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周全 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》2023,(20):196-198
石油行业经济的高速增长是支撑我国国民经济发展的重要支柱,且我国油气资源勘探潜力巨大,为进一步增加油气发现数量与储备量,需不断升级地球物理勘探技术,加大油气勘探开发力度,进而有效提高油气勘探开发的精确性。鉴于此,本文主要内容是分析与研究地球物理勘探技术在油气勘探开发中的运用,以期为提高油气勘探开发技术水平提供参考与借鉴。 相似文献
在简要分析地球物理方法的技术特点的基础上得出结论,地球物理方法可以解决洁净煤技术中煤炭地下气化监测、矿区水污染监测等难点问题,并对进一步研究提出了建议。 相似文献
李冀蜀 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》2011,31(9):181
随着人们对小波理论的分析越来越透彻,使得小波小波理论在各行各业不断得到推广与应用,本文主要是对小波理论在地球物理勘探领域中的应用现状进行探讨分析,从中找出问题所在,并提出相应的解决措施,希望有助于加深人们对小波理论的了解。 相似文献
中国页岩气资源的储量丰富,如果经过勘探开发形成产能,将会在一定程度上缓解中国能源紧张的局面。地球物理技术作为勘探开发中的一项重要技术,在页岩气勘探与开发中也发挥着重要的作用。本文笔者通过页岩气测井评价、含气性检测等几个方面,系统分析了地球物理技术在页岩气勘探开发中的应用。 相似文献
油气勘探开发中,大数据技术已经成为了其中的重要技术手段,国内外的油田企业中对于大数据技术的应用、研究、探索越来越重视。本文主要阐述了油气勘探过程中大数据技术所带来的优势,以及大数据技术在油气勘探过程中的应用。 相似文献
随着煤炭资源的大规模开发利用,在带来了巨额的利益的同时,也留下了煤矿巨大的隐患,那就是煤矿采空区.特别是积水采空区的突水灾害,时时刻刻威胁着井下生产工作人员的人生安全.瞬变电磁法由于其效率高、速度快、准确的特点,在煤炭采空区勘察中得到广泛的应用.本文简述了瞬变电磁法的基本理论,通过瞬变电磁法在峰峰矿区采空区勘查中的应用... 相似文献
通过Google Earth的搜索、定位和卫星照片影像功能,搜索并介绍梅赛德斯-奔驰、阿尔法-罗米欧、宝马、通用和福特等汽车公司的汽车试验场以及普利司通、米其林、固特异和倍耐力等轮胎公司的轮胎试验场的地理位置和规模,分析全球试验场分布特点,其中以欧洲和美国分布居多. 相似文献
在Googel Earth中结合卫星地图进行选线,并将选出的线路各个折点坐标导出至CAD中,自动生成矢量图,与地形图吻合,生成工程线路走向图。 相似文献
本文以开滦煤矿塌陷区环境监测为例,选取了TM、ETM+和ASTER三个时相的遥感图像,即1988年的Landsat5 TM数据、1999年的Landsat7 ETM+数据和2002年的ASTER数据,在ERDAS对数据进行处理,即辐射校正、几何配准、比值增强和监督分类,在监测过程中,本文运用了Google Earth平台,作为动态监测的辅助工具,采集Google Earth服务器上的高分辨率的遥感影像数据作为参考,与在ERDAS里的分析数据进行经纬坐标精确查询。利用Google Earth提高了整体工作效率,为环境重建和复垦工作提供了迅速、有力的科学依据。 相似文献
Zhaolong Wu Enbo Chen Shuwen Zhang Yinping Ma Youdong Mao 《International journal of molecular sciences》2022,23(16)
The cellular functions are executed by biological macromolecular complexes in nonequilibrium dynamic processes, which exhibit a vast diversity of conformational states. Solving the conformational continuum of important biomolecular complexes at the atomic level is essential to understanding their functional mechanisms and guiding structure-based drug discovery. Here, we introduce a deep manifold learning framework, named AlphaCryo4D, which enables atomic-level cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) reconstructions that approximately visualize the conformational space of biomolecular complexes of interest. AlphaCryo4D integrates 3D deep residual learning with manifold embedding of pseudo-energy landscapes, which simultaneously improves 3D classification accuracy and reconstruction resolution via an energy-based particle-voting algorithm. In blind assessments using simulated heterogeneous datasets, AlphaCryo4D achieved 3D classification accuracy three times those of alternative methods and reconstructed continuous conformational changes of a 130-kDa protein at sub-3 Å resolution. By applying this approach to analyze several experimental datasets of the proteasome, ribosome and spliceosome, we demonstrate its potential generality in exploring hidden conformational space or transient states of macromolecular complexes that remain hitherto invisible. Integration of this approach with time-resolved cryo-EM further allows visualization of conformational continuum in a nonequilibrium regime at the atomic level, thus potentially enabling therapeutic discovery against highly dynamic biomolecular targets. 相似文献
Conner A. Hoelzel Prof. Xin Zhang 《Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology》2020,21(14):1935-1946
Visualizing and manipulating the behavior of proteins is crucial to understanding the physiology of the cell. Methods of biorthogonal protein labeling are important tools to attain this goal. In this review, we discuss advances in probe technology specific for self-labeling protein tags, focusing mainly on the application of HaloTag and SNAP-tag systems. We describe the latest developments in small-molecule probes that enable fluorogenic (no wash) imaging and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. In addition, we cover several methodologies that enable the perturbation or manipulation of protein behavior and function towards the control of biological pathways. Thus, current technical advances in the HaloTag and SNAP-tag systems means that they are becoming powerful tools to enable the visualization and manipulation of biological processes, providing invaluable scientific insights that are difficult to obtain by traditional methodologies. As the multiplex of self-labeling protein tag systems continues to be developed and expanded, the utility of these protein tags will allow researchers to address previously inaccessible questions at the forefront of biology. 相似文献
将新桥矿已开采完毕矿体所取得的地质资料 ,与原有的地质勘探资料进行对比 ,以检验矿区地质勘探网度的合理性 ,从而为同类矿体的地质勘探选择合理的勘探网度 ,为矿山整体规划和开采设计提供合理的依据。 相似文献
G. C. Dubbeldam 《Progress in Organic Coatings》1992,20(3-4):261-272
An optical system for imaging the topography of (coating) surfaces using a video monitor is described. The grey level of the image correlates with the slope of the surface. The principle of operation of the method is explained and some applications are indicated. 相似文献