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The use of multiple transmit and receive antennas can offer substantial performance improvement to a wireless communication system by providing spatial diversity and supporting high data rate services. Many of the current space-time coding schemes proposed for multiple-antenna systems assume perfect timing information to achieve the expected performance gain. The lack of timing synchronization between the transmit and receive signals could degrade the system performance. In this paper, we investigate the problem of timing estimation in multiple-antenna systems with the aid of training signals. A slow, independent and identically distributed Rayleigh flat-fading channel model is considered. We derive two maximum likehood timing estimators based on two different approaches, namely, treating the channel deterministic and random and present the corresponding Crame/spl acute/r-Rao bounds (CRBs). Then, the optimal designs of training signals based on some figures of merit associated with the CRBs are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel FH/MFSK receiver is proposed which utilises the side information of interfering signals for asynchronous frequency hopping multiple-access (FHMA) systems in the presence of Rayleigh fading. It is shown that the novel receiver performs much better than the conventional receiver for a wide range of signal to noise ratios.  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been widely used for its robustness against multipath fading and low-complexity implementation. However, OFDM system, especially with large number of subcarriers and high modulation order, is severely affected by the phase noise of oscillators and carrier frequency offset (CFO). On the other hand, self-cancellation schemes have received a lot of attention due to their simple implementation and high efficiency to suppress inter-carrier interference (ICI) in OFDM systems. Among those ICI self-cancellation methods, symmetric conjugate symbol repetition (SCSR) has been proven to have the best bit error ratio (BER) performance for phase noise suppression. In this paper, the performance of OFDM systems with SCSR ICI self-cancellation in the presence of both phase noise (PHN) and CFO are investigated, and analytical expressions are derived to calculate error probability evaluated by symbol error ratio (SER) over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh flat fading channels. An approach of second order approximation of PHN/CFO has been performed to estimate the residual ICI, which could provide more accurate results. Simulation results show perfect agreement with those obtained by theoretical analysis, which could be used to estimate OFDM system error probability, facilitating the design of the overall system.  相似文献   

Novel decision-feedback (DF) linear prediction (LP) receivers, which process multiple samples per symbol interval in conjunction with optimal sample combining, are proposed for differential space-time modulation (DSTM) over Rayleigh fast-fading channels. Performance analysis demonstrates that multisampling DF-LP receivers outperform their symbol-rate sampling counterpart in fast fading substantially. In addition, an asymptotically tight upper bound on the pairwise error probability is derived. In view of this bound, the design criterion of DSTM for fast fading is the same as that for block-wise static fading. To avoid the estimation of the second-order statistics of the channel, a polynomial-model-based DF-LP receiver is proposed. It can approach the performance of the optimum DF-LP receiver at high signal-to noise ratios, provided fading is moderate.  相似文献   

The problem of maximum likelihood (ML) detection for uncoded and coded M-PSK signals on Rayleigh fading channels is investigated. It is shown that, if the received signal is sampled at baud-rate, a ML receiver employing per-survivor processing can be implemented. The error rate performance of this receiver is evaluated by means of computer simulations and its limitations are discussed. In addition, it is shown that, on a fast fading channel, the error floor in the BER curve can be appreciably lowered if more than one received signal sample per symbol interval is processed by the receiver algorithm, Finally, a sub-optimum two-stage receiver structure for interleaved coded PSK systems is proposed. Its error rate performance is assessed for simple trellis-coded modulation schemes and compared to that provided by other receiver structures  相似文献   

Valenti  M.C. Woerner  B.D. 《Electronics letters》1998,34(17):1648-1649
Channel state information is required for the coherent detection and decoding of turbo codes transmitted over flat-fading channels. A channel estimation technique suitable for turbo codes is presented. The technique uses pilot symbols to obtain initial channel estimates, and refines the estimates after each iteration of the turbo decoder  相似文献   

A method for the sequential updating of log-likelihood functions for maximum-likelihood sequence estimation is presented. It is shown that, in a general case, this method can be implemented using Kalman filtering techniques. For the special case of Rayleigh flat fading and continuous phase modulation (CPM) signaling, this approach is shown to lead to an attractive receiver structure. This type of receiver, called the linear predictive receiver, can be implemented in the form of the Viterbi algorithm with the trellis updates being computed using a bank of finite pulse response (FIR) filter and square operations. Simulation results are presented that demonstrate the superiority of the linear predictive receiver over receivers employing differential detection, in the presence of fast fading. It is shown that the optimal linear predictive receiver does not possess an irreducible error rate for a class of Rayleigh fading channels used to model terrestrial mobile channels  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel data-aided linear fitting-based (DALF-based) blind phase estimation method for coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) is proposed. Similar to our previous work done in the pilot-based blind phase estimation method, the pilot subcarriers are used to transmit unknown amplitude modulation signals in order to improve spectral efficiency. But the so-called pilot subcarriers can be reduced to only two in the DALF-based method, while the conventional pilot-aided-based (PA-based) method requires almost four real pilot subcarriers. A performance comparison of the conventional PA-based and DALF-based phase estimation methods has been demonstrated through a 16-QAM CO-OFDM simulation. The results show that the performance of the proposed DALF-based method is better than the conventional one with higher SE and has the potential in the large capacity CO-OFDM systems.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the average bit error probability (BEP) of the differential binary and quaternary phase-shift keying (DBPSK and DQPSK respectively) with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems employing postdetection equal gain combining (MIMO EGC) diversity reception over Rayleigh fading channels. Finite closed-form expressions for the average BEP of DBPSK and DQPSK are presented. Two approaches are introduced to analyze the error rate of DQPSK. The proposed structure for the differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) with MIMO EGC provides a reduced-complexity and low-cost receiver for MIMO systems compared to the coherent phase-shift keying system (PSK) with MIMO employing maximal ratio combining (MIMO MRC) diversity reception. Finally, a useful procedure for computing the associated Legendre functions of the second kind with half-odd-integer order and arbitrarily degree is presented.  相似文献   

Cooperative spatial multiplexing (CSM) system has played an important role in wireless networks by offering a substantial improvement in multiplexing gain compared with its cooperative diversity counterpart. However, there is a limited number of research works that consider the performance of CSM systems. As such, in this paper, we have derived exact performance of CSM with amplify‐and‐forward and decode‐and‐forward relays in terms of outage capacity and ergodic capacity. We have shown that CSM systems yield a unity diversity order regardless of the number of antennas at the destination and the number of relays in the networks, which is the direct result of diversity and multiplexing gain trade‐off. Our analytical expressions are corroborated by Monte‐Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

RicianAccurate performance analysis for linear receivers over frequency- and time-selective asynchronous code-division multiple-access Rician-fading channels is very useful and a general approach to this topic is very desirable. In this paper, by using a decision variable-based moment generating function approach, we provide a unified bit-error probability (BEP) analysis framework for different linear detectors with binary or quaternary differential phase-shift keying and postdetection combining over Rician-fading channels, taking into account the effects of the spreading code correlation, the system and fading-channel parameters, diversity combining, and branch correlation. To reduce the complexity of the exact BEP evaluation, we furthermore provide an approximate multivariate Gaussian assumption (MGA)-based method which entails a low complexity for BEP evaluation. Ideal and approximate linear minimum mean-squared error diversity receivers for correlated Rician-fading channels are proposed. Numerical results show that the phases of the line-of-sight (LOS) components of the desired user significantly affect the receiver performance over correlated multipath Rician channels, and this may be exploited to improve performance. Also, when the LOS components are affected by a significant Doppler shift, automatic frequency control is very useful in improving the receiver performance.  相似文献   

The maximum-likelihood (ML) receiver structure and the corresponding analytical bit-error rate (BER) expressions for a fast-frequency hopped multiple-access (FFH-MA) M-ary frequency-shift-keying (MFSK) system over Rayleigh-fading channels are derived. Numerical results are also presented to illustrate the superiority of the proposed ML receiver in terms of BER. However, the proposed ML receiver requires some side information of the noise and interfering users.  相似文献   

A coherent symbol-by-symbol (SBS) diversity receiver for m-ary phase-shift keying (MPSK) and differentially encoded MPSK (MDPSK) signals transmitted over a nonselective Rayleigh fading channel is presented. It incorporates a new adaptive filter for channel estimation that does not require any prior knowledge of the fading process model. It estimates the fading gains through decision-feedback and recursive least squares adaptation of the filter coefficients. A novel forgetting-factor adaptation algorithm that enables the filter to react quickly to randomly changing fading statistics caused by shadowing and acceleration/deceleration is introduced. Simulations show that the receiver performs better than that of Adachi's ( IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. vol. 47 p. 909, 1998), either without shadowing or under slow lognormal shadowing.  相似文献   

A blind particle learning detector (BPLD) is developed for signal detection in Rayleigh flat-fading channels with non-Gaussian interference. The parameters of the fading channel model and the noise model are all unknown. The impulsive noise is modeled as a mixture of Gaussian distributions, which is capable of representing a broad class of non-Gaussian noise. The particle learning algorithm is employed to simultaneously estimate signal and parameters of the fading channel model and the noise model. The delay weight method is used to improve the performance. Simulation results show that the performance of the BPLD proposed can follow closely the performance of the detector with known parameters of the fading channel model and the noise model.  相似文献   

Adaptive turbo-coded modulation for flat-fading channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider a turbo-coded system employed on a flat-fading channel where the transmitter and receiver adapt the encoder, decoder, modulation scheme, and transmit power to the state of the channel. Assuming instantaneous and error-free channel gain and phase knowledge at the transmitter and the receiver, we determine the optimal adaptation strategy that maximizes the throughput of this system, while achieving a given bit-error rate under an average power constraint. Our optimized adaptive modulation strategy is based on an extensive set of existing turbo-coded modulation schemes. We find that adapting both the turbo encoder (rate) and the transmit power can achieve performance within 3 dB of the fading channel capacity.  相似文献   

The authors propose to combine linear feedback equalisation and decision feedback demodulation for the equalisation of differentially coherent PSK signalling. By modifying the equaliser output based on the decision feedback demodulation before feeding back, the proposed equaliser can be made to behave like one with a decision feedback structure. Indeed, computer simulation results demonstrate that this equaliser performs much better than existing equalisers, such as linear equalisers for differentially coherent detection. Furthermore its performance is even comparable to that of a decision feedback equaliser with coherent detection  相似文献   

In this letter we present a simple receiver for differential phase shift keying (DPSK) signals transmitted over fast, frequency flat, fading channels, which is characterized by a very low asymptotic error probability. The system performance analysis is carried out for a 2-DPSK signal  相似文献   

This paper describes a differentially coherent decorrelating detector for a K-user reverse link code-division multiple-access environment that exhibits time-varying Rayleigh fading. The channel is modeled as providing only a single fading path for each user and with no additional means to achieve diversity. The design of the detector is based on using fractionally sampled matched filter outputs to simultaneously achieve two goals: 1) the novel realization of a one shot decorrelator with lower computational complexity and 2) the forming of the maximum-likelihood decision rule on the decorrelated outputs, which results in an effective increase of the correlation in the fading process. Analytical evaluation and simulation of the error probability of the detector demonstrates significant lowering of the error floor in comparison to the decorrelating detector that employs conventional differentially coherent detection  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the frequency offset between the transmitter and receiver in flat-fading communication channels using a training sequence. Kuo and Fitz (1997) and Morelli, Mengali and Vitetta (see IEEE Commun. Lett., vol.2, p.327-30, 1998), proposed two frequency estimators to solve the aforementioned problem. They rely on weighted linear regression for the phases of the correlation sequence or their differences. The method of Kuo et al. needs phase unwrapping and both methods require knowledge of the correlation of the fading process. In this paper, two simple methods which do not require any of these assumptions are proposed. The first is the unweighted version of the method of Morelli et al. The second is drawn from the array processing framework. It is based on a nonlinear least-squares approach that assumes an unstructured correlation of the fading process. The performance of the proposed methods is as good as that of the methods of Kuo et al. and Morelli et al., but the robustness of our methods to modeling errors is much enhanced  相似文献   

A soft-decision 8-DPSK modulation format is introducedin a concatenated coding scheme and the performance of the resultingsystem is evaluated over a slow Rayleigh fading HF ionospheric link inthe presence of Additive White Gaussian noise (AWGN). Well-known UngerboeckTCM techniques are used as inner codes and a Reed–Solomon blockcode as outer code. The coded/modulated signal is differentially encodedbefore transmission to combat random phase changes caused by the channel.Soft-decision demodulator's output is used as an input to a modifiedViterbi decoder that calculates the Euclidean distances of the receivedsignal from an 8-PSK constellation adapted to the signal's amplitudevariations. Block interleaving techniques are necessary to randomise longbursts of errors caused by the fading channel. Simulation results showthat significant coding gains are achieved with a minor bandwidth expansionover uncoded, diversity or other coded systems. Finally, theinteresting effects of interleaving on the performance of the proposedsystems are analysed.  相似文献   

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