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With the aid of numerical simulation, a novel microwave plasma reactor for diamond films deposition has been designed. The new reactor possesses a unique structure, neither purely cylindrical nor purely ellipsoidal, but a combination of the both. In this paper, the design strategy of the new reactor together with a simple but reliable phenomenological simulation method will be described. Preliminary experiments show that uniform diamond films of high quality could be deposited using the new reactor, and the deposition rate of diamond films is typically about 3 μm/h at 6 kW input power level on a 2 inch diameter silicon substrate. 相似文献
Variation of diamond deposition with temperature gradient was studied using standing-up substrates embedded within the plasma ball in microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD). The substrate is a polycrystalline diamond coated with a 30-nm thick iron film before deposition. Surface morphologies of the deposits and their crystalline characteristics were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and selected area diffraction. On the upper area of the specimen near the center of the plasma ball where the temperature is the highest (>1100 °C), formation of diamond nanoplatelets in hexagonal shape with a thickness of 20–60 nm and side length of several hundreds of nanometers is found. In the middle region, diamond nanoplatelets with some iron nanoparticles are observed. Around the bottom region with low temperature near the edge of the plasma ball, nanodiamonds, Fe nanoparticles, and carbon nanotubes coexisted. The relative temperature distributions of diamond and carbon nanotube growth are briefly discussed. 相似文献
《Diamond and Related Materials》2006,15(9):1389-1394
We have carried out simulations of microwave plasmas inside a reactor for thick diamond syntheses. In a model reactor used in the calculation, a diamond substrate with finite thickness and area is taken into account. Distributions of electric field, density of microwave power absorbed by the plasma, temperatures and flow field of gas have been studied not only in a bulk region inside a reactor but also a local region around the substrate surface. Numerically predicted distributions of (1) microwave power density, (2) temperature on the top surface of the substrate, and (3) gas flow around the substrate imply that the adopted arrangement of the substrate is not desirable for continuous growth of large diamond crystals. 相似文献
《Diamond and Related Materials》1999,8(8-9):1410-1413
A novel nucleation technique based on electron cyclotron resonance microwave plasma was developed to enhance the nucleation of diamond. By choosing a suitable experimental condition, a nucleation density higher than 108 nuclei cm−2 was achieved on an untreated, mirror-polished silicon substrate. Uniform diamond films were obtained by combining this nucleation method with subsequent growth by the common microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. Furthermore, the possibility of this new nucleation method to generate heteroepitaxial diamond nuclei on (001) silicon substrates was explored. 相似文献
《Diamond and Related Materials》2000,9(7):1331-1335
Smooth nanocrystalline diamond thin films with rms surface roughness of ∼17 nm were grown on silicon substrates at 600°C using biased enhanced growth (BEG) in microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD). The evidence of nanocrystallinity, smoothness and purity was obtained by characterizing the samples with a combination of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy. The Raman spectra of the films exhibit an intense band near 1150 cm−1 along with graphitic bands. The former Raman band indicates the presence of nanocrystalline diamond. XRD patterns of the films show broad peaks corresponding to inter-planar spacing of (111) and (220) planes of cubic diamond supporting the Raman results. Auger line shapes closely match with the line shape of diamond suggesting high concentration of sp3 carbon on the surfaces of the films. The growth of dominantly sp3 carbon by BEG in the MPCVD system at the conditions used in the present work can be explained by the subsurface implantation mechanism while considering some additional effects from the high concentration of atomic hydrogen in the system. 相似文献
R. Ramamurti M. Becker T. Schuelke T. Grotjohn D. Reinhard J. Asmussen 《Diamond and Related Materials》2008,17(7-10):1320-1323
The deposition of boron-doped homoepitaxial single crystal diamond is investigated using a microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition system. The objective is to deposit high-quality boron-doped single crystal diamond and establish the relationships between the deposition conditions and the diamond growth rate and quality. Experiments are performed using type Ib HPHT diamond seeds as substrates and growing diamond with varying amounts of diborane in a methane–hydrogen gas mixture. The deposition system utilized is a 2.45 GHz microwave plasma-assisted CVD system operating at 135–160 Torr. Experiments are performed with methane concentrations of 4–6% and diborane concentrations of 5–50 ppm in the feedgas. Diamond is deposited with growth rates of 2 to 11 µm/h in this study. The deposited diamond is measured to determine its electrical conductivity and optical absorption versus wavelength in the UV, visible and IR portions of the spectrum. Data is presented that relates the growth rate and diamond properties to the deposition conditions including substrate temperature and feedgas composition. 相似文献
《Diamond and Related Materials》2001,10(9-10):1592-1596
Nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films were grown using biased enhanced growth (BEG) in microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition on mirror polished silicon substrates at temperatures in the range from 400 to 700°C. The films were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Auger electron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Hardness of the films was measured by nano-indentor. Apart from graphitic D and G bands in the films, the Raman spectra exhibit NCD features near 1140 cm−1. The relative intensity of the NCD to graphitic G band in the Raman spectra of the films is negligible in the films grown at 400°C. It increases with temperature and attains a maximum at 600°C following a sharp decrease in the films grown at higher temperatures. XRD results also indicate a maximum concentration of NCD in the film grown at 600°C. Average hardness of the films increases with temperature from ∼5 GPa to ∼40 GPa up to 600°C followed by a decrease (∼24 GPa) in the film grown at 700°C. Substrate temperature seems to play a crucial role in the growth of NCD in BEG processes. An increase in growth temperature may be responsible for evolving bonded hydrogen and increasing mobility of carbon atoms. Both factors help in developing NCD in the films grown at 500 and 600°C with a combination of subplantation mechanism, due to biasing, and a high concentration of H atoms in the gas-phase, typical of CVD diamond process. At 700°C the implanted carbon atoms may be migrating back to the surface resulting in domination of surface processes in the growth, which in turn should result in increase in graphitic content of the films at such a high methane concentration and continuous biasing used in the present study. 相似文献
Yu-Chun Chen Yonhua Tzeng Ahbishek Davray An-Jen Cheng Ramesh Ramadoss Minseo Park 《Diamond and Related Materials》2008,17(4-5):722-727
Ink-jet printing has the advantage of easy formation of micro-patterns on rigid as well as flexible surfaces without needing conventional lithographic processes. By means of printing in selected areas, diamond seeding in designed patterns and areas is achieved. Properly designed ink with a desirable composition helps the formation of patterned structures with tailored functions. Ink containing nano-diamond particles was designed and used to print micro-structures, which were applied for further CVD growth of diamond by means of microwave plasma CVD. Promising applications of this technique are discussed. 相似文献
《Diamond and Related Materials》2001,10(3-7):332-336
In this work we established a process to overcome the deposition difficulty on electroplated diamond tools by a multi-layer structure. The process consists of the following steps: (1) diamond powder aggregation with nickel (this step is the conventional method for the production of electroplated tools); (2) electrochemical deposition of a chromium layer, but leaving the diamond grains partially uncovered; (3) nitridation of the chromium layer; and (4) deposition of the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond layer. This method uses the advantages and overcome the disadvantages of each step. Electroplating with nickel is conventionally used due to its relatively good wettability to diamond. The direct aggregation of the diamond powder with a chromium layer results in looser grains and is not usable. The nickel layer is inadequate for diamond deposition; even after treatment in hydrogen atmosphere, diamond does not grow on it. The chromium nitride layer is well known to be very suitable for diamond growth, however, the thermal stress between these layers is very high limiting film thickness and its applicability. With the multi-layer structure obtained the CVD diamond film is deeply anchored by the diamond grains into the metal matrix and helps considerably to decrease the stress. The process has been developed on flat surfaces and tested on small conventional diamond burrs. The diamond films have been characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-rays (EDS) and Raman spectroscopy (RS). 相似文献
Mushtaq Ahmad Dar Young-Soon Kim Shafeeque G. Ansari Hyung-il Kim Gilson Khang Chu Van Chiem Hyung-Shik Shin 《Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering》2005,22(5):770-773
Diamond films on the p-type Si(111) and p-type(100) substrates were prepared by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition
(MWCVD) and hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) by using a mixture of methane CH4 and hydrogen H2 as gas feed. The structure and composition of the films have been investigated by X-ray Diffraction, Raman Spectroscopy and
Scanning Electron Microscopy methods. A high quality diamond crystalline structure of the obtained films by using HFCVD method
was confirmed by clear XRD-pattern. SEM images show that the prepared films are poly crystalline diamond films consisting
of diamond single crystallites (111)-orientation perpendicular to the substrate. Diamond films grown on silicon substrates
by using HFCVD show good quality diamond and fewer non-diamond components. 相似文献
R. Ramamurti M. Becker T. Schuelke T.A. Grotjohn D.K. Reinhard J. Asmussen 《Diamond and Related Materials》2009,18(5-8):704-706
The deposition of high quality single crystal boron-doped diamond is studied. The experimental conditions for the synthesis of 1–2 mm thick boron-doped diamond are investigated using a high power density microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition reactor. The boron-doped diamond is deposited at a rate of 8–11.5 μm/h using 1 ppm diborane in the feed gas as the boron source, and the capability to overgrow defects is demonstrated. The experimental study also investigates the deposition of diamond with both 10 ppm diborane and 2.5–500 ppm of nitrogen added to the feedgas. Synthesized material properties are measured including the electrical conductivity using a four-point probe and the substitutional boron content using infrared absorption. 相似文献
《Diamond and Related Materials》2001,10(3-7):352-357
Hard and smooth nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) thin films were deposited on mirror polished silicon substrates by biased enhanced growth in a microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition system. The films were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. Stress in the films was calculated by measuring the radius of curvature of the films on substrates and hardness was measured using a Nanoindenter. Stress in the films increases, first, with decreasing methane concentration in the gas phase while keeping biasing voltage constant, and second, with increasing biasing voltage while keeping the methane concentration constant. Observation of enormous stress (∼30 GPa) was possible in the films, which is due to strong adhesion between the films and substrates. To the best of our knowledge, this is the maximum value of stress reported so far in any kind of carbon thin films. It was hypothesized that it is mostly hydrogen content of the films in the methane series and graphitic content of the films in voltage series that are responsible in generating compressive stress in the respective films. The hardness follows almost a reverse trend than stress with the two growth parameters and can be well-defined from the relative concentration of NCD to graphitic content of the films, as estimated from Raman spectroscopy. 相似文献
The diamond chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process has been investigated theoretically and the morphological instabilities associated with the growth of diamond films have been examined with a model based on the continuum species conservation equation coupled to surface reaction kinetics. A linear stability analysis and numerical calculations have been carried out to determine critical parameters affecting the diamond deposition layer morphology. A two-dimensional model describes the evolution of the gas-solid interface. The dynamic behavior of the interface depends on the reactants' diffusivity and surface kinetics. These factors depend upon the reactant material properties and film growth conditions such as the reactor temperature and pressure. From the analyses, it has been found that the ratio (
/k) of gas phase diffusivity (
) to the surface reaction rate constant (k) plays the critical role in promoting diamond morphological instabilities because the film morphology stabilizing processes of surface diffusion and re-evaporation are absent or negligible during diamond CVD. It is found that the film nonuniformity increases as the ratio (
/k) decreases. Increasing growth rates also result in increasing morphological instability, leading to rough surfaces. It is shown that increasing reactor pressure and decreasing gas-phase temperature and/or substrate temperature promote deposition layer nonuniformity. An approach to avoiding these instabilities is proposed. 相似文献
《Diamond and Related Materials》2000,9(9-10):1668-1672
In this paper, a chemical adsorption model for hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HF-CVD) of diamond films has been proposed based on some recent experimental data. The coverages of H and CH3 precursors on the growing surface have been calculated according to the equilibrium between the adsorption and desorption of the two precursors at a certain substrate temperature Ts. The result shows that the H coverage decreases markedly with increasing Ts when Ts is over a critical temperature Tc. Below the temperature Tc, it comes close to 1. Thus, the quality deterioration of diamond films deposited at rather high substrate temperatures may be attributed to the poor H coverage on the surface. The value of Tc is determined by H atom concentration nH in the reactor. When nH is greater than 3.2×10−11 mol cm−3, Tc is above 1000 K. The CH3 coverage shows a maximum within the range of the studied Ts. With the typical CH3 concentrations, the CH3 coverage reaches the maximum at Ts∼1100 K. A growth rate formula has been developed on the basis of the temperature dependent CH3 coverage. The formula shows that the growth rate follows the Arrhenius law at relative low Ts, but it rapidly decreases when Ts is rather high, which is in good agreement with the experimental results. 相似文献
《Diamond and Related Materials》2001,10(3-7):561-567
We compare structural and optical properties of microcrystalline and nanocrystalline diamond (MCD and NCD, respectively) films grown on mirror polished Si(100) substrates by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. The films were characterized by SEM, Raman spectroscopy, XRD, and AFM. Optical properties were obtained from transmittance and reflectance measurements of the samples in the wavelength range of 200–2000 nm. Raman spectrum of the MCD film exhibits a strong and sharp peak near 1335 cm−1, an unambiguous signature of cubic crystalline diamond with weak non-diamond carbon bands. Along with broad non-diamond carbon bands, Raman spectra of NCD films show features near 1140 cm−1, the intensity of which is significantly higher in the film grown at 600°C compared to the NCD film grown at higher temperature. The Raman feature near 1140 cm−1 is related to the calculated phonon density of states of diamond and has been assigned to nanocrystalline or amorphous phase of diamond. XRD patterns of the MCD film show sharp peaks and NCD films show broad features, corresponding to cubic diamond. The rms surface roughness of the films was observed to be approximately 60 nm for MCD film that reduced substantially to 17 and 34 nm in the NCD films grown at 600 and 700°C, respectively. Tauc's optical gap for the diamond film is found to be approximately 5.5 eV. NCD grown at 700°C has a high optical absorption coefficient in the whole spectral region and the NCD film grown at 600°C shows very high transmittance (∼78%) in the near IR region, which is close to that of diamond. This indicates that the NCD film grown at 600°C has the potential for applications as optical windows since its surface roughness is significantly low as compared to the MCD film. 相似文献
《Diamond and Related Materials》2005,14(2):220-225
In this work, the feasibility of growing boron-doped diamond coatings, approximately 0.3 μm thick, on thin silicon substrates that have 50-μm diameter pores etched 125 μm deep has been demonstrated using deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) in combination with chemical–mechanical polishing (CMP). Using a microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MPECVD) cyclic growth process consisting of carburization, bias-enhanced nucleation, diamond growth and boron-doped diamond growth, uniform diamond coatings throughout the pores have been obtained. The coatings were characterized by Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy and the secondary electron emission coefficients were found to increase from 4 to 10 between 200 and 1000 V, in agreement with reported values for thicker polycrystalline diamond films grown under similar conditions. 相似文献
In this work, we report a simple one-step growth process to synthesize a novel and distinct carbon nanostructure, called a carbon nanofiber bundle-ended nanocone (CNFNC) structure, by using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) method with CH4 and H2 as source gases and Fe catalyst. The nanostructures and their properties after each processing step were characterized by FESEM, HRTEM, ED, AES, and Raman spectroscopy. The preliminary results have demonstrated that the CNFNC structures exhibit excellent field emission properties. The results also show that the favored conditions to form the CNFNC structures include a combination of lower CH4/H2 flow ratio, higher substrate negative bias, and proper working pressure and deposition time. The possible growth mechanism of the CNFNC structures is proposed. 相似文献
《Diamond and Related Materials》2001,10(9-10):1569-1572
In order to use chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond films for electronic devices, it is necessary to establish technologies for producing diamond wafers with controlled quality. Most of existing diamond CVD systems are, however, designed primarily for laboratory use. To cross the technological gap between the commercial production and the laboratory experiments, the current CVD technologies of diamond must be scaled up and upgraded. Development of large-scale diamond deposition processes was undertaken by using a microwave plasma CVD system, equipped with a 915-MHz, 60-kW generator for generating a large-size plasma. Polycrystalline diamond films were deposited from a hydrogen/methane gas mixture with typical gas pressures and substrate temperatures of 80–120 torr and 800–1050°C, respectively. It was found that depending on the growth conditions, the deposited films have various surface morphologies. Some of the samples have well-defined {111} and {100} facets of up to tens of micrometers in size. The Raman spectra had an intense main peak due to diamond at 1333 cm−1 without a trace of non-diamond carbon. The film quality in terms of Raman spectra was relatively uniform across the samples of 100 mm in diameter. Both 〈111〉 and 〈001〉 textured diamond films were obtained by selected growth conditions. 相似文献