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Our understanding of hadronic parity violation is far from clear despite nearly 50 years of theoretical and experimental progress. Measurements of low-energy parity-violating observables in nuclear systems are the only accessible means to study the flavor-conserving weak hadronic interaction. To reduce the uncertainties from nuclear effects, experiments in the few and two-body system are essential. The parity-violating rotation of the transverse neutron polarization vector about the momentum axis as the neutrons traverse a target material has been measured in heavy nuclei and few nucleon systems using reactor cold neutron sources. We describe here an experiment to measure the neutron spin-rotation in a parahydrogen target (n-p system) using pulsed cold-neutrons from the fundamental symmetries beam line at the Spallation Neutron Source under construction at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  相似文献   

The NPDGamma experiment will measure the parity-violating directional gamma ray asymmetry Aγ in the reaction n+pd+γ. Ultimately, this will constitute the first measurement in the neutron-proton system that is sensitive enough to challenge modern theories of nuclear parity violation, providing a theoretically clean determination of the weak pion-nucleon coupling. A new beam-line at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) delivers pulsed cold neutrons to the apparatus, where they are polarized by transmission through a large volume polarized 3He spin filter and captured in a liquid para-hydrogen target. The 2.2 MeV gamma rays from the capture reaction are detected in an array of CsI(Tl) scintillators read out by vacuum photodiodes operated in current mode. We will complete commissioning of the apparatus and carry out a first measurement at LANSCE in 2004–05, which would provide a statistics-limited result for Aγ accurate to a standard uncertainty of ±5 × 10−8 level or better, improving on existing measurements in the neutron-proton system by a factor of 4. Plans to move the experiment to a reactor facility, where the greater flux would enable us to make a measurement with a standard uncertainty of ±1 × 10−8, are actively being pursued for the longer term.  相似文献   

We present a conceptual design for an experiment to measure the neutron lifetime (~886 s) with an accuracy of 10−4. The lifetime will be measured by observing the decay rate of a sample of ultracold neutrons (UCN) confined in vacuum in a magnetic trap. The UCN collaboration at Los Alamos National Laboratory has developed a prototype UCN source that is expected to produce a bottled UCN density of more than 100/cm3 [1]. The availability of such an intense source makes it possible to approach the measurement of the neutron lifetime in a new way. We argue below that it is possible to measure the neutron lifetime to 10−4 in a vacuum magnetic trap. The measurement involves no new technology beyond the expected UCN density. If even higher densities are available, the experiment can be made better and/or less expensive. We present the design and methodology for the measurement. The slow loss of neutrons that have stable orbits, but are not energetically trapped would produce a systematic uncertainty in the measurement. We discuss a new approach, chaotic cleaning, to the elimination of quasi-neutrons from the trap by breaking the rotational symmetry of the quadrupole trap. The neutron orbits take on a chaotic character and mode mixing causes the neutrons on the quasi-bound orbits to leave the trap.  相似文献   

The present paper reports on the detailed studies concerning the neutron spin interference visibility observed after transmitting through multilayer magnetic resonators in a spin echo condition with very cold neutrons from a high flux reactor. The observed visibility of the interference between upward and downward spin components perpendicular to the Larmor precession plane of the neutron spin are compared with the numerical simulations in the plane wave theory and also in the Schrödinger wave-packet model. The comparison revealed the instructive characteristic features of obvious additional visibility decrease observed in the interference between the tunnelling and refractive transmissions of each spin components in a single as well as a couple of multilayer magnetic resonators.  相似文献   

Departures of thermodynamic properties of the B-phase of three-dimensional superfluid 3He from the predictions of BCS theory are analyzed. Attention is focused on deviations of the ratios and from their BCS values, where is the pairing gap at zero temperature, Tc is the critical temperature, and Cs and Cn are the superfluid and normal specific heats. We attribute these deviations to the momentum dependence of the gap function , which becomes well pronounced when this function has a pair of nodes lying on either side of the Fermi surface. We demonstrate that such a situation arises if the P-wave pairing interaction, evaluated at the Fermi surface, has a sign opposite to that anticipated in BCS theory. Taking account of the momentum structure of the gap function, we derive a closed relation between the two ratios that contains no adjustable parameters and agrees with the experimental data. Some important features of the effective pairing interaction are inferred from the analysis.   相似文献   

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