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Developing a decision model for business process outsourcing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Information technology (IT) outsourcing has been one of the critical issues in organization management. Business process outsourcing (BPO) is an advanced type of IT outsourcing, which will be the next big wave in information technology services. Nevertheless, since prior studies have only examined issues related to traditional IS outsourcing, there have been few researches that introduce and discuss the important factors that should be considered in the decision of BPO adoption. This paper identifies factors affecting the BPO decision and structures a decision model using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method.By proposing a quantitative decision model, this paper will not only assist management in making better decisions in outsourcing their business processes, but also help them to obtain the most benefits from BPO.  相似文献   

The interplay between process and decision models plays a crucial role in business process management, as decisions may be based on running processes and affect process outcomes. Often process models include decisions that are encoded through process control flow structures and data flow elements, thus reducing process model maintainability. The Decision Model and Notation (DMN) was proposed to achieve separation of concerns and to possibly complement the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) for designing decisions related to process models. Nevertheless, deriving decision models from process models remains challenging, especially when the same data underlie both process and decision models. In this paper, we explore how and to which extent the data modeled in BPMN processes and used for decision-making may be represented in the corresponding DMN decision models. To this end, we identify a set of patterns that capture possible representations of data in BPMN processes and that can be used to guide the derivation of decision models related to existing process models. Throughout the paper we refer to real-world healthcare processes to show the applicability of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Business processes have become important resources, both for an enterprise's performance and to enable it to maintain its competitiveness. The languages used for business process representation have, in recent years, been improved and new notations have appeared. However, despite the wide acceptance of the importance of business process security, to date the business analyst perspective in relation to security has hardly been dealt with. Moreover, security requirements cannot be represented in modern business process modeling notations.In this paper, we present an extension of UML 2.0 activity diagrams which will allow security requirements to be specified in business processes. Our proposal, denominated as BPSec (Business Process Security), is Model Driven Architecture compliant since it is possible to obtain a set of UML artifacts (Platform Independent Model-PIM) used in software development from a Secure Business Process model specification (Computation Independent Model-CIM). We also present the application of our approach to an example based on a typical health care institution, in which our M-BPSec method is employed as a framework for the use of our UML extension.  相似文献   

Definitions of business process given in much of the literature on Business Process Management are limited in depth and their related models of business processes are correspondingly constrained. After giving a brief history of the progress of business process modeling techniques from production systems to the office environment, this paper proposes that most definitions are based on machine metaphor type explorations of a process. While these techniques are often rich and illuminating it is suggested that they are too limited to express the true nature of business processes that need to develop and adapt to today's challenging environment.  相似文献   

The Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems provide enormous amounts of real-time data in the form of streams of events. Businesses can benefit from the integration of these real-world data; new services can be provided to customers, or existing business processes can be improved. Events are a well-known concept in business processes. However, there is no appropriate abstraction mechanism to encapsulate event stream processing in units that represent business functions in a coherent manner across the process modeling, process execution, and IT infrastructure layer. In this paper we present Event Stream Processing Units (SPUs) as such an abstraction mechanism. SPUs encapsulate application logic for event stream processing and enable a seamless transition between process models, executable process representations, and components at the IT layer. We derive requirements for SPUs and introduce EPC and BPMN extensions to model SPUs at the abstract and at the technical process layer. We introduce a transformation from SPUs in EPCs to SPUs in BPMN and implement our modeling notation extensions in Software AG ARIS. We present a runtime infrastructure that executes SPUs and supports implicit invocation and completion semantics. We illustrate our approach using a logistics process as running example.  相似文献   

A fundamental assumption of Business Process Management (BPM) is that redesign delivers refined and improved versions of business processes. This assumption, however, does not necessarily hold, and any required compensatory action may be delayed until a new round in the BPM life-cycle completes. Current approaches to process redesign face this problem in one way or another, which makes rapid process improvement a central research problem of BPM today. In this paper, we address this problem by integrating concepts from process execution with ideas from DevOps. More specifically, we develop a methodology called AB-BPM that offers process improvement validation in two phases: simulation and AB tests. Our simulation technique extracts decision probabilities and metrics from the event log of an existing process version and generates traces for the new process version based on this knowledge. The results of simulation guide us towards AB testing where two versions (A and B) are operational in parallel and any new process instance is routed to one of them. The routing decision is made at runtime on the basis of the achieved results for the registered performance metrics of each version. Our routing algorithm provides for ultimate convergence towards the best performing version, no matter if it is the old or the new version. We demonstrate the efficacy of our methodology and techniques by conducting an extensive evaluation based on both synthetic and real-life data.  相似文献   

胡俊  孙瑞志  向勇 《计算机科学》2010,37(11):141-144
业务流程的复用即利用已有的业务流程或者业务知识等建立新的流程模型,是工作流技术研究的一个热点。业务流程的复用能够降低流程定义的复杂度,提高流程定义的质量和效率。为实现流程复用,提出了相似流程的判定依据和一种面向复用的流程相似判定方法,详细阐述了面向复用的流程相似判定方法的原理和步骤。利用该方法能够判定流程是否相似并根据相似的流程自动归纳生成工作流模板,实现流程定义的复用。  相似文献   

构件库作为分类和管理构件资产的基础设施就变得越来越重要,实践中构件数量不断增长、构件也随技术和领域演化而更新,要在众多的构件中爬疏寻找合适的构件就必须建立起有效的构件表示机制和切实可行的构件库管理系统。业务构件是业务对象和构件的融合,是业务对象软件实现所形成的自治的业务概念和可复用的软件单元。业务构件的有序集合,就构成实际的业务活动。本文提出一种基于框架的构件表示方法,并提出基于利用业务构件重组的方式来适应其过程的变化,从而实现业务过程的重组方法。  相似文献   

Business process management (BPM) has emerged as a prominent information management approach focusing on the design, execution and governance of organizational business processes. The ability to deal with both foreseen and unforeseen changes in business processes is considered critical for contemporary business process management systems. This paper proposes an approach that couples an event-driven framework for detecting and reasoning in situations that pose the need for process adaptations with MCDM methods for selecting adaptations. The proposed approach has been implemented in an aspect-oriented extension of a BPMN2.0 engine in order to enact adaptations of business processes in real-time.  相似文献   

Traditionally, research in Business Process Management has put a strong focus on centralized and intra-organizational processes. However, today’s business processes are increasingly distributed, deviating from a centralized layout, and therefore calling for novel methodologies of detecting and responding to unforeseen events, such as errors occurring during process runtime. In this article, we demonstrate how to employ event-based failure prediction in business processes. This approach allows to make use of the best of both traditional Business Process Management Systems and event-based systems. Our approach employs machine learning techniques and considers various types of events. We evaluate our solution using two business process data sets, including one from a real-world event log, and show that we are able to detect errors and predict failures with high accuracy.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a meta-model for formal specification of functional requirements for configurable content- and context-aware dynamic service selection in business process models with the objective to enable greater flexibility of the modeled processes. The dynamic service selection can cope with highly dynamic business environments that today's business processes must handle. Modeling functional requirements for dynamic service selection in business process models is not well covered in literature. Some partial solutions exist but none of them allows modeling a complete set of functional requirements for the selection similar to the one we are addressing in this article. Our meta-model enables formal specification of service selection relevant data extracted from service request message, custom configuration data (e.g., thresholds), process and task definition/instance metadata, and service selection rules. The meta-model is configurable and content- and context-aware. Processes leveraging our meta-model can adapt to changing requirements without redesign of the process flow. Proposed meta-model allows users to additionally configure the models at run time (e.g., raising a threshold). Modeling can be divided into roles with different required competences. We implement our meta-model in BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation) through specific extensions to the BPMN semantic and diagram elements. By measuring complexity of real-world sample process models we show that using our solution modelers can efficiently model business processes that need to address frequent changing demands. Compared to available alternatives, models using our solution have on average ~13% fewer activities, ~16% fewer control-flow elements and ~22% fewer control paths. By reading ~10% smaller models (by volume) model readers get more flexible process models that capture all functional requirements for the dynamic selection.  相似文献   


Business impact analysis (BIA) is an important process that probes into business processes to determine and list critical processes that are vital to keep the business going. It is necessary to understand business environments, gather data and information, identify critical processes needed to carry out vital business operations and finally prepare a BIA report enlisting your findings to be submitted to the top management. Efforts toward consideration of internal and external environments and risks that impact financial position as well as the goodwill of the organization must be considered. Effectiveness of the business impact analysis is reflected by the management's commitment of people and technological resources to mitigate risks of business continuity projected by your findings. Buy-in is important to make the Business Continuity Management System efficient and sustainable by providing funding and setting a system for management oversight on a continuous basis.  相似文献   

ContextBusiness process models provide a natural way to describe real-world processes to be supported by software-intensive systems. These models can be used to analyze processes in the system-as-is and describe potential improvements for the system-to-be. But, how well does a given business process model satisfy its business goals? How can different perspectives be integrated in order to describe an inter-organizational process?ObjectiveThe aim of the present paper is to link the local and the global perspectives of the inter-organizational business process defined in BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation) to KAOS goal models (Keep All Objectives Satisfied). We maintain a separation of concerns between the intentional level captured by the goal model and the organizational level captured by the process model. The paper presents the concept of intentional fragment (a set of flow elements of the process with a common purpose) and assess its usefulness.MethodWe conducted empirical experiments where the proposed concepts – here the intentional fragments – are validated by users. Our method relies on an iterative improvement process led by users feedback.ResultsWe find that the concept of intentional fragment is useful for (1) analyzing the business process model (2) reasoning about the relations between the goal model and the business process model and (3) identifying new goals. In a previous work we focused on BPMN 2.0 collaboration models (local view). This paper extends the previous work by integrating the global view given by choreography models in the approach.ConclusionWe conclude that the notion of intentional fragment is a useful mean to relate business process models and goal models while dealing with their different nature (activity oriented vs goal oriented). Intentional fragments can also be used to analyze the process model and to infer new goals in an iterative manner.  相似文献   

Businesses need to continuously focus on change and innovation in order to survive in dynamic environments. The ability of an organization to deploy appropriate business processes requires that the fit between business processes and systems that support the management of these processes is continuously maintained and evolved. Acquisition and use of the knowledge about the context in which business processes are defined, modified, and implemented can help maintain this fit. We identify requirements for a business process management system (BPMS) capable of managing contextual knowledge. Based on these requirements, we have enhanced KOPeR, a knowledge-based system for business process improvement, with an explanation facility that can acquire and maintain knowledge about the context behind process definitions and design choices. A case study that illustrates the functionalities of this system which is designed to improve the fit between business processes and BPMS is presented.
Peng XuEmail:

Software in general is thoroughly analyzed before it is released to its users. Business processes often are not – at least not as thoroughly as it could be – before they are released to their users, e.g., employees or software agents. This paper ascribes this practice to the lack of suitable instruments for business process analysts, who design the processes, and aims to provide them with the necessary instruments to allow them to also analyze their processes. We use the spreadsheet paradigm to represent business process analysis tasks, such as writing metrics and assertions, running performance analysis and verification tasks, and reporting on the outcomes, and implement a spreadsheet-based tool for business process analysis. The results of two independent user studies demonstrate the viability of the approach.  相似文献   

业务流程建模是业务流程管理(Business Process Management,BPM)中最为重要的环节,一个好的建模语言对业务流程的建模和开发起到非常关键的作用。各具特色的业务过程建模语言不断出现,对语言的研究、分析和比较已经成为流程设计与流程实现之间的一个重要问题。介绍了一种新的业务流程建模语言DSC(Dynamic SystemChart),并将DSC和目前比较流行的建模语言BPMN(Business Process Modeling Notation)做了比较分析。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the ideas behind BPML, the business process modelling language published by BPMI. BPML provides a process-centric (as opposed to a datacentric) metalanguage and execution model for business systems. It is underpinned by a strong mathematical foundation, the pi-calculus. The current paper is derived from supplementary appendices to a book which describes a ‘third wave’ approach to business process management [Business Process Management: The Third Wave, 2003]. The aim is to model business processes directly in an executable form, so that the mobility and mutability inherent in business behaviour is reflected and supported in the corresponding IT systems, erasing the present IT-business divide.  相似文献   

刘云  吴健平 《微机发展》2013,(12):249-252
商业选址与布局关系到企业未来的规划与发展,是企业经营战略的重中之重。由于传统分析研究方法的局限,促使现代商业网点的选址迫切地需要新技术的支持以适应现代商业经营方式的根本性转变。为了降低企业成本、获取更多的市场份额以及更好地服务客户,文中分析了影响商业网点选址的人口、交通、市场竞争三个关键要素,介绍了Esri公司推出的在线商业选址应用-Business Analyst Online(BAO),探讨商业选址分析的主要流程。通过在案例中应用BAO的主要功能,得出最佳商业选址,为企业决策者制定经营目标和经营策略提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

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