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于志和 《河北陶瓷》1997,25(3):33-36,40
毛孔釉疤是陶瓷生产中常见的主要缺陷之一,对产品质量影响很大,本文针对其产生原因做了深入分析,提出“釉坯的坯釉分离是产生毛孔轴疤的根本原因”这一新观点,对其形成过程做了细致的描述,认为毛孔、釉疤、水泡边,薄坯泡是同一类缺陷,并提供了克服方法和应用实例。  相似文献   

毛孔釉疤是陶瓷生产中常见的主要缺陷之一.对产品质量影响很大。本文针对其产生原因做了深入分析.提出“釉坯的还税分离是产生毛孔釉疤的根本原因”这一新观点,对其形成过程做了细致的描述,认为毛孔、釉疤、水泡边、薄坯泡是同一类缺陷.并提供了克服方法和应用实例。  相似文献   

问 :卫生陶瓷“釉泡”是怎样形成的 ?生产中采取什么措施可以预防和解决 ?答 :卫生陶瓷“釉泡”缺陷主要是由于产品烧结过程中需要排出大量气体所致。坯体在氧化分解阶段釉层熔化以前排除大量气体 ,釉面不会发生问题 ,若坯体来不及充分氧化就进入了烧成带高温区 ,这时釉层已熔化 ,封闭了坯体的气孔通道 ,坯体继续氧化分解排出的气体要冲破已熔化的釉层逸出 ,就可能发生“釉泡”缺陷。坯体即使在氧化分解阶段气体排出得很充分 ,到高温区仍有气体需要排出 ,已经熔化了的釉层被冲破后如果釉的高温粘度小 ,流动性好 ,被气体冲破的釉面仍然可以愈…  相似文献   

本发明本发明涉及建筑陶瓷技术领域,尤其涉及一种具有深刻凹凸纹理的陶瓷岩板及其制备方法,一种具有深刻凹凸纹理的陶瓷岩板的制备方法,包括以下步骤:A、将坯料通过辊压成型压制成坯体后进行一次干燥;B、打印模具墨水;C、喷涂数码面釉;D、将坯体进行二次干燥;E、在坯体表面按照预设图案打印颜色墨水和精雕墨水;F、在坯体表面打印亮光数码保护釉和哑光数码保护釉;G、将坯体进行三次干燥;H、将坯体入窑室烧制,抛光后获得具有深刻凹凸纹理的陶瓷岩板。本技术方案提出的一种具有深刻凹凸纹理的陶瓷岩板的制备方法及其制备方法,有利于在确保陶瓷岩板平整度的前提下提高岩板纹理的立体感、提升岩板的耐磨和防滑性能,操作性强。  相似文献   

一、前言开裂是陶瓷饮食器中最为常见的一种缺陷.W、舒马赫(1876年)以及稍后的H、西格指出产生开裂或剥落主要是由于釉和坯体的热膨胀不同,使釉内产生了应力.即当釉的热膨胀系数大于坯体,冷却时釉内产生拉伸应力而形成开裂.反之当釉的热膨胀系数过小,压缩应力超过一定程度时则形成剥落.然而实际情况是釉的抗压强度要比拉伸  相似文献   

问 :怎样才能解决釉面砖粘贴过程中出现的“透水黑心”缺陷 ?答 :釉面砖在施工粘贴时经常出现“透水黑心”缺陷 ,该缺陷容易使釉面砖产生吸湿膨胀 ,引起釉面产生后期龟裂或脱釉 ,直接影响了装饰效果。因此 ,近年来一些有影响的生产厂家都把“釉面透水”缺陷作为重点解决的质量问题。釉面砖粘贴过程中产生“透水黑心”缺陷的主要原因是 :釉面砖坯体与釉料在烧制过程中没有形成坯釉中间结合层 ,或者坯釉中间结合层形成不明显 ;底釉烧结不完全 ,坯釉烧成范围相差甚远 ,或釉料烧成时不能浸润坯体。解决问题的方案是使釉面砖坯体与釉层在烧制过程…  相似文献   

一、概况陶瓷工业中一般陶瓷坯体的表面施加一层或数层陶瓷釉料,在烧成过程中形成玻璃相,使烧成后的产品表面光滑、透明、美观、色泽五彩缤纷…….喷釉是对坯体施釉的一种主要方法.然而,喷釉过程中产生的雾状粉尘,特别是颜色釉粉尘既有毒又容易使人患矽肺病,对人体的毒害甚大,污染环境、影响文明生产.因此,必须对喷釉粉尘进行除尘处理,以达到净化气体、美化环境、文明生产的目的.  相似文献   

一、引言陶瓷坯体表面覆盖的釉层厚度通常仅为0.1~0.3毫米。釉层是不均质的玻璃层,除玻璃相以外还有多种微小的晶体和气泡。釉中的晶体一般可分为两类:一类是未熔化完的晶体,如石英晶体;另一类是冷却时的析晶。釉中的气泡主要是坯、釉料中原料分解产生的气体未及排尽所致,它们不是均匀分布在釉层中,而主要集中在坯体表面或釉的下层。坯中与釉接触处形成中间层,它的组成和坯体不同,同釉也有区别,其物理性质在坯、釉两者之间,它能缓和坯、釉膨胀系数的差异,并减少有害的应力,因而中间层的存在对增加产品的机械强度是有利的。中间层的形成和组成除了与坯、釉的组成有关  相似文献   

1 前言缺釉是指有釉制品表面局部无釉,在卫生瓷生产过程中是一种比较常见的缺陷。由于它是一种成瓷缺陷,除了弄清其成因并在生产过程中尽量避免外,对于无法避免的还须通过一定的技术手段进行处理。2 缺釉的成因釉料配方不当,不能形成良好的坯釉中间层,使得坯釉结合不良;釉料颗粒过细,釉浆不均匀;釉的高温粘度过高,流展性差;釉浆的添加剂不当;施釉时坯体表面沾有油污、灰尘等;施釉时坯体过热,釉面干燥后又受潮;釉层过厚;坯件在运送、装坯过程中釉面被碰掉。3 生产过程中的处理方法调整釉料配方,使坯釉结合良好或降低釉的高温粘度,增加釉的…  相似文献   

刘钦志 《江苏陶瓷》2010,43(2):37-38
利用陶瓷活性材料和添加剂等原料磨制成釉料施于坯体上,上釉的坯体釉层干燥后产生裂纹,经煅烧后釉层因张力大而收缩产生缩点现象,形成缩点釉。本文通过对原料的运用、施釉方法、施釉厚度、烧成制度等方面论述了缩点釉形成的机理。  相似文献   

This paper reports possibilities for use of nonconventional natural and synthetic raw materials in ceramic bodies and glazes.

Reactivity during the process of heating can be considered as a modern criterion for ceramic raw materials. A review of several types of alkali-containing rocks is made, which are more fusible than the common fluxes. The greater fluxing power of these raw materials compared to the traditional types provides for a higher rate of body sintering. As a result of this intensified process, a higher structural density and better mechanical strength of the bodies are achieved with shortened firing cycles. The introduction of more active fluxes reduces firing costs and allows economy of high quality traditional fluxing raw materials in the production of some tablewares, sanitary wares and faience tiles.

In combination with more reactive silicon-containing raw materials, the influence of the fluxes on sintering increases. This combined beneficial effect is experimentally confirmed in glaze frit melting and in the firing of glaze coatings. Investigations on these processes are discussed.

As a nonconventional raw material in the modern ceramic production, wollastonite can be considered. Since natural deposits of this valuable material are rarely found the use of synthetic wollastine is discussed. Obtaining an anorthite reaction phase in the ceramic bodies provides the formation of a compact and stable structure that permits firing in short and single cycle.  相似文献   

A glaze slip made from a mixture of porcelain clay and flux was melted at high temperatures to form an amorphous glaze layer on a ceramic body. All information about the raw materials and recipes of the glaze was lost in this process, leading to difficulties in the reconstruction of the ceramic-making process performed in ancient China. Herein, the refiring experiment was performed and the thermal dilatometer (DIL), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM) were utilized to investigate the crystallization behavior in the glazes of an underfired Jizhou tea bowl. The results showed that diopside, fluorapatite, and anorthite crystallized from the heterogeneous glaze slip, induced by the inhomogeneity of the raw materials and the incomplete mixing process, during the firing process in the glazes of the Jizhou tea bowl. All these crystals melted with increasing temperature, indicating the importance of the underfired samples in reconstructing the ancient ceramic-making technique. Diopside and fluorapatite could be potential fingerprints to identify the usage of botanic ash in the glaze recipes.  相似文献   

等静压成型日用瓷釉面针孔的显微结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对等静压成型素坯、釉层显微结构的观察与测试,探讨了釉中气泡与釉面针孔的关系。提出了降低釉面针孔的措施。  相似文献   

Even though copper slags have many possible applications, their disposal is still practiced, creating long-term waste management problems. This led to the investigation of new products for residential applications, taking advantages of the interesting chemical properties of copper slag. This study aims to assess the environmental impact of the use of copper slag as secondary raw material in a ceramic glaze composition and to compare it with a traditional glaze. A manufacturing process was designed, through an industrial scale up operation from experimental laboratory data and the entire life cycle of the products was analyzed using the Life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. Considering the production of a ceramic glaze containing copper slag, the most impacting process resulted the one related to frit production, due to the large amount of thermal energy necessary for the raw materials melting. The comparative LCA analysis carried out between the frit obtained from metallurgical slags and a traditional one, demonstrated that the innovative ceramic frit has a greater environmental advantage. The LCA analysis allowed to highlight the most impactful stages of an industrial process using copper slag as a secondary raw material for glaze production and to quantify the potential environmental advantages of this operation.  相似文献   

通过分析易结晶原料的性能特点,确立了合理的绒光釉配方及相应的工艺参数,探讨了釉料形成机理,研制出一种适合精陶及其它陶瓷产品的艺术釉-绒光釉。  相似文献   

李文伏  耿谦 《陶瓷》2007,(2):25-27
笔者在对辽宁锦州2种劣质粘土原料性能进行分析研究的基础上,采用正交原理优化设计出釉面砖坯料配方.再配以高强乳浊釉对其深色坯体进行有效遮盖,经生产实际运行.产品性能指标均达到企业标准要求,为当地产原料的开发和利用提供了一定的研究基础。  相似文献   

对钙质粘土及废弃的硫酸尾渣的性能进行分析研究的基础上,采用正交原理优化设计出釉面砖坯料配方,再配以高强乳 浊釉对其有效遮盖,经生产实际运行,产品指标均达到企业标准要求,为地产原料的研发和废弃尾渣的利用提供了一定 的研究基础。  相似文献   

陶瓷原料标准化和坯釉料商品化及其在我国的进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
高力明 《陶瓷学报》2006,27(1):103-108
本文在分析国外陶瓷原料标准化、系列化,坯釉料商品化、系列化发展历程的基础上,对国内开展这方面的工作提出了一些看法和建议,并对国内近年来的进展作了简要的介绍和评述,以期促进我国陶瓷原料加工工业的建立和完善。  相似文献   

The pollution of raw materials and ceramic products is a problem that affects all ceramic companies operating in the fields of traditional ceramics and thus needs to be further investigated. The presence of impurities in ceramic glaze and bodies, or between their contact surface, causes aesthetic defects.The aim of this work is to analyse ceramic flaws generated during the processing phases. Analysis of the morphological and compositional imperfections was carried out on different samples by the use of a Scanning Electron Microscope. An efficient model of the flaws in the final ceramic product was later developed, correlating imperfections and pollutants which caused them. In this way the phases of the process, where the pollution might occur, are successfully identified. In order to reach this goal, ceramic samples were created and contaminated in laboratory by the use of potential pollutants, previously and carefully selected in the planning phase of the study.  相似文献   

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