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提出了用GSC接收机的可变处理增益系统,并分析了各种可能业务在不同的概率的情况下,双速率及三速率可变处理增益系统在Nakagami信道下的性能。  相似文献   

提出了用GSC接收机的可变处理增益系统,并推导了双速率及三速率可变处理增益系统在Nakagami信道下的误码率公式,分析与数值结果表明,虽然其结构大为简化,但其性能接近最大合并比接收机。同时,给出了各种可能业务在不同的概率的情况下,双速率及三速率可变处理增益系统的数值结果。  相似文献   

贾素梅  刘欣  贾志成 《电子科技》2006,(8):52-55,60
基于Suehiro提出的一种多相正交序列构造方法,提出一种可转换为用于实际系统的多相扩频信号,给出了一种采用该扩频信号的多载波直接序列码分多址系统,分析了在瑞利衰落信道中的系统误比特性能,并对系统进行了仿真.  相似文献   

多载波CDMA技术能够提供大的系统容量、对抗瑞利衰落和消除符号间干扰等优点,成为具有发展前景的调制技术之一。本文基于各用户服务指标(QoS)的不同,提出了一种自适应子载波分配的改进的多载波CDMA系统。通过在衰落信道下的仿真,结果表明:采用本文提出的自适应子载波分配算法的改进MC—CDMA系统较之传统的MC-CDMA系统的误码率性能有了较大程度的改善。  相似文献   

雷春娟  李承恕 《通信学报》2002,23(10):101-107
针对提出的业务模型,分析了多业务DS-CDMA系统中各类业务的QoS性能如平均延时、吞吐量及比特差错率等与各类业务的处理增益和功率分配的关系,提出了一种适用于两类业务(一类实时、一类可靠)的优化处理增益和功率分配算法,数据结果表明优化算法可以在保证两类业务QOS的同时提高系统容量及可靠业务的吞吐量。  相似文献   

该文推导了存在信道估计误差的DS-CDMA系统在多径Rayleigh衰落信道中的误码率。数值计算结果表明当实际系统中的信道估计存在误差并且信道多径功率不等时,在假设相等噪声功率和理想信道估计下得到的传统最大比合并方法因无法输出最大的信噪比而性能明显下降。  相似文献   

聂景楠  程时昕 《电子学报》1997,25(1):24-27,32
本文针对频率选择性Rayleigh衰落信道,设计了一种CDMA多用户检测器分集结构,通过该结构,高斯信道多用户检测算法可以有效地应用到Rayleigh衰落信道中,仿真结果表明,分集合并实现的多用户中以显著改善衰落信道的误码性能,其处理多址干扰能力并不因分集而受到影响,另外,本文还对不同的合并以及不同的检测地作了性能上的比较。  相似文献   

在CDMA系统中,采用正交序列可以有效地减小多址干扰的影响。然后,当由于多径衰落的影响使码片间的相对移位增加时,系统中用户扩频序列间的相互正交性减弱,导致性能大大恶化。本文基于新近提出的广义正交序列,分析了采用该序列的多载波直接序列码多分址系统在瑞利衰落信道中的误比特性能。数值结果表明,当扩频序列间相互移位在零相关区之内时,扩频序列仍可保持正交,因而大大提高了系统误比特性能。  相似文献   

DS-CDMA系统下行盲多用户接收机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究多径频率选择性衰落信道下,DS-CDMA系统下行盲多用户检测技术,提出了一种新的基于恒模算法的检测方法。利用下行信号的特征构造约束条件并采用投影梯度法求解优化问题,本文方法克服了常规恒模算法无法保证收敛到期望用户的缺点。仿真结果验证了本文方法具有良好的检测性能,可以在克服信道衰落的同时抑制多址干扰。  相似文献   

本文提出用RAKE接收机的可变处理增益系统,通过高斯近似,得出了各种业务在不同的概率的情况下,可变处理增益系统在Nakagami信道下误码率的计算公式,研究了衰落因子对系统的影响,最后,给出了两种业务,三种业务可变处理增益系统数值计算结果。  相似文献   

任锋  曹达仲 《通信学报》2001,22(3):120-123
本文提出一种基于信道特征(如业务量)的功率分配算法,并通过系统分析验证了该算法是能很好地在保证各业务的业务质量同时提高系统的容量。  相似文献   

针对阵列信号中部分自适应信号处理问题,提出了一种新的基于广义旁瓣相消的降维方法。该方法利用波束形成无法对加性白噪声进行抑制的特点,根据广义旁瓣相消器的结构,设计出一种新的阻塞降维矩阵,使辅助通道内仅存干扰信号,从而增强主辅通道关于干扰信号的相关性,更有利于抑制干扰,同时也达到了降维的效果。另一方面,在存在阵列误差的情况下,借助稳健的波束形成算法,对阻塞降维矩阵进行校正,既使算法对模型误差不敏感,又便于进行降维后的部分自适应处理,降低运算量。最后通过大量的计算机仿真验证了所提方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

传统滤波器组为降低旁瓣,需要提高滤波器阶数。该文将广义旁瓣相消的思想运用于滤波器组的旁瓣干扰抑制,在滤波器通带外的干扰信号频率处自适应形成零点。基于LMS算法,该文提出了基于自适应旁瓣相消器的滤波器组旁瓣干扰抑制算法,给出了算法的矩阵形式。通过限制系数长度,旁瓣相消器仅仅对消旁瓣大功率干扰信号,而对带内有用信号的影响很小,其作用相当于用一个低阶滤波器实现一个高阶数滤波器的功能,当信号功率较之干扰功率很小时尤其有用。仿真结果显示算法具有良好的旁瓣干扰抑制性能,较之高阶滤波器组大大减少了计算量。  相似文献   

Different kinds of Multirate (MR) communication systems, such as multicode (MCD) scheme and variable spreading length (VSL) schemes, have been considered for accommodating information sources with different data rates in Multicarrier code-division multiple access (MC-CDMA). In this paper, we propose the use of MCD scheme for MR services in MC/MCD-CDMA system that employs wavelet packets (WPs) as subcarriers. The bit error rate (BER) performance for the system was investigated by means of analytical methods and numerical results in a slow fading frequency selective Nakagami channel. The performance analysis includes the effects of diversity techniques, channel intensity profile, diversity order and fading parameter. Also, the effects of different service rates and number of users in each service rate were investigated. The performance of the system was compared to that of MC/MCD-CDMA based on sinusoidal carrier. Results reveal that BER performance is proportional to the service rate and our proposed system outperform the other system.  相似文献   

在处理大型阵列时,阵元数较多,通常对阵列采用降秩处理可以较好地解决运算量过大的问题。基于广义旁瓣相消器(GSC)框架的降秩变换自适应滤波是各种降秩自适应滤波算法的统一模型。分析了基于GSC框架的几种降秩自适应滤波算法,针对当降秩阶数大于干扰数时方向图旁瓣过高、波形混乱和系统性能下降问题,提出了一种基于GSC框架的改进降秩算法,该算法利用特征子空间对GSC阻塞矩阵加以改进,使用改进后的阻塞矩阵进行降秩自适应处理,仿真结果证明了改进算法可以降低旁瓣电平,并形成较好的波束形状,提高了GSC性能的稳健性。  相似文献   

Performance of CAC strategies for multimedia traffic in wireless networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Call admission control (CAC) strategies for multimedia traffic in wireless networks is studied. A wireless network cell serving two types of customers; narrowband customers, which require one channel and wideband customers, which require b/sub w//spl ges/1 channels is considered. Two CAC strategies; reserve channels strategy (RCS) and threshold strategy (TS) are applied to the wireless cell and their performances are compared. The results show that in most operating conditions, the RCS has a lower blocking probability and probability of handoff call dropping than the TS. Only in the case when the wideband traffic is higher than the narrowband traffic that the weighted probability of handoff call dropping becomes higher for the RCS. Mean server utilization is lower for the threshold CAC than for the reserve channels CAC strategy at most operating conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a performance analysis of large-scale multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems for wireless backhaul networks. We focus on fully connected N nodes in a wireless meshed and multi-hop network topology. We also consider a large number of antennas at both the receiver and transmitter. We investigate the transmission schemes to support fully connected N nodes for half-duplex and full-duplex transmission, analyze the achievable ergodic sum rate among N nodes, and propose a closed-form expression of the achievable ergodic sum rate for each scheme. Furthermore, we present numerical evaluation results and compare the resuts with closed-form expressions.  相似文献   

A prototype microcellular wireless asynchronous transfer mode network (WATMnet) capable of providing integrated multimedia communication services to mobile terminals is described in this paper. The experimental system's hardware consists of laptop computers (NEC Versa-M) with WATMnet interface cards, multiple VME/i960 processor-based WATMnet base stations, and a mobility-enhanced local-area ATM switch. The prototype wireless network interface cards operate at peak bit-rates up to 8 Mb/s, using low-power 2.4 GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM)-band modems. Wireless network protocols at the portable terminal and base station interfaces support available bit rate (ABR), variable bit rate (VBR), and constant bit rate (CBR) transport services compatible with ATM using a dynamic time-division multiple-access/time-division duplex (TDMA/TDD) MAC protocol for channel sharing and data link control (DLC) protocol for error recovery. A custom wireless control protocol is also implemented between the portable and base units for support of radio link related functions such as user registration and handoff. All network entities including the portable, base and switch use a mobility-enhanced version of ATM (“Q.2931+”) signaling for switched virtual circuit (SVC) connection control functions, including handoff. In the first stage of the prototype, the application-level API is TCP/UP over ATM ABR service class using AAL5. Early experiments with the WATMnet prototype have been conducted to validate major protocol and software aspects, including DLC, wireless control, and mobility signaling for handoff, Selected network-based multimedia/video applications requiring moderate bit-rates (~0.5-1 Mb/s) in the ABR mode have been successfully demonstrated on the laptop PC  相似文献   

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