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在外部磁场的影响下,导线中的高频电流呈不均匀分布,致使其导电面积远小于横截面积,从而引起额外的电阻,称之为高频电阻。高频电阻中的感生电阻与磁场的平方呈正比。应用毕奥-萨伐定律对Litz线平面矩形螺旋线圈中的磁场进行分析,以计算线圈中的高频电阻,进而分析其最大品质因数及最优运行频率。对几个线圈原型的测量表明,该分析方法较好地预测了线圈在不同频率下的电阻及最优运行频率。使用两个外边长460 mm×208 mm、内边长312 mm×64 mm的矩形线圈所制作的无线能量传输系统,距离500 mm时,在稍低于预测的最优频率时获得的最大DC-DC效率为58.7%,接收端功率为50 W。 相似文献
Research on Maximizing Power Transfer Efficiency of Wireless In‐Wheel Motor by Primary and Load‐Side Voltage Control

GAKU YAMAMOTO DAISUKE GUNJI TAKEHIRO IMURA HIROSHI FUJIMOTO 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2017,199(4):44-54
The authors have developed a wireless power transfer (WPT) system for an in‐wheel motor (IWM). It is called a wireless in‐wheel motor (W‐IWM). This paper presents a method that enhances the WPT efficiency in this system. Some methods that maximize the power transfer efficiency by power converter control have been proposed in the past WPT research. In this research, a dc‐dc converter is inserted on the receiver side to vary the load state. However, the space on the receiver side is very small for the W‐IWM; therefore, it is preferable to make the secondary circuit small. Therefore, a full bridge converter is used instead of a dc‐dc converter in the W‐IWM. In this paper, the authors propose a theoretical formula for the transfer efficiency of the IW‐IWM. From an analysis of this formula, there is a combination of a primary voltage and load voltage that maximize the efficiency. The feasibility is validated by an experiment using a motor bench set. 相似文献
This paper provides a fundamental analysis of a power supply and rectifiers for wireless power transfer using magnetic resonant coupling (MRC). MRC enables efficient wireless power transfer over middle‐range transfer distances. MRC for wireless power transfer should operate at a high frequency in the industry science medical band, such as 13.56 MHz, because the size of the transfer device decreases at higher transfer frequencies. Therefore, the output frequency of the power supply on the transmitting side should be 13.56 MHz. In addition, the rectifier on the receiving side is operated at a high frequency. This paper focuses on the reflected power in the power supply and rectifiers. Thus, the parametric design method is clarified for the power supply, including a low‐pass filter to match the output, the impedance of the power supply with the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. In addition, the effects on the rectifiers of silicon carbide and gallium nitride diodes are confirmed by performing an experiment and a loss analysis. 相似文献
设计一种为无线电能传输系统提供高频交流电的三相相移控制逆变器。该逆变器由三相D类半桥逆变桥组成,其开关管运行于固定的切换频率下,通过调整各相半桥的驱动相位差来调节输出电压,从而实现无线电能传输系统功率的调节。对三相相移逆变器的主要性能,包括相移角与输出电压的关系、相电流、各相零电压切换状态等进行分析,并推导无线电能传输系统在使用相移控制和频率控制下的效率。开发三相的相移逆变器原型机并应用于无线电能传输系统,在两个外边长为90cm、70cm的平面矩形螺旋线圈间传输能量。实验表明当相移角从0°到120°之间调节时,在接收端10Ω电阻负载上接收到的功率从5.2kW到0变化。同时在最大输出功率时测得逆变器直流输入到接收端直流负载的DC-DC最大效率为94%。 相似文献
A Proposal of Identifying Optimized Layout of Devices in Electromagnetic Resonant Coupling Type Wireless Power Transfer System

TATSUYA DOI 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2017,198(3):3-10
Recently, a system for wireless power transfer (WPT) using electromagnetic resonant coupling has been evaluated and developed for practical applications such as a wireless charge system for automobiles or electronic devices. However, the efficiency of an electromagnetic resonant coupling type WPT system with LC resonators is greatly affected by the layout of the LC resonators allocated in the system. This means that there is an optimum layout for the LC resonators for transferring wireless power at higher efficiency. This paper presents a new method for identifying the optimum layout for the LC resonators in a WPT system. One of the key ideas is that the problem of finding the optimum layout is replaced by the problem of calculating the equivalent current sources in the LC resonators. The amplitude of the equivalent current sources can be calculated to solve ill‐posed system equations by using inverse analysis. First, the proposed method is described. The system equations to be solved are formulated by means of equivalent circuit techniques. Second, the proposed method is applied to a simplified model to identify the optimum layout for the LC resonators in a WPT system. Then, the results found using the proposed method are verified by comparing the ratio of receiving power with the identified layout and without the LC resonator. Finally, in order to verify the validity of the proposed method, the calculated results are compared with the experiment results using the same model. 相似文献
随着磁耦合无线电能传输(wirelesspowertransfer,WPT)系统的应用推广,异物检测技术的研究越来越受到关注。该文综述国内外磁耦合WPT系统异物检测技术的研究现状,首先总结各文献中有关异物和异物检测技术的概念和定义,介绍研究异物检测技术的主要团队,重点分析目前金属异物对磁耦合WPT系统的影响机理、影响规律和金属异物影响下磁耦合WPT系统的建模方法及异物检测方法方面所取得的主要研究成果,给出几种常用的异物检测方法的优缺点和适用范围,论述异物检测技术的未来研究方向。 相似文献
最大效率分析与设计 总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56
谐振耦合电能无线传输是一种新的电能传输概念和方法,它能在中等距离范围内传递能量。该文基于空间隔离两线圈的互感耦合模型,从电路角度分析系统传输效率与线圈尺寸、距离等之间的关系,得到的传输效率表示式,进一步应用于系统最大传输效率的分析,以实现谐振耦合电能无线传输系统优化设计的目标。最后,设计制作一个谐振耦合电能无线传输装置,并设计多组不同参数的线圈进行比较实验,结果证明当空间隔离的两空心线圈达到谐振耦合时,两线圈之间传递能量最大,从而验证该文的理论研究。 相似文献
感应和谐振无线电能传输技术的发展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着科技的不断发展和进步,无线电能传输技术已成为国内外最受关注的研究课题,是未来电力发展的必然趋势。首先介绍无线电能传输技术的起源,追溯到电磁波的发现;接着分析无线电能传输技术的三种主要形式,包括感应无线电能传输技术、谐振无线电能传输技术和微波无线电能传输技术。在此基础上,对三种形式的无线电能传输技术的发展现状进行论述,详细阐述目前国内外无线电能传输技术的研究成果,并对比分析目前研究最广泛的感应和谐振无线电能传输技术在原理、系统构成、分析方法以及运行条件上的异同,最后对无线电能传输技术在各个领域的应用进行了展望。 相似文献
基于E类放大器的中距离无线能量传输系统 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用E类放大器设计大功率中距离无线能量传输系统,具有成本低、调试简单、高效等优点。针对大功率E类放大器导通角、LC滤波电路参数和阻抗匹配电路等设计问题进行详细分析,提出大功率E类放大器设计方法。建立四线圈两两耦合磁谐振无线能量传输系统等效电路模型,提出无线能量传输环节等效输入阻抗的计算方法。最后,以开关管损耗最低为目标,器件耐压、输入电压等限制条件为约束,设计并成功搭建无线能量传输系统,传输功率3kW,传输距离22cm,系统效率85%,对无线能量传输系统中大功率E类放大器设计方法进行验证。 相似文献
Wireless power transfer using a metallic tube with an axial slit was attempted to demonstrate the wireless power transfer using magnetic resonance coupling to the diagnostics infrastructure. The transmission efficiency with variable distance was measured using the transmission and receiver resonators in the tube. Besides, the transmission and receiver resonators were, respectively, set outside and inside the tube. These experiments are carried out in the computational study using FDTD method. 相似文献