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Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are two very different technologies that are both already part of our life. Their adoption and use are expected to be more and more pervasive, making them important components of the Future Internet. A novel paradigm where Cloud and IoT are merged together is foreseen as disruptive and as an enabler of a large number of application scenarios.In this paper, we focus our attention on the integration of Cloud and IoT, which is what we call the CloudIoT paradigm. Many works in literature have surveyed Cloud and IoT separately and, more precisely, their main properties, features, underlying technologies, and open issues. However, to the best of our knowledge, these works lack a detailed analysis of the new CloudIoT paradigm, which involves completely new applications, challenges, and research issues. To bridge this gap, in this paper we provide a literature survey on the integration of Cloud and IoT. Starting by analyzing the basics of both IoT and Cloud Computing, we discuss their complementarity, detailing what is currently driving to their integration. Thanks to the adoption of the CloudIoT paradigm a number of applications are gaining momentum: we provide an up-to-date picture of CloudIoT applications in literature, with a focus on their specific research challenges. These challenges are then analyzed in details to show where the main body of research is currently heading. We also discuss what is already available in terms of platforms–both proprietary and open source–and projects implementing the CloudIoT paradigm. Finally, we identify open issues and future directions in this field, which we expect to play a leading role in the landscape of the Future Internet.  相似文献   

In recent times, the Internet of Things (IoT) applications, including smart transportation, smart healthcare, smart grid, smart city, etc. generate a large volume of real-time data for decision making. In the past decades, real-time sensory data have been offloaded to centralized cloud servers for data analysis through a reliable communication channel. However, due to the long communication distance between end-users and centralized cloud servers, the chances of increasing network congestion, data loss, latency, and energy consumption are getting significantly higher. To address the challenges mentioned above, fog computing emerges in a distributed environment that extends the computation and storage facilities at the edge of the network. Compared to centralized cloud infrastructure, a distributed fog framework can support delay-sensitive IoT applications with minimum latency and energy consumption while analyzing the data using a set of resource-constraint fog/edge devices. Thus our survey covers the layered IoT architecture, evaluation metrics, and applications aspects of fog computing and its progress in the last four years. Furthermore, the layered architecture of the standard fog framework and different state-of-the-art techniques for utilizing computing resources of fog networks have been covered in this study. Moreover, we included an IoT use case scenario to demonstrate the fog data offloading and resource provisioning example in heterogeneous vehicular fog networks. Finally, we examine various challenges and potential solutions to establish interoperable communication and computation for next-generation IoT applications in fog networks.  相似文献   

程冬梅  李志 《计算机科学》2015,42(7):170-173, 190
针对移动应用对本地信息的需求和云计算框架在支持移动应用方面的不足,提出了一种基于“智能前端化”思想的雾计算框架。该框架在云计算框架的云服务和移动终端之间扩展一个“雾层”,以便将云服务器上的数据和计算服务更快更经济地提供给移动终端。针对医院场景,设计并研发了能提供就医时相关信息浏览服务、排队时长查询服务和多媒体点播服务等的信息服务系统,并提出了多频段负载均衡接入和基于本地信息融合的排队时长查询两项关键技术。通过真实场景中的测试实验验证了系统的可用性和关键技术的高效性。  相似文献   

面对大的地质灾害造成的巨大人员伤亡和财产损失,传统的搜救方法总是要消耗很大的人力、物力、财力,且效率低下,不能最大限度降低生命财产损失.介绍了一种全新的搜寻方法,即利用物联网进行搜寻,可以大大提高搜寻效率、降低搜寻成本.阐述了它的搜寻原理及其应用,并展望了它的其他应用,体现了物联网作为一种新兴的技术所展现出来的巨大魅力...  相似文献   

Internet of Things (IoT), one of the key research topics in recent years, together with concepts from Fog Computing, brings rapid advancements in Smart City, Monitoring Systems, industrial control, transportation and other fields. These applications require a reconfigurable sensor architecture that can span multiple scenarios, devices and use cases that allow storage, networking and computational resources to be efficiently used on the edge of the network. There are a number of platforms and gateway architectures that have been proposed to manage these components and enable application deployment. These approaches lack horizontal integration between multiple providers as well as higher order functionalities like load balancing and clustering. This is partly due to the strongly coupled nature of the deployed applications, a lack of abstraction of device communication layers as well as a lock-in for communication protocols. This limitation is a major obstacle for the development of a protocol agnostic application environment that allows for single application to be migrated and to work with multiple peripheral devices with varying protocols from different local gateways. This research looks at existing platforms and their shortcomings as well as proposes a messaging based modular gateway platform that enables clustering of gateways and the abstraction of peripheral communication protocol details. These novelties allow applications to send and receive messages regardless of their deployment location and destination device protocol, creating a more uniform development environment. Furthermore, it results in a more streamlined application development and testing while providing more efficient use of the gateway’s resources. Our evaluation of a prototype for the system shows the need for the migration of resources and the QoS advantages of such a system. The examined use case scenarios show that clustering proves to be an advantage in certain use cases as well as presenting the deployment of a larger testing and control environment through the platform.  相似文献   

Fog computing has emerged to support the requirements of IoT applications that could not be met by today’s solutions. Different initiatives have been presented to drive the development of fog, and much work has been done to improve certain aspects. However, an in-depth analysis of the different solutions, detailing how they can be integrated and applied to meet specific requirements, is still required. In this work, we present a unified architectural model and a new taxonomy, by comparing a large number of solutions. Finally, we draw some conclusions and guidelines for the development of IoT applications based on fog.  相似文献   

基于云计算及物联网构建智慧校园   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于云计算及物联网构建智慧校园,利用云计算、虚拟化、SOA构建校园云,结合物联网、RFID构建智慧校园。多数高校已具备实现智慧校园的硬件条件,但软件方面,各自为政,资源共享性差,校园网应用单一。利用虚拟化技术将高校硬件资源整合形成资源池,实现资源动态分配、动态负载均衡,提高资源利用率。同时,利用资源监控、负载管理、冗余备份、动态部署、快速部署、资源调度、多租户技术、海量数据处理、大规模分布式存储、数据结构化管理技术构建校园云。结合物联网技术,将物理基础设施和IT基础设施普遍互联,实时监控,将获得的大量数据利用校园云处理,真正实现智慧校园,促进高校跨越式发展。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an architecture, design and build a prototype of a novel IoT system with intelligence, distributed at multiple tiers including the network edge. Our proposed architecture hosts a modular, three-tier IoT system including the edge, gateway (fog) and cloud tiers. The proposed system relies on data acquired by edge devices to realize a distributed machine learning model and achieve timely response at the edge using a lightweight machine learning model. In addition, it employs more sophisticated machine learning models at the higher fog and cloud tiers for wider-scope, long-term decision making. One of the prime objectives of the proposed system is reducing the volume of data transferred across tiers. This is attained through intelligent data filtering at the edge/gateway tiers to distill key events that avail the most relevant data points to higher-tier machine learning models at the gateway and cloud. This, in turn, reduces the outliers and the redundant data that may impact the gateway and cloud models and reduces the inter-tier communications overhead. To demonstrate the merits of our proposed system, we build a proof-of-concept prototype hosting the three tiers, using COTS components and supporting networking technologies. We demonstrate through extensive experiments the merits of the proposed system. A major finding is that our system is capable of achieving prediction performance comparable to the centralized machine learning baseline model, while reducing the inter-tier communications overhead by up to 80%.  相似文献   

物联网时代的嵌入式系统机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嵌入式系统是物联网平台的半边天.物联网、云计算给嵌入式系统带来新的机遇.单片、嵌入、物联是嵌入式系统的三个基本特性,体现了嵌入式系统的三个时代特征.物联网是多学科的大科技概念,要有多学科视野,嵌入式系统应该用自己的语言来诠释物联网.目前,物联网平台的许多嵌入式技术已经成熟,建设物联网的大型国家工程迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

In the near future, the Internet of Things is expected to penetrate all aspects of the physical world, including homes and urban spaces. In order to handle the massive amount of data that becomes collectible and to offer services on top of this data, the most convincing solution is the federation of the Internet of Things and cloud computing. Yet, the wide adoption of this promising vision, especially for application areas such as pervasive health care, assisted living, and smart cities, is hindered by severe privacy concerns of the individual users. Hence, user acceptance is a critical factor to turn this vision into reality.To address this critical factor and thus realize the cloud-based Internet of Things for a variety of different application areas, we present our comprehensive approach to privacy in this envisioned setting. We allow an individual user to enforce all her privacy requirements before any sensitive data is uploaded to the cloud, enable developers of cloud services to integrate privacy functionality already into the development process of cloud services, and offer users a transparent and adaptable interface for configuring their privacy requirements.  相似文献   

张月玲  李延晓 《计算机科学》2012,39(101):212-213,241
分析现阶段军队后勤保障存在的问题,阐述了将物联网和云计算结合应用于军队后勤保障的优势,提出了基于云计算与物联网的“智能后勤”理念,给出了“智能后勤”保障系统的体系架构,设计并实现了基于物联网与云计算技术的油料管理系统。  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT), including wireless sensors, is one of the highly anticipated contributors to big data; therefore, avoiding misleading or forged data gathering in cases of sensitive and critical data through secure communication is vital. However, due to the relatively long distance between remote cloud and end nodes, cloud computing cannot provide effective and direct management for end nodes, which leads to security vulnerabilities. In this paper, we propose a novel trust evaluation model based on the trust transitivity on a chain assisted by mobile edge nodes, which is used to ensure the reliability of nodes in the Internet of Things and prevent malicious attacks. The mobile edge nodes offer a new solution to solve the above problems with relatively strong computing and storage abilities. Firstly, we design calculation approaches to different trust chains to measure their trust degrees. Secondly, we propose an improved Dijkstra’s algorithm for collecting trust information of sensor nodes by mobile edge nodes. Finally, the experimental results show that our trust model based on mobile edge nodes can evaluate sensor nodes more precisely and enhance the security on the Internet of Things.  相似文献   

韩海雯  齐德昱  封斌 《计算机科学》2013,40(Z6):232-235,261
世界贸易量的不断攀升对港口物流及相关业务提出了新的发展要求。物联网技术在数据自动采集和位置全面感知方面有着天然的优势,云计算平台能够提供强大的资源利用与数据存储处理能力,SOA架构则可实现灵活的服务组合和系统构建。这3种技术在港口物流及相关业务中的综合应用能够满足港口物流在用户数量、用户需求、业务范围、业务复杂度方面不断扩大的需求,推动其从信息平台向服务平台升级。针对当前物流信息平台存在的不足,提出构建港口物流综合服务平台的完整架构,阐述了架构各层的组成及功能目标,详细研究了物联网技术、云计算技术和SOA架构在平台各层构建中发挥的作用。  相似文献   

Cloud computing allows to utilize servers in efficient and scalable ways through exploitation of virtualization technology. In the Infrastructure-as-a-Server (IaaS) Cloud model, many virtualized servers (instances) can be created on a single physical machine. There are many such Cloud providers that are now in widespread use offering such capabilities. However, Cloud computing has overheads and can constrain the scalability and flexibility, especially when diverse users with different needs wish to use the Cloud resources. To accommodate such communities, an alternative to Cloud computing and virtualization of whole servers that is gaining widespread adoption is micro-hosting services and container-based solutions. Container-based technologies such as Docker allow hosting of micro-services on Cloud infrastructures. These enable bundling of applications and data in a manner that allows their easy deployment and subsequent utilization. Docker is just one of the many such solutions that have been put forward. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast a range of existing container-based technologies for the Cloud and evaluate their pros and cons and overall performances. The OpenStack-based Australia-wide National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources (NeCTAR) Research Cloud (www.nectar.org.au) was used for this purpose. We describe the design of the experiments and benchmarks that were chosen and relate these to literature review findings.  相似文献   

潘宇  张叶茂  莫淑贤 《软件工程》2021,(4):51-54,46
随着物联网技术快速发展,并在很多行业领域普及,在实际技术应用中大大提高了工作效率,节省了人工成本.本文设计了一个基于云平台的物联网停车场管理系统,系统软件可以在PC机WEB端以及手机APP上应用.系统创新点基于安放在停车场的传感器,用户可以通过手机APP实现车位查询、车位预订、自动导航路线并引导到预订停车位泊车.出入停...  相似文献   

This paper presents COMFIT (Cloud and Model based IDE for the Internet of Things), a development environment for the Internet of Things that was built grounded on the paradigms of model driven development and cloud computing. COMFIT is composed of two different modules: (1) the App Development Module, a model-driven architecture (MDA) infrastructure, and (2) the App Management and Execution Module, a module that contains cloud-based web interface connected to a server hosted in the cloud with compilers and simulators for developing Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The App Development Module allows the developers to design IoT applications using high abstraction artifacts (models), which are tailored to either the application perspective or the network perspective, thus creating a separation between these two concerns. As models can be automatically transformed into code through the App Development Module, COMFIT creates an environment where there is no need of additional configurations to properly compile or simulate the generated code, integrating the development lifecycle of IoT applications into a single environment partially hosted in the client side and partially in the cloud. In its current version, COMFIT supports two operating systems, namely Contiki and TinyOS, which are widely used in IoT devices. COMFIT supports automatic code generation, execution of simulations, and code compilation of applications for these platforms with low development effort. Finally, COMFIT is able to interact with IoT-lab, an open testbed for IoT applications, which allows the developers to test their applications with different configurations without the need of using local IoT devices. Several evaluations were performed to assess COMFIT’s key features in terms of development effort, quality of generated code, and scalability.  相似文献   

物联网体系及相关技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前物联网的定义、内在原理、体系结构和系统模型等方面还存在许多值得探讨的问题,为此,通过解析物联网的基本概念和特征,提出了物联网体系架构的感知层、网络层及应用层的三层架构,归纳了物联网涉及的射频识别、传感器、网络通信和云计算等关键技术,讨论了物联网在对象识别,跟踪及控制方面的具体应用。  相似文献   

随着物联网的发展,大量不同的设备通过各种不同的方式连接到物联网中,使普适计算环境更加复杂和多样化,因此要求在物联网环境下的普适计算框架能适应新的计算条件的变化。提出了一种新的普适计算框架,以便在物联网环境中普适计算系统能够自动适应复杂多样的软硬件运行环境,使软件无需修改就可以在整个物联网环境中任意地执行,实现普适计算的服务发现、上下文感知与服务迁移功能。提出物联网环境下普适计算的基本运算单元为"动态计算网络",使用"设备动态匹配"作为普适计算软件自动适应环境的解决方案。提出的动态计算网络增强了普适计算软件对物联网环境的适应性,为面向物联网的通用软件系统设计提供了一种有效的解决方法。  相似文献   

以建设智能化日光温室物联网为目标,提出日光温室群物联网服务平台设计方案。该平台包括感知操作层、采集控制层、组网传输层、门户服务层和后台云支撑层5个层次,实现了温室群的数据存储、管理控制和云数据分析等功能。设计面向日光温室生产动态过程的实时云预警技术及云分析建模系统,提高日光温室生产的精细化作业水平。应用结果表明,该平台能扩大日光温室的管理规模,降低物联网系统建设和运行成本,提高日光温室群物联网的大数据存储和数据分析能力,并且具有良好的可扩展性、安全性和稳定性,在农业信息化领域有较好的推广前景。  相似文献   

In recent years, solutions based on Internet of Things (IoT) are gaining impetus in educational institutions. It is observed that student performance evaluation system in education institutions is still manual. The performance score of student in traditional evaluation system is confined to its academic achievements while activity-based performance attributes are overlooked. Moreover, the traditional system fails to capitalise information of each student related to different activities in learning environment. In relation to this context, we propose to facilitate automated student performance evaluation system by exploring ubiquitous sensing capabilities of IoT. The system deduces important results about the performance of the students by discovering daily spatial–temporal patterns. These patterns are based on the data collected by the sensory nodes (objects) in the institution learning environment. The information is generated by applying data mining algorithms for each concerned activity. The automated decisions are taken by management authority for each student using game theory. In addition, to effectively manage IoT-based activity data, tensor-based storage mechanism is proposed. The experimental evaluation compares the student performance score generated by the proposed system with the manual student performance evaluation system. The results depict that the proposed system evaluates the performance of the student efficiently.  相似文献   

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