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The interline power flow controller (IPFC) and the generalized unified power flow controller (GUPFC) are two innovative configurations of the convertible static compensator (CSC) of FACTS. In this paper, direct modeling of the practical series or/and shunt operating inequality constraints of the IPFC and the GUPFC in power flow calculations are presented. Special initialization of a solution with the IPFC and GUPFC is also derived. Furthermore, an impedance compensation technique is proposed to deal with the numerical instability or the numerical difficulty of the IPFC and GUPFC models when either their coupling transformer impedances are too small or they are transformer-less controllers. Condition number analysis of the Newton power flow equations is given to get insights of the numerical instability of the voltage sourced models of the IPFC and GUPFC with small impedances. Numerical examples are given based on the IEEE 118-bus system, IEEE 300-bus system and a large scale system with 1000-buses.  相似文献   

线间潮流控制器(IPFC)能实现线路间的潮流转移和分配,可用于解决电力系统中潮流不均引起的一系列问题,具有较大的应用潜力和价值。为评估IPFC工程应用价值,需实现含IPFC的大系统潮流计算,但目前我国多用于电网规划设计的大型电力系统分析软件中没有开发IPFC模型。为解决上述问题,提出了一种基于Matlab与PSD-BPA的含IPFC电力系统的联合潮流计算方法。首先推导了IPFC功率注入模型的数学表达式,并设计了Matlab与BPA联合潮流计算的计算框架,由Matlab进行IPFC求解计算,BPA进行大电网潮流计算,通过数据交换接口完成两种仿真软件的交互与交替求解。进一步对IPFC功率注入模型进行改进,提出了一种基于PI控制器的变步长潮流迭代策略提高了计算方法的收敛性。以南通西北片电网为例,对提出方法进行了仿真验证,计算结果表明了提出方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

In recent years, the Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers have been widely used to enhance the controllability, security and flexibility in power transmission networks. Interline power flow controller (IPFC) is a versatile member of FACTS devices that can be used to control the power flow in multiple lines in network. Modeling of IPFC with handling its operating constraints is an important issue to determine the practical capabilities of this device. This paper presents a simple modeling with strategies for handling all operating constrains of IPFC in Newton–Raphson (NR) load flow algorithm. The various operating constraints such as; the injected series voltages, injected line currents passing through the converters and exchanged powers among the series converters are investigated. The developed IPFC model with these constraints is validated using standard IEEE 30-bus and IEEE 118-bus test systems.  相似文献   

分布式潮流控制器(distributed power flow controller, DPFC)具有很好的潮流调控性能和安装运维便捷性,已在国内外多个工程进行示范应用。为分析DPFC的阻尼作用机理,基于简单电力系统,构建了含DPFC的系统方程。以表征DPFC子单元对系统调制深度的DPFC输出电压幅值和相角为控制变量,推导了含DPFC简单电力系统的线性化状态方程。构建了DPFC输出电压幅值和相角对系统发电机的电角速度增量、交轴暂态电动势以及强制空载电动势控制作用的表达式。提出了DPFC具备阻尼转速变化能力的判据,得出了当DPFC总输出电压往容性电压方向增大时,系统阻尼也会随之增大的结论。在DPFC输出电压控制环节的基础上,设计了基于相位补偿的DPFC附加阻尼控制器。仿真结果验证了所提方法可以将发散的振荡在较短时间内有效拉回新的稳定点。  相似文献   

In this paper, comprehensive modelling of the unified power flow controller (UPFC) for power flow, voltage, angle and impedance controls is presented. The control modes include some thirteen different power flow, voltage, angle and impedance control functions. The similarities and differences between some of the control modes and those of traditional transformers and series compensation devices are also discussed. The control modes were successfully implemented in a Newton power flow algorithm. Numerical examples are given on the IEEE 30-bus system and the IEEE 118-bus system to illustrate the feasibility and the performance of the Newton power flow algorithm.  相似文献   

直流潮流控制器是直流电网潮流分析与控制领域的研究热点,一般安装在枢纽换流站的直流母线处,能够有效提高直流电网的潮流控制自由度。在交直流混合系统中加入直流潮流控制器并在直流电网中建模,把网络损耗、静态电压稳定指标和电压偏移量作为优化目标进行潮流优化,依据优化结果协调换流站和直流潮流控制器分步调整交直流系统潮流,实现了换流站和直流潮流控制器的协调控制。利用所提出的协调控制方法可使系统从某个状态安全稳定地过渡到另一个状态,在提升系统经济效益的同时,也可以减小网络损耗、电压偏移量,提高静态电压稳定裕度。利用Matlab对混合系统进行潮流优化,以一个五端混合系统为例,验证该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

由于矩阵变换器的优越电气性能,将其应用于统一潮流控制器中,相对传统的统一潮流控制器,减小了体积和成本,具有良好的输入输出电气特性。通过对国内外相关文献报道,从三个方面简介了有关基于矩阵变换器的统一潮流控制器的研究:矩阵变换器;统一潮流控制器模型及其控制;基于矩阵变换器的统一潮流控制器应用研究。  相似文献   

模块化多电平换流器(MMC)与平衡变压器相结合的潮流控制器(PFC),可节省传统牵引供电系统中的匹配变压器,满足高压大功率的应用。首先介绍了系统工作原理,重点研究了其中单相MMC背靠背换流器两端的补偿电流。提出了一种综合控制策略,包括变流器两端补偿电流的提取算法,子模块电容电压均衡控制,环流抑制策略以及PWM调制方法。最后在Matlab/Simulink中搭建了系统模型,分别对交直交型电力机车的牵引和再生制动工况进行仿真,验证了所提控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

一种新型的UPFC控制策略设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对给定的UPFC的控制目标,提出了一种在全论域范围内带有自调整因子的变间距模糊交互控制策略,并将其应用于UPFC的控制系统设计中,减少了多个调整因子寻优的复杂性,克服了等间距模糊量化在提高系统稳态精度和提高系统的动态性能之间存在的矛盾以及解耦控制在电力线运行点不确定的情况下很难做到精确解耦的缺点。并对含有UPFC的单机无穷大系统进行了仿真研究,仿真结果表明所设计的UPFC控制系统可以有效地控制线路潮流、节点电压和UPFC直流侧电容电压,并且响应速度快、超调小、控制精度高、鲁棒性强。  相似文献   

通过对常规节点附加注入法和常规牛顿法的剖析比较,得出了常规节点附加注入法收敛性存在问题的主要原因在于等效附加注入项处理得不够全面。在此基础上,提出了改进的节点附加注入法,该方法在潮流方程的节点功率不平衡量中引入新的修正项,使潮流的收敛性得到改善。另外,针对常规节点附加注入PQ分解法的线性收敛特性,应用斯梯芬算法或埃特金δ2加速收敛手续对其进行加速处理,使算法的收敛性在一定程度上也得到了进一步改善,并使计算效率得到比较明显的提高。算例分析结果说明了上述两种方法的良好效果。  相似文献   

为适应配电网多线路的潮流调节需求,进一步提高潮流调控能力和响应速度,文中提出一种新型配电网多线路混合式统一潮流控制器(multi-line hybrid unified power flow controller for distribution network, D-MHUPFC)。D-MHUPFC由Sen变压器、统一潮流控制器(unified power flow controller, UPFC)和混合式有载分接开关组成,能够快速调节配电网多线路潮流。相较于传统调节方式,D-MHUPFC具有结构紧凑、响应快速、经济性好和可靠性高等优点。文中结合ZIP负荷模型,推导计及D-MHUPFC的多线路潮流方程,优化其协同控制策略,并搭建10 kV配电网仿真平台验证其可行性。结果显示,D-MHUPFC及其控制策略能在0.15 s内快速调节多线路潮流,转移过载功率,提高断面输电极限。D-MHUPFC能够解耦控制有功功率和无功功率,补偿误差小于1%,具有和UPFC相当的潮流调节能力。  相似文献   

针对直流微电网互联变换器提出一种能根据两端直流母线电压判断自身传输功率方向与大小的智能控制策略。该策略首先将两个直流微电网之间的互联变换器作为微电网潮流控制器(MicrogridPowerFlowController,MPFC)来控制互联线路上的潮流。然后提出一种微网自适应功率下垂控制方法使MPCF与分布式储能协同控制直流母线电压。最后使用Matlab/Simulink仿真验证该控制方法能够有效提高系统的稳定性和效率,并且能够减小因不需要的功率流动所带来的功率损耗及储能的充放电次数。  相似文献   

针对高速电气化铁路领域中存在的负序、谐波与电分相问题,提出了一种基于双星型多电平潮流控制器与YNvd平衡变压器的新型铁路同相供电系统。该双星型多电平潮流控制器为交交变换结构,由四个多电平级联型H桥子模块链节组成,无需直流母线电容。与潮流控制器两端均通过降压隔离变压器连接于变压器二次侧的传统作法不同,该系统将双星型多电平潮流控制器的一侧连接于YNvd平衡变压器二次侧?相分接头,减少了一个降压隔离变压器的成本。分析了该同相供电系统的拓扑结构与工作原理,提出了一种综合控制策略,最后通过仿真验证了所提方案的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

统一潮流控制器(unified power flow controller, UPFC)、静止同步串联补偿器(static synchronous series compensator, SSSC)、可控串联补偿装置(thyristor controlled series compensation, TCSC)和移相器(phase-shifting trans former, PST)能够调节线路参数、灵活控制潮流变化,均已在国内外电网中实现工程应用,对均衡输电通道潮流、提升供电能力有重要作用。文中对UPFC、SSSC、TCSC和PST的理论研究和工程实践进行了综述。首先,分析了4种潮流控制装置的基本结构和控制原理,并介绍了国内外已投运工程的运行情况;其次,从结构、换流器技术、选址定容、控制策略、故障保护5个方面对潮流控制装置的关键技术研究现状进行概述;最后,展望了潮流控制装置在未来电网中的典型应用场景,并对潮流控制技术的研究方向进行了分析。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a hybrid discontinuous control methodology for a voltage source converter (VSC), which is used in an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) application. The UPS controls the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC). An LC filter is connected at the output of the VSC to bypass switching harmonics. With the help of both filter inductor current and filter capacitor voltage control, the voltage across the filter capacitor is controlled. Based on the voltage error, the control is switched between current and voltage control modes. In this scheme, an extra diode state is used that makes the VSC output current discontinuous. This diode state reduces the switching losses. The UPS controls the active power it supplies to a three-phase, four-wire distribution system. This gives a full flexibility to the grid to buy power from the UPS system depending on its cost and load requirement at any given time. The scheme is validated through simulation using PSCAD.  相似文献   

相间功率控制器(IPC)在电力系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展迅速的柔性交流输电及其控制器技术(FACTS)已被国内外普遍认为是新型有效的输电技术。除了其技术概念和技术规范取得新进展外,控制器技术也在快速发展着。其中的相间功率控制器IPC(Interphase Power Controller)能有效地控制线路潮流,提高线路输送功率或用于设备增容,限制短路电流。从IPC的基本原理和结构出发,研究了IPC的主要系统应用及在国外的研究和应用情况,IPC在未来互联电网中的可能工程布点,着重对IPC在联网中的可能应用进行了研究,并得出初步的结论。  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper, a new approach to the reduction of large dynamic network models is presented. This method is implemented in the program package PSD and is used here in an exemplary fashion to reduce the model of the European power system to a model usable for the solution of a number of problems. In the second part, the paper describes a new damping concept of inter-area oscillations in large power systems. Additionally installed second-level damping controllers are acting on the voltage regulator reference inputs of selected generators. They are using global information about the swing profiles of the inter-area oscillations to be damped. The damping controllers are designed as a H-norm optimal decentral control system based on both a topological and a frequency range decomposition of the control task. The solution is demonstrated for the reduced model of the European system. Received: 30 April 2001/Accepted: 8 June 2001  相似文献   

近些年,随着波动性与间歇性新能源电源的大规模接入,具有成本效益与功能强大优势的分布式潮流控制器(Distributed Power Flow Controllers,DPFC)在国内外逐步得到关注,并有多个工程项目相继投产运行。为提高DPFC运行的安全可靠性,结合DPFC的组成结构,研究了DPFC运行时可能发生的故障类型,并构建了各故障类型对应的等效电路。基于等效电路模型,分析并提取了串联耦合变压器故障、IGBT器件故障、触发信号丢失/直流电源损坏等故障情况下DPFC装置子模块的外在表现特征。结合故障特征与DPFC的启停动作时序,提出了DPFC的保护配置方案,并提出了DPFC变压器过压、直流电容过流、直流电容过压以及直流电容失压的保护策略。基于PSCAD/EMTDC构建了含DPFC的电磁暂态模型。仿真结果表明,所提保护配置方案及保护策略可以有效兼顾DPFC多种故障保护的需求。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the stability analysis of a rotary power flow controller (RPFC). RPFC is a newly presented flexible alternating current transmission system device based on the rotary phase shifting transformer (RPST) configuration. This device comprises a shunt and a series transformer and two RPSTs. In this paper, a linear model is developed for RPFC in the dq‐reference frame. The model includes two RPSTs, shunt, and series transformers. Stability of the device is studied using eigenvalues of the state matrix. Effects of system parameters such as resistance, reactance, and phase difference of the shunt and series transformers and RPSTs on stability are investigated using eigenvalue sensitivity analysis. Simulation results using PSCAD/EMTDC software and analytical results based on eigenvalue analysis are presented to evaluate effects of different parameters on stability of RPFC. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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