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Filtration is commonly employed in water and wastewater treatment to remove particles and reduce the concentration of microbial pathogens. All physical models of packed-bed filtration are based on a proportional relationship between particle removal per unit depth of bed and the local particle concentration, dC/dz = -C/l, where l is the filtration length scale. Although l is known to vary with time and filter depth for heterogeneous suspensions or "dirty" beds, this paper demonstrates that the filtration rates of even seemingly monodisperse particle suspensions under clean-bed filtration conditions cannot be described with a single filtration length scale. A new model is derived for particle filtration that accounts for heterogeneity at two different spatial scales. Heterogeneity at the scale of the pathogen and/or collector (microscale heterogeneity) leads to a slow power-law decay of contaminant concentration with distance, instead of the fast exponential decay predicted by the standard model. Heterogeneity at the filter scale (macroscale heterogeneity) provides another level of complexity that can be evaluated once microscale heterogeneity effects are characterized. This model for microscale and macroscale heterogeneous particle filtration is verified by filtration experiments on a recombinant analogue of the waterborne pathogen Norwalk virus. 相似文献
Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) accounts for a large fraction of the total nitrogen discharged to surface waters by municipal wastewater treatment plants designed for biological nutrient removal (BNR). Previous research indicates that some but not all of the DON in wastewater effluent is available to bacteria and algae over time scales that are relevant to rivers and estuaries. To separate bioavailable DON from nitrate and less reactive DON species, an XAD-8 resin coupled with an anion exchange treatment was employed prior to chemical analysis and algal bioassays. Analysis of effluent samples from a range of municipal BNR plants (total DON concentrations ranging from 0.7 to 1.8 mg N/L) employing a range of technologies indicated that hydrophilic DON, which typically accounted for approximately 80% of the total DON, stimulated algal growth, whereas hydrophobic DON, which accounted for the remaining DON, remained at nearly constant concentrations and had little or no effect on algal growth during a 14-day incubation period. The hydrophobic DON exhibits characteristics of humic substances, and is likely to persist for long periods in the aquatic environment. The distinct differences between these two classes of DON may provide a basis for considering them separately in water quality models and effluent discharge regulations. 相似文献
The speciation of mercury(II) in the aquatic environment is greatly affected by the presence of ligands capable of forming extremely strong complexes with Hg(II). In this study, a novel competitive ligand exchange (CLE) technique was used to characterize Hg(II)-complexing ligands in samples collected from three municipal wastewater treatment plants, a eutrophic lake, a creek located downstream of an abandoned mercury mine, and a model water containing dissolved Suwannee River humic acid. These samples contained 3.3-15.9 mg/L dissolved organic carbon and were amended with 1.0-1.7 nM Hg(II) for CLE analysis. Results indicated that all samples contained labile Hg(II)-complexing ligands with conditional stability constants similar to those of reduced sulfur-containing ligands. Two wastewater effluent samples also contained approximately 0.5 nM of ligands that formed extremely strong Hg(II) complexes that did not dissociate in the presence of competing ligands. The conditional stability constant of these extremely strong or nonlabile complexes (i.e., (c)K(HgL)) were estimated to be greater than 10(30), for the reaction Hg(2+) + L' = HgL. The third wastewater sample and the eutrophic lake sample contained lower concentrations, 0.07-0.09 nM, of nonlabile Hg(II)-complexing ligands. The results suggested that these extremely strong Hg(ll)-complexing ligands should account for most of the dissolved Hg(II) species in municipal wastewater effluent and may dominate Hg(II) speciation in effluent-receiving waters. 相似文献
Municipal wastewater effluent contains ligands that form Hg(II) complexes that are inert in the presence of glutathione (GSH) during competitive ligand exchange experiments. In this study, the strong ligands in wastewater effluent were further characterized by comparing their behavior with sulfide-containing ligands in model solutions and by measuring their concentration after exposing them to oxidants. The strong Hg(II) complexes in wastewater effluent and the complexes formed when Hg(II) was added to S(-II) were retained during C18 solid-phase extraction (SPE) and did not dissociate in the presence of up to 100 microM GSH. In contrast, Hg(II) complexes with dissolved humic acid were hydrophilic and dissociated in the presence of GSH. The combination of sulfide and humic acid resulted in formation of Hg(II) complexes that were inert to GSH and were only partially retained by C18-SPE, indicating that NOM interacted with the Hg-sulfide complexes. When wastewater effluent samples and model solutions of free sulfide, Zn-sulfide, and Fe-sulfide were exposed to 0.14 mM NaOCl for 1 h (to mimic conditions encountered during chlorine disinfection), the strong Hg(II)-complexing ligands were completely removed. Exposure of the wastewater effluent and the model ligands to oxygen for 2 weeks resulted in approximately 60% to 75% loss of strong ligands. The strong ligands that remained in the oxygen-oxidized samples were resistant to further oxidation by chlorine, indicating that oxidation of S(-II) results in the formation of other sulfur-containing ligands such as S8 that form strong complexes with Hg(II). 相似文献
Li H Chien SH Hsieh MK Dzombak DA Vidic RD 《Environmental science & technology》2011,45(10):4195-4200
To ensure sufficient thermoelectric power production in the future, the use of alternative water sources to replace freshwater consumption in power plants will be required. The amount of municipal wastewater (MWW) being produced and its widespread availability merit the investigation of this potential source of cooling water. This is particularly important for thermoelectric power plants in regions where freshwater is not readily available. Critical regulatory and technical challenges for using MWW as makeup water in recirculating cooling systems are examined. The existing regulations do not prohibit wastewater reuse for power plant cooling. The challenges of controlling corrosion, mineral scaling, and biofouling in recirculating cooling systems need to be carefully considered and balanced in a holistic fashion. Initial investigations suggest that many of these challenges can be surmounted to ensure the use of MWW in recirculating cooling systems. 相似文献
Carbamazepine and its metabolites in wastewater and in biosolids in a municipal wastewater treatment plant 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) are discharged into the environment from domestic wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In this study, we determined the distribution of the anti-epileptic drug, carbamazepine (CBZ), and its major metabolites and caffeine in both aqueous and solid phases through different treatment processes of a WWTP. A method was developed to extract samples of biosolids using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), coupled with cleanup of extracts using solid-phase extraction. Samples of biosolids and wastewater were analyzed for caffeine and CBZ and five of its metabolites, 10,11-dihydro-10,11-epoxycarbamazepine (CBZ-EP), 11-dihydro-10,11-epoxycarbamazepine (CBZ-DiOH), 2-hydroxycarbamazepine (CBZ-20H), 3-hydroxycarbamazepine (CBZ-30H), and 10,11-dihydro-10-hydroxycarbamazepine (CBZ-100H). The analytes were quantified using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. The recoveries of the analytes were 82.1-91.3% from raw biosolids and 80.1-92.4% from treated biosolids, and the limits of detection were 0.06-0.50 and 0.06-0.40 microg/kg on a wet weight basis for raw and treated biosolids, respectively. The behavior of carbamazepine and its metabolites, together with caffeine as a marker of domestic inputs, was investigated in the WWTP for the City of Peterborough, ON, Canada, which utilizes secondary sewage treatment technologies. CBZ, CBZ-2OH, CBZ-30H, and CBZ-DiOH were detected at concentrations of 69.6, 1.9, 1.6, and 7.5 microg/kg (dry weight), respectively, in untreated biosolids and at concentrations of 258.1, 3.4, 4.3, and 15.4 microg/kg (dry weight), respectively, in treated biosolids. However, CBZ-EP and CBZ-100H were not detected in any of the biosolid samples. CBZ and its five metabolites were detected in all wastewater samples collected from four different stages of treatment. The results showed that 29% of the carbamazepine was removed from the aqueous phase during treatment in the WWTP, while the metabolites were not effectively removed. Concentrations of caffeine were reduced by 99.9% in the aqueous phase, which appeared to be due primarily to degradation. Caffeine was also detected at concentrations of 165.8 and 7.6 microg/kg (dry weight) in raw and treated biosolids, respectively. Because of differences in hydrophobicity, CBZ is the primary analyte in biosolids, while CBZ-DiOH is the primary analyte in the aqueous phase of the wastewater. A mass balance calculation showed that the majority of CBZ and its metabolites exist in the aqueous phase (i.e., wastewater), ratherthan in the biosolids, 78 g of CBZ and its metabolites enters the Peterborough WWTP daily, and 91 g is discharged from the WWTP daily in the combined suspended solids and aqueous phases of the wastewater. The calculated daily inputs into the WWTP are somewhat less than the inputs of 192 g estimated from Canadian annual sales data for CBZ. 相似文献
关于印染废水的回用问题 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
文章结合常州市现状探讨了印染废水的处理技术及其影响因素、注意事项、存在问题等,对印染废水回用的可行性进行了研究,展示了处理后废水的应用前景。 相似文献
Polar pollutants entry into the water cycle by municipal wastewater: a European perspective 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Reemtsma T Weiss S Mueller J Petrovic M González S Barcelo D Ventura F Knepper TP 《Environmental science & technology》2006,40(17):5451-5458
The effluents of eight municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in Western Europe were analyzed by liquid-chromatography-mass spectrometry for the occurrence of 36 polar pollutants, comprising household and industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products. In a long-term study of the effluents of three WWTP over 10 months, sulfophenyl carboxylates and ethylene diamino tetraacetate (EDTA) were detected above 10 microg/L on average, while benzotriazoles, benzothiazole-2-sulfonate, diclofenac, and carbamazepine showed mean concentrations of 1-10 microg/L, followed by some flame retardants, naphthalene disulfonates, and personal care products in the range of 0.1-1 microg/L. Half of the determined compounds were not significantly removed in tertiary wastewater treatment. By dividing the effluent concentration of a compound by its relative removal in WWTP a water cycle spreading index (WCSI) was calculated for each compound. We propose that this index provides a measure for the potential of a polar compound to spread along a partially closed water cycle after discharge with municipal wastewater and to occur in raw waters used for drinking water production. Polar pollutants in surface water samples of different catchments showed increasing concentration for compounds with increasing WCSI. 相似文献
Wang Y Li X Li A Wang T Zhang Q Wang P Fu J Jiang G 《Environmental science & technology》2007,41(17):6026-6032
Water, sediment, and aquatic species including plankton, fish, and turtles were collected from a small lake in Beijing, which receives effluent discharged from a large sewage treatment plant (STP). The samples were examined to investigate polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) releases from a STP and their distributions in the lake. The accumulations of sigma 12PBDEs and BDE-209 in the sediment were 62.3 and 1150 ng/cm2, respectively, while that of sigma PCBs was 99.3 ng/cm2. BDE-209 was detected in more than 50% of the aquatic species. A strong linear correlation (R2 = 0.92) was found between sigma 12PBDEs and sigma PCBs levels in aquatic species but not in sediments. The different PBDE congener profiles in sediments and biota samples suggest metabolic debromination in the sampled fish. Bioaccumulations of PBDEs and PCBs were found in aquatic species.The logarithm bioaccumulation factor (BAF) decreases with the number of bromines in PBDEs molecules, while the log BAF versus the number of chlorines in PCBs appears to be parabolic. Biomagnifications of these compounds were not obvious in the food web by analysis of the relationship between sigma 12PBDEs or sigma PCBs levels and the trophic level of aquatic biota species. 相似文献
污水处理与中水回用项目的技术创新 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
主要介绍了上海幸福纺织印染有限公司在节能减排和污水处理方面进行的技术改造和所采取的措施,由此实现了3 000 t/d废水排放完全达标,COD控制在50~60 mg/L,并分3步实施了中水回用,大幅度降低了生产运行成本. 相似文献
Berg M Arnold CG Müller SR Mühlemann J Schwarzenbach RP 《Environmental science & technology》2001,35(15):3151-3157
Sediments contaminated with organotin compounds (OTs), in particular triorganotins (TOTs), are abundant in areas with high shipping activities. To assess the possible remobilization of these highly toxic compounds from such sediments, a profound understanding of their sorption/desorption behavior is necessary. In this work the extent and reversibility of sorption of OTs to sediments has been investigated using contaminated freshwater harbor sediments and two certified OT containing marine sediments. Experiments conducted with perdeuterated OTs showed that sorption of OTs to sediments is a fast and reversible process involving primarily particulate organic matter (POM) constituents as sorbents. The organic carbon-normalized sediment-water distribution ratios (DOC, expressed in L/kgOC) determined in the laboratory were consistent with in-situ DOCs obtained from OT concentrations measured in sediment and pore water samples from two dated sediment cores. For both butyl- and phenyltin compounds the log DOC values were in the range of 4.7-6.1, and the following sequence was observed: DOC (tri-OT) > or = DOC (di-OT) > or = DOC (mono-OT). However, the differences were much less pronounced than would have been expected for hydrophobic partitioning of the corresponding compounds into POM. These results support our hypothesis from earlier work with dissolved humic acids that OT sorption to sediments occurs primarily by reversible formation of (innerspere) complexes between the tin atom and carboxylate and phenolate ligands present in POM. Because of the high DOC values (i.e. log DOC > or = 4) the diffusion of OTs from deeper sediments to the surface will be rather slow, and thus a major release from undisturbed sediments is not expected. However, because OTs readily desorb, any resuspension of contaminated sediments (e.g., by the tide, storms or dredging activities) will lead to enhanced OT concentrations in the overlaying water column. Furthermore, in contrastto polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) where large fractions may be tightly bound (in)to soot or other carbonaceous materials, OTs will be more readily bioavailable due to the fast and reversible sorption/desorption behavior. 相似文献
印染废水产生量大,有机物含量高,可生化性差,并具有一定的毒害性,是难处理工业废水之一,它已经对我国水环境构成严重威胁。随着人们环保意识的增强,印染废水深度处理和回用越来越受到政府的关注。文章介绍了印染废水的回用现状,对印染废水的回用标准作了简单说明,阐述了印染废水的治理措施和方法。 相似文献
利用膜分离集成技术与絮凝剂技术对油脂加工过程排放的废水进行深度处理,实现工艺用水的循环利用,减少废水排放,降低水资源消耗,实现清洁生产,更好地促进循环经济发展。 相似文献