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SINOPEC Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Branch Company intends to invest 20 billion RMB (2.4 billion US dollars) to construct in 2010 in Ningbo, Zhejiang province a largest in China petrochemical integrated unit, including a 1.0 Mt/a ethylene unit. The proposal on construction of this project is awaiting the approval by the Central Govemment. It will take three years to execute the project construction.  相似文献   

On March 17, 2006 the State Development and Reform Com- mission officially delivered a letter on approval of the pro- posal on construction of a 1.0 Mt/a ethylene project at SINOPEC Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Co. Currently, the pre-construction preparatory work for this project has been finished and the construction work will be commenced in 2006, and will be finished in 2009. This ethylene project willencompass a large ethylene unit and the associated power plant expansion project. …  相似文献   

The 600 kt/a ethylene revamp project at PetroChina Lanzhou Chemical Company has been approved by the State Council and the construction will be kicked off soon. This project will  相似文献   

SINOPEC plans during the "11th Five-Year Plan" period to construct a 800 kt/a steam cracking unit at Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Company. SINOPE has approved the proposal on construction of this unit, which is scheduled for startup by 2008 or 2009. Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Company is located in Zhejiang province and is a giant domestic refinery  相似文献   

The foundation of two 1.0 Mt/a methanol/a projects was suc- cessively laid in Ordos city, Inner Mongolia in May 2006. The project funded by the Inner Mongolia Rongcheng En- ergy Chemicals Co. is located in the Sugeli Economic Tech- nology Development Area of Wushen prefecture. This project will be constructed in three phases. The investment in the first phase project will total one billion RMB to realize a cok- ing capacity of 1.0 Mt/a and a methanol capacity of 200 kt/a. This project…  相似文献   

The core of the 1.0 Mt/a ethylene revamp project——the 640 kt/a steam cracking unit at SINOPEC Maoming Branch Com- pany after its mechanical completion in July 2006 has been in the phase of production preparations in a bid to boost the design ethylene capacity from 360 kt/a to 1.0 Mt/a to become the first in China 1.0-Mt/a-class ethylene base. The 1.0 Mt/a ethylene revamp project at Maoming Petrochemi- cal Co. covers 35 major design items, which include four grassroots units, namely a …  相似文献   

SINOPEC Zhongyuan Ethylene Industry Co., Ltd. (ZEIC) in a bid to comprehensively utilize by-products from ethylene production started on July 1, 2003 construction of a 50 kt/a C4 hydrocarbons utilization unit and a 100 kt/a benzene extraction unit, with overall investment totaling around 100 million RMB. These two units were successfully put on stream on July 19 and November 25, 2004,  相似文献   

The 1.0 Mt/a ethylene revamp project, owned by PetroChina Fushun Petrochemical Branch Co., has recently passed the assessment of China International Consulting Company, which symbolized the launch of this project into a physical construction phase.Construction of the 1.0 Mt/a ethylene  相似文献   

The feasibility of construction of a 500kt/a ethylene unit using catalytic pyrolysis process (CPP), 270 kt/a PVC revamp unit and 110kt/a acrylate unit, in which Shenyang Chemical Group will invest 4 billion RMB, has been reviewed and approved by the State Assets Management Commission.  相似文献   

Recently the project “Tests on commercial application of the GS-08M catalyst for manufacture of styrene via dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene” jointly performed by SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Research Institute and SINOPEC Guangzhou Branch Company passed the appraisal organized by SINOPEC Science and Technology Development Division.  相似文献   

The proposal on construction of the 1.0 Mt/a ethylene plant at SINOPEC Tianjin Petrochemical Company (TPC) has been approved by the State Council, and the construction of this project will be commenced in early 2006 and will be completed in 2008. The investment in this project will total 21 billion RMB. Upon completion of the project construction the total ethylene capacity of TPC will reach 1.2 Mt/a with its oil refining capacity reaching 12.5 Mt/a, and TPC can manufacture a total of 12 Mt/a of petroleum products,  相似文献   

The construction of methylamine/DMF unit was completed at Henan Anyang Chemical Group. This project envisages production of 10 kt/a of methylamine and 10 kt/a of DMF, and investment in this project will total 90 million RMB. The actual production capacity of methylamine and DMF can reach 20 kt/a each. Jiutian Specialty Chemicals Company, Ltd. is a subsidiary of Anyang Chemical Group and will specialize in methylamine and DMF production and business.  相似文献   

SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Company has declared to expand the existing 280 kt/a PTA unit at Jinshan plant to 400 kt/a, while intending to construct an aromatics unit at the same site. The first phase construction of the PTA expansion project will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2004, and the construction of the second phase PTA expansion project will be implemented in the second quarter of 2005 during turnaround of equipment. The newly increased PTA product will be fed to the new 150 kt/a polyester chip unit.  相似文献   

The technical revamp of the 1.0 Mt/a RFCCU at Daqing Refining and Chemical Company was completed recently. It took only seven months to go through from project design,construction, and mechanical completion, till handover of the construction project with qualified product delivered at the first attempt during commissioning.  相似文献   

The 700kt/a ethylene revamp project at Shanghai Petrochemical Company (SPC) had passed acceptance test on November 26, 2004. Commissioning of this revamp project will increase the ethylene capacity of SPC to 900 kt/a, making SPCan important ethylene production base in China with its annual polyolefin capacity reaching 910 kt/a. The 200kt/a PP unit and 250kt/a PE unit at SPC are of the world class scale.  相似文献   

Trial commissioning of 650 kt/a ethylene revamp project at Yangzi Petrochemical Company (YPC) for more then two years has shown that the project is designed reasonably, and the technology is advanced. The equipment operates satisfactorily. The service factor of environmental facilities reaches 100% to achieve production increase without increased pollutant emissions. In December 2004 this project had passed the acceptance test organized by SINOPEC.  相似文献   

The construction of a 800 kt/a ethylene expansion project had been kicked off at SINOPEC Maoming Branch Company in December 2004. The total investment in this project is expected to be more than 6 billion RMB, and this project will be put on stream in September 2006.  相似文献   

The 800 kt/a ethylene revamp project at SINOPEC Maoming Petrochemical Branch Company has been approved by theState Council. The total investment in this project, whichcovers three grassroots units and seven revamp units, is ex-pected to reach 4.354 billion RMB.  相似文献   

The Board of Directors of China Petroleum Company of Taiwan province has ratified the plan for onsite revamp of the third steam cracking unit, intending to construct a naphtha cracking unit to produce 1.0 Mt/a of ethylene and 600 kt/a of propylene. Construction is expected to be commenced in January 2005, and mechanical completion and commissioning of facilities are slated for the end of 2009, and official startup is scheduled in 2011.  相似文献   

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