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李晓江 (中国城市规划设计研究院院长): 现在论坛开始.中规院在过去10年当中比较深入地参与了这一轮大城市发展战略规划的实践,有的城市称概念规划,也有称城市空间战略研究,积累了一些经验.最近我院出版了<战略规划>一书,对10年的实践作了回顾总结.该书从中规院承担的70多个城市战略规划中选出了从最早的哈尔滨松北战略到最近完成的福州发展战略等13个项目,其中相当一部分项目把完整的研究报告编进了书,以便读者了解战略规划的成果到底是什么.另外我们请战略规划的参与者写了10来篇战略规划理论与方法的总结文章,请当时委托任务的城市规划部门的专业型领导和中规院专家对这些项目在技术方法上的得失和实施的情况做了一个点评.这种回顾式的点评对于总结得失成败很有意义.  相似文献   

本文从制度变迁的视角比较分析两岸战略规划的产生与演变.二者产生的条件都是既有的空间规划无法适应外部环境的快速变化而在规划体制内衍生出的新类型;规划的外部条件变化,大陆主要是经济全球化和中央地方分税制,台湾则是政治民主化.二者的取向,大陆规划界面临的是地方经济竞争,在追求发展速度和经济总量的现实世界中面临规划范式竞争;台湾规划界面临的是地方认同感的家园重整,在各自分立的价值表述中摸索建立有利于对话的多层次的决策程序.后十八大时期“五位一体”启动了政务管理多元化趋势,经济建设向注重质量转型,因此多种主体的需求和利益必须被充分认知,这为新一轮战略规划迎来价值和方法的多元化.故此,本文试图通过回顾台湾战略规划,为大陆战略规划迎接多元化提供反思和借鉴.  相似文献   

战略规划存在规划意图时效性弱、缺乏法定地位等问题.战略规划应与法定规划相互弥补,在编制中应注重战略规划意图的空间化,建立横向"嵌入"法定规划的路径,以进一步提高战略规划的实效性.  相似文献   

城市形态研究与空间战略规划   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
段进 《城市规划》2003,27(2):45-48
运用城市科学的理论和城市规划学的方法 ,对城市未来的发展进行预测和规划是城市战略规划的根本方法。本文通过对城市形态学方法的论述 ,论证了它在城市空间发展的结构、形态等发展规律方面和城市形态理想模式的建构方面对空间战略规划的重要作用。并通过深圳和苏州两个规划实践 ,对城市形态学在城市空间发展战略规划中的应用进行了探索  相似文献   

针对当前我国空间规划中经验决策难以适应经济社会发展的困境,提出了基于多维GIS情景分析的战略规划技术,通过将GIS空间分析、方案规划与多目标决策技术相结合,实现了“有限理性”的规划分析技术.通过介绍空间维度和时间维度的两种运用途径和案例,阐述了该规划技术采用的方法、思路和分析过程.研究结果表明该规划分析方法能将空间规划中的关键要素进行空间量化,更加贴近现实的复杂决策环境,并将其与多目标的价值判断相结合,依托GIS平台实现影响因素的互相联系比对功能,作为一种战略规划的技术支撑,能辅助决策者在不确定性和不可预知的环境中做出相对合理的决策.  相似文献   

战略规划应面向实施.以广州市为例阐述战略规划与行动的互动关系,探讨战略规划是如何推动一系列行动的,由此总结战略规划应有的特征和本质.广州战略规划具有应对现实问题的、战略性的、面向实施的、弹性开放的、滚动的等五个特征,并从规划过程的角度提出战略规划的循环三阶段.  相似文献   

从战略规划到行动计划——中国城市规划体制初论   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
吴良镛  武廷海 《城市规划》2003,27(12):13-17
规划体制是涉及政治架构、法规体系、资源分配、以及所有权等多方面的复杂问题 ,结合新近规划实践中战略规划、行动计划等探索 ,从学术层面 ,对规划体制问题作初步思考 ,以适应中国大规模快速城镇化过程中全面建设小康社会的需要  相似文献   

关于我国城市发展战略规划技术流程的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
盛鸣  顾朝林 《城市规划》2005,29(2):46-51
首先回顾和总结近年来我国城市发展战略规划技术流程的总体进展、主要类型和存在问题。接着引入相应的规划理念与方法,对城市发展战略规划的技术流程进行理论性思考。最后根据所参加的实践工作,提出了城市发展战略规划技术流程的实践性思维。  相似文献   

吴超  严明昆  黄鼎曦  张嘉懿 《规划师》2009,25(7):16-19,24
规划的实施,一方面要求规划自身具有较高的实施可能性,另一方面要求在编制规划的同时进行实施策划与编制行动计划.在广州市城市总体发展战略规划的编制与实施中,前期策划、中期策划和后续策划得到了很好的贯彻,其强化前期策划研究、建立成果转化机制、滚动编制行动计划等做法保障了规划的实施.  相似文献   

十年前广州制订战略规划的最初称谓就是概念规划。强调战略规划可以研究问题的多样性和不确定性跟突出战略规划阶段要研究基本概念不相矛盾。在现行规划体制与制度下,如何提高战略规划阶段中一些概念对城市总体规划有更大的贡献,本文强调应该突出土地利用、交通网络、生态环境三个概念。  相似文献   

The article examines the way strategic spatial planning in the City of Johannesburg has attempted to reshape existing and emerging spatial patterns of a divided sprawling city, focusing particularly on current initiatives to link spatial planning and infrastructure development through the growth management strategy. The strategy has been well institutionalised in the municipality, with strong political support and links to budgets. New public transport systems are being introduced, linked to spatial plans, although some of these developments have been contested. While the property industry is responding positively to some aspects of planning, moving towards greater spatial equity remains challenging. The planning-infrastructure link seems to be strengthening planning, but it is a demanding approach which requires a very different form of planning than the traditional master planning.  相似文献   


This paper proposes approaching the emergence and evolution of the Europeanization of national planning using conceptual frameworks from historical institutionalism in order to shed light on the mechanisms and trajectories of domestic change arising from the influence of EU strategic planning. It seeks in particular to examine Europeanization in terms of the extent to which EU spatial planning has become a driving force for institutional changes in very different national planning systems. Returning to the changes that occurred in the Italian and English planning systems in the last two decades, the author provides insight into the attempts to insert and transpose EU spatial planning concepts and instruments into domestic systems, dealing with path dependency and European influence. By reading these processes from a historical institutionalist perspective, the paper aims to enhance understanding of the relative influence of European spatial planning on national planning systems, identifying mechanisms and trajectories of domestic change in different planning systems. Key findings concern the diverse modes and degree of institutionalization of EU strategic spatial planning, examining tendencies to replace the status quo through displacements in England and to progress through a path-dependent trajectory in Italy.  相似文献   

Project planning is considered to be critical for project success. However, recent literature questions whether planning has similar importance in various contexts. This paper investigates the effectiveness of planning through an analysis of 183 project manager–supervisor dyads. Results show that the level of risk moderates the impact of planning on success, and in different ways for various success measures. Practical implications of these results suggest project managers to put more emphasis on planning in high risk project situations in order to meet project efficiency, whereas project steering committees to be more involved in approving plans of low risk projects to support benefit realization.  相似文献   

While landscape planning can help society meet its goals, the ultimate success of today's decisions will be determined, in part, by factors that are difficult to control or to forecast. This study explored how uncertainties related to urban growth in the biologically rich, but rapidly developing area between Los Angeles and San Diego might influence the natural systems of the region and, in turn, contribute to land stewardship pressures. The work was focused through a set of ecological management concerns of the region's military installations. As urbanization removes or degrades habitat, these large and largely un-built properties are increasingly important for the maintenance of regional biodiversity. Looking forward, stakeholders are asking how might growth affect the “rules of engagement” that allow the military to fulfill its mission and native species to continue to exist in the area? A set of scenarios describe possible interactions of macro-scale forces of change and commensurate regional responses; associated analyses locate and quantify the consequences. Each scenario presents unique potential challenges and the set captures a range of alternative management contexts. In examining what the future might become rather than what it should become, this approach provides a geographic vulnerability analysis that can help stakeholders assess the long-term success of pending local environmental plans and, thereby, make decisions that are more robust to uncertainties related to exogenous forces of change.  相似文献   

我国高速城镇化发展进程中长期 存在一个现象,即城市设计的实践与管理不 对等,其表现为长期粗放的城市设计管理模 式,为城市设计目标的实现带来了诸多障碍。 城市设计是塑造城市空间的重要途径,城市 设计精细化管理成为当前的热议话题,也是 城市发展的必然要求。本文在分析总结国内 外城市设计管理的经验的基础上,从问题视 角、技术工具、成果指标、内容对接、体系运 作、法规保障等六个方面提出了城市设计精 细化管理的建议。  相似文献   


Focusing on three of the Central and Eastern European countries Poland, Czech Republic, and Hungary the paper investigates the evolution of spatial planning systems and the introduction of strategic planning practices from the beginning of the post-communist transition in the early 1990s to the present. It sheds new light on this issue by applying the conceptual lens of historical institutionalism to explain this process and elucidate the role of the accession to the European Union (EU) as a catalyst for change. In particular, the paper identifies and analyses the critical junctures at which path dependencies emerged and later constrained the capacity of the regional and local actors to adjust to the EU Cohesion Policy framework and engage in strategic planning as part of it.  相似文献   

Whilst the generic visions and directions of urban regeneration in cites are well documented, far less is understood about the strategic approaches to this issue which are being used in specific urban contexts. This paper investigates strategic planning schemes (SPSs) and visions for mixed-use development to support urban regeneration in Seoul (South Korea), using a combination of a literature review and a survey. The results contribute to understanding the construction of SPSs for future urban development as well as to improving strategic planning for urban regeneration on a wider scale.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the application of strategic management theories to Project Management and Project Portfolio Management research, specifically the Resource-Based View, Dynamic Capabilities, and Absorptive Capacity. A literature review and four research experiences illustrate the advances achieved through the use of these three theoretical perspectives, and contribute to the development of this field by providing examples and guidance for theory development and future research. Commonalities between the research examples include a strong strategic focus, recognition of the importance of knowledge and learning, and research questions seeking understanding and explanation. These research experiences outline the successful application of strategic management theories to a wide range of contexts, using diverse methodologies at a variety of levels of analysis. The findings indicate a broad potential for further fruitful research stemming from the relatively recent application of strategic management theories to Project Management and Project Portfolio Management research.  相似文献   

国内“大学城”规划建设的战略调整   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
卢波  段进 《规划师》2005,21(1):84-88
国内“大学城”建设存在把“大学城”建设当作盈利工具的现象、追求金玉其表,缺乏实质性研究,造成土地资源的浪费、理想与现实的脱节。“大学城”规划建设战略调整应以科学发展观为指导思想.明确“大学城”发展定位,并调整现有“大学城”规划建设的政策。  相似文献   

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