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写作就是写文章。笔杆子是写作的工具,特定条件下代指写作的人。写作的应用十分广泛。从群体讲,党、政、军、企、社会、科学、经济、艺术,都离不开写作;从个体讲,公务员、编辑、记者、著译人员、研究人员、教师、学生、商人,也离不开写作。坐机关的,更离不开写作。  相似文献   

振刚 《牙膏工业》2009,19(3):27-28
古印度僧人集体出行,随身常带十八样东西。哪十八样?齿木、澡豆、三衣、钵、瓶、坐具、锡杖、香炉、滤水囊、毛巾、小刀、火燧、镊子、绳床、经卷、戒本、佛像、菩萨像是也。澡豆类似香皂,用来洗脸。三衣指袈裟。钵用来盛饭。瓶用来盛水。坐具是一种长方形的布,能躺能卧。锡杖是顶端带环的棍子,用来驱赶毒蛇和猛兽,化缘的时候摇动起来,哗啦啦地响,提醒施主预备饭菜。香炉当然是焚香用的,僧人们走路走累了,就放下香炉,焚上香,挨个从炉子上跨过去,把汗味儿熏跑。  相似文献   

构图亦称章法、布局,是山水画创作中重要的一个环节。它是决定一张山水画的好与坏的先决条件。就如同一座建筑物,其骨架不合理,外表装饰与装修再华丽、再讲究,它也不会坚固实用的。其次,构图必须与画面立意相结合,也就是构图要与画面的内容相谐调,这样这幅画才会有欣赏价值。在陶瓷山水画中的构图,非常強调规律性和辩证法,山水画构图要运用对立统一规律,体现在形式上有宾主、呼应、远近、虚实、疏密、聚散、开合、藏露、均衡、黑白、大小等关系。对立是变化的,统一是均衡的,我们应把这些对立的关系统一均衡在画面之中,才能完成一幅好的构图。  相似文献   

1 微量元素在农作物上的作用 植物生长发育必需的营养元素共有16种,它们是:碳、氢、氧、氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、硫、锌、硼、锰、钼、铜、铁、氯。其中,锌、硼、锰、钼、铜、铁、氯7种元素被称为微量元素。植物虽然对微量元素养分的需要量较少,但微量元素在农作物的生命过程中发挥着不可替代的重要作用。微量元素又是酶、维生素、激素的重要组成部分,直接参与机体的代谢过程,提高植物酶的活性。因此,在农作物体内,所有微量元素都需要有足够的数量,缺乏其中任何一种都会影响农作物的正常生长,严重缺乏时会引起农作物大幅度减产。  相似文献   

小北 《中华手工》2012,(3):74-76
古香古色的店铺里,门口、墙上、墙角都挂满了画,瓯江风光、水岸港头、碧湖香樟、古村老屋、乡间野趣……古堰画乡的景致,通通收入画中。"你在站桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你。明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。"卞之琳这首《断章》让我们无限遐想,那,小、桥、那流水、那江岸、那小楼……在瓯江,似乎更能理解这首诗。这里,最美的景致不是香樟、鹅卵石、古亭江流,而是随处可见摆开画架写生的人,在他们眼里,笔墨间的江流、青山、舟船、渔人是景,可在路过的人看来,他们才是景。  相似文献   

杨礼达 《江苏陶瓷》2012,45(5):73-73
紫砂方壶,是紫砂造型中与圆壶、花壶、筋纹壶并列的一大类壶型。方壶造型古朴、形体优美、工艺严谨、气韵生动、技法独特,其整体透露出豪爽、刚劲、正直的阳刚之气,神、气堪比男子。方器造型的特点是方中藏圆,线面挺括平整,轮廓线条分明,给予人们干净利落、明快挺秀之感。整体以直线、横线为主,曲线、细线为辅,器型的中轴线、平衡线要正确、匀挺、富于变化,表现出轮廓分明、平稳庄重的方壶特点。紫砂方壶整体简洁典雅、神形兼备,线条舒展流畅,壶器刚柔相济,性格堪  相似文献   

夏、商、周三代是漆器艺术的成长时期。夏代至先商时期考古发现的漆器不多,出土的漆器有漆觚、豆、匣、盒、盘、钵、匕、勺、鼓和漆棺等。夏家店文化墓葬出现的嵌贝漆器和薄木胎漆器可谓这一时期的重要考古发现。至西周,漆器手工业发展,彩绘、嵌贝、雕饰等髹漆技术基本成熟,髹漆工艺应用领域日渐扩大,出土漆器的数量渐增,分布地域渐宽,地点亦多,漆器款式趋向多样化。器形有觚、簋、壶、罍、豆、碗、杯、盘、尊、盒、俎、案以及漆盾等等。嵌贝漆器的兴起,是西周漆器手工业发展的杰出成就。  相似文献   

在任何一种美味后面都有丰富的秘密。 我长大了,我是现在的汪涵,知道靖港的日子是多么的好,那些细小的生活是多么的好。豆腐可以被烹,被炸,被煎、烩、炖、汆、烧、扒、炒、煨,成为油豆腐、臭豆腐、卤豆腐、霉豆腐,它走出作坊,出现在超市里,出现在更丰盛的餐桌上,每个人都说它的味道有多么的好,但对于我来说,它的味道,只能属于故乡。  相似文献   

李科 《中华手工》2010,(1):49-49
<正>所有的手工材料、实用技术都汇聚到一起,看起来很美,但也最考验创作者、经营者的智慧。陈宏的店铺是以DIY为主题的手工坊,有软陶、黏土、不织布、卡通雕塑、彩泥画、贺卡、手印泥、水晶花、丝网花、香皂、蜡烛、手绘等十几个手工项目,还有一些适合青少年的益智游戏项目。在综合类DIY店铺里,陈宏可谓小有成就。  相似文献   

随着医学科技和生物技术的发展,如今,塑料在医疗领域的应用日益广泛,越来越多地替代了传统的无机材料。常见的医用塑料有90多种,包括PVC、PE、PP、PS、PU、PET、ABS、PC、PTFE、PA、POM和聚乙烯醇等。其中,PVC以其低廉的价格、良好的热稳定性和加工性能等优势,成为了医用塑料的首选原料。  相似文献   

Most color preference research focuses on colors in an object color mode. In our daily life, however, colors are perceived not only as an object color mode but also as other modes, such as unnatural object color and light source color modes. To explore the effect of the color appearance mode on color preference, we examined the relationship between color preference and the mode of color appearance. Thirty‐three color chips were chosen from the Munsell notation varying in hues and chromas. The color chips were presented in different color appearance modes by changing the subject's room illuminance and the color chip room illuminance. The experimental results showed that the brightest and most saturated colors were preferred. It was found that the subject preferred color in a light source color mode and unnatural object color mode to color in an object color mode. Moreover, we found that hue had a small effect on color preference in the light source color mode. We also investigated the relationship between color preference and the perceived color attributes (perceived chromaticness, whiteness, and blackness). In a supplementary experiment, elementary color naming was conducted. The results showed that the perceived chromaticness, perceived whiteness, and perceived blackness play a role for the determination of color preference for different color appearance modes. We, consequently, suggest that color preference is dominated not only by color attributes but also by the mode of color appearance. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2010  相似文献   

sRGB颜色空间是显示器呈色遵循的一个标准颜色空间,具有一定的颜色控制规律。出厂时的显示器在白场色温、光通道阶调曲线和色域等方面不一定与sRGB相符。校准技术可调整显示器的白场和阶调曲线,并与sRGB标准相符合,但不能根本上改变色域。环境光照对显示器的呈色构成影响。实验结果表明,对一般的显示器,当其屏幕表面的光照度达100lx以上时,会明显压缩光通道的暗色调颜色层次,并在该颜色部位减小色域。  相似文献   

The present article describes a color classification method that partitions a color image into a set of uniform color regions. The input image data are first mapped from device coordinates into the CIE L*a*b* color space, an approximately uniform perceptual color space. Colors used to represent a natural color image are classified by means of cluster detection in the uniform color space. The basic process of color classification is based on histogram analysis to detect color clusters sequentially. The principal components of a color distribution are extracted for effective discrimination of clusters. We present an algorithm for sequential detection of color clusters in the uniform color space, and the related algorithms for region processing and color computation. The performance of the method is discussed in an experiment using three kinds of natural color images.  相似文献   

Plant color landscape plays an important role in improving the quality of visual landscapes, regulating the emotion of landscape space, and highlighting the characteristics of urban landscapes. How to reasonably quantify and create rich plant color landscapes to achieve the best visual perception of the plant color landscape at different visual scales, so as to better meet the aesthetic needs of the public, has become a hot and difficult issue in the plant color design and application. Therefore, this article selects four typical urban parks in Nanjing to study the color characteristics of plant communities. The natural color system color card is used to extract plant color data. The color harmony and suitability degree of the plant community and external environment are quantitatively evaluated according to the Moon-Spencer (M-S) color harmony theory. The correlation between the chromaticity difference, color harmony, and color suitability of the plant landscape color is strong, whereas that between the chromaticity difference and lightness difference of the plant landscape color is weak. Among the four urban parks, the color harmony is the highest, and the appropriate color is the lowest in Xuanwu Lake Park. In addition, among the 12 selected plant community landscapes, the plant community number A3 in Xuanwu Lake Park has the highest color harmony and D3 in Gulin Park has the lowest color harmony. In short, the quantitative study of the plant community landscape color can provide new ideas for improving the optimal allocation of the plant community landscape color in urban parks.  相似文献   

This article proposes an innovative color printed fabric computer color distinguishing system whose main functions are to precisely distinguish the printed fabric pattern colors and match colors to improve the current time-consuming color distinguishing conducted by manpower. The RGB color mode is an industrial color standard, by which the change and overlapping of color channels of red, green, and blue represent types of colors. RGB stands for red, green, and blue, respectively. It is one of the most widely used color system and covers almost all of the colors sensible to human vision. Hence, this paper adopts the RGB color mode to present color printed fabric images. First, to reduce the color distinguishing computation, a genetic algorithm was applied in search of small images of the same color in the original color printed fabric. Then, color distinguishing computation was conducted by a probabilistic neural network (PNN), which has the advantage of a very fast learning speed. Finally, PANTONE® standard color tickets were applied in matching colors. The experimental results revealed that the PNN design can easily realize and achieve accurate, fast color classification. It is proved that this color distinguishing system can be practically applied in printed fabric color distinguishing and matching.  相似文献   

In this study, the 28 primary colors and 11 complementary colors suggested by Chang et al in their investigation on building colors in Wanhua District of Taipei City were taken as color samples. The two-color combination mode was adopted to obtain 308 simulation photos, and two-color harmony was discussed from the perspective of visual evaluation using psychophysical tests. This study explored building façade color harmony in the CIELAB color space, and the relationship between the color attributes (hue, lightness, and chroma) and the color harmony, and between the differences of the color attributes and color harmony. It found that a high lightness of a building's primary color is associated with a high level of building color harmony, while the color harmony is reduced when the color falls in the green or blue sector in the CIELAB color space; a greater lightness difference between building façade colors is associated with a higher level of building color harmony, while the colors are disharmonized when they tend to the blue sector in the CIELAB color space. The contribution of this study is to summarize the principles for the application of building color harmony in urban renewal, and proposed suggestions on building color harmony in the urban renewal process.  相似文献   

Yarn-dyed fabric is often woven from warp and weft yarns in the same color depth to ensure a uniform color appearance. The difference in color depth between warp and weft tends to result in the uneven color of the yarn-dyed fabric. This article aims to establish a color tolerance for yarn-dyed fabric that can be woven with a qualified color appearance but from the warp and weft yarns in different color depths. A total of 27 yarn-dyed fabric samples in three color series (red, yellow, and blue) were evaluated by using the yarn-dyed fabric from warp and weft yarns in the same color depth of 2% (on weight of fabric, owf) as the standard. Visual assessment and instrumental measurement of color were carried out to establish the color tolerance ellipse that was defined as CMC (Color Measurement Committee) color differences (2:1) of no more than 1.00. It was found that the color strengths (K/S) and color differences (ΔECMC(2:1)) of these fabric samples for each color series had linear relationships with the color depths of warp and weft yarns. The color tolerance ellipses indicated that, even though the warp and weft yarns had an apparent color difference, they could be woven in fabrics with relatively uniform color appearance and meet the requirements for yarn-dyed fabric. This work provided valuable insight into the production of qualified yarn-dyed fabrics from unqualified dyed yarns.  相似文献   

中性色具有特殊的色彩魅力,深受人们的喜爱.但是,因为中性色多为三次色,所以在印染加工中存在拼染困难、成品色光稳定性差等缺点,这对粘胶纺液着色加工,会产生致命的影响.本文选取8种还原染料,对以"两元拼色"方式拼染中性色的可行性进行了研究.实验表明,以"两元拼色"方式,基本可以实现对中性色的色调、饱和度和明度的覆盖."两元拼色"有利于提高中性色的拼染效率和成品色光的稳定性.  相似文献   

In the highly competitive display market, manufacturers continuously develop new technologies to improve the image quality of displays. However, color measurement and visual assessment are time‐consuming to production lines. A new method to measure and improve color quality of the displays automatically therefore, is urgently needed to the manufacturers. This article proposes a familiar color correction strategy to optimize the colors of different displays by means of creating an image‐based color palette which enables color correction for familiar objects (e.g., facial skin, blue sky, or green grass) in the multidisplay systems. To produce the image‐based color palette, the 8‐bit RGB value of each pixel in an image is transformed to L*d*n* (lightness/dominant color/nondominant color) color channels, and the dominant‐color regions in an image are subsequently extracted from the dominant color (d*) channel. The memory color data of familiar objects can be set in reference monitor in advance to determine the dominant color (d*) channel. Then a series of palette colors are generated around a displayed image. The color palette will be displayed as a target for two‐dimensional colorimeter shooting to obtain the measured color data. The familiar color correction model was established based on a first‐order polynomial regression to achieve a polynomial fit between the measured color data and the reference color data on the color palette. The proposed method provides a solution to correct familiar colors on a displayed image, and maintains the original color gamut and tone characteristic in the multidisplay systems simultaneously. It is possible to achieve the preferred intent of the displayed images by using the proposed familiar color correction method. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 39, 154–168, 2014  相似文献   

Spacing defined by various Munsell hue and chroma steps are analyzed, applying diagrams resulting from transformations between the Colorid and the Munsell color systems, displaying colors of both color systems with the same Y tristimulus values. After comments on spacings derived from identities, similarities and differences between both color systems, unevennesses uninter-pretable from differences of color system constructions are attributed either to uniform variation of color stimult followed by uneven variation of color perceptions, or to uncertainties of human color perception at several spots of the color space sufficient to be noticeable in spacings in perceptually uniform color system, such as the Munsell color order system © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, inc.  相似文献   

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