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We consider the problem where π is an unknown permutation on {0,1,…,2n−1}, y0{0,1,…,2n−1}, and the goal is to determine the minimum r>0 such that πr(y0)=1. Information about π is available only via queries that yield πx(y) from any x{0,1,…,2m−1} and y{0,1,…,2n−1} (where m is polynomial in n). The main resource under consideration is the number of these queries. We show that the number of queries necessary to solve the problem in the classical probabilistic bounded-error model is exponential in n. This contrasts sharply with the quantum bounded-error model, where a constant number of queries suffices.  相似文献   

In the constructive setting, membership predicates over recursive types are inhabited by terms indexing the elements that satisfy the criteria for membership. In this paper, we motivate and explore this idea in the concrete setting of lists and trees. We show that the inhabitants of membership predicates are precisely the inhabitants of a generic shape type. We show that membership of x (of type T) in structure S, (xTS) can not, in general, index all parts of a structure S and we generalize to a form ρS where ρ is a predicate over S. Under this scheme, (λx.True)S is the set of all indexes into S, but we show that not all subsets of indexes are expressible by strictly local predicates. Accordingly, we extend our membership predicates to predicates that retain state “from above” as well as allow “looking below”. Predicates of this form are complete in the sense that they can express every subset of indexes in S. These ideas are motivated by experience programming in Nuprl's constructive type theory and examining the constructive content of mechanically checked formal proofs involving membership predicates.  相似文献   

Plant template generation is the key step in applying quantitative feedback theory (QFT) to design robust control for uncertain systems. In this paper we propose a technique for generating plant templates for a class of linear systems with an uncertain time delay and affine parameter perturbations in coefficients. The main contribution lies in presenting a necessary and sufficient condition for the zero inclusion of the value set f(T,Q)={f(τ,q): τT+], qQk=0m−1[qk,qk+]}, where f(τ,q)=g(q)+h(q)e−jτω*, g(q) and h(q) are both complex-valued affine functions of the m-dimensional real vector q, and ω* is a fixed frequency. Based on this condition, an efficient algorithm which involves, in the worst case, evaluation of m algebraic inequalities and solution of m2m−1 one-variable quadratic equations, is developed for testing the zero inclusion of the value set f(T,Q). This zero-inclusion test algorithm allows one to utilize a pivoting procedure to generate the outer boundary of a plant template with a prescribed accuracy or resolution. The proposed template generation technique has a linear computational complexity in resolution and is, therefore, more efficient than the parameter gridding and interval methods. A numerical example illustrating the proposed technique and its computational superiority over the interval method is included.  相似文献   

In recent years, many methods have been proposed to generate fuzzy rules from training instances for handling the Iris data classification problem. In this paper, we present a new method to generate fuzzy rules from training instances for dealing with the Iris data classification problem based on the attribute threshold value α, the classification threshold value β and the level threshold value γ, where α  [0, 1], β  [0, 1] and γ  [0, 1]. The proposed method gets a higher average classification accuracy rate than the existing methods.  相似文献   

Two affine algebraic curves over the complex numbers are in bad position if they have at least two distinct common points on some vertical line, i.e. for some α  C there are distinctβ1 , β2  C such that (α,β1 ) and (α, β2) are common points of the curves. We describe a method for detecting this situation and use it to develop an algorithm for finding the common points of two algebraic curves along with their multiplicities. We also give a worst case runtime analysis for the two algorithms and include a brief comparison of the second one with an approach using Gröbner bases.  相似文献   

Let be an imaginary quadratic number field with ring of integers Zk and let k(α) be the cubic extension of k generated by the polynomial ft(x)=x3−(t−1)x2−(t+2)x−1 with tZk. In the present paper we characterize all elements γZk[α] with norms satisfying |Nk(α)/k|≤|2t+1| for |t|≥14. This generalizes a corresponding result by Lemmermeyer and Pethő for Shanks’ cubic fields over the rationals.  相似文献   

By employing the Deimling fixed point index theory, we consider a class of second-order nonlinear differential systems with two parameters . We show that there exist three nonempty subsets of : Γ, Δ1 and Δ2 such that and the system has at least two positive periodic solutions for (λ,μ)Δ1, one positive periodic solution for (λ,μ)Γ and no positive periodic solutions for (λ,μ)Δ2. Meanwhile, we find two straight lines L1 and L2 such that Γ lies between L1 and L2.  相似文献   

Let k≥2 be an integer and G=(V,E) be a finite simple graph. A tree T is a k-leaf root of G, if V is the set of leaves of T and, for any two distinct x,yV, the distance between x and y in T is at most k if and only if xyE. We say that G is a k-leaf power if there is a k-leaf root of G. The main result of this paper is that, for all 2≤k<k, the classes of k- and k-leaf powers are inclusion-incomparable, if and only if k≤2k−3 and kk is an odd number. With this result, an open problem from the literature about the inclusion structure of these graph classes is solved completely. In addition, the intersection of the smallest pair of inclusion-incomparable classes is studied.  相似文献   

We order the ordering relation of an arbitrary poset P component-wise by itself, obtaining a poset Φ(P) extending P. In particular, the effects of Φ on L  DLAT01, the category of all bounded distributive lattices, are studied, mainly with the aid of Priestley duality. We characterize those L  DLAT01 which occur as Φ(K) for some K  DLAT01, decide this situation in polynomial time for finite L, characterize fixpoints of Φ within DLAT01 and relate them to free objects in DLAT01.  相似文献   

The (undirected) Rooted Survivable Network Design (Rooted SND) problem is: given a complete graph on node set V with edge-costs, a root sV, and (node-)connectivity requirements , find a minimum cost subgraph G that contains r(t) internally-disjoint st-paths for all tT. For large values of k=maxtTr(t) Rooted SND is at least as hard to approximate as Directed Steiner Tree [Y. Lando, Z. Nutov, Inapproximability of survivable networks, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 410 (21–23) (2009) 2122–2125]. For Rooted SND, [J. Chuzhoy, S. Khanna, Algorithms for single-source vertex-connectivity, in: FOCS, 2008, pp. 105–114] gave recently an approximation algorithm with ratio O(k2logn). Independently, and using different techniques, we obtained at the same time a simpler primal–dual algorithm with the same ratio.  相似文献   

Let X be a topological space. The closure of Δ={(x,x):xX} in X×X is a symmetric relation on X. We characterise those equivalence relations on an infinite set that arise as the closure of the diagonal with respect to a T1-topology.  相似文献   

This paper presents a decision procedure for problems relating polynomial and transcendental functions. The procedure applies to functions that are continuously differentiable with a finite number of points of inflection in a closed convex set. It decides questions of the form ‘is f0?’, where {=,>,<}. An implementation of the procedure in Maple and PVS exploits the existing Maple, PVS and QEPCAD connections. It is at present limited to those twice differentiable functions whose derivatives are rational functions (rationally differentiable). This procedure is particularly applicable to the analysis of control systems in determining important properties such as stability.  相似文献   

Given two objects A and B with piecewise smooth boundary we discuss the computation of the boundary Γ of the Minkowski sum A + B. This boundary surface Γ is part of the envelope when B is moved by translations defined by vectors a  A, or vice versa. We present an efficient algorithm working for dense point clouds or for triangular meshes. Besides this the global self-intersections of the boundary Γ are detected and resolved. Additionally we point to some relations between Minkowski sums and kinematics, and compute local quadratic approximations of the envelope.  相似文献   

The paper describes several algorithms related to a problem of computing the local dimension of a semialgebraic set. Let a semialgebraic set V be defined by a system of k inequalities of the formf  ≥  0 with f  R [ X1, ,Xn ], deg(f)  < d , andx   V . An algorithm is constructed for computing the dimension of the Zariski tangent space to V at x in time (kd)O(n). Let x belong to a stratum of codimension lxin V with respect to a smooth stratification ofV . Another algorithm computes the local dimension dimx(V) with the complexity (k(lx +  1)d)O(lx2n). Ifl  = maxx  Vlx, and for every connected component the local dimension is the same at each point, then the algorithm computes the dimension of every connected component with complexity (k(l +  1)d)O(l2n). If V is a real algebraic variety defined by a system of equations, then the complexity of the algorithm is less thankdO(l2n) , and the algorithm also finds the dimension of the tangent space to V at x in time kdO(n). Whenl is fixed, like in the case of a smooth V , the complexity bounds for computing the local dimension are (kd)O(n)andkdO(n) respectively. A third algorithm finds the singular locus ofV in time (kd)O(n2).  相似文献   

In this paper we address the problem of designing the feedforward block of a two degrees of freedom controller in the case of single input single output (SISO) discrete-time linear systems with model uncertainty. In this work the design of the feedforward filter is formulated as a robust model matching problem. First, a closed form solution of the optimal noncausal filter, which minimizes the worst-case model matching error for each ω[0,2π], is obtained. Then, suitable rational stable approximations of the optimal solution are derived either by means of causal filters or, when a preview of the reference signal is available, by means of noncausal FIR filters. The efficiency of the proposed method is tested on a simulated example.  相似文献   

We consider existence of curves which minimize an energy of the form ∫c(k)p (k=1,2,… , 1<p<∞) under side-conditions of the form Gj(c(t1,j),…,c(k−1)(tk,j))Mj, where Gj is a continuous function, ti,j[0,1], Mj is some closed set, and the indices j range in some index set J. This includes the problem of finding energy minimizing interpolants restricted to surfaces, and also variational near-interpolating problems. The norm used for vectors does not have to be Euclidean.It is shown that such an energy minimizer exists if there exists a curve satisfying the side conditions at all, and if among the interpolation conditions there are at least k points to be interpolated. In the case k=1, some relations to arc length are shown.  相似文献   

For linear systems described by , where A is a diagonal operator on the state space lr for some 1r<∞ and blr, we develop necessary and sufficient conditions for b to be p-admissible. This extends results by Ho, Russell and Weiss to the case r≠2.  相似文献   

Yangzi  Fuke  Chengming   《Automatica》2009,45(11):2577-2584
We regard the stochastic functional differential equation with infinite delay as the result of the effects of stochastic perturbation to the deterministic functional differential equation , where is defined by xt(θ)=x(t+θ),θ(−,0]. We assume that the deterministic system with infinite delay is exponentially stable. In this paper, we shall characterize how much the stochastic perturbation can bear such that the corresponding stochastic functional differential system still remains exponentially stable.  相似文献   

Let E be a real Banach space and K be a nonempty, closed, convex, and bounded subset of E. Let Ti:KK, i=1,2,…,N, be N uniformly L-Lipschitzian, uniformly asymptotically regular with sequences {εn}, and asymptotically pseudocontractive mappings with sequences , where {εn} and , i=1,2,…,N, satisfy certain mild conditions. Let a sequence {xn} be generated from x1K by
for all integers n1, where Tn=Tn(modN), {un} be a sequence in K, and {λn}, {θn} and {μn} are three real sequences in [0,1] satisfying appropriate conditions; then xnTlxn→0 as n for each l{1,2,…,N}.  相似文献   

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