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This paper presents single event effect (SEE) characteristics of UC1845AJ pulse width modulators (PWMs) by laser testing. In combination with analysis to map PWM circuitry in the microchip dies, the typical SEE response waveforms for laser pulses located in different circuit blocks of UC1845AJ are obtained and the SEE mechanisms are analyzed. The laser SEE test results show that there are some differences in the SEE mechanisms of different circuit blocks, and phase shifts or changes in the duty cycles of few output pulses are the main SEE behaviors for UC1845AJ. In addition, a new SEE behavior which manifests as changes in the duty cycles of many output pulses is revealed. This means that an SEE hardened design should be considered.  相似文献   

李珺  齐伟 《信息技术》2021,(2):131-136
针对电力设备对直流供电电源的要求,采用可以有效抑制输出电压纹波与输出电流谐波的双脉宽调制方式为开关管的控制方法,在此基础上对采用该技术的DC-DC电源设计进行了研究.首先完成电源的方案设计,并对电源控制系统进行详细的理论分析与计算,最后通过对设计电源的动态响应速度、抗输入扰动能力与抗负载突变能力等指标的实验,对电源的设...  相似文献   

This paper introduces major characteristics of the single event latchup (SEL) in CMOS devices. We accomplish SEL tests for CPU and SRAM devices through the simulation by a pulse laser. The laser simulation results give the energy threshold for samples to undergo SEL. SEL current pulses are measured for CMOS devices in the latchup state, the sensitive areas in the devices are acquired, the major traits, causing large scale circuits to undergo SEL, are summarized, and the test equivalence between a pulse laser and ions is also analyzed.  相似文献   

This paper introduces major characteristics of the single event latchup(SEL) in CMOS devices.We accomplish SEL tests for CPU and SRAM devices through the simulation by a pulse laser.The laser simulation results give the energy threshold for samples to undergo SEL.SEL current pulses are measured for CMOS devices in the latchup state,the sensitive areas in the devices are acquired,the major traits,causing large scale circuits to undergo SEL,are summarized,and the test equivalence between a pulse laser and ions is also analyzed.  相似文献   

针对物理损伤的精确评估问题,分析了自相位调制(SPM)对群速度色散(GVD)的抑制或加强作用.基于它们共同对信号产生的影响,提出了考虑物理损伤联合影响的光信号脉宽模型,并将此模型应用到基于物理损伤感知的路由波长分配(IA-RWA)算法仿真中.仿真结果表明,综合考虑物理损伤的联合影响有利于准确规避损伤严重的路径,降低阻塞率.  相似文献   

朱超  孙万麟  宋莉莉 《电子设计工程》2015,23(4):158-160,164
脉冲数据采集系统是以单片机AT89S52为核心的八通道数据采集系统,该数据采集系统具有结构简单、原理清晰、功耗低、可靠性高等优点,能实现对多路模拟通道信号的数据采集与处理.并将采集的数据传送A/D转换电路,将非电信号转换为模拟信号,再由模拟信号再转化为数字信号并且通过数显器显示脉冲数据从而驱动控制电机.  相似文献   

基于峰值频率设计UWB脉冲的算法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据Rayleigh脉冲峰值频率与脉冲形状参数α、求导阶数n的关系提出了一种设计超宽带脉冲的新算法。不像其它算法只能设计出一个脉冲,本算法可以设计出无数个满足FCC频谱规划的脉冲,即能够求出所有满足条件的α值,并给出了α的取值范围。  相似文献   

This paper presents three new types of pulse quenching mechanism(NMOS-to-PMOS,PMOS-to-NMOS and NMOS-to-NMOS) and verifies them using 3-D TCAD mixed mode simulations at the 90 nm node. The three major contributions of this paper are:(1) with the exception of PMOS-to-PMOS,pulse quenching is also prominent for PMOS-to-NMOS and NMOS-to-NMOS in a 90 nm process.(2) Pulse quenching in general correlates weakly with ion LET,but strongly with incident angle and layout style(i.e.spacing between transistors and n-well contact area).(3) Compact layout and cascaded inverting stages can be utilized to promote SET pulse quenching in combinatorial circuits.  相似文献   

随着CMOS工艺继续缩小,单粒子瞬态脉冲已经成为航天用数字电路的重要故障来源。同时,相邻晶体管之间的电荷共享也随之增加并导致组合电路中单粒子瞬态脉宽缩短,即脉宽抑制效应。之前的文献提出了PMOS到PMOS的脉宽抑制,而本文提出了三种新的脉宽抑制机理(NMOS到PMOS,PMOS到NMOS和NMOS到NMOS),并且通过90纳米三维工艺混合仿真进行了验证。本文的贡献主要有以下三点:1)除了PMOS到PMOS的情况,90纳米工艺下脉宽抑制在PMOS到NMOS和NMOS到NMOS中同样比较明显;2)脉宽抑制效应总体上与粒子入射能量关系较弱,而与粒子入射角度和版图结构(晶体管间距和N阱接触)关系较强。3)紧凑的版图和级联反向单元可以用来促进组合电路中的单粒子瞬态脉宽抑制效应。  相似文献   

罗威  杨风  焦丽丽 《电子世界》2014,(19):28-28
目前,可控硅做为大功率电子器件在工程中得到广泛应用,其触发方式在许多交流设备中都采用过零触发方式,而其控制多通过对触发脉冲的脉宽调节来实现。本文介绍一种由单片机控制的过零检测及脉冲输出电路。本设计包括硬件和软件设计两部分。硬件部分包括电源电路、过零检测电路、控制电路、脉冲波输出电路等部分组成。处理器采用51单片机,设计完成了过零检测,并能输出脉宽度从1ms~10ms某一种满足控制要求的脉冲波。  相似文献   

An all-optical format conversion from non-return-to-zero(NRZ) to return-to-zero(RZ) is presented based on cross-phase modulation(XPM) in a silicon waveguide with a detuned optical bandpass filter(OBPF).The simulation results show that the tunable bandwidth of the OBPF leads to RZ signals with tunable pulse width.The conversion efficiency(CE) and the pattern effect of the RZ signal are attributed to the parameters of the pump pulse and the OBPF.The converted RZ signal exhibits lower timing jitter than the NRZ signal.  相似文献   

This paper puts forward a novel cognitive cross-layer design algorithms for multihop wireless networks optimization across physical,mediam access control(MAC),network and transport layers.As is well known,the conventional layered-protocol architecture can not provide optimal performance for wireless networks,and cross-layer design is becoming increasingly important for improving the performance of wireless networks.In this study,we formulate a specific network utility maximization(NUM)problem that we believe is appropriate for multihop wireless networks.By using the dual algorithm,the NUM problem has been optimal decomposed and solved with a novel distributed cross-layer design algorithm from physical to transport layers.Our solution enjoys the benefits of cross-layer optimization while maintaining the simplicity and modularity of the traditional layered architecture.The proposed cross-layer design can guarantee the end-to-end goals of data flows while fully utilizing network resources.Computer simulations have evaluated an enhanced performance of the proposed algorithm at both average source rate and network throughput.Meanwhile,the proposed algorithm has low implementation complexity for practical reality.  相似文献   

In this paper, the influence of microwave pulse width on the thermal burnout effect of a low noise amplifier (LNA) constructed by a GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (PHEMT) is theoretically analyzed and further verified with simulation and experimental results. By analyzing the electrical procedure and the thermal procedure, a theoretical model of the thermal burnout effect of the studied LNA is established according to the properties of microwave pulses and the structure of the LNA and GaAs PHEMT. Based on the theoretical model, the analytical relationship between the microwave pulse width and the thermal burnout power threshold is further obtained. According to the limitations caused by the approximations in the process of modeling, the available microwave pulse width range for the proposed analytical relationship is more than a nanosecond level and less than a microsecond level. The coefficients of the proposed analytical relationship can be determined by fitting at least two sets of simulation or experimental results, which can greatly reduce the simulation or experimental costs. Finally, the analytical relationship is verified by simulation and experimental results. The results show that the proposed analytical relationship is suitable to estimate the thermal burnout power threshold for a given microwave pulse width within the limit of microwave pulse width range.  相似文献   

本文讨论了强激光瞬间作用金属表面后金属表层特性的改变。分析和实验得出,通过控制入射激光功率密度和作用时间可以实现相交硬化及快速熔化——凝固处理。指出利用脉冲激光并选择适当的工艺参数可以有效地对金属工件进行表面处理以改进其硬度、耐磨及耐腐蚀等性能。  相似文献   

杨艳玲  苏珊 《电子测试》2013,(11):72-75
论文系统设计了包括太阳能电池板、充放电控制器控制蓄电池充放电、液晶显示电路、铅酸电池、逆变模块、直流电流逆变为交流电、负载供电的太阳能光伏发电小型系统。经性能指标测试,过压、过放、反接、短路等各种电路保护功能完好,能在液晶显示器上实时显示蓄电池的电压和放电电流值,逆变控制电路输出的正弦波交流电波形畸变小,电压、频率稳定。  相似文献   

论文系统设计了包括太阳能电池板、充放电控制器控制蓄电池充放电、液晶显示电路、铅酸电池、逆变模块、直流电流逆变为交流电、负载供电的太阳能光伏发电小型系统。经性能指标测试,过压、过放、反接、短路等各种电路保护功能完好,能在液晶显示器上实时显示蓄电池的电压和放电电流值,逆变控制电路输出的正弦波交流电波形畸变小,电压、频率稳定。  相似文献   

文章以51单片机为平台进行无线音乐门铃系统设计,选用STC89C51单片机作为主控芯片实现对系统的整体控制。经Proteus进行仿真测试后,发现该系统设计小巧,方便安装,具有实用价值。  相似文献   

针对医院患者静脉输液无人看守的情况,利用MCS-51单片机技术和步进电机设计了一种静滴速度自动检测和控制系统,该系统能够实时检测静滴的速度和流量,并进行远程控制。  相似文献   

提出并验证了一种基于光电倍增管单光子脉冲高 度分布的多比特光量子随机源。将紫外LED发出 的光衰减成离散的单光子序列,光电倍增管探测到的单光子后,输出脉冲幅度随机分布的单 光子脉冲,通 过数字化单光子脉冲的峰值作为熵源来提取随机数,实现了一个单光子事件产生多个随机比 特位。为减小 所提取原始随机数存在的偏差,提出并实现了基于FPGA的SHA-256后 处理方法。光量子随机源工作在 500kc/s时,平均每个探测光子可提取7bit随机位,获得了3.5Mbit/s的随机位产生速率。运用随机性 测试程序ENT和STS对所获的随机位序列进行测试,测试结果表明,序列的随机性满足真随机 数的标准。  相似文献   

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