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The fire spray system (FSS) of the Advanced Passive PWR, as a part of the fire protection system, can provide a non-safety related containment spraying function for severe accident mitigation which is included in the Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG) of the Advanced Passive PWR when dealing with severe accidents. The effectiveness of the FSS is investigated on three effects for severe accident mitigation which are controlling the containment condition, washing out fission product and injecting into the containment through three representative severe accident scenarios analysis with integral accident analysis code since there is no sufficient data support, besides the negative impact is also discussed. Results show that the FSS can be effective for controlling the containment condition, washing out fission product and injecting into the containment, however the effect is limited due to system limitation: the FSS can only cool the containment atmosphere for a short term; the flow rate of FSS cannot fulfill the success criteria given in the PRA report of the Advanced Passive PWR. Meanwhile, the hydrogen concentration and the containment water level should be the long-term monitored because actuating the FSS may cause hydrogen risk in the containment and containment flooding. Despite its limitation and negative impact, the FSS can be effective as an alternative severe accident mitigation measurement for postponing the process of accidents for safety system recovery.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of thermal-hydraulic calculations of a large break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA) analysis for a VVER-1000/V446 unit at Bushehr nuclear power plant (BNPP). LBLOCA is analysis in two different beyond design basis accident (BDBA) scenarios using the RELAP5/MOD3.2 best estimate code. The scenarios are LBLOCA with station blackout (SBO) and LBLOCA with pump re-circulation blockage which have been evaluated in the final safety analysis report (FSAR) of BNPP. A model of VVER-1000 reactor based on Unit 1 of BNPP has been developed for the RELAP5/MOD3.2 thermal-hydraulics code consists of 4-loop primary and secondary systems with all their relevant sub-systems important to safety analysis. The analysis is performed without regard for operator's actions on accident management. The safety analysis is carried out and the results are checked against the acceptance criteria which are the possibility of using water inventory in the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) accumulators and the KWU tanks for core cooling and the available time to operators before the maximum design limit of fuel rod cladding damage is reached. These kinds of analyses are performed to provide the response of monitored plant parameters to identify symptoms available to the operators, timing of the loss of critical safety functions and timing of operator actions to avoid the loss of critical safety functions of core damage. The results of performed analyses show that the operators have 2.9 and 3.1 h for LBLOCA with SBO and LBLOCA with pump re-circulation blockage scenarios, respectively, before the fuel rod cladding rupture. The results are also compared with the BNPP FSAR data.  相似文献   

The University of California, Berkeley (UCB) is performing thermal hydraulics safety analysis to develop the technical basis for design and licensing of fluoride-salt-cooled, high-temperature reactors (FHRs). FHR designs investigated by UCB use natural circulation for emergency, passive decay heat removal when normal decay heat removal systems fail. The FHR advanced natural circulation analysis (FANCY) code has been developed for assessment of passive decay heat removal capability and safety analysis of these innovative system designs. The FANCY code uses a one-dimensional, semi-implicit scheme to solve for pressure-linked mass, momentum and energy conservation equations. Graph theory is used to automatically generate a staggered mesh for complicated pipe network systems. Heat structure models have been implemented for three types of boundary conditions (Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions). Heat structures can be composed of several layers of different materials, and are used for simulation of heat structure temperature distribution and heat transfer rate. Control models are used to simulate sequences of events or trips of safety systems. A proportional-integral controller is also used to automatically make thermal hydraulic systems reach desired steady state conditions. A point kinetics model is used to model reactor kinetics behavior with temperature reactivity feedback. The underlying large sparse linear systems in these models are efficiently solved by using direct and iterative solvers provided by the SuperLU code on high performance machines. Input interfaces are designed to increase the flexibility of simulation for complicated thermal hydraulic systems. This paper mainly focuses on the methodology used to develop the FANCY code, and safety analysis of the Mark 1 pebble-bed FHR under development at UCB is performed.  相似文献   

PARCS code is a three-dimensional (3D) reactor core simulator which solves the steady-state and time-dependent multi-group neutron diffusion equations if the multi-group diffusion constants (MGDCs) are provided. The MGDCs are mostly prepared for reactor physics problems using deterministic lattice codes. Beside approximation in the geometry, a lattice code inherently applies estimates to the neutron transport model. On the other hand, the geometric flexibility and use of continuous energy cross sections data library associated with the Monte Carlo (MC) method makes it a good candidate for the generation of highly accurate multi-group cross sections. In this study, a new MC based methodology is applied to generate the MGDCs which can be utilized in the PARCS code input file directly or as PMAXS files for a reactor core simulation. To achieve this, a new tool in MATLAB software is developed to compute the MGDCs from the MCNPX 2.7 MC code outputs. Verification of the proposed method for two-group constants generation is carried out using Tehran research reactor (TRR) core simulation in different steady state conditions. The calculated values of axial and radial power distributions and multiplication factor using the PARCS code are verified against the MCNPX 2.7 code results. The results illustrate that the proposed method has high accuracy in MGDCs generation.  相似文献   

This paper describes the anticipated long-term evolutions of nuclear fuel cycles. The main driver for such an evolution is the need for improving the sustainability of global energy systems. Indeed, sustainability is becoming the international reference approach to reconciling the different fields of analysis, i.e. the technical performance, economic viability, environmental preservation and societal acceptance. While our societies have to face the issue of finding new energy models which help to mitigate climate change, global approaches are mandatory to select the relevant improvements for the different energy systems, including nuclear energy. In a first step, this paper focuses on the specific environmental footprint of nuclear energy and its position with regards the other energy sources. From this situation, this paper depicts the potential improvement to be studied in order to improve the overall environmental footprint.  相似文献   

PbO2-doped Li4SiO4 pebbles were successfully fabricated by a liquid-atmosphere sintering process. Those pebbles sintered at 1000 °C under atmospheric conditions were found to have an average diameter of 1.05 mm, a sphericity of 98%, a theoretical density of 90.9%, an average crush load of 24.3 N, and a main phase structure of Li4SiO4 with a small percentage of Li8PbO6. Subsequent optimization of this fabrication process yielded ceramic pebbles suitable for tritium breeding in a test blanket module (TBM).  相似文献   

In the present study, the comparison between the results obtained from the linear and quadratic approximations of the Galerkin Finite Element Method (GFEM) for neutronic reactor core calculation was reported. The sensitivity analysis of the calculated neutron multiplication factor, neutron flux and power distributions in the reactor core vs. the number of the unstructured tetrahedron elements and order of the considered shape function was performed. The cost of the performed calculation using linear and quadratic approximation was compared through the calculation of the FOM. The neutronic core calculation was performed for both rectangular and hexagonal geometries. Both the criticality and fixed source calculations were done using the developed GFEM-3D computational code. An acceptable accuracy with low computational cost is the main advantage of applying the unstructured tetrahedron elements. The generated unstructured tetrahedron elements with Gambit software were used in the GFEM-3D computational code via a developed interface. The criticality calculation was benchmarked against the valid data for IAEA-3D and VVER-1000 benchmark problems. Also, the neutron fixed source calculation was validated through the comparison with the similar computational code. The results show that the accuracy of the calculation for the both linear and quadratic approximations improves vs. the number of elements. Quadratic approximation gives acceptable results for almost all considered number of the elements, while the results obtained from the linear approximation have good accuracy for only high number of the elements.  相似文献   

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