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加快我国合同能源管理发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈赟 《中国能源》2011,33(1):42-44
合同能源管理是运用市场手段促进节能的服务机制,积极推进合同能源管理是完成节能降耗任务的一个重要措施。我国应通过完善政策、税收扶持、金融服务等加快推进合同能源管理的发展。由于合同能源管理在我国发展的历史还比较短、产业发展还处于转型升级阶段以及节能降耗的技术水平还不高等原因,需要我们付出更多的努力来促进合同能源管理在我国的发展。  相似文献   

合同能源管理在我国的发展和存在的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王树茂 《中国能源》2008,30(2):21-23
我国政府对合同能源管理机制给予了高度关注。合同能源管理的推广,节能服务产业的发展在我国还仍然处于发展的初级阶段,进一步发展还有诸多不利的环境和障碍需要克服。  相似文献   

王树茂 《中国能源》2008,30(2):21-23,47
我国政府对合同能源管理机制给予了高度关注。合同能源管理的推广,节能服务产业的发展在我国还仍然处于发展的初级阶段,进一步发展还有诸多不利的环境和障碍需要克服。  相似文献   

浅析工业锅炉节能降耗的EMC方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施合同能源管理机制对于我国推进T业锅炉节能减排工作具有十分重要的意义,但是目前我国合同能源管理机制的发展进程比较缓慢,特别是节能服务公司的地位和积极性没有得到重视和发挥。通过介绍合同能源管理机制的特点、发展情况、障碍因素等,为我国丁业锅炉节能领域采用合同能源管理机制提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代中期以来,一种基于市场的、全新的节能项目投资机制“合同能源管理”(CEM)在市场经济国家中逐步发展起来,而基于CEM这种新机制运作的专业化的“节能服务公司”(ESCO)的发展十分迅速,尤其是在美国、加拿大,ESCO已发展成为新兴的节能产业。  合同能源管理的实质是:一种以减少的能源费用来支付节能项目全部成本的节能投资方式。这种节能投资方式允许用户用未来的节能收益为工厂和设备升级,以及降低目前的运行成本。能源管理合同在实施节能项目的企业(用户)与专门的能源管理公司之间签订。在传统的节能投资方式下,节能…  相似文献   

正合同价格的降低无疑提高了业主方实施合同能源管理的兴趣与积极性,合同得以顺利签订。随着工业的飞速发展和雾霾天气的增多,能源和环境污染问题日益突出,节能减排成为每个企业都面临的严峻问题。合同能源管理作为一种有效的节能减排运作机制,从西方发达国家引入我国后迅速得到推广和发展,能够实施合同能源管理的节能服务企业也迅速增多。为促进合同能源管理在我国的健康蓬勃发展,财政部和国家税务总局  相似文献   

随着世界能源供应日趋紧张,合同能源管理作为一种通过市场化运作来推荐节能减排的新机制已取得国际共识,文中分析制约合同能源管理发展的瓶颈和我国现行扶植政策,结合黑龙江省节能服务产业发展现状,提出几点加快我省合同能源管理的政策建议.  相似文献   

上海市合同能源管理项目实施信息化管理的经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
节能服务公司和合同能源管理项目近年来在我国发展迅速,为促进合同能源管理机制的进一步完善,建立一个科学、适用的管理平台,实现合同能源项目的报备、国家相关优惠补助政策和合同能源管理知识的宣传等等,都是很必要的。上海市合同能源指导委员会办公室通过管理信息系统,配合政府主管部门开展节能管理和监察工作,有效地促进了合同能源管理项目的信息共享,优化了资金审批流程,并为合同能源管理统计和分析工作提供了便利。  相似文献   

正业内人士表示,在国家财政奖励和税收优惠政策的促进下,节能效益分享型合同项目数量近50%,节能量保证型合同占40%多,而能源费用托管型及其他模式则没有受到应有的重视和支持。我国合同能源管理发展速度非常快我国从2010年开始出台相关政策推动合同能源管理的发展,发展速度很快。《"十二五"节能环保产业发展规划》提出,大力推行合同能源管理,到  相似文献   

本文根据上海阿尔西空调系统服务有限公司在开展合同能源管理节能效益分享的案例,在实施项目中的风险分析,节能效益的分享计算及如何解决贷款融资做了详细的描述,供节能服务公司和有关客户单位在开展合同能源管理的节能工作时参考。  相似文献   

中外合同能源管理应用发展对比研究及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕荣胜  王建 《中外能源》2011,16(8):22-28
合同能源管理(EPC)目前在美国、加拿大、法国、德国和日本等节能强国已形成一个具有巨大市场潜力的新兴产业。我国于1998年12月正式引入EPC,虽然取得了不小的成绩,但与节能强国的EPC发展模式相比,仍然存在许多不足。从宏观上来讲,我国目前尚缺少能够保证EPC健康发展的法律环境,特别是缺少强制性的法律法规;EPC专项发展资金不足,且专项担保基金的条件对于大多数节能服务公司(EMCo)来说标准太高;我国的节能宣传从未真正达到过学校教育的高度,在面向大众的报刊、广播和电视上的宣传明显不足;我国在节能量的科学测算和标准化合同样本方面做得不尽如人意。微观方面,我国EMCo的融资环境可谓艰难;EMCo在运用EPC进行节能项目时面临的最大问题之一就是资金的回收风险;我国EMCo提供的节能服务主要还是集中在节能设备上,在节能技术的研发和应用上缺少核心竞争力;节能服务领域主要集中在工业节能和民用建筑节能,而公共机构市场尚未成为我国EMCo的主要市场。今后,我国应建立全方位的节能宣传教育体系,健全节能方面的法律法规,加强国家性的政策支持,拓展EMCo的融资渠道,加大对节能行业的指导力度,改革不利于EPC推广应用的旧体制,促进其推广应用。  相似文献   

All European Union Member States require an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) when buildings are constructed, sold and rented. At its introduction the EPC was considered a pioneering instrument, one that would help overcome an information deficit hindering consumer interest in energy efficient dwellings. Now that the EPC has been implemented for several years it is possible to examine its impact. This research draws on data from ex-ante and ex-post assessments of the EPC in a number of countries and presents the results of a survey of Dutch private dwelling purchasers. This survey was based on two sample populations, one received an EPC during property transaction and another did not. Differences were sought between the two samples in a number of areas relating to the adoption of energy efficiency measures. Results show that many projections about the impact of the EPC have fallen short. The EPC was found to have a weak influence, especially pre-purchase. The potential of the EPC in driving energy efficiency improvement in the existing stock is doubted especially if it continues to act independent from a mix of instruments designed to tackle multiple barriers. It is argued that the energy saving potential of existing dwellings, applauded in climate change policy, will remain unexploited if it continues to be assessed subjectively by householders.  相似文献   

刘纳兵  陈晓霞 《水电能源科学》2012,30(1):180-181,138
针对水电工程EPC项目设计管理存在的问题,基于总承包商角度探讨了EPC项目设计质量管理,建立了EPC项目设计管理集成模式,并构建了有效设计管理体系,为完善EPC项目总承包商设计质量控制机制提供了依据。  相似文献   

随着海外电力市场的竞争日益加剧,海外电力EPC总承包项目的HSE管理已成为电力企业争夺市场的重要筹码。通过对海外电力EPC总承包项目HSE管理特点及存在的问题的分析,进而提出了改善海外电力EPC总承包项目HSE管理的措施,可为我国企业改进海外电力EPC项目的HSE管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Understanding and properly managing risks that could potentially affect the target- and performance-based profits of energy performance contracting (EPC) projects are essential. It is particularly important for the establishment and success of energy service companies (ESCOs) acting in the vulnerable environment of the vast but highly energy-inefficient Russian market. This study systematically explores common risk factors and causes of risk associated with EPC projects executed in three Russian sectors: (1) industrial; (2) housing and communal services; and (3) public. Several interviews with the Russian EPC experts were accomplished and a qualitative risk assessment by using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach. The data were obtained from a web-based questionnaire survey conducted among Russian EPC project executors. For each focus sector, a specific preference-based ranking of the identified risk factors and causes of risk was derived. The AHP results show that causes of risk related to the financial and regulatory aspects contribute most to the riskiness of EPC projects performed in all three focus sectors in Russia, calling for the special attention of EPC policy- and business-makers. Due to sectorial particularities and different actors involved, we conclude that there is a need for elaboration of sector-specific contractual schemes for EPC projects.  相似文献   

The barriers to energy savings in institutions and private homes are well known and include people’s lack of interest, awareness, knowledge and human and financial capacity. Experiences made in several countries show that EPC—energy performance contracting—may be used for overcoming many of these barriers. A typical EPC project is delivered by an energy service company (ESCO) and the contract is accompanied with a guarantee for energy savings. EPC is increasingly taken in use in the professional market (firms and the public sector), but is less common in the residential sector market. It has been suggested that there are several barriers for using EPC in the domestic sector such as the uncertainty involved in estimating forthcoming reductions in private consumption. In this paper, we present the results from a pilot project on the use of EPC in a housing cooperative in Oslo. The project was initiated and observed by the researchers. The research followed a transdisciplinary methodology in that it was conducted by both researcher and practitioner (co-authors) in close collaboration with members of the housing cooperative and the ESCOs, who also contributed to the interpretation of results. We document the process in terms of why the Board decided to join the EPC pilot, the call for offers from ESCOs who guaranteed that purchased annual energy would be reduced by one third, the responses to and negotiations of the offer from the ESCO who became contracted in the initial phase and up to the moment when the General Assembly finally decided to not invest in the proposed energy saving measures. We find that the residents not only had limited interest in energy savings but also lacked confidence in the EPC process. This contributed to the outcome. We discuss the findings in relation to the barriers to using EPC among housing cooperatives. We highlight the need for more knowledge about the client side for understanding how barriers may be overcome. Three specific recommendations for how EPC may successfully be employed among housing cooperatives are suggested as follows: (i) include refurbishment and not only energy savings in the EPC, (ii) identify the residents’ needs in an early phase and (iii) communicate the EPC principle to the residents throughout the process.  相似文献   

随着我国“一带一路”战略的推进,越来越多的中国企业将走向海外,去参与国际竞争,开展项目总承包业务。电力行业的不少国有企业,也正在积极参与竞争,不断扩大海外项目总承包市场份额。百年大计,质量第一。总承包项目质量管理,对总承包项目各项目标的实现以及总承包合同的顺利履行,起着举足轻重的作用。文章结合多年海外总承包项目质量管理的经验,总结了海外项目总承包质量管理的七个要点,可供广大海外项目总承包质量管理者借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

目前,工程EPC总承包是国内外工程承包市场上广泛应用的一种承包方式,是指一家总承包商(或联合体)对整个工程的设计、采购、施工、试运行直到交付使用的全过程"交钥匙"承包。而物资采购管理工作对于EPC总承包项目至关重要,直接关系着工程的进度、质量和效益。本文结合工程总承包项目物资采购管理的特点与现状,探析了设计、采购与施工环节的物资采购管理应着重加强的工作,提出了改进措施,以提高总承包项目物资采购管理的水平。  相似文献   

政府补贴金额对EMCo投资EPC项目产生的影响是一个值得研究的问题。本文以电力EPC项目的投资决策过程为研究对象,以政府的灵活补贴政策为依据,结合期权博弈模型,构建不确定情况下EPC项目的对称双头垄断投资模型,并在模型中设置价值匹配和平滑条件,研究了投资EPC项目过程中政府补贴对EMCo的影响,获得了EMCo签订节能服务合同的最优阈值和补贴数值及政府补贴的均衡策略,为电力EPC项目的投资决策提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

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