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This paper analyzes the performance of a cooperative nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in an underlay cognitive radio network aided by an energy harvesting relay. A secondary source transmits signal for two users, where a near user acts as a relay for the far user. The far user applies the selection combining (SC) approach on the signals which were relayed by the near user and received via direct path from the secondary source. We analytically derive the outage probability (OP) of each user separately, the overall system OP, and the throughput of the system. The impact of the power allocation coefficient of NOMA and energy harvesting parameters on outage is indicated. Further, the performance of the network is investigated with imperfection in successive interference cancellation (SIC), maximal ratio combining (MRC) at relay, and Nakagami-m fading. The results derived analytically are supported by simulation in MATLAB.  相似文献   

This paper considers the cognitive radio network with one primary user (PU), one secondary user (SU), and multiple decode‐and‐forward relays. We propose a relaying scheme to ensure the priority of primary transmission, where the relays are used to forward PU's message and sometimes also SU's message. First, SU is allowed to use the spectrum to transmit only when its transmission would not affect the decoding status of PU's message at all relays. Second, once the secondary transmission happens, the relays that successively decode SU's message are allowed to retransmit this message when it would not affect the decoding status of PU's message at primary receiver. The interference from PU to SU and the interference from SU to PU are both considered. By analyzing the decoding status of primary message and secondary message at different relays, we formulate the outage probabilities of both primary transmission and secondary transmission. When all channels follow Rayleigh distributions, we derive the analytical expressions for the general case of any number of relays, which are validated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An energy harvesting (EH) and cooperative cognitive radio (CR) network (CRN) is studied in this paper where CR users transmit data through a primary user (PU) channel if the channel remains idle, else an optimal number CRs helps in transmission of PU. To achieve the optimum number of CRs (ONCR) involved in cooperation, a novel scheme based on a combination of channel censoring and total error is proposed. The performance of the proposed scheme is investigated under RF harvesting scenario. The EH is dependent on sensing decision and a CR source harvests energy from PU's RF signal. The harvested energy (HE) is split into two parts: One part is used by the CR network (CRN) for its own transmission, and the other part is used for supporting PU. The effect of the energy allocation factor on total throughput is also investigated. New expressions for optimal number of CRs and throughput are developed. The effect of network parameters such as sensing time, censoring threshold, and energy allocation parameter (EAP) on throughput is investigated. Impact of distance between nodes is also studied.  相似文献   

Joint impact of sensing time and signal power raise factor is studied for an improved energy detector–based energy harvesting cooperative cognitive radio network. All the cognitive radio nodes harvest energy either from radio frequency resources or from non–radio frequency resources. The probability density function of harvested energy from both the sources is exponentially distributed. Novel theoretical expressions for harvested energy and throughput are derived. Impact of several sensing parameters and a device constraint on the outage is studied. Optimal values of sensing time and signal power raise factor parameter pair are estimated for maximum harvested energy and maximum throughput. Energy efficiency of the network is also evaluated, and impact of sensing time on it is indicated.  相似文献   

This paper considers cooperative non‐orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) scheme in an underlay cognitive radio (CR) network. A single‐cell downlink cooperative NOMA system has been considered for the secondary network, consisting of a base station (BS) and two secondary users, ie, a far user and a near user. The BS employs NOMA signaling to send messages for the two secondary users where the near user is enabled to act as a half‐duplex decode‐and‐forward (DF) relay for the far user. We derive exact expressions for the outage probability experienced by both the users and the outage probability of the secondary system assuming the links to experience independent, nonidentically distributed Rayleigh fading. Further, we analyze the ergodic rates of both the users and the ergodic sum rate of the secondary network. The maximum transmit power constraint of the secondary nodes and the tolerable interference power constraint at the primary receiver are considered for the analysis. Further, the interference caused by the primary transmitter (PT) on the secondary network is also considered for the analysis. The performance of the proposed CR NOMA network has been observed to be significantly better than a CR network that uses conventional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) scheme. The analytical results are validated by extensive simulation studies.  相似文献   

Cognitive radio network is an emerging solution to deal with spectrum scarcity and to utilize the radio spectrum in opportunistic and efficient manner. Secure data transmission is one of the important issues in these kind of networks. This work studies the secrecy outage performance of a multiple-input multiple-output underlay cognitive wiretap radio network system over Rayleigh fading channel with delayed channel state information. This work considers that the secondary transmitter is equipped with multiple antennas and confidential information is transmitted from to multiantenna receiver in the presence of multiantenna eavesdropper. Further, the transmit antenna selection scheme is considered at secondary transmitter to reduce the complexity of antenna selection and to make it more practicable. To improve the quality of signal, this work considers maximal ratio combining (MRC) at secondary receiver, while selection combining and MRC techniques are utilized at the eavesdropper. The closed form expression for exact, asymptotic, and intercept secrecy outage probability has been derived, and the simulation is done for the validation of analytical results. The derived results reveal deterioration of channel secrecy performance with outdated channel state information, and the eavesdropper with outdated channel state information has also an adverse effect. Moreover, the diversity order that can be achieved in underlay cognitive radio network with outdated channel state information is unity.  相似文献   

The two-way relay cooperation for underlay cognitive radio networks based on WIPT was presented,where secondary system adopted the two-way relay cooperative transmission.First,the relay adopted a power splitting protocol to harvest energy and to decode information transmitted by secondary users,then the relay forwarded information to two secondary users by using the harvested energy.Subsequently the exact expression of the outage probability,the ergodic capacity and energy efficiency of the secondary user system were derived.Finally,numerical simulation discusses the impact on the system performance with regard to secondary transmission power.The results reveal that the two-way relay cooperation effectively reduces the outage probability of data transmission.The capacity and energy efficiency of the system reaches optimal level when the power allocation coefficient is 0.5.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the physical layer security of a hybrid cognitive relay network using an energy harvesting relay in presence of an eavesdropper. In the hybrid scheme, a secondary user (SU) as well as a cognitive relay works either in underlay or in overlay mode. In underlay, the transmit power of the SU as well as the relay is limited by the maximum acceptable interference at primary user (PU) receiver as required by an outage constraint of PU, a quality of service for PU. The secondary network consists of a decode and forward relay that harvests energy from radio frequency signal of secondary transmitter as well as PU transmitter to assist the SU in forwarding the information signal to the destination. A time switching relaying protocol is used at the relay. We evaluate the secrecy outage probability of secondary relay network assuming that channel state information of the interfering links from both the SU and relay transmitter to PU receiver is imperfect. Our results reveal the impact of imperfect channel state information, energy harvesting time, tolerable interference threshold, and PU outage constraint on the secrecy outage probability of SU.  相似文献   

认知无线电中继网络中,认知用户需要成功感知到其所在簇内的主用户频谱空穴后才能成为认知中继节点,且各认知中继节点发射功率受到各自主用户干扰温度限制(ITC)。该文对认知中继节点采用分布式空时编码和解码转发协议时认知用户的中断性能进行了分析;给出了认知用户在干扰温度限制下中断概率的上下界,得出中断概率的上下界在不同干扰温度限下与认知用户归一化数据速率、中继数量和其对主用户检测概率的关系。给出了源节点和频谱感知中继节点在相同干扰温度限下的数值仿真,并对仿真结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, two underlay based cognitive cooperative radio networks, each with one secondary source (SS), one secondary destination (SD), N untrusted secondary amplify and forward relays (USAFRs), one primary transmitter, and one primary receiver (PU‐RX), are considered for evaluating the secrecy performance. The SS sends the information to the SD in two time slots via multiple USAFRs in the absence of direct link between SS and SD. In the first time slot, SS and SD transmit the message and jamming signal to multiple USAFRs, respectively. In the second slot, a selected USAFR amplifies and forwards the combined received signals to the SD. The transmit powers of the secondary nodes are chosen so as to maintain the overall interference at PU‐RX below a specified limit. The transmit power of a selected USAFR is derived using the harvested energy from the RF signals of SS and SD. Two network scenarios of eavesdropping by USAFRs are studied: in one case, all USAFRs eavesdrop; while in the second case, only the selected USAFR eavesdrops the message during forwarding of the signal and power is allocated to secondary nodes on the basis of outage threshold of primary network. We investigate the secrecy outage probability (SOP) in both of the networks under several physical parameters. Analytical framework for evaluating SOP for both the cases are given while SOP in single integration form is given for the second case. MATLAB simulation results are presented for both the cases.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the problem of secure communication for a scenario, which consists of one pair of source‐destination nodes and one untrusted relay. The source communicates with the destination via the help of energy harvesting–aware untrusted relay, which acts as the helper to forward the source information to the destination; however, the relay also acts as the unintended user to eavesdrop the source information. To keep the source information confidential from untrusted relay, the destination‐assisted jamming technique is deployed. We evaluate the impact of energy harvesting protocols on such a secure communication scenario through the proposed energy transfer protocols, namely, source‐based energy harvesting protocol and maximum energy harvesting protocol. To evaluate the secrecy performance of these proposed schemes, we derive analytical expressions for two important performance metrics including intercept probability and strictly positive secrecy capacity. The numerical analysis reveals the different trade‐off between secure performance and relevant system parameters (i.e., power splitting ratio, time switching ratio, energy conversion efficiency, transmit signal‐to‐noise ratio, and relay location). Simulation results are also provided to demonstrate the accuracy of the developed analytical expression.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the performance of an underlay cognitive relay network under imperfect channel state information (CSI) where a secondary user (SU) transmits using a secondary relay (SR) based on decode and forward scheme. The outage probability (OP) of SU is investigated in a scenario where the decode and forward relay harvests energy from radio frequency signal of SU. The relay uses a fraction of time for harvesting in time switching–based relaying (TSR) while a fraction of received power is used for harvesting in power splitting–based relaying (PSR) scheme. The SU and relay control their transmit power using a scaling factor, based on CSI of the interfering links (ie, links from SU transmitter and SR to the primary user [PU] receiver) to protect the quality of service of PU. The available CSI at the SU and SR are imperfect due to practical limitation. Analytical expressions of the OP are derived for TSR‐ and PSR‐based schemes. The impact of harvesting time, power splitting ratio, imperfect CSI, PU outage constraint and interference threshold on the OP of the SU network, and average transmit power of SR is indicated. Further, the impact of multiple SRs is also shown.  相似文献   

Consider a multi‐user underlay cognitive network where multiple cognitive users concurrently share the spectrum with a primary network with multiple users. The channel between the secondary network is assumed to have independent but not identical Nakagami‐m fading. The interference channel between the secondary users (SUs) and the primary users is assumed to have Rayleigh fading. A power allocation based on the instantaneous channel state information is derived when a peak interference power constraint is imposed on the secondary network in addition to the limited peak transmit power of each SU. The uplink scenario is considered where a single SU is selected for transmission. This opportunistic selection depends on the transmission channel power gain and the interference channel power gain as well as the power allocation policy adopted at the users. Exact closed form expressions for the moment‐generating function, outage performance, symbol error rate performance, and the ergodic capacity are derived. Numerical results corroborate the derived analytical results. The performance is also studied in the asymptotic regimes, and the generalized diversity gain of this scheduling scheme is derived. It is shown that when the interference channel is deeply faded and the peak transmit power constraint is relaxed, the scheduling scheme achieves full diversity and that increasing the number of primary users does not impact the diversity order. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of a cooperative cognitive radio (CR) network is investigated under continuous energy harvesting scenario. A CR node harvests energy from both the sources: non‐radio frequency (RF) signal (ambient sources) or from RF signal (primary user signal). It harvests from non‐RF signal during sensing time of its detection cycle, and from both the sources, RF signal and non‐RF signal, during transmission time as per sensing decision. Several novel analytical expressions are developed to indicate the harvested energy, energy reward, energy cost in a detection frame, and throughput. The performance of the CR network is investigated to maximize the throughput considering energy causality constraints and collision constraints. Analytical results are validated through extensive simulation results. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wireless energy harvesting enables wireless‐powered communications to accommodate data services in a self‐sustainable manner over a long operational time. Along with energy harvesting, an ambient backscatter technique helps a secondary transmitter reflect existing radio frequency (RF) signal sources to communicate with a secondary receiver when the primary channel (PC) is utilized. However, secondary system performance is significantly affected by factors such as the availability of the primary channel, imperfect spectrum sensing, and energy‐constrained problems. Therefore, we propose a novel approach for wireless‐powered cognitive radio networks (CRNs) to improve the transmission performance of secondary systems. To reduce the dependence of the secondary system on RF sources, in the paper, we provide a new paradigm by integrating ambient backscattering with both RF and non‐RF wireless‐powered communications to facilitate secondary communications. On the basis of the sensing result in a time slot, the secondary transmitter can dynamically select the operational action: (a) backscattering, (b) harvesting, or (c) transmitting to maximize the long‐term achievable data transmission rate at the secondary receiver. In addition, the optimal action set for CRNs with wireless‐powered ambient backscatter is selected by the partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), which maximizes an expected transmission rate calculated over a number of subsequent time slots. The proposed scheme aims to improve long‐term transmission rate of CRNs with wireless‐powered ambient backscatter in comparison with conventional schemes where an action is taken only to maximize the immediate reward in every single time slot.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the performance of cognitive amplify‐and‐forward (AF) relay networks with beamforming under the peak interference power constraint of the primary user (PU). We focus on the scenario that beamforming is applied at the multi‐antenna secondary transmitter and receiver. Also, the secondary relay network operates in channel state information‐assisted AF mode, and the signals undergo independent Nakagami‐m fading. In particular, closed‐form expressions for the outage probability and symbol error rate (SER) of the considered network over Nakagami‐m fading are presented. More importantly, asymptotic closed‐form expressions for the outage probability and SER are derived. These tractable closed‐form expressions for the network performance readily enable us to evaluate and examine the impact of network parameters on the system performance. Specifically, the impact of the number of antennas, the fading severity parameters, the channel mean powers, and the peak interference power is addressed. The asymptotic analysis manifests that the peak interference power constraint imposed on the secondary relay network has no effect on the diversity gain. However, the coding gain is affected by the fading parameters of the links from the primary receiver to the secondary relay network. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the secrecy performance of a cooperative cognitive radio network (CCRN) considering a single energy harvesting (EH) half‐duplex amplify and forward (AF) relay and an eavesdropper (EAV). Power is allocated to each node under cognitive constraints. Because of the absence of a direct wireless link, secondary source (SS) communicates with secondary destination (SD) in two time slots. The SD and the SS broadcast jamming signal to confuse the EAV in the first and in the second time slots, respectively. The relay harvests energy in the first time slot and amplifies and forwards the signal to SD in the second time slot. The EAV employs maximal ratio combining scheme to extract the information. We evaluate the performance in terms of secrecy outage probability (SOP) of the proposed CCRN. The approximate expression of SOP is obtained in integration form. Improvement in SOP is expected for the proposed CCRN because of the use of jamming signals. The secrecy performance of CCRN improves with increase in primary transmit power, peak transmit power of secondary nodes, channel mean power, and energy conversion efficiency but degrades with increase in threshold outage rate of primary receiver and threshold secrecy rate. A MATLAB‐based simulation framework has been developed to validate the analytical work.  相似文献   

认知无线电与多入多出(MIMO)技术结合而成的认知MIMO技术,能够进一步提高系统性能以及频谱利用率。而系统容量是表征通信系统性能最重要的标志之一,即通信系统的最大传输速率。本文在传统的MIMO容量推导的基础上,引入了主次用户间干扰项,给出了存在用户干扰情况下信道传输速率的理论上限。然后,重点仿真分析了用户间的干扰导致的容量损失。最后,分析给出了干扰门限对主用户容量的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the performance of multiple‐input multiple‐output cognitive amplify‐and‐forward relay networks using orthogonal space–time block coding over independent Nakagami‐m fading. It is assumed that both the direct transmission and the relaying transmission from the secondary transmitter to the secondary receiver are applicable. In order to process the received signals from these links, selection combining is adopted at the secondary receiver. To evaluate the system performance, an expression for the outage probability valid for an arbitrary number of transceiver antennas is presented. We also derive a tight approximation for the symbol error rate to quantify the error probability. In addition, the asymptotic performance in the high signal‐to‐noise ratio regime is investigated to render insights into the diversity behavior of the considered networks. To reveal the effect of network parameters on the system performance in terms of outage probability and symbol error rate, selected numerical results are presented. In particular, these results show that the performance of the system is enhanced when increasing the number of antennas at the transceivers of the secondary network. However, increasing the number of antennas at the primary receiver leads to a degradation in the secondary system performance. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cooperative spatial multiplexing (CSM) system has played an important role in wireless networks by offering a substantial improvement in multiplexing gain compared with its cooperative diversity counterpart. However, there is a limited number of research works that consider the performance of CSM systems. As such, in this paper, we have derived exact performance of CSM with amplify‐and‐forward and decode‐and‐forward relays in terms of outage capacity and ergodic capacity. We have shown that CSM systems yield a unity diversity order regardless of the number of antennas at the destination and the number of relays in the networks, which is the direct result of diversity and multiplexing gain trade‐off. Our analytical expressions are corroborated by Monte‐Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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