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国务院机关事务管理局房地产管理司随着经济的高速增长,建筑总量的不断攀升和居住舒适度的提高,建筑耗能量呈急剧上升趋势.据资料显示,我国政府机构能耗中建筑能耗占到70%以上,而其中大部分消耗在锅炉采暖和空调制冷中.为降低能源消耗,国务院机关事务管理局对中央国家机关锅炉采暖系统节能进行了积极探索,其在锅炉采暖系统节能诊断及改造中取得的经验值得研究、思考和借鉴.  相似文献   

"到2010年,中央国家机关用电消耗在2005年基础上,节电率达到20%,实现节电5600万度,折合15.5万吨标煤,减少4.1万吨CO2排放量……"上述目标仅仅是2007年5月国务院机关事务管理局下发的《关于进一步加强中央国家机关节能减排工作的通知》(下简称《通知》)中的节电目标.  相似文献   

1突出工作重点,抓好试点示范 一是深入抓好办公建筑节能.首先,要严格执行<公共建筑节能设计标准>,把好建筑设计关,加强新建建筑节能评审工作,逐步建立和完善全过程节能跟踪管理体系.其次,继续推进中央空调系统、采暖系统、照明及办公用电设备和围护结构的节能,认真组织节能诊断,有计划地开展节能改造,积极推广和应用节能降耗新技术、新产品、新材料,推进使用新能源和可再生能源.二是抓好公务车辆节能,降低油耗.  相似文献   

根据党中央、国务院关于建设节约型社会的战略部署和建设节约型机关的有关要求,国务院机关事务管理局(以下简称“国管局”)积极推进政府机构节能工程,已取得初步成效。为进一步加大节能技术与产品在中央国家机关节能项目中推广应用的力度,以科技进步推动节能降耗,国管局拟在全国范围内公开征集先进节能产品与技术,应用于中央国家机关节能改造工程项目和新建建筑项目。  相似文献   

根据党中央、国务院关于建设节约型社会的战略部署和建设节约型机关的有关要求,国务院机关事务管理局(以下简称“国管局”)积极推进政府机构节能工程,已取得初步成效。为进一步加强中央国家机关节能工作,以合同能源管理等市场化手段,推动中央国家机关节能降耗,国管局拟在全国范围内公开征集面向政府机构的能源服务单位,从事中央国家机关节能改造工作。  相似文献   

1月,启动了既有建筑节能诊断及改造工作; 2月,继续推进锅炉采暖系统节能; 5月,政府机构资源节约网页邮箱正式开通。  相似文献   

根据党中央、国务院关于建设节约型社会的战略部署和建设节约型机关的有关要求,国务院机关事务管理局(以下简称"国管局")积极推进政府机构节能工程,已取得初步成效.为进一步加大节能技术与产品在中央国家机关节能项目中推广应用的力度,以科技进步推动节能降耗,国管局拟在全国范围内公开征集面向政府机构的先进节能产品与技术,并形成产品名录向各使用单位推荐,应用于中央国家机关节能改造工程项目和新建建筑项目中.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(16):2075-2086
For more than a decade, electricity industries have been undergoing reform worldwide. However, there are various, sometimes contradictory, conclusions about the performance of these restructured electricity markets. Market performance depends largely on how each market participant responds to the market design — including market rules, market operational procedures, and information revelation. In this paper, we identify and examine the strategies adopted by generators in Australia's National Electricity Market, based on publicly available data for the period from May 1, 2002 to May 31, 2003. We try to understand and answer some basic questions like how generators respond collectively or individually to changes in market conditions (e.g. load changes) and why they behave in this way. The statistics calculated from the data show that wide variations in the frequency of strategic bidding and rebidding exist; that generators more frequently use capacity offers as a strategic tool than price offers; that large generating units are more likely to use capacity strategies to control market prices; and that generators are capable of responding to changes in market conditions.  相似文献   

Australia has been an early and enthusiastic adopter of both electricity industry restructuring and market-based environmental regulation. The Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) was established in 1999 and Australia also implemented one of the world's first renewable energy target schemes in 2001. With significant recent growth in wind generation, Australia provides an interesting case for assessing different approaches to facilitating wind integration into the electricity industry. Wind project developers in Australia must assess both potential energy market and Tradeable Green Certificate income streams when making investments. Wind-farm energy income depends on the match of its uncertain time varying output with the regional half hourly market price; a price that exhibits daily, weekly and seasonal patterns and considerable uncertainty. Such price signals assist in driving investments that maximize project value to the electricity industry as a whole, including integration costs and benefits for other participants. Recent NEM rule changes will formally integrate wind generation in the market's scheduling processes while a centralized wind forecasting system has also been introduced. This paper outlines experience to date with wind integration in the NEM, describes the evolution of market rules in response and assesses their possible implications for facilitating high future wind penetrations.  相似文献   

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