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随着海洋石油的大力开发,钻井技术的研究至关重要,本文主要阐述海上钻井发展及现状,我国海上石油钻井装备状况,海洋石油钻井平台技术特点,以及海洋石油钻井平台技术发展分析。  相似文献   

海洋石油钻井平台是我国海洋油气开发的主要基础装备,目前我国海洋石油装备产业在海洋油气产业持续快速发展的带动下,正处于高速发展的新时期,本文主要阐述了我国海洋平台技术,并分析了海洋钻井平台技术的一些特点,最后针对海洋钻井平台未来发展趋势进行论述,仅供参考。  相似文献   

引言 2012年3月22日,工业和信息化部公布的《海洋工程装备制造业中长期发展规划(2011~2020)》提出,力争通过10年的发展,使我国海洋工程装备制造能力和水平迈上新台阶,2020年,年销售收入达到4000亿元以上。大型油气田及煤层气开发科技重大专项“十一·五”标志性成果“海洋石油981”(3000米深水半潜式钻井平台)正式投入使用,于5月9日至南海东部海域深水区开展钻探作业,标志着我国海洋石油工业深水战略拉开序幕。  相似文献   

当前,国内海洋石油工业的发展方向与世界海洋石油发展的趋势相同,即都是走向深水。随着海洋石油工程的开发,对水下焊接技术提出了更高的要求。而这种技术的研究、开发和应用也势在必行。本文提出了水下焊接方法的特点及问题,结合国内外水下焊接技术的发展及应用现状,并根据当前海洋石油工程开发中平台的建造、安装和维修的需求,对今后水下焊接技术的研究方向以及应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

由于海上恶劣天气因素的影响,“海洋石油102”单点系泊设施YOKE结构受损、YOKE鼻锥头下坠,单点系泊头管汇平台处结构、管线、电仪、机械等设施同时受到损坏,油田被迫停产,给中海石油(中国)有限公司造成了巨大的损失。海洋石油工程股份有限公司维修分公司海洋石油1021~i时复产项目,通过合理实施科学的应急抢修管理的动态循环模式,使海洋石油102于2011年7月1日提前复产。  相似文献   

本文简要梳理了世界深水油气勘探开发技术与深水工程重大装备的发展历程,以及世界各大海域亿吨级大型深水油气田的开发概况。回顾了我国海洋石油特别是1982年中国海洋石油总公司成立后至今约34年的飞速发展进程,明确了现阶段我国已具备300 m水深以浅的海洋石油勘探开发技术体系和装备能力,达到5×107 t年产能,初步建成以海洋石油981半潜式钻井平台为核心的深水重大工程装备,同时我国南海第一个深水气田荔湾3–1气田(水深1 480 m)成功投产。在此基础上,阐述了我国海洋能源开发面临着"南台北冰"恶劣的自然条件、高粘、易凝、高含CO2复杂油气藏特性、深水陆坡、远距离控制等巨大挑战,指出我国海洋能源工程的战略目标和战略重点。  相似文献   

近些年来,随着市场经济的不断发展,我国海洋石油工程事业也不断取得更大的成就,与此同时,各种先进科学技术的运用为现代海洋石油生产提供了更为坚实的技术支撑,以此实现了我国海洋石油工业的快速发展。自升式钻井平台在上世纪50年代被运用于海洋石油工业中,在石油的开采、钻井、生产、储存等多个领域中都发挥了重要的作用,本文就主要针对自升式钻井平台结构与功能的相关问题进行简单的探讨。  相似文献   

以船舶涂料为主的中国海洋涂料市场需求将以年均30%左右的速度增长。未来几年,我国造船完工量将继续上升,海工装备制造业也将实现快速发展。因此,在我国,无论是相对成熟的船用涂料市场,还是不断发展的海工装备涂料市场,都将保持良好的增长态势。随着我国海洋经济的迅猛发展,船舶和海洋工程设施防腐已成为发展中急需解决的重要课题,海洋涂料的发展前景也越  相似文献   

海洋涂料的现状及开发前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着科学技术的不断进步,人类对海洋的开发利用也日新月异,其中包括海洋石油等海洋资源的开发,海洋运输、海产养殖、海水综合利用及各种海洋设施的建设。人类在开发和利用海洋资源的过程中,同时也遇到了海洋的挑战——海中附着生物的污损和海洋腐蚀。目  相似文献   

海洋运载装备是认知海洋、开发海洋、利用海洋、维护海洋权益的基础和保障。本文结合海洋运载工程与科技发展的战略需求,在深入剖析国内外发展现状与差距的基础上,明确海洋运载工程与科技未来的发展方向和趋势,研究提出我国海洋运载装备发展的战略定位、目标、战略任务与重点领域,并提出相应的措施和政策建议,供行业相关部门参考。  相似文献   

The cost of handling material is a vital factor in the facilities design process, whether it is for a new facility or for the redesign of an existing facility. Handling activities generally account for 30 to 40% of production costs, but in some industries they can be as high as 70%. Well designed handling systems are thus crucial for reduced costs and increased profits.

A key task in the material handling system design process is the selection and configuration of equipment for transport and storage in a facility. Material handling equipment selection is a complex, tedious task, and there is usually more than one good answer for any particular situation. A number of good quantitative techniques are available to aid the industrial engineer in determining layout design with the aim of reducing material handling cost. Unfortunately, there are few tools other than checklists to aid the engineer in the selection of appropriate, cost-effective material handling equipment. Analytical models are not often applied in industry because they generally consider only quantifiable factors such as cost and utilization and are difficult to implement.

This paper describes a knowledge-based approach for addressing the major factors that influence equipment selection. The research effort involved two major activities: compilation of a knowledge base from an in-depth review and modification of traditional checklists and published literature on equipment selection; and development of a prototype expert system for material handling equipment selection.  相似文献   

设施规划与设计   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
王家善 《工业工程》1998,1(1):11-14
本文阐述了设施规划与设计的内容和特点;介绍了现代化设施规划设计的主要方法和技术;讨论了应用设施规划设计对我国发展经济和技术进步的意义。  相似文献   

建设相对条件固定的水中爆炸实验装置,为开展水中工程结构和装备进行抗爆性能实验研究提供了重要保证。本文设计和建设了具有多种功能的水中爆炸大型实验装置,该装置由爆炸水池、轻钢滑动提升装置、储气加压装置、筛网架、水中爆炸压力测试系统与测试室等组成。根据一维弹性平面波理论,对该装置爆炸水池结构设计的主要问题和抗爆隔震性能进行了分析,研究了纵波入射时水池结构内部不同介质应力波传播情况和破坏模式。并运用气泡帷幕防护技术,对降低水中爆炸冲击波防护措施可行性进行了初步试验研究和探讨,验证了该水中爆炸实验装置结构设计的合理性和降低水中冲击波防护措施的有效性。  相似文献   

The most common type of facility layout project is re-layout, which involves rearranging existing equipment in a facility. Project schedule development is an often overlooked yet critical portion of a facility re-layout project. When developing a re-layout project schedule, departments cannot be moved into their final locations until all previous occupants have moved. By incurring the cost of moving departments to temporary locations, it is possible to reduce the overall project duration. A two-criteria mixed-integer programming model is developed that finds the schedule minimizing department move costs subject to precedence constraints. An efficient algorithm uses this model to find all non-dominated time and cost solutions to the re-layout problem. Modifications to the basic model and algorithm handle resource constraints and turnaround space constraints. The algorithm and its modifications are demonstrated on an actual re-layout project.  相似文献   

The most common type of facility layout project is re-layout, which involves rearranging existing equipment in a facility. Project schedule development is an often overlooked yet critical portion of a facility re-layout project. When developing a re-layout project schedule, departments cannot be moved into their final locations until all previous occupants have moved. By incurring the cost of moving departments to temporary locations, it is possible to reduce the overall project duration. A two-criteria mixed-integer programming model is developed that finds the schedule minimizing department move costs subject to precedence constraints. An efficient algorithm uses this model to find all non-dominated time and cost solutions to the re-layout problem. Modifications to the basic model and algorithm handle resource constraints and turnaround space constraints. The algorithm and its modifications are demonstrated on an actual re-layout project.  相似文献   

通过对海洋平台万吨级组块浮托技术的研究,结合多项技术在渤海湾大型油田开发工程中的成功应用,简要阐述了万吨级组块浮托技术在平台设计、建造、安装及专项设备设施研究中的关键技术、关键做法,用于指导渤海湾万吨级组块的浮托技术应用,同时为下一步浮托技术应用于南海油田开发工程提出参考和指导。  相似文献   

There is always a risk of leakage of refrigerant into a room that refrigeration and air conditioning equipment occupies. Mitigation of build-up of flammable concentrations from leakage through appropriate equipment construction and installation criteria minimises the potential for ignition. This paper is the first part of an investigation into design and installation measures to disperse leaked flammable refrigerant. It mainly describes the experiments and provides an analysis of the data. The paper describes a purpose built test facility, which was used to carry out experiments to study the dispersion of carbon dioxide to simulate leaked refrigerant. By measuring carbon dioxide concentrations and making flow visualisation, the effects of parameters such as equipment airflow and installation height were observed. The observed trends provide guidance for designing refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, which helps to ensure rapid dispersion of flammable concentrations in the event of a leak of flammable refrigerant. A second paper (Part II) discussed the development of numerical correlations, which are used in the resulting design procedure.  相似文献   

Mail Processing and Distribution Centers (P&DCs) run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are staffed by a skilled complement of full-time, part-time, and temporary employees. A recurrent problem faced by facility managers involves the development of daily schedules for the automation equipment used to process the mail. The ultimate goal is to minimize the labor costs associated with running the facility while ensuring that all service standards are met. The focus of this paper is on the equipment scheduling aspect of the problem. In particular, we seek a weekly schedule that satisfies all operational, technological, and legal constraints of the system at a minimum cost. The problem is modeled as a large-scale mixed-integer linear program and solved sequentially using a three-stage methodology. In each stage, a separate criterion is optimized and the corresponding objective function value is used as a constraint in subsequent stages. To ease the computational burden, two major enhancements are developed. The first is a pre-processor designed to reduce the number of integer variables; the second is a heuristic that uses the linear programming solution as a target and attempts to find a feasible integer point as close to it as possible. The methodology is demonstrated with data obtained from the Dallas P&DC. The computations indicate that for letter operations alone the annual savings will be on the order of $1.6 million per facility when the system is implemented nationwide over the next 3 years.  相似文献   

Validation in the definition adopted by a Joint FIP Committee means that every essential operation in the development, manufacture and control of pharmaceutical products is reliable, reproducible and capable of providing the desired product quality if stipulated production instructions and control procedures are followed.

A pre-requisite for, and an integral part of process-validation is that people, premises and equipment should be qualified. In other words, validation activities rely upon the check of technical and physical parameters when measuring devices are being calibrated, equipment is being qualified as well as on chemical, physical and biological parameters when processes are being Validated.

As we know, validation starts with planning a new plant, a new machine or equipment as well as with the development of a new or changed product.

This way of development from the laboratory trial and the clinical trial until the production phase has to guarentee the manufacture of products conforming to the desired profile.

According to a new draft guideline prepared by the FDA this year, drug products which are produced for clinical trials have to comply with the GMP - regulations. For example, the drug product must be produced in a qualified facility and the process must be validated. This means that manufacturing processes for clinical trials should be validated at the end of the development phase, as soon as processes are at least partially optimized, even if scaling up has not yet been completed.

The results of all development studies i.e. the use of equipment, the tolerances of physical parameters in the manufacturing process and the approved specification of starting materials being summarized in such a validations-report, the latter mostly seems to be an optimization-report. This can be of special value when scaling up in the production facility is completed.

As far as a sufficient number of clinical trials batches are manufactured according to an approved procedure this process can be validated prospectively. The results of this validation as well as the Know-how gained during optimization provide the basis for the validation of production conditions.

The organization of our validation activities in the manufacture of sterile and nonsterile drug products will be described in this presentation and some examples of process-validation will be given.  相似文献   

An influential factor affecting the efficiency of a manufacturing facility is its layout. In a production facility, measure for efficiency can be based on the total cost of transporting the items between different departments and throughout the facility. However, other factors may influence efficiency of the manufacturing facility too. As such are: supporting the organisation's vision through improved material handling, material flow and control; effectively assigning people, equipment, space and energy; minimising capital investment; adaptability and ease of maintenance; as well as providing for employee safety and job satisfaction. By incorporating health and safety measures in the initial design of a facility layout, the organisation may avoid money and manpower loss resulting from industrial accidents. This paper proposes a facility layout planning methodology which integrates the occupational health and safety (OHS) features in the early design of a facility layout. The model considers transportation cost in the facility as well as safety concerns. By this means, the OHS issues are reflected prior to the construction of a facility.  相似文献   

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