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本文将颗粒大小测定方法引入到高分子共混物的分散相尺寸测定中,验证了这是表征分散相尺寸可行的方法。通过对高分子共混物(PP/PA1010)脆性断面的电镜照片进行计算机处理和统计,得到分散相的粒径分布。发现各种当量直径(dF、dP、dC)均较好的符合正态分布,并求出了其分布函数,还找到了一种参数(ψW=dC/dF)可以表征颗粒的形状。另外,讨论了刻蚀方法对测定结果的影响及误差来源等。  相似文献   

何志敏  余国琮 《化工学报》1993,44(2):143-150
研究了大分子在微孔中的阻滞扩散,描述一种同时计算分子尺寸和形状对阻滞效果影响的方法,并使用聚碳酸酯核径迹膜对4种典型形状的大分子进行了实验研究.  相似文献   

本文将颗粒大小测定方法引入到高分子共混物的分散相尺寸测定中 ,验证了这是表征分散相尺寸可行的方法。通过对高分子共混物 (PP PA1 0 1 0 )脆性断面的电镜照片进行计算机处理和统计 ,得到分散相的粒径分布。发现各种当量直径 (dF、dP、dC)均较好的符合正态分布 ,并求出了其分布函数 ,还找到了一种参数 (ΨW =dC dF)可以表征颗粒的形状。另外 ,讨论了刻蚀方法对测定结果的影响及误差来源等  相似文献   

随着新型医用多腔管结构的日趋复杂,对挤出成型工艺也提出了越来越高的要求。利用电力调压控制系统可快捷、准确地控制内径空气和冷却槽压力,使管材在成型过程中能够保持严格的形状和尺寸。[编者按]  相似文献   

从侧链液晶高分子(SCLCP)的种类及合成,SCLCP显示和记录类型,原理,取向稳定性几方面,评述了SCLCP作为显示和记录材料的研究进展。  相似文献   

建立了影响定、转子同轴度相关尺寸的装配尺寸链,通过装配尺寸链解法的对比分析,确定了伺服电机的装配法——大数互换法。通过实测数据对比验证了所采取的工艺措施是有效的。  相似文献   

前言 精冲,是二十世纪20年代于瑞士发展起来的冲裁方法。用于加工尺寸形状精确、冲裁表面尤裂纹,可作为功能表面用的冲件。开始是在精密机械工业中,用以冲1~3mm厚的铝、铜或软钢板料,时至今日,精冲件的50—60%是用于汽车工业中。特别是用以加工强度到800N/mm^2的高强度钢板,板厚可以到15mm^2与普通冲裁相比,精冲的主要特点,是模具上有压料板和反压板,需要三动压力机和很小的冲裁间隙。  相似文献   

The size and the shape of non-reversal random-walking polymer chains near an impenetrable, non-interacting flat surface are investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulation on the simple cubic lattice. It was found that both size and shape are dependent on the normal-to-surface distance zo of the first segment of chain. We find that the size and shape of chains, characterized by mean square radius of gyration (S2) and mean asphericity parameter (A) respectively, show similar dependence on distance z0. Both (S2) and (A) reach the maximum at Z0 = 0, then decrease with the increase of Z0 and soon reach the minimum values, afterwards they go up continuously and approach to the limit values of free chain. The similar dependence of (S2) and (A) on Z0 can be explained by a positive correlation between A and S2. However, the dependence of the correlation coefficient CA,S2 on Z0 is very complicated and deserves further study. The overall density probability of segments is also investigated. Results show that segme  相似文献   

A reptation-based lattice model for simulating the linear dynamics of entangled linear polymers that accounts for an essential coupling in tube-chain motions during constraint release is proposed. The predictions are tested against a representative set of dynamic oscillatory data on bidisperse polybudadiene (PBd) melts. The special feature of the current model lies in that the motion of the primitive chain coincides exactly with that of the ‘tube,’ so that it is possible to mimic the longitudinal relaxation that is cooperative with the lateral one (i.e., double reptation) during constraint release. The simulation is shown to capture the central feature of constraint release for the investigated system without demanding factorizability for the stress relaxation function, as usually enforced in existing tube theories. Furthermore, the simulation suggests that the longitudinal chain relaxation currently incorporated might account for an important partition of stress relaxation that had customarily been attributed to the effect of double reptation or similar tube motions alone.  相似文献   

介绍了Monte Carlo方法及其特点,进而分析了Monte Carlo用于高分子模拟的优势,并描述了两类模拟模型。论文重点综述了近年来Monte Carlo方法在高分子构象模拟中的一些研究与应用,并展望了Monte Carlo方法在高分子构象模拟中的发展趋势和前景。  相似文献   

智能型温敏形状记忆高分子材料的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了热致感应型形状记忆高分子材料的工作原理、形成记忆功能的方法及其分类和应用,介绍了热致感应型形状记忆纤维的生产技术和国内外研究发展状况,并对热致感应型形状记忆高分子材料的未来研究发展趋势作以评述。  相似文献   

张辉  钟艳玲  常小刚 《广州化工》2012,40(20):26-27
介绍了热敏形状记忆高分子材料及其应用。热敏形状记忆高分子材料是通过温度的变化实现形状的记忆与改变,利用其形状记忆功能,热敏形状记忆弹性体可应用在热缩管、油田封隔器、医用外科、保险杠等领域。  相似文献   

In this work, a combination of polymeric solutions and microfluidic processing has been used to generate a variety of particles from bubbles. Thus the size, size distribution and shape of the particles prepared have been controlled, for example, by processing poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) and polymethylsilsesquioxane solutions under the correct combination of gas pressure and liquid flow rate, virus-like nanosize particles have been generated while keeping the size distribution polydispersivity to <20%, and these can play a key role in targeted drug delivery. The ability to form particles in this way with biomedical applications in focus is essential to boost a wide range of advanced drug delivery healthcare applications.  相似文献   

乳液聚合瞬时乳胶粒大小和分布及其控制策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乳液聚合中瞬时乳胶粒大小及分布与乳胶粒的形成和增长紧密相关,本文在苯乙烯,醋酸乙烯酯乳液聚合中考察了瞬时乳胶粒大小及分布。结果表明,在成核和稳定期乳胶粒增长速率较高,是控制乳胶粒大小及分布的关键阶段,由此提出了对于单体不同水溶性体系控制乳胶粒大小分布的策略,并以实验考核这些策略的合理性。  相似文献   

A lattice self‐avoiding polymer chain with one end attached to an adsorbing flat surface is simulated using Monte Carlo method. The chain model has z = 26 bond vectors with bond length being 1, , and on the simple cubic lattice. The dependence of the number of surface contacts M on temperature T in the unit E/kB with E the interacting energy and kB the Boltzmann constant and chain length N is investigated by a finite‐size scaling law M = N?(a0 + a1(T ? Tc)N1 + O((T ? Tc)2N2)) near the critical adsorption point Tc. It was estimated that Tc = 1.625 and the exponents ? = 0.52 and δ = 1.63. It was observed that both mean square end‐to‐end distance 〈R2〉 and mean square radius of gyration 〈R〉 reach minimum at Tc. And we discover that the asphericity parameter 〈A〉 is independent of chain length at Tc. A simple relationship is discovered between Tc and bond vector number nb for lattice chain models, and which can be extended to nonlattice chain models by introducing an attraction range fraction f. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012  相似文献   

Alginate hydrogel beads are widely used as an encapsulation medium for biomedical, bioprocessing, and pharmaceutical applications. The size and shape of the beads are often critically controlled since in many usages the beads are monodisperse in size and spherical in shape. Extrusion dripping is a well‐known method to produce alginate beads. Nevertheless, the production of beads of desired size and spherical shape is often achieved based on one's experience or trial and error. An overview is provided on alginate properties, formulation and preparation of alginate and gelling solutions, production conditions, and post‐production treatment that may influence the bead size and shape. Various methods of bead size and shape measurement are also discussed.  相似文献   

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