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Benjamin Ibarra-Sevilla 《Nexus Network Journal》2013,15(1):107-125
Benjamin Ibarra-Sevilla examines the role of the sphere in the Open Chapel built in San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula during sixteenth century. This unique Mexican building contains a complex ribbed vault designed on a hexagonal plan forming a semi-spherical dome. The investigation examines the use of the sphere in this structure in light of the design precepts practiced during the Renaissance in Europe. Furthermore, the study finds the connections of these precepts with a mathematical solution to the sphere based on convex shapes theories. By revealing the intricacies of the underlying geometry applied to design this building, this text aims to demonstrate the scholastic and architectural relevance of this refined Mexican piece of architecture. 相似文献
This study aims to address the paradigms of consumers’ adoption behavior for mobile government, posits the factors which pursue citizens’ intention to adopt mobile government services, and reveals the impact of cultural dimensions in perceiving driving factors of mobile government adoption. The mobile government adoption model was developed and tested among users of three different countries, namely Bangladesh, Canada, and Germany. The finding suggests the rationale that cross-cultural differences impact consumers’ perception of mobile government adoption behavior. 相似文献
Amber Lo Paul H. Jenkins Joobin Choobineh 《Journal of Computer Information Systems》2019,59(4):319-333
ABSTRACTA qualitative study was conducted to examine patients’ acceptance of self-monitoring devices. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was adapted to this context. The initial elements of the theory were functional performance, medical benefit expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. The study not only confirmed the presence of these elements but also revealed the existence of two additional elements, namely, the attending doctor and information technology expert. Furthermore, the research revealed the moderators of the influences of the elements on the acceptance. The most important moderator was the patients’ perceived need for the device. Two significant contributions of the research are the theoretical extensions of the UTAUT to a new context and the practical implications which the makers of self-monitoring devices can utilize the results to prepare educational and marketing materials for the benefit of the patients and the medical professionals. 相似文献
Chlotia Garrison 《Information & Communications Technology Law》2019,28(1):99-114
One component of the newly implemented European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a revision of a 1995 directive, is mandatory breach notification. The US has no such federal law. This means companies must satisfy multiple US laws and that makes it more challenging to comply. This study is a comparison of the GDPR with the statutes of the 50 US states, highlights the challenges companies face and reveals the types of decisions companies must make to be in compliance with these statutes. 相似文献
Livio Robaldo Jakub Szymanik Ben Meijering 《Journal of Logic, Language and Information》2014,23(1):53-81
Natural language sentences that talk about two or more sets of entities can be assigned various readings. The ones in which the sets are independent of one another are particularly challenging from the formal point of view. In this paper we will call them ‘Independent Set (IS) readings’. Cumulative and collective readings are paradigmatic examples of IS readings. Most approaches aiming at representing the meaning of IS readings implement some kind of maximality conditions on the witness sets involved. Two kinds of maximization have been proposed in the literature: ‘Local’ and ‘Global’ maximization. In this paper, we present an online questionnaire whose results appear to support Local maximization. The latter seems to capture the proper interplay between the semantics and the pragmatics of multi-quantifier sentences, provided that witness sets are selected on pragmatic grounds. 相似文献
In this paper, we analyze the communication of trusted platform modules and their interface to the hosting platforms. While trusted platform modules are considered to be tamper resistant, the communication channel between these modules and the rest of the trusted platform turns out to be comparatively insecure. It has been shown that passive attacks can be mounted against TPMs and their bus communication with fairly inexpensive equipment, however, similar active attacks have not been reported, yet. We pursue the idea of an active attack and show how the communication protocol of the LPC bus can be actively manipulated with basic and inexpensive equipment. Moreover, we show how our manipulations can be used to circumvent the security mechanisms, e.g. the chain of trust, provided by modern trusted platforms. In addition, we demonstrate how the proposed attack can be extended to manipulate communication buses on embedded systems. 相似文献
Lucian L. Visinescu Olajumoke Azogu Sherry D. Ryan Yu “Andy” Wu 《International journal of human-computer interaction》2016,32(11):885-900
Since the use of network-based storage as a cloud computing service [Storage as a Service (StaaS)] becomes ubiquitous, users who store data in the cloud are exposed to risk and potentially severe consequences. Therefore, individuals should carefully consider security and privacy issues when using StaaS. Drawing upon the principle of self-preservation and the theory of protection motivation, this study develops a research model explaining the mechanisms leading to the development of a protection strategy for individuals’ safe use of StaaS and empirically tests the proposed model. The results show that the natural propensity to trust, an individual trait, influences an individual’s need for privacy. This, in turn, along with perception of privacy risk, significantly affects individuals’ perception of the need to protect themselves. Three coping appraisal factors, preventive measures, self-efficacy, and willingness to incur cost of prevention, together with the individual perceived need to protect self, directly and positively affect users’ need to develop a protection strategy in a cloud computing environment. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. 相似文献
In order to encourage more active learning in the library classroom, the college librarians at the Tidewater Community College/City of Virginia Beach Joint-Use Library turned one of their library instruction classrooms into a dynamic and flexible space using movable seating and iPads. This article explores the reasons for making such a change, the benefits of doing so, how the new classroom has affected librarians' teaching methods, and gives specific information about apps used for class activities. 相似文献
Yu. I. Neimark I. V. Kotel’nikov L. G. Teklina 《Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis》2009,19(1):181-185
The possibilities of using a new approach to study specific multivariate dynamic systems based on applying methods of pattern recognition and statistical modeling are demonstrated in the paper using the example of the mathematical model of an organism’s immune response to the intrusion of an infection. Yurii Isaakovich Neimark. Born in 1920. He is a Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor at Nizhni Novgorod State University, Honored Science Worker of Russian Federation, winner of Andronov and Wiener scientific prizes, and member of Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Scientific interests include theory of oscillations, theory of dynamic systems, management theory, mathematical modeling, and cybernetics. Neimark is the author of ten monographs, five of which have been translated into English, Spanish, and Polish, as well as more than 400 publications and 20 inventions. Igor’ Vyacheslavovich Kotel’nikov. Born in 1935. Graduated from Gorkii State University in 1959. Since 1972, he has been with the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics as a senior researcher. Scientific interests include optimal irreducible fuzzy tests and syndromes, as well as the discovery of logical patterns in statistical samples of multivariate objects on their basis. He is the author of more than 40 publications. Larisa Grigor’evna Teklina. Born in 1948. Senior Researcher at Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Nizhni Novgorod State University. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. She is the author of more than 40 publications on theoretical cybernetics and mathematical modeling. 相似文献
Wiyada Thitimajshima Vatcharaporn Esichaikul Donyaprueth Krairit 《Electronic Markets》2018,28(2):129-147
This study conducted exploratory research to determine factors affecting the performance of third-party B2B e-marketplaces from a seller’s perspective. Building on the relevant literature, ten factors were proposed and mapped into the domain-specific model for e-marketplaces. The performance of e-marketplaces was measured in terms of customer loyalty and trading volume. The proposed model was tested on data from 200 selling companies in Thailand participating in various third-party B2B e-marketplaces. The exploratory factor analysis generated seven factors. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was employed to test the research model. There were three major findings. First, the reputation of e-marketplace and trust in market makers, as well as transaction cost reduction and website usability, had significant effects on customer loyalty. Second, website reliability had a positive impact on trading volume. Finally, the relative advantage and number of buyers had significant effects on both customer loyalty and trading volume. These findings reveal factors previously unreported in the literature on e-marketplaces, and they can be used by practitioners to improve performance. 相似文献
Tomás García-Salgado 《Nexus Network Journal》2008,10(2):269-282
Because of differences between Palladio’s architecture as built and the ideal architecture represented in the Quattro libri, many analyses have been performed in order to bring to light the proportions that underlie the beauty of the architecture.
This present paper proposes a method of analysis based on perspective grids laid out on photographs to reveal how perspective
is used to heighten the spectator’s perception of the forms. 相似文献
Giulio Magli 《Nexus Network Journal》2010,12(2):321-341
The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu is usually interpreted as a “royal estate” of the Inca ruler Pachacuti. This idea is challenged here by a critical reappraisal of existing sources and a re-analysis of existing evidence. It is shown that such evidence actually point at a quite different interpretation suggested, on one hand, by several clues coming from the urban layout (the interior arrangement of the town, the ancient access ways, the position with respect to the landscape and the cycles of the celestial bodies in Inca times), and, on the other hand, by a comparison with known information about the Inca pilgrimage center on the Island of the Sun of Lake Titicaca. Altogether, these clues lead us to propose that Machu Picchu was intentionally planned and built as a pilgrimage center connected with the Inca “cosmovision”. 相似文献
Sheng-Yi Wu Sherry Y. Chen Huei-Tse Hou 《International journal of human-computer interaction》2013,29(3):180-192
There is an increasing growth of Social Network Services (SNSs). A variety of SNSs are applied in online interpersonal platforms. Among them, asynchronous and synchronous discussions are widely examined. However, there is a lack of research into the effects of integrated discussion services that combines asynchronous and synchronous discussions. Thus, the study investigates users’ performances and behavior patterns in a mixed discussion model that integrates asynchronous and synchronous discussions with a lag sequential analysis. The results showed that most groups chose to adopt the mixed discussion model (i.e., using both synchronous and asynchronous discussions), and only one group totally adopted the asynchronous discussion model. The study further analyzed the learners’ learning effectiveness and behavioral patterns, and the results indicated that the groups using the mixed model had a positive performance to a certain extent in terms of learning effectiveness and knowledge construction. In addition, users with the mixed discussion model demonstrated diverse behaviors, which were more complex than that of those with a single-way discussion model. Furthermore, regarding the groups using “balanced synchronous and asynchronous discussions” and the groups “mainly using synchronous discussion supplemented by less asynchronous discussion” in the mixed model (simultaneously using synchronous and asynchronous discussions), those users who mainly used synchronous discussion supplemented by asynchronous discussion had more diverse behaviors of knowledge construction. 相似文献
We explore one aspect of the structure of a codified legal system at the national level using a new type of representation
to understand the strong or weak dependencies between the various fields of law. In Part I of this study, we analyze the graph
associated with the network in which each French legal code is a vertex and an edge is produced between two vertices when
a code cites another code at least one time. We show that this network distinguishes from many other real networks from a
high density, giving it a particular structure that we call concentrated world and that differentiates a national legal system (as considered with a resolution at the code level) from small-world graphs identified in many social networks. Our analysis then shows that a few communities (groups of highly wired vertices)
of codes covering large domains of regulation are structuring the whole system. Indeed we mainly find a central group of influent
codes, a group of codes related to social issues and a group of codes dealing with territories and natural resources. The
study of this codified legal system is also of interest in the field of the analysis of real networks. In particular we examine
the impact of the high density on the structural characteristics of the graph and on the ways communities are searched for.
Finally we provide an original visualization of this graph on an hemicyle-like plot, this representation being based on a
statistical reduction of dissimilarity measures between vertices. In Part II (a following paper) we show how the consideration
of the weights attributed to each edge in the network in proportion to the number of citations between two vertices (codes)
allows deepening the analysis of the French legal system. 相似文献
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International - The problem of synthesizing the average-optimal control law for a dynamic plant subjected to random disturbances is considered. In this... 相似文献