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YAOYue-dong LIXiang-fang TONGDeng-ke 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2004,16(4):474-480
According to the assumption of slightly compressible fluid, the quadratic gradient term in the nonlinear partial differential equations for the traditional well-test model is usually neglected. The linear partial differential equation is thus established. It is known that neglecting the quadratic gradient term results in errors for long-time well tests. A nonlinear flow model for fractal medium is constructed and the quadratic gradient term is considered. The exact solutions of the fractal reservoir models are obtained by Laplace transform and Weber transform in a constant-rate and constant-pressure production for an infinitely large system. This paper addresses the variation of pressure with fluid compressibility coefficient and fractal reservoir parameters. The plots of the typical pressure curves are constructed, and the results can be applied to well-test analysis. 相似文献
TIAN Ji TONG Deng-ke 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2006,18(3):287-293
1. INTRODUCTION Chang and Yortsos [1 ]presented the theoretical model for infinite fractal reservoir. Acuna et al. [ 2]explained the fractal characteristic of a naturally fractured geothermal field. Acuna [ 3] reviewed the theoretical background of fractal analysis. They alsodemonstrated the application of various diagnostic techniques for fractal pressure transient analysis as developed by Chang and Yortsos [1 ].Tong[4 ? 7]give the analytical solution of various cases for transient flow… 相似文献
针对枣木水库溢洪道侧堰、低堰、陡槽弯道、挑流消能等特点,结合模型实验成果,采用新的洪水标准,进行结构安全复核,对溢洪道安全作出评价,并提出处理措施和建议. 相似文献
针对中坊水库大坝左岸的渗漏问题,在钻探的基础上,采用物探CT手段,结合成熟的砼水下成墙施工工艺,较好地解决了渗漏问题. 相似文献
柘林水利工程的防洪效益——从1998年洪水调度谈柘林水库在防洪中的作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1998年柘林水库发生了建库以来的最大洪水,库水位2次超历史纪录,在江西省防总、江西省电力工业局防办的科学调度与决策下,取得了抗洪抢险的全面胜利,保住了京九铁路、郭东堤、永北围堤、昌九高速公路,柘林水库的防洪效益得到了充分的发挥,取得了巨大的经济效益和社会效益. 相似文献
根据柘林水库主坝区的特点及规范要求,采用程序通过多个方案优化设计选择出一个最优方案,并估算出该网精度指标及可靠性指标. 相似文献
A fundamental solution for homogeneous reservoir in infinite space is derived by using the point source function with the consideration of the threshold pressure gradient. The fundamental solution of the continuous point source function is then derived based on the Green function. Various boundary conditions of the reservoirs are considered for this case and the corresponding solutions are obtained through the mirror image reflection and the principle of superimposition. The line source solution is obtained by integration. Subsequently, the horizontal-well bottom hole pressure response function for a non-linear gas flow in the homogeneous gas reservoir is obtained, and the response curve of the dimensionless bottom hole pressure and the derivative for a horizontal well in the homogeneous gas reservoir are obtained. In the end, the sensitivities of the relevant parameters are analyzed. The well test model presented in this paper can be used as the basis of the horizontal well test analysis for tight gas reservoirs. 相似文献
With the governing equations for the flow of the power-law fluid in annulus with the inner cylinder executing a planetary motion being transformed by using the undetermined coefficient method, the formula of pressure gradient for this flow under the given flow rate and the relevant numerical calculation method are given in this article. Through the experiments on the flow of Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide (HPAM) aqueous solution which can be regarded as a power-law fluid, the calculated results of the pressure gradient values are compared with measured data, the mean relative error between them is smaller than 5%, which verifies the results presented in this article. 相似文献
三峡工程对库区水流水质影响预测 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
利用开发的三峡水库整体一维水流水质数学模型,对三峡水库建成前后的水流水质变化趋势进行预测分析。重点介绍三峡工程建成后,库区水流条件巨大变化对污染物输移转化特性和水质分布的影响。预测结果表明,三峡工程建成后,三斗坪水位175m条件下,回水区断面平均流速比建库前减小4倍左右,平均有机污染物自净降解速率和大气复氧速率比天然河道状况减小1倍。由于污染物在库区滞留时间成倍延长,有机污染物排入水库后的自净降解总量较天然河道状况增大,因而,建库后加水区内断面平均有机污染物浓度较天然河道状况明显下降,但是,断面平均溶解氧浓度与天然河道状况相比也明显降低,对于守恒类污染物,建库前后水质变化不大。因此,三峡工程对库区水质影响有利也有弊。 相似文献
QIN Kai-rong HU Xu-qu LIU Zhao-rong 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2007,19(1):113-120
The Parallel-Plate Flow Chamber (PPFC), of which the height is far smaller than its own length and width, is one of the main apparatus for the in-vitro study of the mechanical behavior of cultured vascular Endothelical Cells (ECs) exposed to fluid shear stress. The steady flow in different kinds of PPFC has been extensively investigated, whereas, the pulsatile flow in the PPFC has received little attention. In consideration of the characteristics of geometrical size and pulsatile flow in the PPFC, the 3-D pulsatile flow was decomposed into a 2-D pulsatile flow in the vertical plane, and an incompressible plane potential flow in the horizontal plane. A simple method was then proposed to analyze the pulsatile flow in the PPFC with spatial shear stress gradient. On the basis of the method, the pulsatile fluid shear stresses in several reported PPFCs with spatial shear stress gradients were calculated. The results were theoretically meaningful for applying the PPFCs in-vitro, to simulate the pulsatile fluid shear stress environment, to which cultured ECs were exposed. 相似文献
Zhang Ben-zhao Chen Qian Zhang Jin-suo Cui Liang-chen Department of Mechanics Zhejiang University Hangzhou ChinaWT”HZ 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2001,13(1)
1 . INTRODUCTIONAsaninterestingfundamentalprobleminfluidmechnics,theflowsinrotatingcurved pipeswithcircularorrectangularcross sectionshavebeenstudiedbynumerousauthors .Ludwieg[1] isthefirstresearchertoanalyzetheflowinarotatingcurvedrectangularductanddevelo… 相似文献
In a low permeability reservoir, the existence of a moving boundary is considered in the study of the transient porous flow with threshold pressure gradient. The transmission of the moving boundary directly indicates the size of the drainage area as well as the apparent influences on the pressure behavior. The nonlinear transient flow mathematical model in which the threshold pressure gradient and the moving boundary are incorporated is solved by advanced mathematical methods. This paper presents some new analytical solutions describing the pressure distribution at a constant rate and the production decline in a constant pressure production with the boundary propagation. It is shown that the greater the threshold pressure gradient, the slower the transmission of the moving boundary, the larger the pressure loss will be, and there is no radial flow in the middle and later phases of the wellface pressure for a well at a constant rate. We have the the maximum moving boundary at a specific drawdown pressure for a low permeability reservoir. The greater the threshold pressure gradient, the smaller the maximum moving boundary distance, the quicker the production decline for a well in a constant pressure production will be. The type curve charts for the modern well test analysis and the rate transient analysis with a moving boundary are obtained and the field test and the production data are interpreted as examples to illustrate how to use our new results. 相似文献
LIN Jia-en Department of Engineering Mechanics Tsinghua University Beijing China Petroleum Engineering Institute Xi’an Petroleum University Xi’an C hina YANG Hui-zhu Department of Engineering Mechanics Tsinghua University Beijing China 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2005,17(4)
NOMENCLATURE A1———drainage area of the tested well ( Well 1) At———total reservoir drainage area B———two-phase formation volume factor C———wellbore storage coefficient Cf———rock compressibility fator Co———oil compressibility fator Cw———water compressibility fator Ct———compressibility fator K———reservoir permeability m———slope of a semilog straight line m1———slope defined by Eq.(12) p-———average reservoir pressure-pD———di mensionless average drainag… 相似文献
Dai Hui-chaoChina Yangtze Three Gorges Project Development Corporation Yichang P. R.China 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》1997,(4)
The turbulence flow Free Surface has important applications in hydraulic spillways structure,such as the hydraulic jump,energy dissipation flow etc.This is being considered as very complicated flow,and has not yet been solved quite well by numerical method. In this paper,a Large-scale computational software package are developed for numerical laboratory of hydraulic spillway structure.Some methods,such as turbulence model, free surface and irregular boundary treating techniques,scientific computer visualization are put forward and performed. 相似文献
Su Xiao bin Wei Gang Hydrodynamics Department of Meteorology College P. L. A. University of Science Engineering. Nanjing P.R.China 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2000,12(4)
1. INTRODUCTIONThe research on jet,which is a typical flow pattern in atmosphere,has made a greatprogress in both theory and observation.There existsa striking similar feature between thejetstream of baroclinic fluid in a rotating annulussystem and the defined one of IMO( Inter-national Meteorological Organization,Upper Air Technical Commission) .Forsuch a similarfeature,more and more attention hasfocused on the experimental simulation of jetstream ina baroclinic fluid system based on… 相似文献
Wan De-chengShanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Shanghai University Shanghai P. R. China.Miao Guo-pingDepartment of Naval Architecture Ocean Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai P. R. China.Dai Shi-qiangShanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics Mechanics Shanghai University Shanghai P. R. China. 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》1997,(4)
The volume of fluid method(VOF method)for numerical simulations describing wave run-up on a sloping structure including the overturning,breaking and.merging phenomena is presented.The flow motions are governed by the classical,two-dimen-sional Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible fluid.Computational results concerning the time evolution of the free surface and pressure distribution along water bed and slope boundary are given,showing how an initial solitary wave undergoes run-up,overturning,breaking and merging on the slope.It is found that most of the wave energy is lost after the wave breaking and merging. 相似文献