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Kasra Momeni 《Acta Mechanica》2014,225(9):2549-2562
A multiscale approach is pursued to develop a shear-lag model in combination with core–surface and core–shell models for capturing size-scale effect on mechanical properties of ZnO nanowire (NW)-reinforced nanocomposites. Surface effects are represented by a zero-thickness (finite-thickness) surface with different elastic modulus from the central part of NW. The molecular dynamics technique is utilized for calculating thickness of the shell in the core–shell model. Linear elasticity for an axisymmetric problem and the cylindrical coordinate system is used to find the closed form of governing equations. The effect of different parameters, including diameter and aspect ratio of NWs, is studied to demonstrate the application of the developed model. Numerical results disclose that NWs with a larger aspect ratio and a smaller diameter can carry a larger portion of applied stress and are preferable in designing high-performance nanocomposites. This result is in agreement with the reported computational and experimental data.  相似文献   

We comparatively calculate the Young’s moduli of the pristine and the hydrogen passivated ZnO nanowires using the first-principles approaches. It is found that the pristine nanowire has the higher Young’s modulus, but the corresponding hydrogen passivated nanowire has the lower Young’s modulus than that of bulk ZnO. The physical origin of the opposite tendency can be attributed to both the different surface relaxations of the two kinds of ZnO nanowires and the core nonlinear effect.  相似文献   

于灵敏  朱长纯  商世广  潘金艳 《功能材料》2007,38(10):1569-1571
利用物理热蒸发法制备大规模的蒲公英状的ZnO纳米锥,利用荧光光谱仪对ZnO纳米锥进行了光致发光性能测试.针对现有的丝网印刷碳纳米管(CNTs)薄膜需要各种后处理工艺后才能改善其场发射特性的问题,提出了一种不需任何后处理丝网印刷ZnO纳米锥的浆料配制工艺.用该工艺制备的丝网印刷ZnO纳米锥的场发射特性测试表明,ZnO纳米锥与制浆剂质量比为3∶5的薄膜的开启场强最低为2.25V/μm(电流密度为1μA/cm2),在4.6V/μm场强下,阳极荧光粉的发光点亮度高且分布均匀.说明该方法成本低,工艺简单,无需任何后处理,在ZnO纳米锥场发射显示器的制作中有很好的实际应用价值.  相似文献   

Huang JY  Zheng H  Mao SX  Li Q  Wang GT 《Nano letters》2011,11(4):1618-1622
The deformation, fracture mechanisms, and the fracture strength of individual GaN nanowires were measured in real time using a transmission electron microscope-scanning probe microscope (TEM-SPM) platform. Surface mediated plasticity, such as dislocation nucleation from a free surface and plastic deformation between the SPM probe (the punch) and the nanowire contact surface were observed in situ. Although local plasticity was observed frequently, global plasticity was not observed, indicating the overall brittle nature of this material. Dislocation nucleation and propagation is a precursor before the fracture event, but the fracture surface shows brittle characteristic. The fracture surface is not straight but kinked at (10-10) or (10-11) planes. Dislocations are generated at a stress near the fracture strength of the nanowire, which ranges from 0.21 to 1.76 GPa. The results assess the mechanical properties of GaN nanowires and may provide important insight into the design of GaN nanowire devices for electronic and optoelectronic applications.  相似文献   

The mechanical and field-emission properties of individual ZnO nanowires,grown by a solid-vapour phase thermal sublimation process,were studied in situ by transmission electron microscopy(TEM)using a home-made TEM specimen holder.The mechanical resonance is electrically induced by applying an oscillating voltage,and in situ imaging has been achieved simultaneously.The mechanical results indicate that the elastic bending modulus of individual ZnO nanowires were measured to be~58 GPa.A nanobalance was buil...  相似文献   

A comprehensive theoretical investigation on the electronic and magnetic properties of V-doped and H-passivated ZnO nanowires (NWs) was performed using spin-polarized density functional theory. The magnetic couplings of six configurations of V-doped ZnO NWs are studied in detail and stable ferromagnetism (FM) ordering is found in certain configurations. The FM mechanism originated from the strong hybridization of V 3d and O 2p around the Fermi level. Our results show that the uniaxial strain is an effective method to tune the magnetic properties of this material system. Room temperature ferromagnetism in these V-doped ZnO NWs indicates that these materials have a promising application in nanoscale spintronics.  相似文献   

Atomistic simulations are used to investigate the mechanical properties of copper nanowires (NWs) along 〈1 0 0〉, 〈1 1 0〉 and 〈1 1 1〉 crystallographic orientations under tensile loading at different temperatures. The inter-atomic interactions are represented by employing embedded-atom potential. To identify the defects evolution and deformation mechanism, a centrosymmetry parameter is defined and implemented in the self-developed program. The simulations show that Cu NWs in different crystallographic orientations behave differently in elongation deformations. The stress–strain responses are followed by a particular discussion on yield mechanism of NWs from the standpoint of dislocation moving. Generally, the study on the incipient plastic deformation will be helpful to further understanding of the mechanical properties of nanomaterials. In addition, the Young’s modulus decreased linearly with the increase of temperature. The crystal structure is less stable at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Vertically aligned ZnO nanowires were synthesized on a sapphire ([Formula: see text]) substrate by vapour deposition and their light-emitting properties were characterized using photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence spectroscopies. Besides the nanowires, there exists a mosaic ZnO film on the substrate surface. Comparison of the luminescent properties of the as-grown ensemble and the nanowires extracted from it shows that the mosaic film is the major source of the defect-related green emission while the nanowires possess highly crystalline quality with virtually no defects. Photoemission spectroscopy shows that the valence band states associated with O 2p from the as-grown sample are diminished compared with those from the extracted nanowires. These findings suggest that the green emission partly arises from oxygen vacancies located on the surface of the mosaic film.  相似文献   

Xiying Ma 《Thin solid films》2012,520(17):5752-5755
We present a study of the ferromagnetic properties of Gd doped ZnO nanowires (Nws) fabricated by means of a chemical vapor deposition process. The sample was grown with a Gd mole ratio 5% in a mixed Zn/Mn source under a constant O2/Ar gas mixture flowing at 580 °C followed by annealing at 800 °C. We found that the magnetic properties of ZnO:Gd Nws are a function of the external magnetic field and temperature. An average value of the moment per Gd atom is as high as 3278 μB as compared to its atomic moment of 8 μB, showing that the ZnO:Gd Nws are an intrinsic diluted magnetic semiconductor. The unprecedented colossal moment is attributed to the effective Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida exchanging interaction.  相似文献   

Liu X  Zhu J  Jin C  Peng LM  Tang D  Cheng H 《Nanotechnology》2008,19(8):085711
Novel 4H structure silver nanowires (4H-AgNWs) have been reported to coexist with the usual face-centered cubic (FCC) ones. Here we report the electrical properties of these polytypic AgNWs for the first time. AgNWs with either 4H or FCC structures in the diameter range of 20-80?nm were measured in situ inside a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Both kinds of AgNW in the diameter range show metallic conductance. The average resistivity of the 4H-AgNWs is 19.9?μΩ?cm, comparable to the 11.9?μΩ?cm of the FCC-AgNWs. The failure current density can be up to ~10(8)?A?cm(-2) for both 4H-and FCC-AgNWs. The maximum stable current density (MSCD) is introduced to estimate the AgNWs' current-carrying ability, which shows diameter-dependence with a peak around 34?nm in diameter. It is attributed to fast annihilation of the current-induced vacancies and the enhanced surface scattering. Our investigations also suggest that the magnetic field of the electromagnetic lens may also introduce some influence on the measurements inside the TEM.  相似文献   

By adding carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into medium temperature coal tar pitch, mesocarbon microbeads (MCMBs) were obtained via thermal condensation, then CNTs/MCMBs composites were in situ prepared using compression molding. The morphology, structure and mechanical properties of CNTs/MCMBs composites were characterized by optical microscope, digital camera, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and mechanical test machine. Results showed that CNTs were used as the nucleating agent and could inhibit the growth and coalescence of MCMBs. The optical textures of CNTs/MCMBs composites showed similar characteristics to the thermal condensation products from coal tar pitch with CNTs. The mass ratio of CNTs to coal tar pitch played an important role in the mechanical properties of CNTs/MCMBs composites. The density and bending strength of CNTs/MCMBs composite first increased and then decreased with the increase of the proportion of CNTs. When the proportion of CNTs was 5 wt%, the density of the composite reached the maximum (1.76 g/cm3). In addition, the bending strength of the composite reached the maximum (79.6 MPa) as adding 2 wt% CNTs into coal tar pitch.  相似文献   

Mn掺杂ZnO纳米线的拉曼散射和光致发光特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同Mn掺杂含量的ZnO纳米线在室温条件下的拉曼散射和光致发光性能,发现Mn掺杂入ZnO后引入了部分应力,在其拉曼光谱中表现出拉曼峰的位置发生偏移,Mn的掺杂含量越高,峰偏移得越明显.Mn的掺杂对ZnO纳米线的发光性能也有影响,尽管掺杂后仍保持有较为明显的紫外发光峰,但是,随着Mn含量的增加,紫外发光峰的强度降低,并且半峰宽逐渐增大.此外,Mn的掺杂明显地改变了ZnO紫外发光峰的位置.  相似文献   

A systematic experimental and theoretical investigation of the elastic and failure properties of ZnO nanowires (NWs) under different loading modes has been carried out. In situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) tension and buckling tests on single ZnO NWs along the polar direction [0001] were conducted. Both tensile modulus (from tension) and bending modulus (from buckling) were found to increase as the NW diameter decreased from 80 to 20 nm. The bending modulus increased more rapidly than the tensile modulus, which demonstrates that the elasticity size effects in ZnO NWs are mainly due to surface stiffening. Two models based on continuum mechanics were able to fit the experimental data very well. The tension experiments showed that fracture strain and strength of ZnO NWs increased as the NW diameter decreased. The excellent resilience of ZnO NWs is advantageous for their applications in nanoscale actuation, sensing, and energy conversion.   相似文献   

In this letter, effect of Pb-doping on the electrical and optical properties of the as grown ZnO nanowires (NWs) have been investigated. The microstructural investigations show that the Pb-dopant substituted into wurtzite ZnO nanowires without forming any secondary phase. The amount of contents and valence state of Pb ions has been investigated through energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray photospectroscopy. The doped nanowires show a remarkable reduction of 15.3 nm (127.4 meV) in the optical band gap, while an increase amount of deep-level defects transition in visible luminescence. Furthermore, the reduction in the band gap and the presence of deep-level defects induces strong effect in the electrical resistivity of doped NWs, which makes their potential for the fabrication of nanodevices. The possible growth mechanism is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Kushima A  Liu XH  Zhu G  Wang ZL  Huang JY  Li J 《Nano letters》2011,11(11):4535-4541
The lithiation reaction of single ZnO nanowire (NW) electrode in a Li-ion nanobattery configuration was observed by in situ transmission electron microscopy. Upon first charge, the single-crystalline NW was transformed into a nanoglass with multiple glassy nanodomains (Gleiter, H. MRS Bulletin2009, 34, 456) by an intriguing reaction mechanism. First, partial lithiation of crystalline NW induced multiple nanocracks ~70 nm ahead of the main lithiation front, which traversed the NW cross-section and divided the NW into multiple segments. This was followed by rapid surface diffusion of Li(+) and solid-state amorphization along the open crack surfaces. Finally the crack surfaces merged, leaving behind a glass-glass interface (GGI). Such reaction front instability also repeated in the interior of each divided segment, further subdividing the NW into different nanoglass domains (nanoamorphization). Instead of the profuse dislocation plasticity seen in SnO(2) NWs (Science2010, 330, 1515), no dislocation was seen and the aforementioned nanocracking was the main precursor to the electrochemically driven solid-state amorphization in ZnO. Ab initio tensile decohesion calculations verified dramatic lithium embrittlement effect in ZnO, but not in SnO(2). This is attributed to the aliovalency of Sn cation (Sn(IV), Sn(II)) in contrast to the electronically more rigid Zn(II) cation.  相似文献   

Crabwise ZnO nanowires with an average length of 5 microm and an average diameter of 30 nm were selectively grown on ZnO:Ga/glass templates. Cathodoluminescence measurement indicated that the crystal quality of the crabwise ZnO nanowires was good. With an applied voltage of 120 V, the crabwise ZnO nanowire field emitters gave an emission current of 0.1 mA/cm2. Moreover, the field enhancement factor, beta, of the crabwise ZnO nanowires was approximately 980.  相似文献   

Based on molecular dynamics method, an atomistic simulation scheme for damage evolution and failure process of nickel nanowires is presented, in which the inter-atomic interactions are represented by employing the modified embedded atom potential. Extremely high strain rate effect on the mechanical properties of nickel nanowires with different cross-sectional sizes is investigated. The stress–strain curves of nickel nanowires at different strain rates subjected to uniaxial tension are simulated. The elastic modulus, yield strength and fracture strength of nanowires at different loading cases are obtained, and the effect of strain rate on these mechanical properties is analyzed. The numerical results show that the stress–strain curve of metallic nanowires under tensile loading has the trend identical to that of routine polycrystalline metals, and the yield strain of nanowires is independent of the strain rate and cross-sectional size. Based on the simulation results, a set of quantitative prediction formulas are obtained to describe the strain rate sensitivity of nickel nanowires on the mechanical properties, and the resulting formulas of the Young’s modulus, yield strength and fracture strength of nickel nanowires exhibit a linear relation with respect to the logarithm of strain rate. Furthermore, some comprehensive correlation equations revealing both the strain rate and size effects on mechanical properties of nickel nanowire are proposed through the numerical fitting and regression analysis, and the mechanical behaviors observed in this study are consistent with those from the experimental and available numerical results.  相似文献   

Bera A  Basak D 《Nanotechnology》2011,22(26):265501
ZnO nanowires (NWs) have been decorated with Pd nanoparticles of sizes less than 10 nm (Pd-ZnO NWs) via a chemical solution route. The microstructural characterizations have been done using field emission scanning electron and high-resolution transmission electron microscopes. The effects of attaching Pd nanoparticles to the walls of ZnO NWs have been investigated by studying the ultraviolet (UV) photosensitivity and photoluminescence (PL) properties. The surface-modified NWs show a UV photosensitivity more than double and a response seven times faster compared to the bare NWs. The photocarrier relaxation under the steady UV illumination condition is quite different in Pd-ZnO NWs. The higher and faster photosensitivity has been explained on the basis of photocarrier transfer from the conduction band of ZnO to the Fermi level of Pd and subsequent electron trapping by the adsorbed O(2) molecules on the NWs' surface, which have been presented through a proposed model. The PL spectrum of Pd-ZnO NWs shows that the intensities of the band-edge and defect-related emissions decrease and increase, respectively, due to Pd anchoring, the effect being pronounced as the density of Pd nanoparticles increases.  相似文献   

The low-energy hydrogen ions (2 keV; 1 × 1015 to 1 × 1018 cm−2 per dose) implantation was used to study the passivation effect of defects and photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanowires. The implanted H+ effectively passivated deep level native defects, making the visible emission at 500 nm disappear completely and the UV emission (380 nm) of nanowires enhance for seven times. H+ implantation at higher dose induced a strongly new violet emission broad peak (around 410 nm) which may originate from the hydrogen related complex of defects. However, this violet emission disappeared after annealing in argon atmosphere at 300 °C, confirming that the new violet emission is related to hydrogen. All emission peaks vanished due to the formation of a large quantity of nonradiative recombination centers at high dose implantation. This controllable method of hydrogen doping may find potential application in UV/violet optoelectronic and especially in nano-optoelectronic devices.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of individual WS2 nanotubes were investigated and directly related to their atomic structure details by in situ transmission electron microscope measurements. A brittle mode deformation was observed in bending tests of short (ca. 1 μm in length) multilayer nanotubes. This mode can be related to the atomic structure of their shells. In addition, longer nanotubes (6-7μm in length) were deformed in situ scanning electron microscope, but no plastic deformation was detected. A “sword-in-sheath” fracture mechanism was revealed in tensile loading of a nanotube, and the sliding of inner shells inside the outermost shell was imaged “on-line”. Furthermore, bending modulus of 217 GPa was obtained from measurements of the electric-fieldinduced resonance of these nanotubes.  相似文献   

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