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The impact of energy loss mechanism by 100 MeV Au8 + ion on the dielectric parameters of Ni/oxide/n-GaP Schottky diode was studied under different fluences. The Schottky barrier height, donor ion concentration and interface states density of the diode were varied considerably under different ion fluence. The various dielectric parameters were altered significantly by the ion fluence. The reduction in dielectric constant after irradiation was ascribed to screening of space charge polarization due to reduction in interface states density. The relaxation peak of imaginary electric modulus indicates hopping type conduction mechanisms in the intermediate voltage range. The sensitive behavior of dielectric parameters with fluence dose was attributed to the alteration of interface state density due to high electronic energy loss of 100 MeV Au8 + ions at the interface.  相似文献   

The dielectric properties of Ni/n-GaP Schottky diode were investigated in the temperature range 140–300 K by capacitance–voltage (CV) and conductance–voltage (G/ωV) measurements. The effect of temperature on series resistance (Rs) and interface state density (Nss) were investigated. The dependency of dielectric constant (ε′), dielectric loss (ε′′), loss tangent (tan δ), ac conductivity (σac), real (M′) and imaginary (M′′) parts of the electric modulus over temperature were evaluated and analyzed at 1 MHz frequency. The temperature dependent characteristics of ε′ and ε′′ reveal the contribution of various polarization effects, which increases with temperature. The Arrhenius plot of σac shows two activation energies revealing the presence of two distinct trap states in the chosen temperature range. Moreover, the capacitance–frequency (Cf) measurement over 1 kHz to 1 MHz was carried out to study the effect of localized interface states.  相似文献   

The Ni/p-InP Schottky diodes(SDs) have been prepared by DC magnetron sputtering deposition. After the diode fabrication, they have been thermally annealed at 700 ℃ for 1 min in N2 atmosphere. Then, the current–voltage characteristics of the annealed and non-annealed(as-deposited) SDs have been measured in the measurement temperature range of 60–400 K with steps of 20 K under dark conditions. After 700 ℃ annealing,an improvement in the ideality factor value has been observed from 60 to 200 K and the barrier height(BH)value approximately has remained unchanged in the measurement temperature range of 200–400 K. The BH of the annealed diode has decreased obeying the double-Gaussian distribution(GD) of the BHs with decreasing measurement temperature from 200 to 60 K. The BH for the as-deposited diode has decreased with decreasing temperature obeying the single-GD over the whole measurement temperature range. An effective Richardson constant value of54:21 A/cm2K2 for the as-deposited SD has been obtained from the modified Richardson plot by the single-GD plot, which is in very close agreement with the value of 60 A/K2cm2 for p-type InP. The series resistance value of the annealed SD is lower than that of the non-annealed SD at each temperature and approximately has remained unchanged from 140 to 240 K. Thus, it can be said that an improvement in the diode parameters has been observed due to the thermal annealing at 700 ℃ for 1 min in N2 atmosphere.  相似文献   

Schottky contact lines are a type of microstrip on semiconducting substrata. The strip forms a rectifying metal-semiconductor interface, the Schottky contact. Schottky contact lines show interesting small-signal and large-signal properties, so far unknown in microwave IC-technology, due to the voltage-dependent capacitance per unit length.In this paper the small-signal transmission line properties are investigated. Formulas for the characteristic impedance and the propagation constant are given. Particular account is taken of the effect of varying external d.c. bias. measurements performed on microstrip lines with Al- and Au-Schottky contacts on n-type silicon are given.  相似文献   

In this study, the displacement current of Au/p-diamond Schottky contacts was studied by comparing them with low-Mg-doped p-GaN Schottky contacts. In the current–voltage (I–V) characteristics, the current was proportional to the voltage sweep speed at V >−1.5 V. The differential output waveform was obtained through AC operation. Therefore, the displacement current was dominant in the low voltage region where in the true current was extremely small due to the large Schottky barrier height of 1.57 eV. The memory effect, due to the charge and discharge of localized acceptor-type deep-level defects, was negligible in the I–V curve. A clear AC differential signal was confirmed. This suggested that the interface defect density of the p-diamond contacts was very small compared to the p-GaN contacts. Hence, p-diamond Schottky contacts were expected to be a good candidate for a key device such as a phase modulator in a wireless transmitter.  相似文献   

The effect of germanium content in a titanium film, as well as treatment methods and conditions, on the Schottky barrier height (φb) and the ideality factor (n) for Ti-Ge / GaAs contacts were investigated. It is shown that photon treatment provides better contacts than thermal treatment.  相似文献   

Calculations of specific contact resistance as a function of doping and barrier height were performed for p-type GaN. These calculations took into account two valence bands, each with different effective masses, and show that at low doping, the heavy hole band accounts for most of the conduction, whereas at heavier doping, the light hole band dominates conduction. These calculations also indicate the barrier height for typical contacts to p-GaN is between 0.75 eV and 1 eV. Specific contact resistance measurements were made for oxidized Ni/Au, Pd, and oxidized Ni/Pd ohmic contact metal schemes to p-GaN. The Ni/Pd contact had the lowest specific contact resistance, 6×10−4 Ω cm2. Auger sputter depth profile analysis showed some Ni diffused away from the GaN surface to the contact surface with the bulk of the Pd located in between two areas of Ni. Both Ni and Pd interdiffused with the GaN at the semiconductor surface. The majority of the oxygen observed was with the Ni as NiO. Angle-resolved-x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AR-XPS) analyses showed the formation of predominantly NiO and PdO species, with higher Ni and Pd oxides at the contact surface.  相似文献   

In this study, it has been investigated the electrical characteristics of identically prepared Al/p-InP Schottky diodes. The barrier heights (BHs) and ideality factors of all devices have been calculated from the electrical characteristics. Although the diodes were all identically prepared, there was a diode-to-diode variation: the effective barrier heights ranged from 0.83 ± 0.01 to 0.87 ± 0.01 eV, and the ideality factors ranged from 1.13 ± 0.02 to 1.21 ± 0.02. The barrier height vs. ideality factor plot has been plotted for the devices. Lateral homogeneous BH was calculated as a value of 0.86 eV from the observed linear correlation between BH and ideality factor, which can be explained by laterally inhomogeneities of BHs. The values of barrier height and free carrier concentration yielded from the reverse bias capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements ranged from 0.86 ± 0.04 to 1.00 ± 0.04 eV and from (3.47 ± 0.39) × 1017 to (4.90 ± 0.39) × 1017 cm−3, respectively. The mean barrier height and mean acceptor doping concentration from C-V characteristics have been calculated as 0.91 eV and 3.99 × 1017 cm−3, respectively.  相似文献   

The conditions under which Schottky contacts become ohmic are analyzed. Proceeding from classical concepts of the mechanisms of current flow, a generalized Schottky contact model is investigated. This model takes into account the thermionic current of majority charge carriers and the recombination current of minority carriers in Schottky contacts with a dielectric gap. Based on an analysis of the predictions of this model, ohmicity criteria are obtained for Schottky contacts and the conditions for a low injection level and the ohmicity of Si-based Schottky contacts are compared. It is shown that the conditions for Schottky-contact ohmicity do not coincide with those for pn junctions.  相似文献   

Detailed current-voltage and capacitance-voltage characteristics of low-pressure chemical vapor deposited (LPCVD) WSi2/n-Si Schottky contacts are reported in the temperature range of 21 to 170°C. The diode ideality factor n was found to decrease from a value of 1.46 to 1.15 as temperature was increased. Schottky barrier height φB, on the other hand, was found to increase from 0.72 to 0.86 V with temperature. These results suggest that diode characteristics are affected by surface and bulk effects, especially at lower temperatures. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses revealed isolated regions of oxynitride at the silicide/silicon interface that are predominantly located where silicide grain boundaries intersect the silicon surface  相似文献   

ITO/HgInTe肖特基的光电特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
碲铟汞Hg3In2Te6是(In2Te3)x-(Hg3Te3)1-x(x=0.5)的化合物,被称为缺陷相化合物.在表面运用透明电极可以得到很高的量子效率.为了克服形成肖特基后漏电流过大的影响,运用等离子增强化学气相沉积在碲铟汞表面形成氧化层.运用直流平面磁控溅射技术和热电子蒸发技术分别在单晶HgInTe表面形成了ITO(SnO2 In2O3)/HgInTe和In/HgInTe接触,利用I-V测试仪对其I-V特性进行测量,运用能带结构和异质结理论对测量的,I-V结果进行了描述,测量结果符合热电子发射理论.结果表明:ITO/HgInTe形成具有整流特性的肖特基接触,通过计算得到了ITO/HglnTe的肖特基势垒高度为0.506 eV,理想因子n为3.2,串联电阻Rs为2 600 Ω;In/HgInTe形成欧姆接触.并且发现了在波长1.55 μm处有很好的响应光谱,同时室温下峰值探测率D*λ达到了1011cm·Hz1/2·W-1.  相似文献   

The presented work describes the behaviour of contact structures of Ni/Ti type on 6H-SiC n-type prepared by the sputtering technology. Simultaneous deposition of Ni and Ti is better. Plasma cleaning improves adhesion of metals; however, contact resistivity is worse. The Ni(50)/Ti(th)-type metallization has the best electrical parameters at the titanium layer thickness of 100 nm. The XPS analysis shows that the annealing reactions consume about 75 nm or 120 nm of SiC in the case of the Ni + Ti or the Ni/Ti metallization, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive the I-V characteristics of Schottky contacts based on bulk metal to semiconductor quantum wires interfaces. The obtained results show that quantum confinement is a strong reduction of the reverse saturation current when compared to conventional Schottky contacts. Numerical simulations are carried out to highlight the advantages of using these proposed heterodimensional interfaces in applications involving low-noise photodetectors and low-leakage gate electrodes.  相似文献   

We have measured the I-V characteristics of Ti/n-GaAs Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) in the temperature range of 60-320 K by the steps of 20 K. The SBDs have been prepared by magnetron DC sputtering. The ideality factor n of the device has remained almost unchanged between 1.02 and 1.04 from 120 to 320 K, and 1.10 at 100 K. Therefore, it has been said that the experimental I-V data are almost independent of the sample temperature and quite well obey the thermionic emission (TE) model at temperatures above 100 K. Furthermore, the barrier height (BH) Φb0 slightly increased with a decrease in temperature, 320-120 K. The Φb0 versus temperature plot from intercepts of the forward-bias ln I versus V curves has given a BH temperature coefficient of α = −0.090 meV/K. The Norde’s function has been easily carried out to determine the temperature-dependent series resistance values because the TE current dominates in the I-V characteristics. Therefore, the Φb0 versus temperature plot from the Norde’s function has also given a BH temperature coefficient value of α = 0.089 meV/K. Thus, the negligible temperature dependence or BH temperature coefficient close to zero has been attributed to interface defects responsible for the pinning of the Fermi level because their ionization entropy is only weakly dependent on the temperature.  相似文献   

Atmospheric corrosion has vast consequences on the reliability of electronic connectors. This study determined the corrosion resistance of Ni/Ni–P plating metallurgy as a function of plating current density and plating thickness. Discrepancy was observed in the neutral salt spray (NSS) and mixed flowing gas (MFG) tests. Thicker Ni–P deposits displayed superior corrosion resistance in MFG tests while thinner Ni–P deposits performed better in NSS tests. This disparity was attributed to the intrinsic corrosion susceptibility of Ni–P against chlorine or sulfur assisted corrosion. Corrosion products were analysed for better understanding of the corrosion mechanism. NSS test produced green corrosion residues consisting of CuCl (nantokite) and CuCl2(OH)3 (clinoatacamite) and brown residues consisting of Cu2O (cuprite). MFG test produced sulfides of copper (major) and nickel (minor).  相似文献   

The properties of different rectifying metallizations (Al, Ti/Pt, WNx) on GaAs have been investigated for various surface preparation procedures. In particular, in situ hydrogen plasma treatments were used to remove residual surface contamination (mainly O and C) and a nitrogen plasma to grow a thin mixed nitride layer. Al and Ti/Pt Schottky diodes with an ideality factor very close to 1, but with reduced barrier height, were found after the H2 plasma as a consequence of H diffusion into GaAs. The Schottky barrier height was further reduced if a H2 + N2 plasma was performed. The N content in the sputtering environment during the WNx deposition affects the diode properties of plasma-treated WNx contacts. By increasing the N2 partial pressure, the diode barrier height is reduced, probably due to nitridization of the GaAs surface. Such differences disappear after annealing the diodes in arsine overpressure at 800°C. WNx contacts deposited under different conditions on H2 plasma treated substrates also show a similar Schottky barrier height after such annealing.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of Schottky barriers in n-InP made by incorporating a thin native oxide. An oxidation technique using nitric acid under illumination produces an oxide layer with uniform composition distribution within the layer. The growth rate is interpreted as being partially limited by diffusion presumably of oxygen through oxide. The Au Schottky barrier formed on a 40–80 Å thick oxide layer exhibits little degradation of the ideality factor n (1.04 < n < 1.10) and an increase of the barrier height by greater than 0.3 eV, resulting in at least a 10?4 times smaller reverse leakage current density, compared with conventional Au-InP barriers. The barrier height increase is analysed by a generalised model, and is found to be produced by the existence of fixed negative charges in the oxide layer. From the present analysis, a surface state density of 6.0 × 1012 cm?2 eV?1 and an equivalent surface density of negative charges of 2.8 × 1012 cm?2 are determined independently. The origins of these, particularly of the surface states, are considered in relation to the P vacancies at the oxide-InP interface.  相似文献   

Ni,Ti/4H-SiC肖特基势垒二极管   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用本实验室生长的4H-SiC外延片,分别用高真空电子束蒸Ni和Ti做肖特基接触金属,Ni合金作欧姆接触,SiO_2绝缘环隔离减小高压电场集边效应等技术,制作出4H-SiC肖特基势垒二极管(SBD)。该器件在室温下反向击穿电压大于600 V,对应的漏电流为2.00×10~(-6)A。对实验结果分析显示,采用Ni和Ti作肖特基势垒的器件的理想因子分别为1.18和1.52,肖特基势垒高度为1.54 eV和1.00 eV。实验表明,该器件具有较好的正向整流特性。  相似文献   

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