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In this paper, we propose an efficient data partitioning and coding algorithm for an error-resilient transmission of DCT coefficients in error prone environment. In the typical data partitioning for Inter-coded frames, motion and macroblock header information is separated from the texture information. It can be an effective tool for the transmission of video over the error prone environment. For Intra-coded frames, however, the loss of DCT coefficients is fatal because there is no other information to reconstruct the corrupted macroblocks by errors. Conventional data partitioning algorithm for DCT coefficients is to separate a fixed number of the significant DCT coefficients from the remaining coefficients, called the spectral separation. While the spectral separation can guarantee an error resilient transmission with small overhead, the main drawback is a significant decrease in the image quality of the high priority partition, compared with that of the bitstreams without data partitioning for an equivalent bit-rate. In the proposed scheme, the quantized DCT coefficients are partitioned into an even-value approximation and the odd remainder part. We also propose a simple and efficient coding algorithm for the odd remainder part. It is shown that the proposed algorithm provides a better image quality than the conventional methods with a little overhead.  相似文献   

王中元  胡瑞敏  田纲  李明 《通信学报》2008,29(6):133-136
通过分析视频编码器中DCT域变换系数的实验数据,发现它们之间存在较强的冗余度,所以提出对系数进行子带分解,并对每个子带展开进一步变换编码的思想.设计了对宏块中每个变换块的子带进行重组,以使互有冗余的系数更集中的子带划分方法;为消除二次变换计算的误差失配,采用Hadamard变换作为分析工具,并导出了整数正交Hadamard变换公式.实验结果表明,在基本不增加失真度的前提下,二次变换编码去掉了视频信号的频谱相关性,进一步提高了视频信号的压缩效率.工作有望为正在制订的国际视频编码标准H.265提供一种新的思路.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose perceptual stereoscopic video coding using a disparity just-noticeable-distortion (JND) model. We obtain the disparity JND model in stereo videos by disparity masking effects of the human visual system (HVS). The disparity JND model represents the maximum distortion of stereo perception that HVS cannot perceive. Based on the disparity JND model, we adjust prediction residuals to remove the perceptual redundancy of stereo videos. Thus, we achieve significant bit-rate saving while maintaining visual quality. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves coding efficiency without loss of stereoscopic perceptual quality.  相似文献   

A new optimised technique for coding stereoscopic image sequences is presented and compared with already known methods. The proposed technique, called enhanced interpolated motion and disparity estimation (EIMDE), is based on a joint method, which encodes the frames of the right image sequence by exploiting both the temporal redundancy of the same sequence and the disparity redundancy with the left image sequence. In the proposed method, a variable block size scheme has been employed for motion and disparity estimation. The block size is controlled by quad-tree decomposition of the processed frame based on a rate-distortion splitting criterion. For the prediction of a macroblock, optimised motion and disparity vectors are jointly estimated and the participating proportion of each similarity is suitably searched. In this way, the energy of the resulted residual frame is minimised and the whole framework is optimised. Finally, the residual frame is decomposed by a discrete wavelet transform and is further compressed by morphological encoding of the resulting coefficients. The proposed coder has been experimentally evaluated on real image sequences, where it produced good performance over other known methods.  相似文献   

Effective motion-compensated prediction is the key to high-performance video coding. To ensure continuous improvement of video coders, emerging motion-compensation technologies will need to be successfully integrated into future standards. Higher order elastic motion models and geometry-adaptive block partitioning are such advanced techniques that are good candidates for integration into future generations of video coders. However, it is vital that these techniques are additive in performance, non-interfering and maintain justifiable complexity. In this paper, we propose an efficient block-partitioning scheme that incorporates both geometry-adaptive partitioning and an elastic motion model as extensions to the standard motion estimation procedure. Our experiments suggest that geometric partitioning in combination with the use of an elastic motion model can provide enhanced performance, although the increased complexity is of some concern for real-time applications.  相似文献   

The authors present an algorithm for very low bit-rate video coding that combines new ideas in motion estimation, wavelet filter design, and wavelet-based coding techniques. A new motion compensation technique using image warping and overlapped block motion compensation is proposed to reduce temporal redundancies in a given image sequence. This combined motion model has the advantage of representing more complex motion than simple block matching schemes. To further improve the quality of the temporal prediction, an adaptive grid with variable density according to the varying motion activity of a given scene is generated. An adaptively switched high-quality texture interpolation is employed to cope with the problem of fractional displacements in such a way that both objective and subjective reconstruction quality is improved. Spatial decorrelation of the motion compensated residual images is performed using an one-parametric family of biorthogonal infinite impulse response (IIR) wavelet filters coupled with the highly efficient pre-coding scheme of `partitioning, aggregation and conditional coding' (PACC). Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in objective quality of 1.0-2.3 dB PSNR in comparison to the H.263+ test model TMN10 using advanced coding options. In addition, the authors' intracoding method provides a performance gain of 0.5 dB PSNR on the average for a test suite of various still images when compared to the emerging still image coding standard JPEG-2000  相似文献   

It has been well established that state-of-the-art wavelet image coders outperform block transform image coders in the rate-distortion (R-D) sense by a wide margin. Wavelet-based JPEG2000 is emerging as the new high-performance international standard for still image compression. An often asked question is: how much of the coding improvement is due to the transform and how much is due to the encoding strategy? Current block transform coders such as JPEG suffer from poor context modeling and fail to take full advantage of correlation in both space and frequency sense. This paper presents a simple, fast, and efficient adaptive block transform image coding algorithm based on a combination of prefiltering, postfiltering, and high-order space-frequency context modeling of block transform coefficients. Despite the simplicity constraints, coding results show that the proposed coder achieves competitive R-D performance compared to the best wavelet coders in the literature.  相似文献   

Due to the constrained movement of pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras, two frames in the video sequences captured by such cameras can be geometrically related by a relationship (homography). This geometric relationship is helpful for reducing the spatial redundancy in video coding. In this paper, by exploiting the homography between two frames with optical flow tracking algorithm, we propose a novel homography-based search (HBS) algorithm for block motion estimation in coding the sequences captured by PTZ cameras. In addition, adaptive thresholds are adopted in our method to classify different kinds of blocks. Compared with other traditional fast algorithms, the proposed HBS algorithm is proved to be more efficient for the sequences captured by PTZ cameras. And compared to our previous work in ICME (Cui et al., 2011), which only deals with pan-tilt (PT) camera and calculates the homography with mechanical devices, in this extended work we compute the homography by using information on images instead.  相似文献   

A novel intra-coding technique is proposed that eliminates the requirement of a secondary coding scheme for coding the key frames in distributed video coding (DVC). The proposed technique uses the Slepian-Wolf theorem and Wyner-Ziv (WZ) coding with spatially predicted information to transmit the key-frames to the DVC decoder. Simulation results show that the proposed WZ-intra coding technique (WZ-I) can achieve up to 5 dB PSNR gain compared to MPEG-2 intra coding (MPEG-I) at the same bit rate with negligible computational cost to the encoder  相似文献   

Efficient block size selection in H.264 video coding standard   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Selecting an efficient variable block size mode in H.264 video coding standard for better compression performance is considered. The proposed scheme is based on a 3D recursive search algorithm and takes into account the motion vector cost and previous frame information. The best mode for the current macroblock is obtained by analysing the modes for a maximum of four macroblocks in the current and previous frames. An improvement in the encoding time with negligible impact on subjective and quantitative performance has been achieved.  相似文献   

There is currently limited flexibility for distributing complexity in a video coding system. While rate-distortion-complexity (RDC) optimization techniques have been proposed for conventional predictive video coding with encoder-side motion estimation, they fail to offer true flexible distribution of complexity between encoder and decoder since the encoder is assumed to have always more computational resources available than the decoder. On the other hand, distributed video coding solutions with decoder-side motion estimation have been proposed, but hardly any RDC optimized systems have been developed.To offer more flexibility for video applications involving multi-tasking or battery-constrained devices, in this paper, we propose a codec combining predictive video coding concepts and techniques from distributed video coding and show the flexibility of this method in distributing complexity. We propose several modes to code frames, and provide complexity analysis illustrating encoder and decoder computational complexity for each mode. Rate distortion results for each mode indicate that the coding efficiency is similar. We describe a method to choose which mode to use for coding each inter frame, taking into account encoder and decoder complexity constraints, and illustrate how complexity is distributed more flexibly.  相似文献   

The authors propose new simple image coder based on a discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The DWT coefficients are coded in bit-planes. They use an improved version of the JBIG bi-level image compression method to code the DWT coefficient bit-planes. The experimental results are shown, both in distortion measurement and visual comparison, and are very promising  相似文献   

Embedded image coding using zerotrees of wavelet coefficients   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The embedded zerotree wavelet algorithm (EZW) is a simple, yet remarkably effective, image compression algorithm, having the property that the bits in the bit stream are generated in order of importance, yielding a fully embedded code. The embedded code represents a sequence of binary decisions that distinguish an image from the “null” image. Using an embedded coding algorithm, an encoder can terminate the encoding at any point thereby allowing a target rate or target distortion metric to be met exactly. Also, given a bit stream, the decoder can cease decoding at any point in the bit stream and still produce exactly the same image that would have been encoded at the bit rate corresponding to the truncated bit stream. In addition to producing a fully embedded bit stream, the EZW consistently produces compression results that are competitive with virtually all known compression algorithms on standard test images. Yet this performance is achieved with a technique that requires absolutely no training, no pre-stored tables or codebooks, and requires no prior knowledge of the image source. The EZW algorithm is based on four key concepts: (1) a discrete wavelet transform or hierarchical subband decomposition, (2) prediction of the absence of significant information across scales by exploiting the self-similarity inherent in images, (3) entropy-coded successive-approximation quantization, and (4) universal lossless data compression which is achieved via adaptive arithmetic coding  相似文献   

This paper describes the implementation of the recently introducedcolor set partitioning in hierarchical tree (CSPIHT)-based scheme for video coding. The intra- and interframe coding performance of a CSPIHT-based video coder (CVC) is compared against that of the H.263 at bit rates lower than 64 kbit/s. The CVC performs comparably or better than the H.263 at lower bit rates, whereas the H.263 performs better than the CVC at higher bit rates. We identify areas that hamper the performance of the CVC and propose an improved scheme that yields better performance in image and video coding in low bit-rate environments.  相似文献   

The recent video coding standard H.264/AVC show extremely higher coding efficiency compare to any other previous standards. H.264/AVC can achieve over 50% of bit rate saving with same quality using the rate–distortion process, but it brings high computational complexity. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that can reduce the complexity of the codec by reducing the block mode decision process adaptively. Block mode decision process in H.264/AVC consists of inter mode decision process and intra mode decision process. We deal with reduction method for inter and intra mode decision. In this paper an efficient method is proposed to reduce the inter mode decision complexity using the direct prediction methods based on block correlation and adaptive rate distortion cost threshold for early stopping. The fast intra mode reduction algorithm based on inter mode information is also proposed to reduce the computational complexity. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve up to 63.34–77.39% speed up ratio with a little PSNR loss. Increment in bit requirement is also not much noticeable.  相似文献   

We explore a new perceptually-adaptive video coding (PVC) scheme for hybrid video compression, in order to achieve better perceptual coding quality and operational efficiency. A new just noticeable distortion (JND) estimator for color video is first devised in the image domain. How to efficiently integrate masking effects together is a key issue of JND modelling. We integrate spatial masking factors with the nonlinear additivity model for masking (NAMM). The JND estimator applies to all color components and accounts for the compound impact of luminance masking, texture masking and temporal masking. Extensive subjective viewing confirms that it is capable of determining a more accurate visibility threshold that is close to the actual JND bound in human eyes. Secondly, the image-domain JND profile is incorporated into hybrid video encoding via the JND-adaptive motion estimation and residue filtering process. The scheme works with any prevalent video coding standards and various motion estimation strategies. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, it has been implemented in the MPEG-2 TM5 coder and demonstrated to achieve average improvement of over 18% in motion estimation efficiency, 0.6 dB in average peak signal-to perceptual-noise ratio (PSPNR) and most remarkably, 0.17 dB in the objective coding quality measure (PSNR) on average. Theoretical explanation is presented for the improvement on the objective coding quality measure. With the JND-based motion estimation and residue filtering process, hybrid video encoding can be more efficient and the use of bits is optimized for visual quality.  相似文献   

Digital video has many applications varying from telecommunications to broadcasting and so on. Video compression techniques have evolved over the past two decades with prominent technique being developed using fractal. However, this technique was not so popular because of its computationally intensive nature. This paper proposes an inter frame video compression technique, which consists of a combination of a block matching using fractal compression. The proposed algorithm is implemented on CUDA-enabled GPU which significantly reduces the encoding time of the video and provides a very high compression ratio with reasonable quality of the decoded video. Extensive simulations were carried out to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

提出一种适用于泛在网络中的基于压缩感知的Wyner-Ziv空域可分级视频编码.在编码端,基本层和增强层之间独立编码,基本层编码器将视频信号下采样,然后进行H.264视频编码,增强层编码器采用自适应的压缩感知测量、量化和熵编码.在解码端,利用时域稀疏模型,基本层和增强层联合进行压缩感知重建.理论分析和实验结果表明,所提编码算法能够灵活地调整输出码流,具有较好的率失真性能和传输的顽健性.  相似文献   

A progressive image-coding algorithm that uses a combination of the set partitioning in hierarchical tree (SPIHT) algorithm and an embedded trellis-coded quantiser (E-TCQ) is proposed. Using the hierarchical quadtree structure, a significant map of coefficients is encoded. The E-TCQ is then used to refine the amplitude of the significant pixels. Results are obtained using the proposed method. It is shown that this method gives good performance, with very little increase in computational complexity and storage memory  相似文献   

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