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一种修正的混凝土弹性损伤本构模型及其应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
混凝土弹性损伤本构模型的模型参数少、标定简单、计算效率较高,适于工程应用。Faria和Oliver等人所提出的混凝土损伤模型,体现了混凝土弹性损伤本构模型的上述优点,但原模型对反复荷载作用下混凝土刚度恢复效应描述欠佳。针对此不足,该文做了修正。并以ABAQUS为平台编制了材料模型子程序UMAT。应用修正的模型对几个典型... 相似文献
张峰 《理化检验(物理分册)》1995,31(5):18-21
试验分析了Φ915喂线车轮的低周疲劳性能,测定了循环稳定和单调拉伸应力-应变曲线,给出了应变-寿命及应力-寿命关系,讨论了循环软化循环硬化特性,导出应变疲劳损伤演变方程和寿命估算方程,还列表给出车轮钢的全部应变疲劳参数和与之对应的静态参数,可供设计选材、寿命估算时使用。 相似文献
The aim of this work is to study the time dependent effects on the low cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of 316 L(N) stainless steel weld joint. Influence of strain rate, temperature, strain range, hold time and hold duration on fatigue life is evaluated. Occurrence of dynamic strain aging, creep damage, overall distribution of damage across the weld joint and the role of microstructure on the failure mode and failure location of the weld joint is discussed as a function of test parameters. 相似文献
为了进一步提高板料成形中的回弹预测精度,分别建立了基于Ziegler 线性随动强化模型、Lemaitre-Chaboche 非线性随动强化以及非线性混合强化模型的Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman(GTN)细观损伤本构模型,并给出有限元数值积分方法。通过用户自定义材料子程序VUMAT 将损伤模型嵌入到有限元软件ABAQUS 中,以NUMISHEET’93 板料U 型弯曲考题为例,应用显隐相结合的方法模拟分析了不同材料强化模型和损伤对板料回弹量的影响。结果表明:在相同GTN 损伤模型情况下,线性随动和非线性随动强化模型预测得到的板料回弹量较小,等向强化预测的板料回弹量偏大,非线性混合强化预测的板料回弹量介于它们之间。材料模型在考虑损伤因素后,预测的回弹严重程度比无损伤情况时略小,与实验值更相近。 相似文献
He Steglich Heerens Wang Brocks Dahms 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1998,21(10):1189-1201
Six different Al–Al3 Ti composites were prepared via the powder metallurgy route. The size and volume fraction of Al3 Ti particles was varied for a systematic investigation of fracture behaviour. The dominant failure mechanism in the composites is particle fracture and void growth starting from the broken particles. In comparison with the pure Al–matrix, an incorporation of Al3 Ti particles reduces the crack initiation toughness and reduces the slope of the crack growth resistance curve. The inter-particle distance was found to be the main microstructural parameter controlling the slope of the crack growth resistance curve. The modified Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman model (GTN model) was applied to one of the composites. The behaviour of tensile specimens could be successfully modelled, whereas the experimentally observed crack propagation in precracked single edge bend specimens [SE(B)] could not be simulated with the GTN model. 相似文献
K. M. KIT J. M. SCHULTZ 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1997,40(14):2679-2692
We present a space–time finite element formulation to study the cooperative growth of adjacent needle-like crystals in a two-dimensional, binary melt. It is assumed that the system is isothermal and that the compositions of the melt and the crystals are different. The growth rate of the crystals is taken to be a function of the melt composition in front of the growing crystals, and the composition of the melt as a function of space and time is determined by the diffusion equation. The positions of the growth fronts of each crystal are tracked. Good agreement is found between the numerical solution of an approximated one-dimensional problem and an analytical solution. Numerical results of the simulation of the growth of isolated and adjacent crystals are presented. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
用层次分析法确定工业设计评价指标、要素的权值模型研究 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
应用层次分析法,对工业设计评价模型进行综合评判,确定其工业设计评价指标,要素的相对权质和综合权值大小。 相似文献
陶瓷复合装甲粘结层效应和抗多发打击性能的数值模拟研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
粘结层性能对陶瓷复合装甲抗多发打击性能有重要影响。建立了研究粘结层和多发打击的数值模拟方法,解决了传统方法不能模拟"脱粘"和多发打击的问题。基于文献弹道试验,研究了环氧树脂和聚氨酯两种粘结层材料及其厚度对陶瓷/铝合金复合装甲抗7.62mm穿甲弹单发和两发打击性能的影响。结果表明:单发打击的数值模拟可不建粘结层,而多发打击应采用建粘结层的方法;抗单发打击时,粘结层越薄,极限速度越大;抗多发打击时,陶瓷复合装甲应采用聚氨酯粘结层,且其抗两发打击的较优厚度约为0.40mm。 相似文献