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一、马口铁卫生罐的发展和应用 自从英国人彼得·杜兰德(Peter Durand)于1810年发明马口铁罐并获英国专利权以来,制罐工业已有170多年历史。马口铁罐作为罐头食品的包装容器,在罐头工业中长期以来一直占据绝对优势。1896年美国艾米斯(Ams)发明了罐头密封用的液态橡胶,开创了采用二重卷边结构的三片焊锡罐,亦称卫生罐,是制罐发展史上具有重要意义的改革。马口铁(镀锡薄板)的良好制罐性能(主要是焊接性)和卫生罐用途的广泛适应性,特别是马口铁及其制罐技术的不断发展是卫生罐一直沿用至今的主要原因。制罐工业的发展集中表现在制罐的专业化、马口铁制造技术的改进和制罐技  相似文献   

今年2月有幸随代表团到日本考察,现将部分考察情况作一简单介绍,供大家参考。一、制罐工业在日本主要考察了大和制罐株式会社和有关工厂。虽只参观了该公司的一小部分工厂,看到了工厂中的只鳞片爪,但对大和制罐的技术情况已得到初步了解。由于制罐要求相当高的技术,特别是食品和饮料工业用罐要求质量更高。所以在美、日等发达的工业国,制罐工业和使用厂是分开的,制罐工业无论从技术上或从规模上都得到了相当大的发展。  相似文献   

本篇着重就国际食品包装机械之一的电阻焊制罐设备的技术水平,德国、瑞士、意大利、日本等工业发达国家的电阻焊机技术水平进行了简要描述,力求为我国发展电阻焊制罐设备技术提供参考,以利于在不久的将来,使我国的电阻焊制罐技术赶上国际先进水平。  相似文献   

一、行业基本情况 改革开放以来,我国的金属容器包装工业有了长足的发展,现已形成集印铁制罐、密封罐、钢桶及各种瓶盖为一体的金属容器包装工业体系,成为我国包装工业的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

<正> 在过去10年间,三片罐的市场形势及生产技术发生了很大的变化,但制罐工业的生产目标和要求仍然不变。这个目标就是减少所用的材料,改进空罐的质量,增加机械的性能、灵活性和生产效率。 随着近几年间制罐市场的竞争渐趋白热化,对这些要求更加强烈。实际上,生产焊接三片罐所用的材料约占制造成本的70%,因此生产商便会考虑从这方面缩减成本开支。在减少所需材料上,可以通过减少板材的厚度,改进封口的几何结构,或者采用更理想的材料重量与空罐容积比例等来实现。为此,市场便开发出一种新式的设计以满足这些要求。  相似文献   

目前,铝饮料罐的开发具有三大特征:即易拉罐、特型罐、自加热/自冷却饮料包装。长期以来,尽管铝饮料罐等金属包装物一直受到镀锡板和PET材料的挑战,但由于其重量轻,且具有可回收优势,一直是包装工业的首选,不仅得到稳定发展,而且也在不断地开发创新。由于PET瓶的渗透,近年来日本市场上饮料用铝罐的需求量逐渐减少,但随着新型铝瓶罐的开发,铝罐的需求量又开始上升。目前,日本的武内冲压工业、大和制罐和三菱材料等企业均已进入铝瓶罐生产领域,柴崎制造厂开发的铝瓶罐盖,也同时投入市场。据悉大和制罐、武内冲压工业两公司于1997年开始对铝…  相似文献   

一、行业基本情况 改革开放以来,我国的金属容器包装工业有了长足的发展,现已形成集印铁制罐、密封罐、钢桶及各种瓶盖为一体的金属容器包装工业体系,成为我国包装工业的重要组成部分。 20年来,我国的金属容器包装工业经过风雨坎坷,许多产品从无到有,从小到大,由弱到强,发展很快。金属包装  相似文献   

<正>我国电阻焊制罐设备的开发设计与制造生产,由引进技术、进口设备、样机测浍到自我发展,经过了十几年的努力,目前随着罐头食品工业的发展已初具规模。根据资料统计国内生产制造电阻焊罐身成型组合机的厂家巳有七家,按90年市场预测,1991~2000年国内高、中、低速电阻焊制罐生产线需求量约在700条左右,可见电阻焊制罐设备的生产前景是可观的。为进一步搞好制罐设备的开发研究,赶超国外先进产品水平,笔者根据近几年市场调查资料、国内外技术资料的收  相似文献   

我国的三片罐制罐工业过去仅是食品罐头工业的一部分,制罐厂附设于罐头厂内。自1981年底,福建省漳州罐头厂引进了第一台和第二台中速小罐瑞士焊机(每分钟250罐)和大罐瑞士焊机(每分钟60罐)后,至1988年前后,我国引进了中、低速机近100条生产线。  相似文献   

本文阐述了国内外切板机、电阻焊机等主要制罐机械的现状、发展趋势及国内产品与世界先进水平的差距,以期国内生产和使用制罐机械的厂家明确产品的发展方向,开发生产能够引导市场新潮流的制罐机械新产品,占领国内市场,进而推向国际市场,提高我国制罐机械的技术水平,提高企业经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

食品包装与环境发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
食品包装工业发展迅速,常用食品包装材料有高分子、金属、纸和玻璃等。这些食品包装材料在生产过程中对环境均有一定的污染,在使用后不正确的处理方法以及食品包装中残留的微生物又导致对环境的进一步污染,同时食品过度包装还造成对环境资源的巨大破坏。为使食品包装工业与环境能协调发展,人们应注重食品包装的清洁生产、发展绿色食品包装、简化食品包装以及提高环保意识。  相似文献   

食品包装对环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品工业的发展极大地推动了食品包装工业的发展,常用食品包装材料有高分子、金属、纸和玻璃等。这些食品包装材料在生产过程中对环境均有一定的污染,在使用后不正确的处理方法以及食品包装中残留的微生物又导致对环境的进一步污染,同时食品过度包装还造成对环境资源的巨大破坏。为使食品包装工业与环境能协调发展,人们应在食品包装的清洁生产、发展绿色食品包装、简化食品包装以及提高环保意识等方面做出努力。  相似文献   

我国食品包装及市场的现状与发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
从塑料及复合材料包装,金属包装,玻璃包装,纸质包装四个食品包装的主要领域概述了我国食品包装及市场的现状和发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文针对我国食品包装工业带来的环境污染问题,探讨了食品包装生态化设计的原则和方法,提出设计师在设计食品包装时,应关注新技术新材料为改善和合理应用环境资源带来的可能性和实用性。  相似文献   

在包装和食品机械行业开拓环保设备和技术市场的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了我国包装工业、食品工业、农、林、牧、副、渔业发展进程中 ,在众多领域造成环境污染 ,生态破坏的严重问题 ,包装和食品机械行业在为包装工业、食品工业、农副产品深加工提供装备和技术服务中 ,为治理污染保护生态环境 ,应把环保设备和技术纳入行业市场开拓的系统工程来考虑。呼吁全行业给予高度重视。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Bioactive packaging is an important area of active packaging in which an active component is incorporated into the food contact surface of the package to interact with the food components without itself migrating into the food. Embedding bioactivity in a UV polymerizable resin is a novel and versatile technique for incorporating bioactive components into food packaging. In a previous article, glucose oxidase was immobilized in a packaging material using a UV curable resin. The relevance of this model system for deoxygenation of fruit juices was discussed. Though the technique efficiently immobilized enzymes in packaging material, during polymerization and immobilization the catalytic ability of the enzyme was not specifically explored. This article compares and contrasts the catalytic ability in terms of the kinetic profile of free and immobilized enzyme for the same model system: deoxygenation of juices. Kinetic behavior of immobilized and free glucose oxidase enzyme was evaluated at both shelf stable (room temperature) and refrigerated storage conditions to simulate the actual package life. It was observed that both the free enzyme and the immobilized enzymes follow the Michaelis–Menten kinetics model. There was no significant difference between the catalytic ability ( kcat / Km ) of free and immobilized enzymes at treatment temperatures (30, 25, and 10 °C); however, at refrigeration temperature (5 °C), the values for free enzyme were significantly higher than the immobilized enzyme.  相似文献   

Chitin is the structural material of crustaceans, insects, and fungi, and is the second most abundant biopolymer after cellulose on earth. Chitosan, a deacetylated derivative of chitin, can be obtained by deacetylation of chitin. It is a functionally versatile biopolymer due to the presence of amino groups responsible for the various properties of the polymer. Although it has been used for various industrial applications, the recent one is its use as a biodegradable antimicrobial food packaging material. Much research has been focused on chitosan-based flexible food packaging and edible food coatings to compete with conventional non-biodegradable plastic-based food packaging materials. Various strategies have been used to improve the properties of chitosan - using plasticizers and cross-linkers, embedding the polymer with fillers such as nanoparticles, fibers, and whiskers, and blending the polymer with natural extracts and essential oils and also with other natural and synthetic polymers. However, much research is still needed to bring this biopolymer to industrial levels for the food packaging applications.Industrial relevanceAs a major by-product of the seafood industry, a massive amount of crustacean shell waste is generated each year, which can be used to produce value-added chitin, which can be converted to chitosan using a relatively simple deacetylation process. Being extracted from a bio-waste product using many energy-efficient methods, chitosan is much cheaper as compared to other biopolymers. Nevertheless, the exceptional properties of chitosan make it a relatively stronger candidate for food packaging applications. Chitosan has already been used in various industries, such as biomedical, agriculture, water treatment, cosmetics, textile, photography, chromatography, electronics, paper industry, and food industry. This review article compiles all the essential literature up to the latest developments of chitosan as a potential food packaging material and the outcomes of its practical utilization for this purpose.  相似文献   

In evaluating a packaging system for food packaging applications, consideration must be given to the physical properties, chemical composition and extractivity of the packaging material. The last point, extractivity, or migration from the packaging material to a food contact phase, is of major concern in the selection and use of plastics packaging materials for food packaging.
The present article deals specifically with migration of indirect food additives from plastics packaging materials and the scientific principles related to migrant transport or diffusion, as they apply to food safety. These principles and their experimental basis are discussed.  相似文献   

The food industry faces numerous challenges to assure provision of tasty and convenient food that possesses extended shelf life and shows long-term high-quality preservation. Research and development of antimicrobial materials for food applications have provided active antibacterial packaging technologies that are able to meet these challenges. Furthermore, consumers expect and demand sustainable packaging materials that would reduce environmental problems associated with plastic waste. In this review, we discuss antimicrobial composite materials for active food packaging applications that combine highly efficient antibacterial nanoparticles (i.e., metal, metal oxide, mesoporous silica and graphene-based nanomaterials) with biodegradable and environmentally friendly green polymers (i.e., gelatin, alginate, cellulose, and chitosan) obtained from plants, bacteria, and animals. In addition, innovative syntheses and processing techniques used to obtain active and safe packaging are showcased. Implementation of such green active packaging can significantly reduce the risk of foodborne pathogen outbreaks, improve food safety and quality, and minimize product losses, while reducing waste and maintaining sustainability.  相似文献   

在国内外婴幼儿配方乳粉安全问题频发的背景下, 针对乳粉的污染物风险分析并进行评估在保障食品安全方面有着极为重要的意义。本文以婴幼儿配方乳粉为研究对象, 分别从原料、加工和包装环节对污染物的风险评估进行探讨, 探讨内容包括了原料乳中常见的微生物污染, 乳粉加工过程中可能存在的各类元素或重金属污染, 以及包装过程中存在的化学物质迁移。同时结合并对比国内外的相关评估理论及食品安全标准, 对可能存在的风险来源进行了探讨, 为婴幼儿配方乳粉中污染物的风险评估体系的完善提供了思路。  相似文献   

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