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Nondestructive testing (NDT) is the only means for assessment of steel wire ropes in terms of local faults (LF) and loss in metallic area (LMA). Four track ropes (locked coil construction) and two haulage ropes (stranded construction) in a zigback passenger cable car system have been studied for a period of seven years. An attempt has been made in this paper to focus on the main outcome and behavior of in-situ condition of ropes in aerial ropeways.  相似文献   

客运索道的安全保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍脱挂式客运索道的特点及基本工作原理,强调了客运索道测控装置的重要性,主要包括钢丝绳位置和抱索器状态检测、安全运行控制和防摆动等安全措施,并以黄山玉屏索道为例,介绍了安全措施的具体应用。  相似文献   

对索道完整性管理技术进行了简单介绍,其主要模块为基础信息数据模块、风险评估模块、安全检测与完整性评估模块,并指出它的终极目标是在保证索道运行安全的前提下,尽可能减少经济投入,创造最大的经济利润。  相似文献   

客运架空索道系统整体静力特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对客运索道系统中悬索、塔架、吊篮等特定结构,着重解决了索道系统分析中的整体有限元建模问题,并提出了客运索道系统在自重或风力作用下的应力分析方法,为客运索道系统静强度设计提供了整体性计算方案。  相似文献   

针对钢丝绳应用及检测过程中安全性能、利用率、检测精度等问题,综合分析了现阶段钢丝绳无损检测国内外相关研究成果,总结并提出了今后的研究方向。首先,介绍了无损检测技术当前在实际工程中的应用,具体对比分析了两种主流探伤仪技术特点,以及在桥梁建筑等行业中的应用;接着,介绍了现在无损检测技术发展状况,着重论述了钢丝绳磁检测技术和非磁检测技术研究和应用现状,其中磁检测技术主要包括电磁法和永磁法,非磁检测主要包括电流法、声发射法和声-超声检测法;最后,在对比当前无损检测研究方法的基础上提出了集中钢丝绳无损检测的可行方法,指出了发展声-超声检测技术的研究趋势。  相似文献   

随着客运索道被广泛应用于各风景区,发生于索道内的紧急事故也屡见不鲜,设计一种救援演练装置,模拟客运索道实际救护演练环境迫在眉睫。利用悬索理论对救护演练装置进行理论分析,确定了弦倾角和中央挠度系数,保证了救援小车的适用性,对支架进行受力分析,确定了支架的受力变形情况在规定范围内。结果表明:客运索道救护演练装置能够满足索道救援演练需求。  相似文献   

The most widely used method to study the condition of winder ropes is the magnetic nondestructive method. Localized and distributed flaws in winder ropes can be detected by this method. This paper is intended to highlight the findings using such a technique in the case of independent wire rope core rope in two cage winders in a coal mine. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

该电路应用于大型往复式客运索道的三闭环错位选触无环流控制系统中,本文就其变流装置中的启动逻辑和电子保护及故障显示电路进行分析,它对其他的变流装置或牵引设备的控制系统同样具有参考价值。  相似文献   

在客运索道运行中,张紧小车行走轮起支撑索道设备和保持张紧小车前后运动的作用。文章首先对张紧小车行走轮的轮压分配进行分析,其次对行走轮与轨道进行接触强度分析,最后通过案例对轮压和轮轨接触进行计算。通过计算分析,为索道行走轮的设计提供了相关依据。  相似文献   

目前新索道的张紧系统90%采用液压张紧.众所周知重锤式张紧形式简单,张紧力始终保持恒定;而液压张紧则以结构布置紧凑、易于调整、性能平稳和基建费用少而更具有竞争力.液压张紧系统充分体现出液压技术功率-重量比大、操作方便和安全性强的优点,特别突出的是结构简单.本通过实例分析说明液压缸的正确选择,探讨液压缸参数对压力特性的影响,总结出液压张紧的压力变化规律和利用P-A图判断液压张紧特性的方法.  相似文献   

Steel winding ropes used in aerial ropeways, deteriorate with use. Visual inspection is the most conventional method for evaluation of aerial ropes. But this method cannot evaluate the inner failure such as corrosion and other flaws. Nondestructive testing method is the only means for assessment of haulage ropes in terms of local faults (LF) and loss in metallic area (LMA). An attempt has been made in this paper to evaluate and monitor the condition of a 6X19 Seale preformed haulage rope by nondestructive technique. The article is published in the original.  相似文献   

索道的液压张紧系统是调节钢丝绳张紧力的关键,液压传动技术含量高,维护难度大,一旦发生故障将直接危及到索道的安全运行.本文分析了液压张紧系统的设计原理、组成元件及故障案例.  相似文献   

索道的驱动轮体在结构设计中从铸造结构向焊接结构变化、从满足功能要求的腹板式焊接轮体向辐条式焊接轮体变化,使索道的驱动轮体结构更加合理、重量更轻、制造成本更低、索道的建设周期大大缩短,同时驱动轮体外观更加美观;通过驱动轮轴承部位从传统的挡油环分油方式到使用端面轴承和滚柱推力轴承的演化过程,为解决驱动轮轴承部位的润滑及发响、发热问题提出了好的解决方案,通过润滑结构和轴承游隙的调整,为索道的安全运行提供了可靠的保证。  相似文献   

索道的电气控制系统集中体现了索道的复杂程度和技术水平。介绍了目前我国客运索道应用的不同形式的控制系统,分析了其特点以及对安全性的影响,并对我国客运索道电气控制系统的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

1离合器的使用 泰山中天门索道采用单线循环脱挂式8人吊厢系统,全线共有46个吊厢,设置A、B、C、D4挡吊厢间距,2个吊厢之间的距离通过1套带有离合器和制动器的发车轮胎调整,离合器和制动器由距离计数器控制,驱动站和回转站站内传送系统各有3套带有离合器和制动器的轮胎,分别称为车位1、车位2、发车位轮胎。  相似文献   

在客运索道运行过程中,由于钢丝绳与托压索轮的相互作用会产生振动现象,降低乘客乘坐的舒适性,也影响索道的安全运行.文中在参考相关文献的基础上对钢丝绳捻距进行了介绍,对托压索轮轮距与钢丝绳捻距的关系及其对索道振动的影响进行了介绍和分析,并对如何对两者进行匹配以最大程度地降低振动的影响进行了说明,为相关结构设计和参数选取提供...  相似文献   

像增强型电荷耦合器件(intensified charge coupled device,ICCD)是激光主动成像系统中的关键器件,其噪声水平影响着整个系统性能的发挥。为了比较测试不同ICCD的噪声性能,采用图像信息容量、伪信噪比和无参考图像峰值信噪比(no-reference peak signal-noise-ratio,NPSNR)三个指标对ICCD输出的单帧图像进行图像质量评价。实验在相同实验条件,不同ICCD之间进行。结果表明4Quik E的噪声性能优于PI-MAX2:512。  相似文献   

In-situ diagnosis of chiller performance is an essential step for energy saving business. The main purpose of the in-situ diagnosis is to predict the performance of a target chiller. Many models based on thermodynamics have been proposed for the purpose. However, they have to be modified from chiller to chiller and require profound knowledge of thermodynamics and heat transfer. This study focuses on developing an easy-to-use diagnostic technique that is based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The effect of sample data distribution on training the ANFIS is investigated. It is found that the data sampling over 10 days during summer results in a reliable ANFIS whose performance prediction error is within measurement errors. The reliable ANFIS makes it possible to prepare an energy audit and suggest an energy saving plan based on the diagnosed chilled water supply system.  相似文献   

The nondestructive assessment of the damage that occurs in components during service plays a key role for condition monitoring and residual life estimation of in-service components/structures. Ultrasound has been widely utilized for this; however most of these conventional methods using ultrasonic characteristics in the linear elastic region are only sensitive to gross defects but much less sensitive to micro-damage. Recently, the nonlinear ultrasonic technique, which uses nonlinear ultrasonic behavior such as higher-harmonic generation, subharmonic generation, nonlinear resonance, or mixed frequency response, has been studied as a positive method for overcoming this limitation. In this paper, overall progress in this technique is reviewed with the brief introduction of basic principle in the application of each nonlinear ultrasonic phenomenon.  相似文献   

对大黑汀水库28台启闭机钢丝绳的断丝数量和腐蚀损坏程度进行了统计分析,明确了钢丝绳的技术状况,并对造成钢丝绳断丝的原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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