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鉴别逻辑与数字签名是认证系统的基础理论和基础技术。鉴别逻辑现有两种:相信逻辑(belief logic)和可信逻辑(trust logic);签名体制也有两种:基于标识(identity)的签名体制和基于第三方(3rd party)的签名体制。 相似文献
从ALC到SHOQ(D):描述逻辑及其Tableau算法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
描述逻辑是一类知识表示的形式系统,并成为语义Web的逻辑基础。Tableau是描述逻辑的基本证明论,基于Tableau的算法提供7描述逻辑的推理机。本文系统地阐述了对应于语义Web语言从基本的ALC到SHOQ(D)描述逻辑基础及其相应的Tableau算法。 相似文献
网格用户身份鉴别是网格安全中的一个至关重要的环节.通过分析现有网格鉴别中存在的不足,将信任协商的思想引入至网格鉴别中,提出了适用于网格鉴别的A-ACDS信任协商机制,并给出了基于A-ACDS信任协商机制的新型网格鉴别模式.详细描述了基于此新型网格鉴别模式下网格鉴别的具体过程,并给出了其简要的形式化描述.通过与传统网格鉴别模式进行比较,分析其性能,得出该新型网格鉴别模式比传统的网格鉴别具有更好的安全性与功效性. 相似文献
基于模糊逻辑的主观信任管理模型研究 总被引:45,自引:1,他引:45
在开放网络中,信任管理是信息安全的重要前提与基础.通过考查主观信任的模糊性,首次将语言变量、模糊逻辑引入主观信任管理研究中,提出了信任的度量机制,运用模糊IF—THEN规则对人类信任推理的一般知识和经验进行了建模,提出了一种灵活直观,具有很强描述能力的形式化的信任推理机制,为主观信任管理研究提供了一种有价值的新思路. 相似文献
在现实中存在许多这样的实体,它需要关系数据库中多个相关的记录一起才能完整地表示其意义,且这些记录之间通常具有行和列上的计算关系,使用传统的方法不能很好地实现这样的实体.针对该情况,提出逻辑实体及其行列模板的概念,设计逻辑实体和行列模板的关系模式,给出行列模板的实现,并结合一个实例,详细说明了行列模板的具体应用. 相似文献
Jan Broersen Andreas Herzig Nicolas Troquard 《Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science》2006,157(4):23-35
STIT is a logic of agency that has been proposed in the nineties in the domain of philosophy of action. It is the logic of constructions of the form “agent a sees to it that φ”. We believe that STIT theory may contribute to the logical analysis of multiagent systems. To support this claim, in this paper we show that there is a close relationship with more recent logics for multiagent systems. We focus on Pauly's Coalition Logic and the logic of the cstit operator, as described by Horty. After a brief presentation of Coalition Logic and a discrete-time version (including a next operator) of the STIT framework, we introduce a translation from Coalition Logic to the discrete STIT logic, and prove that it is correct. 相似文献
In this paper, we develop a fuzzy dynamic belief revision logic system. In our system, propositions take truth values in a set of multiple fuzzy linguistic terms, which people use in everyday life. And we use a uninorm operator to aggregate the linguistic truth values of the same proposition but drawn from two different rules because uninorms can reflect well that the aggregated result of two somehow negative truth values of the same proposition should be more negative, the aggregated result of two somehow positive ones should be more positive, and the result of a negative one and a positive one is a compromise. In this system, the belief on a proposition is the linguistic truth of the proposition in the most possible world according to the current preference over all possible worlds. In the light of new information, the preference degrees of possible worlds will be updated. Accordingly, the most possible world will be changed to another and thus an old belief on a propositional formula will be changed to the linguistic truth of the proposition in the new most possible world. Moreover, we prove the soundness and completeness of our fuzzy dynamic belief revision system. In addition, we also prove that our belief revision method in fuzzy environment satisfies some relevant ones of standard AGM postulates (named after the names of their proponents, Alchourrón, Gärdenfors, and Makinson). 相似文献
Paul Snow 《Computational Intelligence》2003,19(2):201-213
Contrary to some interpretations of "impossibility theorems," belief models exist which are both truth-functional and give equal credibility to all equivalent formulas. This combination of features can be useful, e.g., in case-based reasoning. That such models exist casts doubt on theories which try to restrict the applications of belief calculi based upon the supposed incompatibility of the features. One prominent theory attempts to divorce partial truth, described as the province of fuzzy logic, from probabilistic reasoning. Nevertheless, ordinary logic and cumulative probability exactly restate the inferences of the usual fuzzy logic. 相似文献
Presupposition is a pervasive feature of human language. It involves many interesting interactions between the utterances of a discourse and the context of the discourse. In this paper we focus on issues of logical form connected with the interaction of presupposition and discourse context, and illustrate our theory with some implementational work using the active logic framework. After reviewing some of the major issues in presupposition theory we turn to a largely successful unified approach of Heim. We show how the main principles of this theory can be implemented in active logic. But we also find two serious difficulties. These consist in (a) a straightforward counterexample and (b) a type of discourse that we call a garden‐path discourse. We maintain that both the counterexample and the garden‐path type of discourse can be handled by our active‐logic version of Heim's theory. This requires us to reformulate and extend Heim's theorey. Although this work is largely theoretical, both Heim's theory and ours have important things to say about the incremental processing of the utterances that make up discourse. And we present our theory as a specification of a processing device that takes logical form of a sentence along with current discourse context as input and delivers an updated discourse context as output. As an experiment, we have implemented portions of this device. 相似文献
描述任务逻辑及其应用 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
针对任务逻辑存在的两个缺点:(1)不可判定,无法保证推理过程都能在有限的时间内结束;(2)任务的定义局限于抽象的、逻辑的定义。无法描述任务的具体属性和任务之间的关系,将描述性结构引入任务逻辑,构造了一个可描述具体属性的、可判定的任务逻辑系统——描述任务逻辑.将所构造的逻辑系统应用于具有组织的多主体系统行为建模,建立了基于描述任务逻辑的多主体组织模型和建模框架,并且表明应用描述任务逻辑构造应用系统具有表达能力强、结构紧凑的特点. 相似文献
提出一种分析和设计认证协议的新逻辑,可以用来分析认证协议和设计认证协议。通过运用该逻辑,使认证协议的设计和分析可以在同一种逻辑中进行,也消除了用不同的方法来设计和分析认证协议的不一致性。在分析协议时,先用逻辑对协议进行形式化,再用推理规则对协议进行推理。如果不能推理出协议的最终目标,说明协议存在缺陷或者漏洞。在设计协议时,通过运用合成规则使协议设计者可用一种系统化的方法来构造满足需要的协议。用该逻辑对Needham-Schroeder私钥协议进行了分析,指出该协议不能满足协议目标,并重新设计了该协议。 相似文献
Stephen Mason 《Computer Fraud & Security》2005,2005(1):7-11
Levente Buttyan等人提出了一种认证协议设计的简单逻辑,协议设计者可以使用该逻辑,用一种系统的方法来构造认证协议。该文把简单逻辑和串空间(Strand Space)模型结合起来,给出了简单逻辑的串空间语义,然后运用该语义证明了简单逻辑的推理规则是正确的。 相似文献