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在P2P系统中,有效地定位分布在网络中不同节点的数据资源一直是研究的重点。结构化P2P网络Chord的路由表存在着严重的信息冗余,影响了整个系统的效率。针对这种情况,文中在Chord的基础上提出了一种基于分区的Chord路由模型(P-Chord),通过对Chord的分区,将节点的路由表进行改造,消除了冗余信息,增加了有效信息。试验结果表明,P-Chord在保持Chord其他性能的前提下,减少了平均查找跳数,提高了查找效率。  相似文献   

基于洗牌策略的Sybil攻击防御   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
聂晓文  卢显良  唐晖  赵志军  李玉军 《电子学报》2008,36(11):2144-2149
 洗牌策略从理论上解决了分布式哈希表(DHT)的Sybil攻击问题.为克服敌手作弊,引入受信节点构成分布式认证系统,由受信节点对新加入节点进行认证,保证节点签名和ID不能伪造;同时引入记录洗牌加入过程的票据来判定节点合法性,杜绝了敌手积累过期ID.由于保存票据的数量决定了论文提出算法的应用效果,通过理论分析和仿真实验证实设计的算法需要保存的票据数量不大,保证了算法的可行性.  相似文献   

P2P系统在文件共享等领域中得到了广泛的应用,但DHT(distributed hash table)网络无中心、无认证、缺乏节点身份验证机制,使得现有的基于DHT的P2P系统易受到Sybil攻击等外部攻击。提出一种基于社交网络的DHT安全增强机制,将社交网络中节点的信任关系引入DHT网络中提高对Sybil节点的识别能力。以KAD(Kademlia)算法为例进行了实验验证,基于Facebook和Twitter数据集的实验结果表明本文提出的安全机制适用于大规模动态的网络,能够有效防御Sybil攻击。  相似文献   

罗琦 《电讯技术》2013,53(5):608-612
针对分布式异构网络信息共享框架问题,提出了基于P2P-SIP的分层信息资源共享覆盖网络模型。该模型从7层开放式系统互联参考(OSI)模型的第5层会话层进行信息资源共享互操作过程建模,具有两层的"去中心化"的结构,采用CHORD环实现信息资源组织和路由,采用扩展的SIP协议实现网络节点维护和信息资源共享过程协商。仿真试验结果表明,该模型能够自适应、自协商地实现信息资源组织、资源发现,能够有效解决传统集中式共享系统带来的单点失效和性能瓶颈等问题。  相似文献   

一种具有时间衰减和主观预期的P2P网络信任管理模型   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
该文提出了一种基于信誉的P2P网络信任管理模型。在P2P网络中,由于不存在中心节点,需要根据节点的行为来判断其是否可信。通过引入时间衰减算法,解决了对行为评估,本地信任值以及推荐的时间相关性问题。通过对近期表现和长期表现的对比,给出对该节点未来表现的主观预期,能够对节点异动做出反应。利用DHT资源发现算法,有效地降低了网络消耗,并使模型具有可扩展性。模型能够有效地提高P2P网络的交易成功率。  相似文献   

针对低功耗有损网络(Low Power and Lossy Network, LLN)中移动节点作为中继节点时,存在无线链路易断开、数据传输成功率较低和控制开销较高的问题,提出了一种快速低开销的移动节点分布式寻路RPL路由协议(Mobile Node Distributed Pathfinding RPL Routing Protocol, MNA-RPL)。首先,提出一种邻居表自适应更新机制,依据邻居表快速切换父节点;其次,提出一种父子节点双断开机制,能够有效减少数据包丢失;最后,提出一种基于速度动态管理的Trickle计时器,根据自身速度动态调整DIO广播周期。理论分析和仿真结果表明,与主流路由协议相比,该协议在数据传输和控制开销等方面的性能均有一定的提升。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the resource provisioning aspects in a passive optical network (PON) employing wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and optical code-division multiple access (OCDMA) techniques. A judicious resource allocation scheme is proposed for a given set of optical codes and wavelengths with due consideration to the traffic asymmetry between upstream and downstream transmissions. The proposed scheme employs some initial heuristic estimates, followed by a subsequent open search mode towards reaching an optimal solution. The search mechanism in the provisioning scheme is carried out by employing some network performance metrics and evaluated using the appropriate analytical models.  相似文献   

一种新的视网膜血管网络自动分割方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提出了一种基于脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)和分布式遗传算法(DGA)的视网膜血管自动分割方法.首先采用二维高斯匹配滤波器预处理以增强血管,然后采用DGA快速搜索出PCNN的最佳参数设置值并运用PCNN分割出增强图像的血管网络,最后对分割得到的血管网络结合区域连通性特征,采用面积滤波算子滤除噪声,提取出最终的血管网络.通过在国际上公开的Hoover眼底图像库中的实验,结果表明,该方法在血管分支提取和算法有效性方面明显优于Hoover算法,具有较高的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

Introduction of mobile sinks into a wireless sensor network can largely improve the network performance. However, sink mobility can cause unexpected changes of network topology, which may bring excessive protocol overhead for route maintenance and may offset the benefit from using mobile sinks. In this paper, we propose an efficient data‐driven routing protocol (DDRP) to address this problem. The design objective is to effectively reduce the protocol overhead for data gathering in wireless sensor networks with mobile sinks. DDRP exploits the broadcast feature of wireless medium for route learning. Specifically, each data packet carries an additional option recording the known distance from the sender of the packet to target mobile sink. The overhearing of transmission of such a data packet will gratuitously provide each listener a route to a mobile sink. Continuous such route‐learning among nodes will provide fresh route information to more and more nodes in the network. When no route to mobile sink is known, random walk routing simply is adopted for data packet forwarding. Simulation results show that DDRP can achieve much lower protocol overhead and longer network lifetime as compared with existing work while preserving high packet delivery ratio. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

GRID: A Fully Location-Aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is one consisting of a set of mobile hosts capable of communicating with each other without the assistance of base stations. One prospective direction to assist routing in such an environment is to use location information provided by positioning devices such as global positioning systems (GPS). In this paper, we propose a new routing protocol called GRID, which tries to exploit location information in route discovery, packet relay, and route maintenance. Existing protocols, as compared to ours, are either not location-aware or partially location-aware in that location knowledge is not fully exploited in all these three aspects. One attractive feature of our protocol is its strong route maintenance capability – the intermediate hosts of a route can perform a handoff operation similar to that in cellular systems when it roams away to keep a route alive. This makes routes in the MANET more stable and insensitive to host mobility. Simulation results show that our GRID routing protocol can reduce the probability of route breakage, reduce the number of route discovery packets used, and lengthen routes' lifetime.  相似文献   

移动Ad Hoc网络中一种分布式QoS保证的多址接入协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘凯  王大鹏 《电子学报》2007,35(11):2067-2071
基于随机竞争和冲突解决的思想,本文为多跳移动Ad Hoc网络提出了一种分布式服务质量(QoS)保证的多址接入(QMA)协议.该协议中,节点在发送业务分组前利用预报突发进行竞争接入,节点根据业务分组时延情况和最早失效优先原则确定预报突发的长度,所发预报突发能持续到最后的节点优先获得接入.同时,具有实时业务的节点可以按照其优先级在更早的竞争微时隙中开始发送预报突发,而有非实时业务的节点只能在前面竞争微时隙空闲的情况下,才能在后面的微时隙开始发送预报突发,因此发送实时业务的节点可以比发送非实时业务的节点更优先接入信道,从而在移动Ad Hoc网络中实现了对多媒体业务的QoS保证.最后利用OPNET仿真评估了QMA协议的多址性能,并与IEEE 802.11e协议的性能做了比较,结果表明QMA协议可以提供较高的吞吐量和较低的实时业务时延.  相似文献   

In this article, a comprehensive survey of the medium access control (MAC) approaches for wireless mobile ad hoc networks is presented. The complexity in MAC design for wireless ad hoc networks arises due to node mobility, radio link vulnerability and the lack of central coordination. A series of studies on MAC design has been conducted in the literature to improve medium access performance in different aspects as identified by the different performance metrics. Tradeoffs among the different performance metrics (such as between throughput and fairness) dictate the design of a suitable MAC protocol. We compare the different proposed MAC approaches, identify their problems and discuss the possible remedies. The interactions among the MAC and the higher layer protocols such as routing and transport layer protocols are discussed and some interesting research issues are also identified. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An MADM-based algorithm called IFM is presented on integrated heterogeneous wireless network selection. It aims to maximize the difference among candidate networks in order to obtain weights of each attribute. Compared with the AHP-based algorithm in several aspects, performance evaluation shows that it ensures the accuray of decision making and improves the distance among candidate networks. The changes of the number of attributes and candidate networks have less influence on the attribute objectiveness of weighted values and attribute importance. Ranking abnormality is reduced due to large difference among candidate networks.  相似文献   

The first part of this paper introduces the design of a middleware‐based service which is valuable for distributed networks for mainly managing their resources. The second part evaluates the performance of a distributed intelligent network (D‐IN), which comprises the proposed service together with a resource management algorithm. We test the network's performance by building and emulating its basic functionality, based on distributed object technology (DOT), in a real environment. The resource management algorithm mainly aims at avoiding congestion and balancing load. Its implementation uses the ICALB algorithm (Comput. Commun. 2002; 25 (17):1548–1556) model. Its incorporation is succeeded through the use and implementation of the distributed middleware‐based service. It is a CORBA‐based service that is used for successfully managing resource management algorithms, such as ICALB, facilitate their operation, and solving classes of problems related to communications over the distributed network, sharing of resources spread over the network, scheduling, synchronization, and management of various tasks. By this means we argue that the method that we use can be employed for operating in various distributed networks. We also evaluate the network's performance by measuring various D‐IN node parameters with critical meaning and by showing the improvements that appeared to the D‐IN from the operation of both the ICALB algorithm and the proposed service. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Optical Fiber Technology》2013,19(5):392-399
To maximize the resource utilization of optical networks, the dynamic traffic grooming, which could efficiently multiplex many low-speed services arriving dynamically onto high-capacity optical channels, has been studied extensively and used widely. However, the link weights in the existing research works can be improved since they do not adapt to the network status and load well. By exploiting the information on the holding times of the preexisting and new lightpaths, and the requested bandwidth of a user service, this paper proposes a grooming algorithm using Adaptively Weighted Links for Holding-Time-Aware (HTA) (abbreviated as AWL-HTA) traffic, especially in the setup process of new lightpath(s). Therefore, the proposed algorithm can not only establish a lightpath that uses network resource efficiently, but also achieve load balancing. In this paper, the key issues on the link weight assignment and procedure within the AWL-HTA are addressed in detail. Comprehensive simulation and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a much lower blocking ratio and latency than other existing algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper presents initial results available from the European Commission Horizon 2020 5G Public Private Partnership Phase 2 project “SaT5G” (Satellite and Terrestrial Network for 5G). 1 After describing the concept, objectives, challenges, and research pillars addressed by the SaT5G project, this paper elaborates on the selected use cases and scenarios for satellite communications positioning in the 5G usage scenario of enhanced mobile broadband.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a reactive defragmentation with minimum spectrum route (RDMSR) for the problem of route, spectrum, and modulation-format allocation (RSMA) in mixed grid optical network. In mixed grid network, spectrum redundancy and its assignment problem increase due to the spectrum continuity and contiguity constrains. In the proposed RDMSR strategy, process of defragmentation initiates after the termination of the existing connections. In addition, the route that needs minimum spectrum is given priority over the other available routes. The performance of the proposed strategy is compared with the two existing strategies: shortest path first (SPF) and mixed grid aware dynamic resources allocation (MDRA). Simulations are performed on NSFNET and ARPANET topologies. The existing and proposed strategies are evaluated on the metrics of bandwidth blocking probability (BBP), network capacity (NC), and average hops (AH) at three different combinations of the network traffic. Results show the proposed strategy outperforms than the other existing state of art strategies.  相似文献   

Constructing high voltage (>4.5 V) cathode materials for sodium‐ion batteries has emerged in recent years to replace lithium batteries for large scale energy storage applications. Herein, an electrochemically stable Na0.66(Ni0.13Mn0.54Co0.13)O2 (Na‐NMC) buckyballs with an uniform size of 5 µm and a high tap density of 2.34 g cm?3, which exhibit excellent cyclability even at the high current with a cut‐off voltage of 4.7 V, is demonstrated. The Na‐NMC buckyballs are prepared from (Ni0.13Mn0.54Co0.13)CO3 (NMC) precursor synthesized using a facile hydrothermal method. The Na‐NMC delivers a reversible capacity of around 120 mAh g?1 between 4.7 and 2 V at 1 C rate along with an excellent cyclic stability (90%) until 150 cycles, which is one of the best outcomes among the reported P2‐type cathodes tested at the high operating voltage range. Furthermore, Na‐NMC‐180 buckyballs with a high tap density is offering an enhanced volumetric energy density, a superior rate performance and an outstanding cyclic stability. The X‐ray adsorption fine structure analysis is used to study the local electronic structure changes around the Co, Mn, and Ni after cycling process at 1 C rate. The findings open opportunities for tailoring high‐performance and high‐energy cathode materials for sodium‐ion batteries.  相似文献   

The main focus of this review article is the introduction of relevant parameters in spray coating processes to provide better understanding on controlling the morphology of spray coated thin films for producing high performance polymer solar cells (PSC). Three main parameters have been identified as major influences on the spray coating processes. These are nozzle to substrate distance, solvent and mixed solvents effects, and substrate temperature and annealing treatment. Such spray coating techniques show great potential for large scale production, since these methods have no limitation in substrate size and low utilization of polymers which is promising to substitute the conventional spin coating methods. Currently available printing and coating methods are also briefly discussed in this review.  相似文献   

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