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In order to investigate the age differences for viewing autostereoscopic display, we conduct a 3 × 3 × 3 × 4 mixed design with repeated measurement experiment by using three‐dimensional (3D) video clips. Visual comfort is compared between four age groups with a questionnaire. Results of subjective evaluation are compared through the chi‐square test to check if there is a statistical significance between groups with respect to the distribution of number and proportion according to five levels of visual comfort. Then we examine age differences of visual comfort under three key display parameters including crosstalk, ambient illumination, and disparity. The results indicate that the degree of comfort varies considerably among age groups as the parameters of the display system change. Although the seniors feel most discomfort and the children get best experience in general, there is no statistical difference among the subjects when the ambient illumination is medium or disparity is large. So, it is necessary to take account of the age differences in designing 3D display parameters for enhancing visual comfort.  相似文献   

In order to investigate visual experience for watching the autostereoscopic three‐dimensional (3D) projection display, we conduct a subjective evaluation experiment by a questionnaire when viewing video clips. Factor analysis is adopted to classify the evaluation items for the perpetual constructs of visual experience. Then a mixed design with repeated measurement analysis of variance with dimension and display duration as factors is carried out on the evaluation data to check the factorial effects and interactions for statistical significance. The results of factor analysis extract five factors including visual comfort, image quality, distortion, naturalness, and presence, which can be used as comprehensive indicators to evaluate the autostereoscopic 3D projection display. The results of analysis of variance indicate that image quality, which is used to assess two‐dimensional contents, is no longer applicable. It is necessary to give consideration to depth when evaluating 3D visual experience. Although 3D scenes enhance the overall subjective performance such as naturalness and presence, the health issues and stereoscopic distortion related to the introduction of depth cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

A primary reason for visual discomfort caused by viewing 3D contents in autostereoscopic displays is the conflict between accommodation and convergence. Parallax directly affects the degree of conflict. In this paper, three factors are investigated—parallax magnitude, changing parallax, and spatial resolution—which are supposed to exert substantial influence upon visual comfort. The aforementioned three factors are integrated into stereoscopic sequences generated by software. With the data on the subjective evaluation of comfort from the viewers, statistical method is used to obtain both the main effects and interactions among the three factors. According to the experimental results, changing parallax might play a more crucial role in visual comfort than parallax magnitude. Spatial resolution might alleviate the negative effects in which changing parallax brings about. The experiment indicates that parallax for autostereoscopic displays should be within 50′ in consideration of comfort.  相似文献   

Many people complain about visual fatigue arising from viewing three‐dimensional (3D) displays. This paper investigates relationship between visual fatigue and viewers' phoria for viewing autostereoscopic 3D displays. Visual fatigue is evaluated through subjective symptoms with a questionnaire and optometric indicators comprising fusion range as well as accommodation convergence/accommodation (AC/A) ratio to measure the variation in visual functions. A screening test is adopted to divide the subjects into two groups based on whether they suffer from phoria. Then a 2 × 2 × 2 mixed design experiment is conducted with display type, viewing stage, and visual state as factors to examine visual fatigue during viewing session. The results show that phoria subjects obtain more severe visual fatigue than normal on subjective evaluation. The normal subjects reveal a more marked difference with phoria in fusion range and AC/A ratio after viewing 3D video clip. Fusion range can significantly distinguish between the two‐dimensional (2D) and 3D condition as well as between the pre‐ and post‐viewing stages. The sensitivity and specificity of fusion range is higher than AC/A ratio with respect to viewing of 3D contents, so it is more appropriate as an optometric indicator of visual fatigue for autostereoscopic 3D displays.  相似文献   

3D visual comfort can be influenced by such common factors as binocular parallax, 3D image contrast, viewing distance, and illumination condition. This paper investigates the effect of contrast enhancement and illumination condition on 3D visual fatigue by performing a visual fatigue measurement experiment, of which subjects need to watch 3D images under two illumination conditions and finish a comfort judgment task. The proportion of discomfort images, the subjective evaluation of visual fatigue under 100 lux and 500 lux illumination conditions, the effect of image contrast enhancement on 3D visual fatigue, and the relationship between visual fatigue and proportion of discomfort images were analyzed, respectively. The experimental results showed that both the contrast enhanced by Laplacian algorithm and low illumination condition have positive influence on 3D visual perception of eyes; the 3D visual fatigue of contrast enhanced by Laplacian algorithm under low illumination condition was less than other situations in the experiment. Moreover, it was examined that the proportion of discomfort images can be potential prediction indicator of the 3D visual fatigue.  相似文献   

A measurement and analysis framework is described that allows a generalized treatment of display ambient performance. The proposed methodology considers the reflection and transmission properties of the display in order to evaluate its on‐screen characteristics under arbitrary illumination conditions. New transmission methods and metrics are developed to compliment the traditional reflection methods. The utility of this framework is demonstrated by evaluating the photometric and colorimetric qualities of an LCD and OLED transparent display for a wide range of ambient lighting environments.  相似文献   

Abstract— Display‐measurement methods different from conventional 2‐D display measurements are needed for verifying the optical characteristics of autostereoscopic (3‐D) displays and for comparing different 3‐D display technologies. Industry is lacking standardized measurement methods, and the reported results can not always be compared. The selected set of characteristics discussed in this paper and partly defining the quality of the 3‐D experience are crosstalk, viewing freedom, and optimum viewing distance. Also, more conventional display characteristics such as luminance are discussed, since the definitions for these characteristics in 3‐D mode usually differ from those used for the 2D displays. We have investigated how these chosen 3‐D display characteristics can be objectively measured from transmissive two‐view and multiview 3‐D displays. The scope of this article is to generally define those basic characteristics as well as the different measurement methods. Most of the 3‐D characteristics can be derived from the luminance and colors versus the viewing angle. Either a conoscopic or a goniometric measurement system can be used, as long as the angular and stray‐light properties are suitable and known. The characteristics and methods are currently discussed in the display‐quality standardization forums.  相似文献   

全息透镜板的高精度拼接与装配是基于全息透镜技术的大屏幕LED裸眼3D显示系统搭建中的关键问题。理论计算与实验结果表明,全息透镜板与LED显示模组横向相对位置误差小于1.332mm时,可以满足显示的要求。基于裸眼3D显示系统的投射条纹,提出了基于投射条纹的全息透镜板位置实时调整方法。依据此方法提出了基于极大值测量条纹中心间距的图像处理算法,并结合LabView编写了图像处理程序。实验结果表明,使用该方法测得的亮暗条纹间距的测量精度为0.1mm,反算出全息透镜板与LED屏之间的位置误差小于0.03mm,满足实时调整全息透镜板位置的要求,可以作为全息透镜板在线拼接的检测方法。  相似文献   

The present study examined factors that decreased task complexity so that a technology which temporally, rather than spatially, distributed information (i.e. RAP COM, for rapid communication) would result in performace advantages. This was accomplished by physically integrating the stimulus information into either the display format (i.e. an analog format) or into the response coding scheme (i.e. a colour coding scheme). Performance using the RAP COM display indicated a lower proportion of errors for the analog than for the digital format; however, a longer mean response time for a correct response was found for the analog than for the digital format. Two colour coding response schemes were used: (a)_a continuous scheme that comparised gradual changes between red and blue; (b) a distinctive scheme consisting of the colours cyan, green, yellow, orange, red, mauve, purple and blue. When the continuous colour coding responses scheme was used, performance using the RAP COM display, as compared with the spatial display, was no different after extended practice. The results of these experiments taken together indicate that the RAP COM display type may be a viable technology for some limited ‘real world’ environments.  相似文献   

Abstract— Autostereoscopic 3‐D display technologies enable a more immersive media experience by adding real depth to the visual content. However, the method used for the creation of a sensation of depth or stereo illusion contains several display design and content‐related issues that need to be carefully considered to maintain sufficient image quality. Conventionally, methods used for 3‐D image‐quality evaluations have been based on subjective testing. Optical measurements, in addition to subjective testing, can be used as an efficient tool for 3‐D display characterization. Objective characterization methods for autostereoscopic displays have been developed. How parameters affecting stereo image quality can be defined and measured, and how their effect on the stereo image quality can be evaluated have been investigated. Developed characterization methods are based on empirically gathered data. In this paper, previously presented methodology for two‐view displays is extended to cover autostereoscopic multiview displays. A distinction between displays where the change in content occurs in clear steps when the user moves in front of the display, and displays where the apparent movement of the objects is more continuous as a function of the head movement is made. Definitions for 3‐D luminance and luminance uniformity, which are equally important, as well as 3‐D crosstalk, which is the dominant factor in the evaluations of the perceived 3‐D image quality, is focused upon.  相似文献   

It is well known that the usability of a typical touch screen depends on several parameters, including interface design, device characteristics, and input operations. However, there is virtually no knowledge regarding how people evaluate interaction with 3D display‐integrated touch screen. Twenty‐one participants were asked to use standard touch screen to point to targets in planes of different planes on an autostereoscopic display and evaluate how natural and easy this action was. Clear differences in pointing experiences across depth levels and input operators were found. Pointing to targets in a back plane was reported to be more natural and easier than the same action with targets in a front plane. The use of finger input was less unnatural than the use of a stylus, but the use of stylus with icons in the front plane was more fun and entertaining.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, the perception of flicker in time‐sequential or field‐sequential 3‐D LC TVs driven by LED backlights is described. The seriousness of the perceived flicker and its influence on visual discomfort is investigated for various backlight operational modes. Results show that display backlights presenting different temporal light distribution have significant contribution to flicker visibility and visual discomfort. The display dimension, 2‐D or 3‐D, affects visual discomfort but not flicker visibility. The relationship between visual discomfort and flicker visibility is proportional when rendering 2‐D images, but not in the case of 3‐D images. Finally, a simple model is presented to evaluate visual discomfort related to flicker in 2‐D rendering.  相似文献   


This research compares the way the image of a product included within a rendered scene shown on an autostereoscopic 3D display is rated versus the same image shown in a 2D display. The purpose is to understand the observer's preferences and to determine the features that a composition should have to highlight the product and to make its presentation more attractive to observers, thereby helping designers and advertisers who use both displays to prepare images to make them more effective when visually presenting a product.

The results show that observers like the images on autostereoscopic 3D displays slightly more than those presented by means of 2D displays. On both displays the product is perceived more quickly when it is larger than the other elements and is shown with greater chromatic contrast, but a composition is seen as more attractive when the chromatic relationship between all the elements is more harmonious.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to explore the influence of image attributes (white level, black level, color saturation, and sharpness) on visual discomfort, with measurements of the subjective questionnaire, eye movement, and electrocardiogram. The objective and subjective results showed that these image attributes influenced visual discomfort significantly. A visual discomfort recognition model based on Dempster–Shafer evidence theory was proposed according to the experiment results. With multiple features and weighting coefficients, the model could recognize visual discomfort states well.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of ambient illumination conditions (illumination color and illumination intensity) and background color on visual performance (character identification and reading comprehension) with TFT-LCD screens.Results of Experiment 1 indicated that all the three independent variables had significant effects on mean percentage of character identification. Mean character identification performance was best under white light, 500 lux, and blue background. In general, the backgrounds with primary colors had better mean character identification performance than the middle-point colors and gray. Results of Experiment 2 indicated that the illumination intensity and background color had significant effects on mean text comprehension performance for reading comprehension. Mean text comprehension performance were higher under 500 lux and blue background. The backgrounds with primary colors had better mean correct answers than the gray background. According to the results, white light, normal ambient illumination and a background with primal colors seemed to be the optimal conditions. If the yellow ambient light is necessary, using blue as the TFT-LCD background color of will provide better performance.The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient indicated that short-term visual task measurement might be suitable to evaluate the visual performance.  相似文献   

The visual brain fuses the left and right images projected onto the two eyes from a stereoscopic 3D (S3D) display, perceives parallax, and rebuilds a sense of depth. In this process, the eyes adjust vergence and accommodation to adapt to the depths and parallax of the points they gazed at. Conflicts between accommodation and vergence when viewing S3D content potentially lead to visual discomfort. A variety of approaches have been taken towards understanding the perceptual bases of discomfort felt when viewing S3D, including extreme disparities or disparity gradients, negative disparities, dichoptic presentations, and so on. However less effort has been applied towards understanding the role of eye movements as they relate to visual discomfort when viewing S3D. To study eye movements in the context of S3D viewing discomfort, a Shifted-S3D-Image-Database (SSID) is constructed using 11 original nature scene S3D images and their 6 shifted versions. We conducted eye-tracking experiments on humans viewing S3D images in SSID while simultaneously collecting their judgments of experienced visual discomfort. From the collected eye-tracking data, regions of interest (ROIs) were extracted by kernel density estimation using the fixation data, and an empirical formula fitted between the disparities of salient objects marked by the ROIs and the mean opinion scores (MOS). Finally, eye-tracking data was used to analyze the eye movement characteristics related to S3D image quality. Fifteen eye movement features were extracted, and a visual discomfort predication model learned using a support vector regressor (SVR). By analyzing the correlations between features and MOS, we conclude that angular disparity features have a strong correlation with human judgments of discomfort.  相似文献   

Abstract— Nowadays, low‐contrast viewing of LC displays (LCDs) occurs very often, which includes the viewing of mobile LCDs at high ambient illumination and the viewing of LCDs at low‐power mode. These cases result in low‐content visibility and low contrast, leading to an unpleasant viewing experience. In this paper, a technique to improve the perceived contrast and visibility of images at low‐contrast viewing conditions is proposed. The proposed approach enhances image brightness with content and ambient adaptive image brightening and highlights visual parts and boundaries with non‐photorealistic rendering. The proposed technique enables longer battery life for mobile LC devices and makes mobile LC devices viewable at high ambient illumination. It also enables TVs with extreme low‐power consumption and smart‐grid responsive TVs.  相似文献   

介绍了自动立体镜显示器的结构及其三维显示的原理,研究了基于D3D技术的自动立体镜三维图像生成原理,对点蒙板方法做了深入的研究,给出了九片图中观察角度、位置以及视点观察空间的变换运算公式,在分析其优缺点的基础上提出了改进算法。并对最终图像的合成算法作了改进。在自动立体镜显示器上分别用原始方法、点蒙板方法、以及改进的点蒙板方法对图像进行显示,并在显示前准备时间、一帧图像渲染时间、三维深度感觉三方面对三者进行了对比实验。  相似文献   

Abstract— This study investigated the effects of age (young participants aged 20–30 and elderly participants older than 60), ambient illuminance (50, 500, 1 500, 3000, 6000, and 9000 lx) on participants' visual performance when using various electronic displays (conventional transmissive LCD, Ch‐LC display, and E‐ink display). Overall, the results indicated that participants' visual performance showed sign if icant difference among various ambient il luminance cond itions, electronic displays, and between two groups of participants. Significantly different visual performance was observed between young and elderly participants. The interaction among ambient illuminance, type of electronic display, and age had a significant effect on participants' visual performance. When participants used the E‐ink display, both young and elderly participants had significantly worse visual performance under an ambient illuminance of 50 lx compared to other illuminance settings. When participants used the Ch‐LC display, young participants had significantly worse visual performance under an ambient illuminance of 50 lx compared to other illuminance settings, but elderly participants had significantly better visual performance under an ambient illuminance higher than 1500 lx. When young participants used a conventional transmissive LCD, the ambient illuminance had no significant effect on their visual performance. When elderly participants use a conventional transmissive LCD, an illuminance of 50 and 6000 lx seem to have a detrimental effect on their visual performance.  相似文献   

Abstract— This study used several electronic‐book (e‐book) displays (a conventional LCD under transmissive mode, a conventional LCD under reflective mode, a Ch‐LC display, and an e‐ink display) to investigate the effect of e‐book inclination (105° and 135°) and ambient illuminance (200, 800, 1500, and 2200 lux) on the comprehension of subjects. Results indicate that the ambient illuminance does not significantly affect the comprehension of subjects. However, their comprehension differed significantly when using different e‐book displays. In addition, the interaction between illuminance and e‐book display had a significant effect on their comprehension. When the ambient illuminance was set at 800, 1500, and 2200 lux, the subjects' comprehension for reading different e‐book displays did not show a significant difference. When the ambient illuminance was set at 200 lux, however, their comprehension for reading a Ch‐LC display, an e‐ink display, and a conventional LCD under transmissive mode were better than their comprehension of reading a conventional LCD under reflective mode. Regarding the inclination for using e‐books, the subjects' comprehension was better under 105° than that under 135°.  相似文献   

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