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相干信源波达方向估计的加权空间平滑算法 总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17
提出了一种用于空间相干源DOA估计的加权空间平滑算法(WSS,weighted spatial smoothing)。常规的空间平滑算法没有利用子阵输出的互相关信息,而且对相干信源的分辨力较差。WSS算法充分利用了子阵输出的自相关信息和互相关信息,将主阵协方差矩阵的所有子阵阵元数阶的子矩阵进行加权平均,以期提高常规空间平滑算法的分辨性能。文中以加权平滑后等效的信源协方差矩阵的对角化为约束条件,推导了加权矩阵的理论表达式。计算机仿真结果表明,WSS算法与常规空间平滑算法相比具有更高的分辨性能和更低的信噪比门限。特别是在于阵划分较多时其优越性更加明显。 相似文献
Su Xin Chen Tianqi 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2001,18(2):97-104
A new method is proposed in this paper for simultaneous frequency and directionestimation of coherent signals. The method is based on the rotational invariance techniques and uses an array triplet in motion to estimate the central frequencies and azimuths of coherent signals from narrowband sources. Without searching in the space of frequency-direction, the computational efficiency of the method is improved significantly. Simulation results in the typical examples demonstrate the performance of this new method. 相似文献
Yih-Min Chen 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》1997,45(7):1689-1696
We present an analysis of a spatial smoothing scheme extended for the estimation of two-dimensional (2-D) directions of arrival (DOAs) of coherent signals using a uniform rectangular array. The uniform rectangular array is divided into overlapping rectangular subarrays by the extended scheme, which is referred to as the 2-D spatial smoothing scheme. The analysis shows that when the extended preprocessing scheme is used in conjunction with the eigenstructure technique, the size of the subarrays should be at least (K+1)×(K+1), and the number of the subarrays must be no less than K×K in order to guarantee the “decorrelation” of κ coherent signals for all possible scenarios. The minimum size of the total uniform rectangular array is thus shown to be 2K×2K. Instead of using a uniform rectangular array, a minimal subarray structure incorporated with a minimal subarray grouping is also devised for resolving the 2-D DOAs of K coherent signals. The number of sensor elements of the minimal total array is then (K2+4K-2) instead of 4K2 相似文献
The problem of bearing estimation of coherent signal impingiog on an array ofarbitrary geometry is studied.Both approaches are developed,the first one synthesizes theobserved array data into the outputs of a linear uniform array and then processes them viaconventional techniques such as spatial smoothing etc.The second approach is based on theinvariant subspace rotation operation which is equivalent to the translational displacement ofthe artay,linearly independent signal vectors are obtained thereby to span perfectly the signalsubspace.As compared with the conventional processing techniques,the approach based oninvariant subspace rotation does not lead to an effective decrease in aperture size and thereforea decrease in resolution capability.The computer simulations are conducted to demonstrate theeffectiveness of the presented approaches. 相似文献
In this paper, we present two new methods for estimating two-dimensional (2-D) direction-of-arrival (DOA) of narrowband coherent (or highly correlated) signals using an L-shaped array of acoustic vector sensors. We decorrelate the coherency of the signals and reconstruct the signal subspace using cross-correlation matrix, and then the ESPRIT and propagator methods are applied to estimate the azimuth and elevation angles. The ESPRIT technique is based on the shift invariance property of array geometry and the propagator method is based on partitioning of the cross-correlation matrix. The propagator method is computationally efficient and requires only linear operations. Moreover, it does not require any eigendecomposition or singular-value decomposition as for the ESPRIT method. These two techniques are direct methods which do not require any 2-D iterative search for estimating the azimuth and the elevation angles. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed methods. 相似文献
Jin Liang 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2000,17(1):31-37
In most wireless communication systems, two-dimensional Directions-Of-Arrival (DOA) of multipath signals need to be found for spatial selective transmission. However, it is quite difficult to find their DOAs due to the coherent nature of multipath signals and considerable computations when performing 2-D searches. In this paper, a new algorithm to estimate 2-D DOA of multiple narrow-band signals is proposed. A DOA cyclic matrix is constructed whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be simultaneously used to extract 2-D DOA without 2-D searches. By exploiting the temporal property of cyclostationarity, the signal detection capability is significantly improved. Besides, based on the decorrelation model for mobile terminal signals, the algorithm can be effectively extended to the coherent case without spatial smoothing and the loss of array aperture. Simulation results are given to illustrate the performance of the new algorithm. 相似文献
In the context of coherent signal classification, spatial smoothing is necessary for the application of the eigen-based direction of arrival (DOA) estimation methods. However, the currently known spatial smoothing algorithms not only reduce the effective aperture of the array, but also do not consider the cross correlations of the subarray outputs. An improved spatial smoothing algorithm which can fully utilize the correlations of the array outputs and produce a more stable estimate of the covariance matrix is presented. Simulation results are provided to verify the theoretical prediction. The superiority of this method over the conventional methods is obvious, especially when the SOSR (subarray to overall size ratio) is small 相似文献
相干信号源自适应波束形成 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍了常规自适应波束形成的一般理论,并在此基础上分析了期望信号与干扰信号相干时常规自适应波束形成失效原理,引入了空间平滑技术,给出了空间平滑技术去相干的原理和在自适应波束形成上的应用,同时给出了计算机仿真结果。 相似文献
A new direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation method for coherent global positioning system (GPS) signals is proposed. It is applicable to the GPS propagation environment with rich multipath, strong interferences and noise. According to the properties of oblique projection, interferences and noise are first suppressed and only the coherent GPS signals are retained by projecting the received signal onto the signal subspace. Then, the coherent GPS signals are resolved by the Toeplitz decorrelation scheme. Using the proposed method, interferences and noise can be suppressed simultaneously, and more accurate DOA estimation for coherent GPS signals can be obtained in GPS propagation environment. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
We present a preprocessing technique that in conjunction with spatial smoothing circumvents the difficulty of direction-of-arrival estimation of coherent signals in the case of uniform circular arrays. Special consideration is given to problems arising in practice, such as mutual coupling and array geometry imperfections. Simulation results illustrating the performance of this scheme in conjunction with the MUSIC method are included 相似文献
在相干信号源情形下,常用的极化敏感阵列信号处理方法(如参数估计、波束形成等)会出现性能下降甚至失效的现象。该文在极化平滑算法的基础上提出一种改进的解相干算法,通过对各子相关矩阵选择适当的加权系数,使平滑之后的相关矩阵具有Toeplitz的形式,进而消除信号之间的相干性。该文推导了最优加权系数的表达式及最大解相干信号个数,并利用加权平滑之后的相关矩阵完成了参数估计和波束形成。计算机仿真结果表明改进的方法具有比常规极化平滑算法更优越的性能,且适用于非均匀噪声和相干噪声的情况。 相似文献
提出了一种相干宽带线性调频(LFM)信号的波达方向(DOA)估计新方法。该方法利用LFM信号在分数阶Fourier域上的解线调特性,构造出新的解线调域阵列数据模型,然后结合传统的矩阵重构解相干以及MUSIC算法实现相干LFM信号的DOA估计。若同时存在多组相干LFM信号入射,则首先在不同的能量聚集域上将各信号组分离,然后逐一进行各组内相干信号的DOA估计。该方法充分地挖掘了观测信号所包含的时频信息,增加了可检测的DOA数目,提高了分辨性能和抗噪声性能。此外,该方法无冗余阵元与孔径损失,且适用于任意流型阵列。仿真结果显示,在DOA估计的均方根误差(RMSE)相同时,与传统方法相比,本方法可获得8dB左右的信噪比增益。 相似文献
Ma Changlin Peng Yingning Tian Lisheng Liu Jianhua 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》1998,15(4):289-295
A novel method to estimate DOA of coherent signals impinging on a uniform circular array( UCA) is presented in this paper. A virtual uniform linear array (VULA) is first derived by using spatial DFT technique, transforming the UCA from element space to phase mode space to obtain the properties of ordinary ULA, and then the well known spatial smoothing technique is applied to the VULA so that the lost rank of covariance matrix due to signal coherence can be retrieved. This method makes it feasible to use the simple MUSIC algorithm to estimate DOA of coherent signals impinging on a UCA without heavy computation burden. Simulation results strongly verify the effectiveness of the algorithm. 相似文献
空间谱估计是现代信号处理研究的重要课题,对于非相干信号的DOA估计,采用MUSIC就能取得好的分辨效果,对此算法进行了简要介绍.对于广泛存在的相干信号,直接采用MUSIC则存在很大的模糊性甚至失效,为了准确地进行DOA估计,必须经过预处理解相干.针对传统的空域平滑处理,提出了均分阵元的空间平滑技术,经仿真验证,新方法可行、有效,最后分析了该方法的优势和弊端. 相似文献
电磁矢量传感器阵列相干信号源波达方向和极化参数的同时估计:空间平滑方法 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
研究如何利用电磁矢量传感器阵列中隐含的冗余空域信息解决多个相干极化信号源的二维波达方向(DOA)和极化参数的同时估计问题。基于整个阵列中所隐含的多个空域旋转不变结构,将组成阵列的单个或多个电磁矢量传感器单元看作一个无模糊子阵,利用空间平滑方法对阵列数据进行预处理,以恢复信号协方差矩阵的秩特性。在此基础上,利用多信号分类方法(MUSIC)和旋转不变参数估计方法(ESPRIT)完成多个相干极化信号源的二维 DOA 和极化参数的同时估计。文中还讨论了成功进行信号解相干的必要条件,并通过计算机仿真验证和比较了所给方法的有效性及其辨识能力。 相似文献
存在相干信号时的最优波束形成 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
本文提出一种新的存在相干信号时的最优波束形成方法。该方法首先利用估计得到的期望信号和相干信号 的方向形成变换矩阵,去掉数据中的期望信号和相干信号成分,求得不相关干扰信号的子空间以及其正交子空间,然后得到期望信号和相干信号的合成导向矢量在该正交子空间中的投影矢量,并把该投影矢量作为自适应权矢量。经理论分析表明,这种方法基本上和理论上的最优方法相同。另外,该方法可以适用于任意的阵列结构,并且对期望信号和相干信号方向估计误差具有很强的稳健性。计算机仿真结果证实了本文方法的有效性。 相似文献
在多路径环境中,空间平滑是消除相干干扰对自适应阵列处理系统影响的有效方法。我们注意到空间平滑自适应阵列的权系数往往是在子阵列上得到的。这意味着存在一些剩余自由度可以用来改善自适应阵列的性能。本文提出了一种新方法,利用阵列自由度使得自适应阵列的响应具有期望的特性。我们指出如何优化空间平滑自适应阵列使得白噪声功率或者阵列的副瓣昼降低。数值结果说明了新方法的有效性。 相似文献
Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Technique(ESPRIT) algorithm can estimate Direction-Of-Arrival(DOA) of coherent signal,but its performance can not reach full satisfaction.We reconstruct the received signal to form data model with multi-invariance property,and multi-invariance ESPRIT algorithm for coherent DOA estimation is proposed in this paper.The proposed algorithm can resolve the DOAs of coherent signals and performs better in DOA estimation than that of ESPRIT-like algorithm.Me... 相似文献