, helps clarify the meaning of emotional variability, and provides a new class of analytic strategies for inclusion in the idiographic-nomothetic paradigm. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Related daily changes in 2 job conditions, workload and social interaction with co-workers and supervisors, to daily mood and health complaints. 52 air-traffic controllers (ATCs) completed measures of subjective well-being and perceived job conditions on 3 consecutive days; objective indicators of daily workload (air traffic volume and visibility at the airport) were also obtained. The results indicate that increases in job stressors are associated with a same-day deterioration in physical and psychological well-being. On days in which workload was perceived to be high, ATCs reported more health complaints and moods that were more negative and less positive. On days in which there was greater air traffic volume (objectively measured), ATCs reported moods that were more negative. On days in which interactions with co-workers and supervisors were described as more distressing, ATCs reported moods that were more negative and less positive. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The coping strategies of 36 adult leukemia patients admitted for bone marrow transplantation have been investigated systematically by trained raters using audio-taped material from semi-structured interviews. So-called long term survivors with a median survival time of 978 days after BMT displayed significantly lower passive-stoic acceptance and resignation than non-survivors who died within a median time of 229 days after BMT. These copings were of high prognostic value prior to all treatment regimes in strong correlation with a negative hematological prognosis and age. Non-survivors showed significantly higher passive-stoic acceptance and resignation coping. Form of leukemia and other sociodemographic variables or stress had neither a significant impact on coping intensity nor on coping quality. Consequences for further coping research and possible treatment interventions prior to or immediately after BMT are being discussed.  相似文献   

The experience sampling method was used to examine the helplessness–hopelessness theory as a model of normal mood fluctuations. Ninety-one participants were signaled 5 times daily for a 1-week period to provide reports of negative events, specific cognitions, and anxiety and depression. Attributional and perception of control styles did not explain anxious or depressed moods, but they were predictive of the causal attributions and perceptions of control made across diverse environmental contexts. Furthermore, idiographic analyses demonstrated that specific causal attributions about negative events explained fluctuations in depressed mood within the flow of daily life. In contrast to the theory, perceptions of event controllability were not related to fluctuations in anxious mood or to the later formulation of causal attributions. Implications for understanding normal mood experience and the helplessness–hopelessness theory are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined how a previous episode of depression is related to daily pain and reactions to pain among individuals with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome. Seventy-one women with fibromyalgia (including 30 who were previously depressed) rated their pain and mood 3 times daily for 30 days. Each night, participants rated the extent to which they responded to pain by catastrophizing, how much control they had over that day's pain, their ways of coping with pain that day, and the effectiveness of their coping efforts. Multivariate multilevel regression models revealed that after controlling for neuroticism and current depressive symptoms, formerly depressed and never-depressed individuals differed in how they coped with increased pain and in how they appraised the efficacy of their coping efforts. Formerly depressed participants who also reported more current depressive symptoms showed a greater decline in pleasant mood on more painful days than did formerly depressed participants who were experiencing fewer current depressive symptoms. These findings illustrate how a history of depression can be captured in the dynamics of daily life. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how leisure coping significantly influences immediate coping outcomes (operationalized by coping effectiveness, satisfaction with coping outcomes, and stress reduction), mental health, and psychological well-being, above and beyond the impact of general coping (not directly associated with leisure). University students participated in the research. Overall, the unique contributions of leisure coping were statistically significant for predicting all of the three outcome indicators. Leisure coping beliefs (dispositional coping resources developed through involvement in leisure) significantly contributed to greater immediate coping outcomes, lower mental ill-health, and higher psychological well-being. The other primary dimension of leisure coping, namely, leisure coping strategies (situation-specific behaviours or cognitions available through leisure pursuits), was found to significantly predict greater immediate coping outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Implemented crisis intervention counseling (CIC) for 140 18–60 yr old patients for whom illness or injury and hospitalization constituted the crisis. When compared with a biographically and psychologically similar group of 158 patients who were not counseled, CIC Ss on discharge from the hospital showed the hypothesized short-term reductions in anxiety and in indirectly expressed anger. A battery of measures was used, including the Positive Affect Scale; the Cognitive Anxiety Scale; and the Gottschalk-Gleser Hostility In, Hostility Out, and Ambivalent Hostility Scales. Their self-perceptions of helplessness were fewer, whereas their statements of competence increased. At 12-mo follow-up, reductions in their levels of anxiety were even more notable, and more expressions of direct anger were observed. Reductions in depression proved statistically significant only on follow-up. Significant effects for self-perceptions were not apparent. Although the findings for short-term effects provide some support for the use of CIC to achieve immediate goals, the long-term effects suggest that it may have potential for achieving primary prevention goals. (59 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developed a new measure of coping with daily problems for use in longitudinal studies with repeated assessments. Development began with a checklist of specific coping behaviors and cognitions taken from existing questionnaires, but adequate levels of internal consistency could not be achieved for items grouped into rationally derived coping categories. A study in which the checklist items were sorted into the categories showed that particular behaviors or cognitions could represent different types of coping. This led to the development of a questionnaire with an open-ended response format. This brief questionnaire was used by 60 married couples (mean age of husbands 43 yrs; mean age of wives 40 yrs) for 21 consecutive days. Sex of respondent and problem appraisal were associated with amount and type of coping. A moderate amount of within-S consistency in coping with the same problem over time was also observed. Implications of the developmental studies and attributes of the new assessment are discussed. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study explored prospectively the effects of dispositional and situational optimism on mood (N=90) and immune changes (N=50) among law students in their first semester of study. Optimism was associated with better mood, higher numbers of helper T cells, and higher natural killer cell cytotoxicity. Avoidance coping partially accounted for the relationship between optimism and mood. Among the immune parameters, mood partially accounted for the optimism-helper T cell relationship, and perceived stress partially accounted for the optimism-cytotoxicity relationship. Individual differences in expectancies, appraisals, and mood may be important in understanding psychological and immune responses to stress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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