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中国可再生能源规模化发展项目(CRESP)一期已经圆满结束,本刊记者就项目在推动我国可再生能源发展中的作用和影响,专访了国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所王仲颖副所长。王副所长认为,CRESP项目一期是我国规模最大的可再生能源领域国际合作项目,CRESP项目的成功实施,弥补了我国可再生能源技术和经验的不足,推动了我国可再生能源的规模化快速发展。CRESP项目的成功经验,值得在其他的国际合作项目中借鉴和推广,其已成为世界银行在发展中国家实施可再生能源项目的典范。  相似文献   

据2012年2月28日《中国新闻网》报道,中国国家发改委能源研究所可再生能源发展中心主任任东明27日在天津表示,中国2012年将实施可再生能源配额制。任东明在出席此间举行的"2012天津风电产业创新论坛"时说,可再生能源配额制将对中国各省(区、市)总电力消  相似文献   

2月23日上午,中国国家可再生能源中心(China National Renewable Energy Center,以下简称CNREC)举行了启动仪式暨工作研讨会议。参加此次会议的有国家能源局副局长刘琦及国家能源局相关司局主要领导,国家发改委高技  相似文献   

葡萄牙经济和创新部长日前在接受英国BBC广播公司采访时称,葡萄牙政府正大力投资建设本国风力、太阳能及水利发电项目,争取在2010年前使葡萄牙可再生能源发电占全国总发电能力的45%,2020年前达到55%,让葡萄牙跻身欧盟可再生能源生产大国之列。  相似文献   

4月14日,国家发展改革委公布了十大重点节能工程2010年第一批中央预算内投资计划,共安排重点节能项目398个,下达中央预算内投资22.28亿元。国家发改委称,项目实施后可形成1200万吨标准煤的节能能力。  相似文献   

合肥阳光电源有限公司多年来致力于太阳能光伏、风力发电控制、逆变系统的研究、开发、生产、制造、销售和服务,公司以超前的研发理念、先进的生产技术赢得了国内外大量客户的认可,先后承担了科技部“十五”科技攻关项目和发改委新能源产业化项;其中1KW-6KW光伏并网逆变器被列为2006年重点新产品计划,已取得CE认证,远销欧洲、澳大利亚、新西兰、美国等地。  相似文献   

据REN21 2007可再生能源全球现状报告,全世界可再生能源发电能力达到237GW,风能为93GW,小型水电为73GW,生物质为44GW,地热能为10GW,光伏并网发电为8GW等。可再生能源仍仅占世界总发电能力4300GW的5.5%。  相似文献   

能源资源是关系国家经济发展的一项重大战略问题,随着我国经济发展对能源需求的不断扩大,可再生能源的开发和利用日益受到重视。近几年,特别是《可再生能源法》正式颁布实施后,可再生能源行业以惊人的速度发展,许多投资者都想在这一行业寻找最佳的投资机会。毋庸置疑.发展可再生能源是解决我国能源不足和环境问题的一条有效途径。但面对可再生能源过熟的局面.可再生能源这座“金矿”含金量到底有多少,我们特地采访了中国资源综合利用协会可再生能源专业委员会主任朱俊生。  相似文献   

正自从提出告别燃煤以来,加拿大安大略省的可再生能源业可谓风生水起。三星来了,西门子来了,中国的龙源电力、江西赛维、晶科能源、阳光能源、泰胜风能等也都纷纷驻足安大略省。安大略省已然成为一种样本,其中有政策推手的支持,也有技术瓶颈和地方保护的纠纷,面对这些共性问题,安大略省如何应对成为翘楚?对此,笔者独家专访了加拿大安大略省能源厅厅长Bob Chiarelli。中国企业进驻安大略省记者:近期,关于安大略省的新闻多集中在可再生能源,最新的一则消息是三星可再生能源等公司入驻安大略省,并将于2014年投入商业运行,能否介绍一下这些跨国能源企业与安大略省的渊源?  相似文献   

在全球碳中和以及气候保护的倡议下,中东地区可再生能源项目成为发展的新热点。科威特计划于2030年实现15%的电力来自光伏和风能,以改善其依赖化石燃料发电的局面,满足经济和社会日益增加的电力需求。中国企业在可再生能源领域具有自身优势,且中科两国在“一带一路”倡议下,已有稳定合作的基础,在科威特可再生能源发展历程中,中国企业应主动把握机遇,迎接挑战。  相似文献   

This paper explores the inter-linkages of gender, energy use, health and hardships in the Himalayan State of Himachal Pradesh in India. It brings out a gender-differentiated and age-differentiated picture of hardships and health impact on the use of traditional biofuels. The study is based on survey with questionnaires covering 4296 individuals, 729 households, 84 villages and 9 districts where biomass fuels meet 70% of household fuel needs. On an average, women walk 30 km each month taking 2.7 h per trip for fuel wood collection over hilly terrain, often at high altitudes and undergo stress like stiff-neck, backache, headache and loss of work days. Girls below 5 and females in 30–60 age-groups have higher proportion of respiratory symptoms than males of similar age-groups. While many studies are done on the health impact of cooking fuels, very little quantitative work is done on the other aspects of the fuel chain viz. collection, transportation and processing of fuels. Such studies would guide energy policy and health policy to improve the lives of women.  相似文献   

Biogas is a renewable, high-quality fuel, currently produced at more than 200 locations in Sweden. The present production is some 5 PJ/year but the potential is approximately 10 times higher. Biogas can be produced from a wide range of raw materials, from organic waste to dedicated energy crops, and can be utilised for various energy services such as heat, combined heat and power or as a vehicle fuel. Biogas systems are therefore affected by a number of different incentives and barriers, including energy-, waste treatment- and agricultural policies. In this paper, different policies and policy instruments, as well as other factors, which influence a potential expansion of Swedish biogas systems, are identified and evaluated. Existing incentives and barriers can be divided into those affecting the production of biogas, and those affecting the utilisation of the biogas. Only a few types of biogas systems are competitive in Sweden today, while the majority needs increased incentives of different kinds to reach profitability. Such incentives are often motivated from an energy and environmental point of view. Due to the complexity of the biogas systems and the many actors involved, all with different interests, the process of implementing adequate policy instruments will require concerted efforts.  相似文献   

鹏飞 《太阳能》2006,(2):52-54
一家素以生产节能型采暖炉著称的企业,去年太阳热水器的总销量达到4万台,令人惊诧。在春寒料峭的二月,笔者与《中国建材报》。太阳能建筑。专版主编一行采访了这家公司——北京桑宝阳光科技开发有限公司在河南沁阳的生产基地。  相似文献   

When a photovoltaic system is to be sized, different PV modules are considered. The optimisation of such systems is always the goal, but the choice of the PV module with best performance should also be considered. Nevertheless, selecting a module from catalogue data has certain inconveniences. First, because those data allow only comparisons with absolute magnitudes, the conclusions about which module is the most appropriate is not easy. Second, data provided in catalogues are not sufficient to know the module behaviour under conditions different from standard. This paper deals with the normalisation of the modules data by considering a base that allows for obtaining a “per unit” representation. For modelling and studying the modules under non-standard conditions it is necessary to know series and shunt resistances, but that is not easy. Then, by simulations, it is possible to show the influence of these resistances in the module behaviour.  相似文献   

In an increasing demand of renewable energy resources, fuel cell represents the highly efficient, clean and sustainable energy conversion source. Broadly speaking, fuel cell can be divided into six different categories according to the types of electrolyte and fuels used. Each type of fuel cells has their own advantages and disadvantages. Among them, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) gains significant attentions due to their high efficiency, cost-effectiveness and the possibility to utilize variety of fuels other than hydrogen such as hydrocarbons, coal gas etc. As name implies, SOFC uses solid electrolyte for their operation. Indeed, in medium and large power requirement sectors, SOFC are highly suitable. In the present review article, recent advances and future perspectives of SOFC have been discussed via reviewing the literature over last five years. Most of the available review articles discussed the literature in terms of specific SOFC component such as anode, cathode, electrolytes and so on. In contrast, herein the literatures have been reviewed in the context of two types of SOFC stack designs i.e. planar and tubular that have been immensely used to fabricate efficient SOFC devices. Furthermore, fundamental of SOFC operation and its typical I–V characteristics and SOFC designs are also discussed in detail. Furthermore, preparation techniques for planar and tubular SOFC are briefly described. Finally, some of the recent trends in SOFC technology along with challenges and future perspectives are presented in this review article.  相似文献   

介绍日本奔特尔公司全面质量管理的发展情况,实行全面质量管理的前后对比,以及全面质量管理在整个公司发展中的地位。详细介绍该公司开展全面质量管理活动的情况及需完善之处。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the differences in performance of the different types of wind power entrepreneurs now active on the wind power supply market in the Netherlands. The development of the market is divided into three successive market periods: Monopoly powers (1989–1995), Interbellum (1996–1997) and Free market (1998–2002). For each of these periods, the interdependency between various systemic conditions—technical, economic, institutional and social conditions—is analysed, with the focus on the relative importance of the institutional and social settings for market development. This interdependency is analysed using the implementation capacity concept. Implementation capacity is defined as the total of those systemic conditions and mutual interdependencies that influence the behaviour of wind power entrepreneurs. It indicates the feasibility for wind power entrepreneurs to adopt wind turbines. From the analysis it was concluded that no overall implementation capacity exists, and implementation capacities differ for entrepreneurial groups with different entrepreneurial features. With respect to the relative importance of institutional and social conditions, it became clear, that it is mainly these conditions that differentiate between the various entrepreneurial groups. The dynamic configuration of institutional and social conditions facilitates some and hinders other types of wind power entrepreneurs, and as a result determines the development and composition of the market. Finally, the analysis explains the changing roles of entrepreneurial groups throughout the 1990s.  相似文献   

Normal direct irradiance levels for concentrator photovoltaic were investigated and anticipated in 26 sunshine regions in Japan. The spectrum and photon numbers were also examined. Normal direct photon number was assumed to be 92–60% of global the sunshine on sloped surfaces in all the districts in Japan.  相似文献   

Although solar costs have been dropping in recent years, solar power is still more expensive than conventional and other renewable energy options, and in most applications solar power still needs continuing government policy support. However, the need to achieve multiple objectives and ensure sufficient political support for solar power makes it difficult for policy makers to design an optimal solar power policy. The dynamic and uncertain nature of the solar industry, combined with the constraints imposed by broader economic, political and social conditions further complicates the task of policy making. In this paper, we present a framework to critically analyze the objectives behind different country policies, how factors such as macro-economic conditions and development paradigms affect the policy outcomes and finally, how these outcomes affect the overall cost reduction of solar energy. We find that while the extent of cost reduction through creation of large demand remains to be seen, it is essential for governments to provide adequate support for leapfrog RD&D, and exploit real comparative advantages across countries for effective solar cost reduction. Policy makers need to optimally design their policies by balancing national objectives and paying capacity with the global objective of solar power cost reduction in order to realize its full potential.  相似文献   

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