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曹晓锐  刘进 《山西建筑》2007,33(17):350-351
对陕西省某炼油厂废水二级处理出水进行混凝与臭氧活性炭吸附探索性试验,根据处理效果,掌握必要参数,为进一步深度处理做准备,指出混凝+砂滤+臭氧氧化+活性炭吸附处理炼油二次处理排放水可以达到回用的目的,其关键是解决活性炭使用寿命的问题。  相似文献   

通过控制泥龄实现亚硝酸盐型同步硝化反硝化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用序批式活性污泥法处理人工配制的城市生活污水,通过控制泥龄成功地实现了亚硝酸盐型同步硝化反硝化,曝气过程中NO2^-N/NOx^-N值始终保持在84.48%以上,曝气结束时大约有80.39%的氨氮通过同步硝化反硝化途径被去除。在适宜的曝气量下,利用排泥的方法控制反应器内适宜的泥龄,可以实现稳定的亚硝酸盐型同步硝化反硝化。  相似文献   

通过考察活性污泥硝化作用、微观结构以及微生物群落结构的变化,研究甲氧苄啶(TMP)对好氧活性污泥的长期影响。结果表明,长期运行过程中不同浓度的TMP均对氨氮的去除有抑制作用,但该抑制作用是可逆的,在25 d后可恢复到高效去除氨氮水平。连续运行30 d后的典型周期试验发现,在不同TMP浓度下,硝化性能在周期内依旧受到一定程度的抑制,但在周期结束时氨氮均能得到稳定去除;此外,在10 mg/L的高浓度TMP条件下,亚硝态氮会出现积累。扫描电镜观察发现,随着TMP浓度的升高,污泥絮体破裂程度加剧,污泥颗粒变小。微生物群落结构分析表明,优势菌群中放线菌门相比拟杆菌门对TMP有更强的耐受性,另外,硝化螺旋菌门对TMP有较强的耐受性,随着TMP浓度的升高,硝化螺旋菌门的相对丰度从0. 84%升高至1. 60%;属水平上,TMP对Flavobacterium菌属的抑制最明显。  相似文献   

双泥法中硝化单元的硝化效果对系统的反硝化除磷效能非常关键,为此通过中试研究了BAF作为A2N工艺硝化单元的处理效能.结果表明:BAF对COD的降解主要发生在进水端,在滤层0.4m高度处COD即已降至68 mg/L,这有利于滤层上部对NH4+-N的去除.在无外加碱度的条件下,BAF适宜的气水比范围为(3∶1)~(5∶1),增加BAF进水的碱度可使NH;-N的去除量提高10 mg/L以上,进而可降低气水比.A2N工艺中的BAF进水COD浓度低,且对出水SS指标无要求,这有利于延长BAF的反冲洗周期,试验中反冲洗周期达到7d,反冲洗后BAF可迅速恢复硝化能力.以上研究结果证明,BAF能够与A2N工艺良好地结合并提高工艺的处理效能.  相似文献   

Winery wastewaters are characterised by large seasonal fluctuations in volume and composition and are often discarded with little or no treatment. A rotating biological contactor (RBC) was used to investigate microorganisms associated with the biological treatment of winery wastewater. Extensive biofilms developed on the RBC discs and contained a number of yeast and bacterial species that displayed a dynamic population shift during the evaluation period. This suggested that the naturally occurring microorganisms were able to form a stable biofilm and also reduce the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of winery wastewater (on average 43% with a retention time of 1h). One of the yeast isolates, MEA 5, was able to reduce the COD of synthetic wastewater by 95% and 46% within 24h under aerated and non-aerated conditions, respectively. The yeast isolates could therefore play an important role in the degradation of organic compounds under aerobic conditions, such as those associated with an RBC.  相似文献   

The paper describes the design and operation of a submerged biotower, i.e. flooded upflow reactor which utilises a random-packed polypropylene medium for supporting the biomass. The process can be used for carbonaceous removal or nitrification. In the application which is described, the process has been used for tertiary nitrification of a poultry abattoir wastewater as an extension to the existing effluent-treatment plant. Details of process commissioning at low temperatures are given and results from twelve months'operation are discussed. Operating costs are compared with other processes.  相似文献   

污水处理原理和技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王翠萍 《山西建筑》2009,35(13):163-164
结合污水处理工程的现状,提出了污水处理的方法,探讨了生物化学处理的原理和影响因素,分析了生物化学处理法在运行过程中出现的故障,详细介绍了利用生物化学原理的污水处理技术,以做好城市污水处理工作。  相似文献   

This article presents the results for the treatment of raw sewage in an anaerobic-aerobic system at pilot plant level. Experiments were carried out in summer and winter, with different loads and temperatures (19°C and 12°C) to evaluate the potential of this system to be used in touristic-coastal areas. Results show that removal efficiencies are similar in both seasons because temperature balances the excess of the summer load. However, the overall yield coefficient for sludge production is reduced around, compared with reported values for conventional activated sludge processes. Nitrification takes place in Rotating Biological Contactors with good yields at hydraulic loads below 0.13 m3/m2·d.  相似文献   

AO—MBR工艺短程硝化处理高氨氮废水试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用AO—MBR工艺短程硝化处理高氨氮废水,系统可以快速启动实现全程硝化。结果表明,AO—MBR工艺在温度为24~32℃,pH值为7.8~8.4,好氧池DO降至0.5mg/L时,运行21天后全程硝化转变为稳定的短程硝化,氨氮去除率和亚硝酸盐氮积累率均大于90%;接种后及硝化类型转变时污泥浓度会大幅降低,运行中后期污泥浓度基本保持稳定。  相似文献   

Much of the methodology employed for characterizing wastewater and in modeling wastewater treatment processes employs off-line analysis. Off-line analysis is time consuming and not ideally suited to developing process control strategies. Clearly a rapid, inexpensive and reliable method suitable for following organic consumption and biomass production on-line would be very useful. In this study multiple excitation—multiple emission fluorometry was examined as a method for monitoring wastewater treatment processes. Results were first obtained for defined protein solutions and activated sludge to identify characteristic excitation and emission wavelength pairs. These results were then used to develop a rapid off-line assay for measurement of synthetic feeds consisting of protein substrates for batch aerobic and anoxic wastewater treatment processes and for on-line monitoring of cellular metabolic states in an anoxic process. Step-wise multiple regression and principal component analysis were employed for data analysis. The former was used to determine the most informative excitation and emission wavelength pairs while the latter was applied to reduce fluorescent spectra dimensions. Analysis of the batch kinetics suggests that this approach is valid and revealed some dynamic features of protein utilization and biomass accumulation under aerobic and anoxic conditions. A correlation was developed between COD-removal rates and the fluorescence signals in the two processes using fluorescent emission spectra rather than single signals. The data suggests that this multiple excitation—multiple emission fluorometry may be a suitable method for following wastewater and activated sludge dynamics and could be used as the basis for the development of expert system based biosensors.  相似文献   

The challenge of stricter wastewater standards is resulting in configuration changes to wastewater treatment. As facilities upgrade, the type of sludge produced is changing, with growing quantities of secondary and chemical sludge at the expense of primary sludge. It is already understood that secondary sludge is harder to treat than its primary equivalent; therefore, increasing the quantity of this type of sludge will have detrimental impacts downstream. As legislation tightens further, extended aeration times may be required during processing to remove more nutrients. Work has shown that extended aeration further exacerbates the treatability of secondary sludge. This paper explains how tightening wastewater legislation fundamentally alters the nature of the sludge produced, and how these alterations impact further processing, especially with respect to sludge production and type; sludge energy content; performance of anaerobic digestion and dewatering, and potential for thermal energy recovery.  相似文献   

Complete nitrification of ammonia in partially treated domestic wastewater was demonstrated in a mixed culture chemostat. The optimal detention time of water in the chemostat for maximal nitrification was 6–7 days. In the field, a significant number of nitrifying bacteria was present in a wastewater reservoir, as well as in samples of inflowing water from the preceding anaerobic overloaded oxidation pond.  相似文献   

以实际运行数据,介绍了两段活性污泥法对炼油废水COD、NH3-N等主要污染物的去除效果,并对曝、二曝不同的作用及各自稳定运行的主要控制参数进行了分析.  相似文献   

利用COD指标进行活性污泥法系统的设计   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
阐述了利用COD指标进行活性污泥法系统设计的主要思想和过程,并建立一套用于硝化和反硝化的活性污泥法COD设计方法。大量实际运行结果表明,利用该法对系统剩余污泥量和耗氧量以及活性污泥的组成计算所得的结果要较传统的BOD5方法更为精确。  相似文献   

结合福州市金山污水处理厂工艺及及活性污泥培养驯化实例,分析总结ICEAS工艺启动及活性污泥培养驯化经验。  相似文献   

Davyhulme sewage-treatment works, which serves the Manchester drainage area, is one of the lagest in the UK. The dry-weather flow is 300 000 m3/d, and the plant receives a wide range of industrial effluents. The works has been identified as a major source of pollution in the Mersey estuary, with an average discharge of 6500 kg ammonia/day. As part of its initiative to improve the Mersey estuary, North West Water intends to reduce the daily ammonia load from Davyhulme to about 1000 kg/d by 1995. In order to assess the capabilities of both conventional and novel processes to achieve this degree of ammonia removal, a number of on-site pilot plants were established. This paper reports on the pilot-plant studies and the selection of process options. Recommendations with regard to design parameters and final process selection are given.  相似文献   

新型颗粒生物膜生物转盘处理有机废水的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用一种新型的颗粒生物膜生物转盘处理有机废水,将盘片改为转筒状,并向其中加入特制的多孔聚合物高分子载体,考察了该系统对COD和NH3-N的去除效果及多孔聚合物栽体的生物膜特性.结果表明,系统对COD和氨氮的去除效果较好,当进水COD和氨氮分别为(252~538)、(22.2~51.7)mg/L(平均值分别为386.6、33.0 mg/L)时,系统对COD和氨氮的去除率分别为63.6%~96.4%(平均为85.2%)、77.8%~98.7%(平均为86.5%);多孔聚合物高分子法载 体挂膜良好,平均膜厚为186.4μm.  相似文献   

陈广 《山西建筑》2014,(20):151-152
研究了上海某A/B/C活性污泥工艺污水处理厂出水SS偏高的问题,对影响出水SS的主要影响因素进行了综合分析,并提出了工艺调整措施,在实际运行中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

文章简单介绍了液化石油气储灌场的废水生化处理的工艺流程、改造后的工程概况和操作运行.  相似文献   

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