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Arfni Selene Parandera Lorenzo Botta Gazzaniga Camilla Maggioni Nicolò Tacchino Alessandro 《Minds and Machines》2021,31(1):213-213
Minds and Machines - An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article. 相似文献
This study empirically examines the role of competition in determining intentions toward personal information deception (PID) among users of online social network (OSN) sites. PID refers to OSN users intentionally misrepresenting or refusing to disclose online personal information. The research proposes that consumers’ intentions toward PID depend on their desire for online competition with other OSN users, which in turn depends on user appraisals of available status and hedonic benefits, as well as established social norms around competition. An analysis of data gathered from 499 OSN participants (students enrolled at a state university in the southeastern United States) shows that competitive desires represent an important antecedent of PID behavior in OSN contexts. Theoretical and practical implications of the research are also discussed. 相似文献
Nicole Ellison Rebecca Heino Jennifer Gibbs 《Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication》2006,11(2):415-441
This study investigates self-presentation strategies among online dating participants, exploring how participants manage their online presentation of self in order to accomplish the goal of finding a romantic partner. Thirty-four individuals active on a large online dating site participated in telephone interviews about their online dating experiences and perceptions. Qualitative data analysis suggests that participants attended to small cues online, mediated the tension between impression management pressures and the desire to present an authentic sense of self through tactics such as creating a profile that reflected their "ideal self," and attempted to establish the veracity of their identity claims. This study provides empirical support for Social Information Processing theory in a naturalistic context while offering insight into the complicated way in which "honesty" is enacted online. 相似文献
Koteswara Ivaturi Cecil Chua Lech Janczewski 《Journal of Computer Information Systems》2017,57(2):139-147
As the World Wide Web grows, the number and variety of online deceptive attacks likewise increases. Extant research examines online deception from an information processing perspective. However, users’ ability to process information is partly based on their information seeking modes. Information seeking has not been well studied in the security domain. Accordingly, this study explores the effect of users’ information seeking modes on their deception detection behavior. Specifically, we propose that human information needs and the framing of important information such as warnings significantly impact users’ vulnerability to online deception. Results suggest that users are more vulnerable to deception when they are actively seeking information compared with when seeking information passively and that warning frames have a positive effect on users’ attitude toward dealing with online deception. The findings also suggest that users’ attitudes and behaviors are not aligned. 相似文献
程元斌 《网络安全技术与应用》2011,(10):66-68,63
本文在分析在线身份泄露的原因的基础上,提出了一种新型身份认证协议及其系统方案。首先,通过引入一个自主的智能输入设备,令所有用户信息的输入与变换处理均在该设备上封闭性完成,从而保证用户输入的原始账号与口令等信息不会泄露;其次,以用户欲访问网站提供的秘密数据为参数,对用户的原始账号与口令进行变换处理,得到因网站秘密数据而异的用户注册或登录该网站的提交账号与口令。这样,即使注册到某个网站的账号口令泄露,也不会影响到到其它网站的身份信息安全;同时用户再无须为了安全而记忆大量账号与口令。最后再将提交账号与口令进行不低于服务安全要求的加密后上传到服务器。运用本方案,可望很大程度上解决在线身份信息泄露问题。 相似文献
Managers rarely have full and unequivocal data on their external environment or on the state of their internal processes and in this paper we discuss how they deal with ambiguity, in relation to organizational safety. Drawing on our research into managers’ safety intelligence and on the value of chronic unease for safety management, we show how both requisite anxiety and problem solving skills can help managers make the best use of ambiguous safety information. 相似文献
Successful ideation is vital for new product development. In a novel approach, firms have recently and successfully empowered their customers through online communities by applying democratic principles to open innovation. In this paper, we borrow insights from the democratic system to examine the enhancement of, and the boundary conditions for, the adoption of this empowerment strategy. We conducted three series of experiments to investigate whether online community size and lead user status might affect the link between empowerment strategy and perceived impact. This study also highlights the double‐edged influence of the selected outcome of an empowerment task by focusing on the negative emotions that threaten the effectiveness and sustainability of empowerment strategy. Our results show that empowerment strategy in small communities and higher lead user status can produce higher perceived impact. In addition, the outcome of empowerment strategy may engender positive and negative emotions in members of the community, which leads to distinct and different corresponding behaviour. The theoretical and practical implications of our research are discussed in the conclusion. 相似文献
疫情时期,为保障师生安全、保证教学进度,各校纷纷开展在线教学以满足学生在家的学习需求,实现教师离校不离教、学生离校不离学。本文通过分析在线教学的特点及现状,提出在线教学的方法设计以及组织实施策略,为在线教学的教师提供参考。 相似文献
Ulrike Pfeil Knut Svangstu Chee Siang Ang 《International journal of human-computer interaction》2013,29(4):323-347
In this article, an online support community for older people is studied, with the aim of developing a taxonomy of social roles based on content analysis and social network analysis. Four hundred messages (posted between August 9, 2007, and February 5, 2008) in an online support community for older people (http://www.seniornet.org) were investigated. The data were analyzed to identify and shed light on patterns of the online functional behavior as well as the social structure of active members. Drawing on the findings, a set of six social roles were identified, defined, and described in depth. The findings showed that the structural positions of online community members were associated with the kind of content these members tended to post. For example, it was found that central members were very likely to give support, whereas members not very well connected were more inclined to post self-disclosing messages. 相似文献
针对尾矿库传统人工监测的局限性,结合华源矿业尾矿库的实际情况,本文设计了尾矿库安全监测系统,确定了在线监测项目和节点的分布位置,系统以CC2530作为控制器,通过不同传感器采集尾矿库的浸润线、坝体位移、库水位、降雨量等参数,利用无线网络传送到监控中心,监控中心对数据进行实时显示和处理。该方案简单易行,成本低,对矿山尾矿库的现代化管理有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
Tanya Notley 《Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication》2009,14(4):1208-1227
This paper examines the ways 9 teenage Australians—identified as being 'at risk' of social exclusion—are using online networks to participate in society. The research finds that online networks provided participants with valuable opportunities for social inclusion. These findings are contextualized in relation to current Australian Government education and social policies that, on the one hand, aspire to support young people's social inclusion, and on the other restrict their ability to use online networks because of safety and health concerns. This study contends that by defining and understanding the social value of young people's online network use we can move toward a policy framework that not only addresses potential online risks, but supports equitable digital inclusion for young people. 相似文献
While the majority of young people are relatively resilient online, a vulnerable minority report an online life in which they are at risk of multiple harms. With the assumption that vulnerable young people are likely to experience online risks differently, this study examines whether or not being vulnerable offline predicts high risk online experiences (HROEs). Offline vulnerabilities were grouped as Family, Physical, SEN, Communication and Mental Health difficulties, while HROEs were categorized as risks associated with Content, Conduct, Contact, and Cyberscams (4Cs). Using a sample of 2988 young people (aged 10–16 years), multiple linear regression showed that being vulnerable in any group significantly predicted a higher overall score for HROEs. Additionally, statistical analysis showed that individually each of the 4Cs can be explained by different vulnerabilities. Furthermore, experiencing one of the high risk categories predicted the experience of certain other risk categories. The results are explained with reference to previous research and this study sends a strong message for practice: offline vulnerability extends to online life and enhanced, targeted online safety education and support is required. 相似文献
信息化时代的发展,为网络教育的普遍应用提供了优越的条件。本文在对在线学习概念分析的基础上,针对目前高职院校学生在线学习现状及特点,结合在线学习活动构成要素,提出了高职院校学生在线学习活动的五项设计策略,以提高学生的在线学习能力。 相似文献
Soraj Hongladarom 《Minds and Machines》2011,21(4):533-548
The emergence of social networking sites has created a problem of how the self is to be understood in the online world. As these sites are social, they relate someone with others in a network. Thus there seems to emerge a new kind of self which exists in the online world. Accounting for the online self here also has implications on how the self in the outside world should be understood. It is argued that, as the use of online social media has become more widespread, the line between the two kinds of self is becoming fuzzier. Furthermore, there seems to be a fusion between the online and the offline selves, which reflects the view that reality itself is informational. Ultimately speaking, both kinds of selves do not have any essence, i.e., any characteristic inherent to them that serves to show that these selves are what they are and none other. Instead an externalist account of the identity of the self is offered that locates the identity in question in the self’s relations with other selves as well as other events and objects. This account can both be used to explain the nature of the self both in the online and the offline worlds. 相似文献
Juan Manuel Ram��rez-Alcaraz Andrei Tchernykh Ramin Yahyapour Uwe Schwiegelshohn Ariel Quezada-Pina Jos�� Luis Gonz��lez-Garc��a Ad��n Hirales-Carbajal 《Journal of Grid Computing》2011,9(1):95-116
We address non-preemptive non-clairvoyant online scheduling of parallel jobs on a Grid. We consider a Grid scheduling model with two stages. At the first stage, jobs are allocated to a suitable Grid site, while at the second stage, local scheduling is independently applied to each site. We analyze allocation strategies depending on the type and amount of information they require. We conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation study using simulation and demonstrate that our strategies perform well with respect to several metrics that reflect both user- and system-centric goals. Unfortunately, user run time estimates and information on local schedules does not help to significantly improve the outcome of the allocation strategies. When examining the overall Grid performance based on real data, we determined that an appropriate distribution of job processor requirements over the Grid has a higher performance than an allocation of jobs based on user run time estimates and information on local schedules. In general, our experiments showed that rather simple schedulers with minimal information requirements can provide a good performance. 相似文献
随着计算机网络的日益发展和人们对流式媒体需求的迅猛增加,VoD将得到更广泛的应用。面对巨大的数据量,服务器磁盘I/O和网络带宽成为瓶颈。该文提出媒体流调度和管理策略,合理分配、动态管理系统带宽资源,减少用户等待时间,在同样条件下服务更多用户,提高了VoD系统效率和性能。 相似文献
大数据蕴藏着有价值的信息,但数据安全面临严峻挑战。在分析大数据基本特征的基础上,提出了当前大数据面临的安全挑战,并从监测机制、防范检测、响应水平和处理能力4个方面阐述了大数据安全的应对策略。 相似文献