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Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and malignant tumour of the central nervous system. Recent appreciation of the heterogeneity amongst these tumours not only changed the WHO classification approach, but also created the need for developing novel and personalised therapies. This systematic review aims to highlight recent advancements in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of the GBM and discuss related novel treatment targets. A systematic search of the literature in the PubMed library was performed following the PRISMA guidelines for molecular pathogenesis and therapeutic advances. Original and meta-analyses studies from the last ten years were reviewed using pre-determined search terms. The results included articles relevant to GBM development focusing on the aberrancy in cell signaling pathways and intracellular events. Theragnostic targets and vaccination to treat GBM were also explored. The molecular pathophysiology of GBM is complex. Our systematic review suggests targeting therapy at the stemness, p53 mediated pathways and immune modulation. Exciting novel immune therapy involving dendritic cell vaccines, B-cell vaccines and viral vectors may be the future of treating GBM.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma is the most aggressive malignant tumor of the central nervous system with a low survival rate. The difficulty of obtaining this tumor material represents a major limitation, making the real-time monitoring of tumor progression difficult, especially in the events of recurrence or resistance to treatment. The identification of characteristic biomarkers is indispensable for an accurate diagnosis, the rigorous follow-up of patients, and the development of new personalized treatments. Liquid biopsy, as a minimally invasive procedure, holds promise in this regard. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the current literature regarding the identification of molecular and circulating glioblastoma biomarkers and the importance of their integration as a valuable tool to improve patient care.  相似文献   

(1) Background: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is among the most aggressive cancers with a poor prognosis. Treatment options are limited, clinicians lack efficient prognostic and predictive markers. Circulating miRNAs—besides being important regulators of cancer development—may have potential as diagnostic biomarkers of GBM. (2) Methods: In this study, profiling of 798 human miRNAs was performed on blood plasma samples from 6 healthy individuals and 6 patients with GBM, using a NanoString nCounter Analysis System. To validate our results, five miRNAs (hsa-miR-433-3p, hsa-miR-362-3p, hsa-miR-195-5p, hsa-miR-133a-3p, and hsa-miR-29a-3p) were randomly chosen for RT-qPCR detection. (3) Results: In all, 53 miRNAs were significantly differentially expressed in plasma samples of GBM patients when data were filtered for FC 1 and FDR 0.1. Target genes of the top 39 differentially expressed miRNAs were identified, and we carried out functional annotation and pathway enrichment analysis of target genes via GO and KEGG-based tools. General and cortex-specific protein–protein interaction networks were constructed from the target genes of top miRNAs to assess their functional connections. (4) Conclusions: We demonstrated that plasma microRNA profiles are promising diagnostic and prognostic molecular biomarkers that may find an actual application in the clinical practice of GBM, although more studies are needed to validate our results.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs) are cells with a self-renewal ability and capacity to initiate tumors upon serial transplantation that have been linked to tumor cell heterogeneity. Most standard treatments fail to completely eradicate GSCs, causing the recurrence of the disease. GSCs could represent one reason for the low efficacy of cancer therapy and for the short relapse time. Nonetheless, experimental data suggest that the presence of therapy-resistant GSCs could explain tumor recurrence. Therefore, to effectively target GSCs, a comprehensive understanding of their biology and the survival and developing mechanisms during treatment is mandatory. This review provides an overview of the molecular features, microenvironment, detection, and targeting strategies of GSCs, an essential information required for an efficient therapy. Despite the outstanding results in oncology, researchers are still developing novel strategies, of which one could be targeting the GSCs present in the hypoxic regions and invasive edge of the glioblastoma.  相似文献   

Oncogenic fusion genes have emerged as successful targets in several malignancies, such as chronic myeloid leukemia and lung cancer. Fusion of the fibroblast growth receptor 3 and the transforming acidic coiled coil containing protein—FGFR3-TACC3 fusion—is prevalent in 3–4% of human glioblastoma. The fusion protein leads to the constitutively activated kinase signaling of FGFR3 and thereby promotes cell proliferation and tumor progression. The subgroup of FGFR3-TACC3 fusion-positive glioblastomas presents with recurrent clinical and histomolecular characteristics, defining a distinctive subtype of IDH-wildtype glioblastoma. This review aims to provide an overview of the available literature on FGFR3-TACC3 fusions in glioblastoma and possible implications for actual clinical practice.  相似文献   

Aging causes a progressive decline in the structure and function of organs. With advancing age, an accumulation of senescent endothelial cells (ECs) contributes to the risk of developing vascular dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurodegeneration. Senescent ECs undergo phenotypic changes that alter the pattern of expressed proteins, as well as their morphologies and functions, and have been linked to vascular impairments, such as aortic stiffness, enhanced inflammation, and dysregulated vascular tone. Numerous molecules and pathways, including sirtuins, Klotho, RAAS, IGFBP, NRF2, and mTOR, have been implicated in promoting EC senescence. This review summarizes the molecular players and signaling pathways driving EC senescence and identifies targets with possible therapeutic value in age-related vascular diseases.  相似文献   

Malignant brain tumors are responsible for catastrophic morbidity and mortality globally. Among them, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) bears the worst prognosis. The GrpE-like 2 homolog (GRPEL2) plays a crucial role in regulating mitochondrial protein import and redox homeostasis. However, the role of GRPEL2 in human glioblastoma has yet to be clarified. In this study, we investigated the function of GRPEL2 in glioma. Based on bioinformatics analyses from the Cancer Gene Atlas (TCGA) and the Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA), we inferred that GRPEL2 expression positively correlates with WHO tumor grade (p < 0.001), IDH mutation status (p < 0.001), oligodendroglial differentiation (p < 0.001), and overall survival (p < 0.001) in glioma datasets. Functional validation in LN229 and GBM8401 GBM cells showed that GRPEL2 knockdown efficiently inhibited cellular proliferation. Moreover, GRPEL2 suppression induced cell cycle arrest at the sub-G1 phase. Furthermore, GRPEL2 silencing decreased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) without impending mitochondria membrane potential. The cellular oxidative respiration measured with a Seahorse XFp analyzer exhibited a reduction of the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in GBM cells by siGRPEL2, which subsequently enhanced autophagy and senescence in glioblastoma cells. Taken together, GRPEL2 is a novel redox regulator of mitochondria bioenergetics and a potential target for treating GBM in the future.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is a stable cell cycle arrest state that can be triggered by a wide range of intrinsic or extrinsic stresses. Increased burden of senescent cells in various tissues is thought to contribute to aging and age-related diseases. Thus, the detection and interventions of senescent cells are critical for longevity and treatment of disease. However, the highly heterogeneous feature of senescence makes it challenging for precise detection and selective clearance of senescent cells in different age-related diseases. To address this issue, considerable efforts have been devoted to developing senescence-targeting molecular theranostic strategies, based on the potential biomarkers of cellular senescence. Herein, we review recent advances in the field of anti-senescence research and highlight the specific visualization and elimination of senescent cells. Additionally, the challenges in this emerging field are outlined.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma is a type of aggressive brain tumor that grows very fast and evades surrounding normal brain, lead to treatment failure. Glioblastomas are associated with Akt activation due to somatic alterations in PI3 kinase/Akt pathway and/or PTEN tumor suppressor. Sodium meta-arsenite, KML001 is an orally bioavailable, water-soluble, and trivalent arsenical and it shows antitumoral effects in several solid tumor cells via inhibiting oncogenic signaling, including Akt and MAPK. Here, we evaluated the effect of sodium meta-arsenite, KML001, on the growth of human glioblastoma cell lines with different PTEN expression status and Akt activation, including PTEN-deficient cells (U87-MG and U251) and PTEN-positive cells (LN229). The growth-inhibitory effect of KML001 was stronger in U87-MG and U251 cells, which exhibited higher Akt activity than LN229 cells. KML001 deactivated Akt and decreased its protein levels via proteasomal degradation in U87-MG cells. KML001 upregulated mutant PTEN levels via inhibition of its proteasomal degradation. KML001 inhibited cell growth more effectively in active Akt-overexpressing LN229 cells than in mock-expressing LN229 cells. Consistent with these results, KML001 sensitized PTEN-deficient cells more strongly to growth inhibition than it did PTEN-positive cells in prostate and breast cancer cell lines. Finally, we illustrated in vivo anti-tumor effects of KML001 using an intracranial xenograft mouse model. These results suggest that KML001 could be an effective chemotherapeutic drug for the treatment of glioblastoma cancer patients with higher Akt activity and PTEN loss.  相似文献   

Epithelial membrane protein 3 (EMP3) is a tetraspan membrane protein overexpressed in isocitrate dehydrogenase-wild-type (IDH-wt) glioblastoma (GBM). Several studies reported high EMP3 levels as a poor prognostic factor in GBM patients. Experimental findings based on glioma and non-glioma models have demonstrated the role of EMP3 in the regulation of several membrane proteins known to drive IDH-wt GBM. In this review, we summarize what is currently known about EMP3 biology. We discuss the regulatory effects that EMP3 exerts on a variety of oncogenic receptors and discuss how these mechanisms may relate to IDH-wt GBM. Lastly, we enumerate the open questions towards EMP3 function in IDH-wt GBM.  相似文献   

Understanding the global metabolic changes during the senescence of tumor cells can have implications for developing effective anti-cancer treatment strategies. Ionizing radiation (IR) was used to induce senescence in a human colon cancer cell line HCT-116 to examine secretome and metabolome profiles. Control proliferating and senescent cancer cells (SCC) exhibited distinct morphological differences and expression of senescent markers. Enhanced secretion of pro-inflammatory chemokines and IL-1, anti-inflammatory IL-27, and TGF-β1 was observed in SCC. Significantly reduced levels of VEGF-A indicated anti-angiogenic activities of SCC. Elevated levels of tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases from SCC support the maintenance of the extracellular matrix. Adenylate and guanylate energy charge levels and redox components NAD and NADP and glutathione were maintained at near optimal levels indicating the viability of SCC. Significant accumulation of pyruvate, lactate, and suppression of the TCA cycle in SCC indicated aerobic glycolysis as the predominant energy source for SCC. Levels of several key amino acids decreased significantly, suggesting augmented utilization for protein synthesis and for use as intermediates for energy metabolism in SCC. These observations may provide a better understanding of cellular senescence basic mechanisms in tumor tissues and provide opportunities to improve cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Ocular graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a major complication after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Ocular GVHD affects recipients’ visual function and quality of life. Recent advanced research in this area has gradually attracted attention from a wide range of physicians and ophthalmologists. This review highlights the mechanism of immune processes and the molecular mechanism, including several inflammation cascades, pathogenic fibrosis, and stress-induced senescence related to ocular GVHD, in basic spectrum topics in this area. How the disease develops and what kinds of cells participate in ocular GVHD are discussed. Although the classical immune process is a main pathological pathway in this disease, senescence-associated changes in immune cells and stem cells may also drive this disease. The DNA damage response, p16/p21, and the expression of markers associated with the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) are seen in ocular tissue in GVHD. Macrophages, T cells, and mesenchymal cells from donors or recipients that increasingly infiltrate the ocular surface serve as the source of increased secretion of IL-6, which is a major SASP driver. Agents capable of reversing the changes, including senolytic reagents or those that can suppress the SASP seen in GVHD, provide new potential targets for the treatment of GVHD. Creating innovative therapies for ocular GVHD is necessary to treat this intractable ocular disease.  相似文献   

Salt cress (Eutrema salsugineum, aka Thellungiella salsuginea) is an extremophile and a close relative of Arabidopsis thaliana. To understand the mechanism of selection of complex traits under natural variation, we analyzed the physiological and proteomic differences between Shandong (SD) and Xinjiang (XJ) ecotypes. The SD ecotype has dark green leaves, short and flat leaves, and more conspicuous taproots, and the XJ ecotype had greater biomass and showed clear signs of senescence or leaf shedding with age. After 2-DE separation and ESI-MS/MS identification, between 25 and 28 differentially expressed protein spots were identified in shoots and roots, respectively. The proteins identified in shoots are mainly involved in cellular metabolic processes, stress responses, responses to abiotic stimuli, and aging responses, while those identified in roots are mainly involved in small-molecule metabolic processes, oxidation-reduction processes, and responses to abiotic stimuli. Our data revealed the evolutionary differences at the protein level between these two ecotypes. Namely, in the evolution of salt tolerance, the SD ecotype highly expressed some stress-related proteins to structurally adapt to the high salt environment in the Yellow River Delta, whereas the XJ ecotype utilizes the specialized energy metabolism to support this evolution of the short-lived xerophytes in the Xinjiang region.  相似文献   

The complex interaction between glioblastoma and its microenvironment has been recognized for decades. Among various immune profiles, the major population is tumor-associated macrophage, with microglia as its localized homolog. The present definition of such myeloid cells is based on a series of cell markers. These good sentinel cells experience significant changes, facilitating glioblastoma development and protecting it from therapeutic treatments. Huge, complicated mechanisms are involved during the overall processes. A lot of effort has been dedicated to crack the mysterious codes in macrophage/microglia recruiting, activating, reprogramming, and functioning. We have made our path. With more and more key factors identified, a lot of new therapeutic methods could be explored to break the ominous loop, to enhance tumor sensitivity to treatments, and to improve the prognosis of glioblastoma patients. However, it might be a synergistic system rather than a series of clear, stepwise events. There are still significant challenges before the light of truth can shine onto the field. Here, we summarize recent advances in this field, reviewing the path we have been on and where we are now.  相似文献   

Senescence is considered to be a cardinal player in several chronic inflammatory and metabolic pathologies. The two dominant mechanisms of senescence include replicative senescence, predominantly depending on age-induced telomere shortening, and stress-induced senescence, triggered by external or intracellular harmful stimuli. Recent data indicate that hepatocyte senescence is involved in the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, previous studies have mainly focused on age-related senescence during NAFLD, in the presence or absence of obesity, while information about whether the phenomenon is characterized by replicative or stress-induced senescence, especially in non-aged organisms, is scarce. Herein, we subjected young mice to two different diet-induced NAFLD models which differed in the presence of obesity. In both models, liver fat accumulation and increased hepatic mRNA expression of steatosis-related genes were accompanied by hepatic senescence, indicated by the increased expression of senescence-associated genes and the presence of a robust hybrid histo-/immunochemical senescence-specific staining in the liver. Surprisingly, telomere length and global DNA methylation did not differ between the steatotic and the control livers, while malondialdehyde, a marker of oxidative stress, was upregulated in the mouse NAFLD livers. These findings suggest that senescence accompanies NAFLD emergence, even in non-aged organisms, and highlight the role of stress-induced senescence during steatosis development independently of obesity.  相似文献   

Salivary gland function is commonly and irreversibly damaged by radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. This damage greatly decreases the patient’s quality of life and is difficult to remedy. Previously, we found that the transient activation of Hedgehog signaling alleviated salivary hypofunction after radiation in both mouse and pig models through the inhibition of radiation-induced cellular senescence that is mediated by resident macrophages in mouse submandibular glands. Here we report that in swine parotid glands sharing many features with humans, the Hedgehog receptor PTCH1 is mainly expressed in macrophages, and levels of PTCH1 and multiple macrophage markers are significantly decreased by radiation but recovered by transient Hedgehog activation. These parotid macrophages mainly express the M2 macrophage marker ARG1, while radiation promotes expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine that is reversed by transient Hedgehog activation. Hedgehog activation likely preserves parotid macrophages after radiation through inhibition of P53 signaling and consequent cellular senescence. Consistently, VEGF, an essential anti-senescence cytokine downstream of Hedgehog signaling, is significantly decreased by radiation but recovered by transient Hedgehog activation. These findings indicate that in the clinically-relevant swine model, transient Hedgehog activation restores the function of irradiated salivary glands through the recovery of resident macrophages and the consequent inhibition of cellular senescence and inflammation.  相似文献   

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