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Comparative studies of Meissner and shielding processes have been performed on variously sized samples of the solid solution (La1–x Sr x )2CuO4: (polycrystalline, powder, and single-crystalline) under various magnetic fields in the range 0.03–10 Oe. Considering the kinetics of the two processes, this systematic approach has indicated that the observed Meissner signal can be significantly low with the sample still being wholly superconductive. Based on this comparative study, the tetragonal region of (La1–x Sr x )2CuO4 withx greater than 0.105 has been concluded to be superconductive, suggesting the nonessential involvement of the buckling of the Cu-O-Cu-O bond in the CuO2 layer in the manifestation of superconductivity.  相似文献   

The anomalous oxygen isotope shift observed in the high-temperature superconductors La2–xSrxCuO4 and La2–xBaxCuO4 is discussed within the model of superconductivity in which the apex oxygen vibrations play the major role in the pairing mechanism. We show that the dependence of both the critical temperature and its isotope shifts on the doping level is consistently described within this model. The anomaly occurring in the isotope shift between x = 0.11 andx=0.15 is traced back to the oxygen mass exponent associated with the apex oxygen frequency.  相似文献   

The ESR signal of Gd spin probes (0.5 at.%) as well as the static normal state susceptibility of Eu (J(Eu3+) = 0) doped La2-x-ySrxEuyCuO4 reveal pronounced changes of the Cu magnetism at the structural transition from the orthorhombic to the low-temperature tetragonal phase for all nonsuperconducting compositions. Both a jumplike decrease ofx as well as the ESR data show an increase of the in-plane magnetic correlation length in the LTT phase. From the Gd3+ ESR linewidth we find that for specific Eu and Sr concentrations in the LTT phase the correlation length increases up to more than 100 lattice constants and the fluctuation frequency of the CuO2 spin system slows down to ~1010-1011 s-1 However, there is no static order above T~8 K in contrast to the LTT phase of Nd-doped La{2-x}SrxCuO4 with pinned stripe correlations.  相似文献   

A large amount of static and dynamic NMR experiments have been carried out to determine the spin properties in high temperature superconductors cuprates (HTSC). In the majority of cuprates the magnetic shift at the planar copper nucleus is independent of the temperature when the field is applied perpendicular to the CuO2 planes and does not exhibit the expected reduction of the spin susceptibility in the superconducting state. This has been explained by a coincidental cancellation of on-site and transferred hyperfine fields at the copper nucleus, which would lead to a vanishing spin shift. To examine this explanation we determine the hyperfine fields by ab initio cluster calculations for La2CuO4 within the framework of spin-polarized density functional theory. In particular we investigate the sensitivity of the hyperfine fields on the lattice constants.  相似文献   

Features of low-temperature structural phase transitions in La{2-x}SrxCuO4 with x = 0.115 and 0.15 have been examined by transmission electron microscopy. There are 100-type forbidden spots due to thePccn/LTT phase as well as fundamental spots due to the LTO phase in the electron-diffraction patterns of Lax-2SrxCuO4 with x = 0.115 and 0.15 at 12 K. As for 100-type forbidden dark field images at 12 K, a bright-line contrast due to thePccn/LTT phase exists only along the twin boundary in the LTO phase for x = 0.15. In the case of x = 0.115, a bright-spot contrast due to thePccn/LTT phase also appears partially inside the LTO domains, in addition to the bright-line contrast along the twin boundary. That is, the low-temperature transition in x = 0.115 is characterized by the appearance of thePccn/LTT phase with the spotty shape inside the LTO domain.  相似文献   

Ceramic cuprates of La1.85Sr0.15Cu1-yMgyO4 with 0.00≤y≤0.30 are synthesized. The resistivity dependence of temperature is obtained up to room temperature. The metal-insulator transition at the range of higher doping level (y> 0.10) is observed. There is no impurity phase detected in the entire Mg-doped region. The structure of these Mg-doped samples is characterized by X-ray diffraction studies. The atomic structural parameters are obtained by Rietveld refinements for the Mg-doped samples with y≤0.30. No phase transition is detected within the accuracy of our experiments. The Mg doping reduce the local Jahn-Teller distortion of the CuO6 octahedra. Some meaningful bond distances are determined according to the refined results. According to the variations of the lattice parameters with y, the whole doping range could be divided into two regions: low doping level (LDL) and high doping level (HDL). The bond length between the two apical oxygen atoms in the CuO6 octahedra for the Mg-doped samples increases with increasing content of Mg in the LDL, and high doping level (HDL). The bond length between the two apical oxygen atoms in the CuO6 octahedra for the Mg-doped samples increases with increasing content of Mg in the LDL, and decreases in the HDL.  相似文献   

Polarization-dependent X-ray-absorption fine-structure (XAFS) measurements on the local structure of the La2CuO4-based high-T c superconductors La2–x Sr x CuO4, La2–x Ba x CuO4, and La1.6–x Sr x Nd0.4CuO4 find, among others, orientation disorder induced in the Cu–O2 planes by doping Sr, Ba, and alloying Nd atoms, all such atoms residing in La-sites. The orientation disorder is of two types: mostly static-buckling disorder, and dynamic disordering of the tilt angles of the Cu–O6 octahedra correlated in nanoscale regions, with respect to neighboring nanoscale regions. Buckling disorder in the Cu–O2 planes has the greatest detrimental effect on T c and conductivity for such foreign atoms.  相似文献   

The electronic structure of idealized tetragonal Bi2Sr2CuO6 is compared with that of an orthorhombic 2×2 model that includes atomic displacements due to the structural modulation. The electronic structure, particularly that related to Bi and O(3) atoms, is strongly modified near the Fermi energy. In particular the shape and topology of the Bi-O(3) related Fermi surfaces near the ¯M point are changed. With the modulation, bands occur near the Fermi energy over a significant part of the zone near this point. A method is proposed to distinguish between lattice distortions and antiferromagnetic correlations as the cause of recently observed shadow Fermi surfaces.  相似文献   

A suitable decomposition of the electronic density response and of the electron-phonon interaction into local and nonlocal contributions is extended to the nonadiabatic regime taking dynamical screening into account. It is shown for La2CuO4 that the already large (nonlocal) adiabatic electron-phonon coupling is further strongly enhanced for certain phonons along the (0, 0, 1) direction. In this region of wave-vector space we also have a low-lying plasmon mode which mixes strongly with the phonons of appropriate symmetry leading to an anomalous renormalization for certain phonons. The coexistence of phononlike and plasmonlike resonances in the same frequency range is argued to be a specific feature of the layered high-temperature superconductors.  相似文献   

Epitaxial multilayer thin films of infinite-layer (Sr, Ca)CuO2 and perovskite (Sr, Ca)RuO3 have been prepared on (100) SrTiO3 substrates by multitarget rf magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction analyses revealed that the multilayer structure of (Sr, Ca)CuO3/(Sr, Ca)RuO3 was successfully fabricated with a minimum layer thickness of 20 Å. Transmission electron microscopy measurements of the multilayers indicated that there was no dislocation which normally exists in single-layer films with an infinite-layer structure. Resistivities of multilayer films at room temperature ranged from 1 to 10 m cm and showed semiconductor-like dependence against the temperature.  相似文献   

Structural properties of La2CuO4.1 single crystal are studied by high-resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction as a function of temperature and of X-ray fluence. Superstructures with a periodicity 2, along the c axis, due to a 3D long-range oxygen ordering, have been observed. The temperature-dependent study has allowed us to distinguish two order–disorder phase transitions, at 350 and 375 K for two different ordered phases, respectively. After rapid quenching from 380 to 100 K we were able to induce disorder-to-order-like transition because of a 2D rearrangement of the excess oxygen atoms in the temperature range of 130–180 K. The oxygen ordering could also be produced by X-ray beam illumination; a clear signature of X-ray-photo-induced phase transition has been found by placing the sample under high X-ray flux at 300 and 220 K.  相似文献   

The Ru-1232 compounds have been synthesized in the (Ru1–xNb x )Sr2(GdCe1.8Sr0.2)Cu2O z system, and effects of Nb substitution for Ru on superconductivity and ferromagnetism of the Ru-1232 compounds have been investigated. First, X-ray powder diffraction study shows that nearly the single 1232 phase samples can be obtained in the x composition range from 0.0 to 0.3. Then, from the electrical resistivity study, it is found that each of the samples shows resistivity dropping phenomenon at two temperatures of T c l and T c h, which originates from superconductivity of the Ru-1232 phase and the Ru-1222 one, respectively. Both of the starting temperatures are lowering with increasing Nb content x. Lastly, from the magnetic susceptibility study, it is found that superconducting transition temperature T c is 20 K for the Ru-1232 sample with x = 0.0 and the ferromagnetic transition temperature T m is about 90 K. This study also shows that both of the values of T c and T m become low with increasing x from 0.0 to 0.3.  相似文献   

The temperature dependences of the resistivity R(T) and the thermoelectric power α(itT) under different hydrostatic pressuresP for the system La{2-x}BavCuO4, 0.11 ≤ x < -1.6, are reported and interpreted as evidence for strong electron coupling to oxygen vibrations along the CuO-Cu bond axes of the CuO2 sheets. The sensitivity of the transport properties to the bending Φ of the (180‡-Φ) Cu-O-Cu bond angle and their insensitivity to long-range magnetic order indicate that the segregation into hole-rich and magnetic stripe domains is driven primarily by electron-lattice interactions and not by electron-electron interactions alone.  相似文献   

Thermal conductivity of polycrystalline La2CuO4, La2NiO4, and Nd2CuO4 was measured in the temperature range 300–1000 K. No anomaly in thermal conductivity has been observed during the semiconductor-to-metal transition of La2NiO4 or in the metallic phases of La2CuO4 and La2NiO4. A change of slope has been found, however, in the thermal conductivity of La2CuO4 at the crystallographic transition. The thermal conductivity of the oxides is mainly phononic in this temperature range.  相似文献   

The Cu4SO4(OH)6 was synthesized by a simple hydrothermal reaction with a yield of ~ 90%. Using Cu4SO4(OH)6 as the starting material, novel fishbone-like Cu(OH)2 was produced by a direct reaction of Cu4SO4(OH)6 with NaOH solution. The Cu(OH)2 consists of many needle-like nanorods parallel to each other and perpendicular to the direction of backbone, forming fishbone-like structure. Using the fishbone-like Cu(OH)2 as the sacrificial precursor, CuO with similar size and morphology was obtained through a simple heat treatment. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, BET nitrogen adsorption, and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy were employed to characterize the as-prepared samples. The conversion of the Cu4SO4(OH)6 to the fishbone-like Cu(OH)2 was visualized by time-dependent SEM images. A mechanism was also proposed based on the observed results.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline Nd2(Zr1 − xSnx)2O7 series solid solutions were prepared by a convenient salt-assisted combustion process using glycine as fuel. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The results showed the Zr ion can be partially replaced by Sn ion. The partial substituted products were still single-phase solid solutions and the crystal form remained unchanged. TEM images reveal that the products are composed of well-dispersed square-shaped nanocrystals. The method provides a convenient and low-cost route for the synthesis of nanostructures of oxide materials.  相似文献   

The [N(CH3)4][N(C2H5)4]ZnCl4 compound was prepared and characterized by electrical technique. The temperature dependence of the dielectric permittivity shows that this compound is ferroelectric below T = 268 K. The two semi-circles observed in the complex impedance identify the presence of the grain interior and grain boundary contributions to the electrical response in the material. The equivalent circuit is modeled by a combination series of two parallel RP–CPE circuits. The frequency dependent conductivity is interpreted in term of Jonscher's law. The modulus plots can be characterized by the empirical Kohlrausch–Williams–Watts (K.W.W.) function: ?(t) = exp [(−t/τ)β]. The temperature dependence of the alternative current conductivity (σp), direct current conductivity (σdc) and the relaxation frequency (fp) confirm the presence of the ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition.  相似文献   

We have measured the resistive upper critical field of overdoped single crystals of Tl2Ba2CuO6 from the zero-field transition temperatureT c (approximately 20 K) to temperatures as low as 12 mK, corresponding to less than 0.001T c. In sharp contrast to the predictions of standard theories of superconductivity, the critical field is found to rise steeply with positive curvature as the temperature is reduced, and no sign of saturation is observed down to the lowest temperatures reached.  相似文献   

Rigid-ion model calculations of phonon dispersion relations, densities of states and partial densities of states of the highT c superconductor La2CuO4 and its isostructural compound La2NiO4 have been carried out both in the tetragonal and orthorhombic phases of La2CuO4 and the tetragonal phase of La2NiO4. The calculations are in fair agreement with reported experiments. The computed phonon dispersion in the tetragonal phase of La2CuO4 reproduces the soft mode behaviour for the lowest Σ4 TO branch which is found to harden in the orthorhombic phase, consistent with experimental data.  相似文献   

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