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News Sites     

People worldwide rely on the news media to report current events accurately and without bias. TV and radio have been available for decades to report the news, but the Internet is rapidly becoming a major source for instantaneous news. During and following the events of September 11, users with access to the Internet watched the terrorist attacks of September unfold and have continued to watch and monitor the “War on Terrorism” via the Internet. This column presents a highly select list of Web sites that generate current news information; news about September 11 and the War on Terrorism is featured.  相似文献   

A contemporary debate in media studies concerns participation and empowerment, and to what extent digital media shift power to the citizens. This study assesses the long‐term viability of participatory journalism using Swedish content and user data. Inclusion of comments and blog‐links on news sites increased from 2007 to 2010, and decreased rather dramatically from 2011 onward. Posting user comments or writing blogs have never been activities that have appealed to a majority of the Swedes. Participatory journalism seems to have decreasing value to producers and little appeal to users. A shift in how power is distributed in the public sphere is absent. This is not primarily a problem of reluctant producers but, more importantly, a lack of interest from users.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a visualization method of news distribution in Blog space. Recently, Blog is becoming one of the important information resources on the Web, from which trend information can be obtained. On the other hand, online news site is another information resource, which reports latest events in the world. This paper focuses on the combination of both resources, and proposes a method for visualizing news distribution in Blog space, which indicates various access patterns to news articles in Blog space. The types of objects that are to be visualized as well as their relationships are defined, based on which interactive information visualization system is proposed. Experiments with test subjects are performed to investigate the viewpoints they employ for examining news distribution in Blog space. The results show that test subjects can examine news distribution in Blog space from various viewpoints, which affects their estimation of the impacts of news articles.
Yasufumi TakamaEmail:

新闻视频中基于主持人识别的新闻故事探测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
新闻视频由一个个内容相互独立的新闻故事组成。新闻故事探测是新闻视频浏览、基于内容检索等操作的前提。该文根据新闻视频的特殊结构和新闻节目主持人固定的特征,采用基于人脸检测的主持人镜头识别和基于语音的主持人识别来分割新闻视频中的新闻故事。实验表明,该方法能准确地探测出新闻视频中的新闻故事。  相似文献   

This article has 2 goals: to provide additional evidence that exposure to ideological online news media contributes to political misperceptions, and to test 3 forms this media‐effect might take. Analyses are based on representative survey data collected during the 2012 U.S. presidential election (N = 1,004). Panel data offer persuasive evidence that biased news site use promotes inaccurate beliefs, while cross‐sectional data provide insight into the nature of these effects. There is no evidence that exposure to ideological media reduces awareness of politically unfavorable evidence, though in some circumstances biased media do promote misunderstandings of it. The strongest and most consistent influence of ideological media exposure is to encourage inaccurate beliefs regardless of what consumers know of the evidence.  相似文献   

本文分析了突发事件新闻的特点、建设突发事件新闻语料库的目的和意义,研究了突发事件新闻语料的分类体系和编码。研究结果对突发事件新闻语料库的建设、突发事件新闻信息检索、国家相关部门对突发事件应急处理方案制定以及对流行病学的医学研究等领域具有一定的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

基于News ML的大规模个性化新闻定制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了多媒体新闻信息新标准NewsML的组成及用法,将知识经济时代工业产品大规模个性化定制思想引入新闻信息发布系统中,应用智能计算、元数据、多维数据立方体等先进技术,提出了一个基于NewsML的大规模个性化新闻定制原型系统。  相似文献   

一种中文微博新闻话题检测的方法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
微博的迅猛发展带来了另一种社会化的新闻媒体形式。提出一种从微博中挖掘新闻话题的方法,即在线检测微博消息中大量突现的关键字,并将它们进行聚类,从而找到新闻话题。为了提取出新闻主题词,综合考虑短文本中的词频和增长速度而构造复合权值,用以量化词语是新闻词汇的程度;在话题构造中使用了上下文的相关度模型来支撑增量式聚类算法,相比于语义相似度模型,其更能适应该问题的特点。在真实的微博数据上运行的实验表明,本方法可以有效地从大量消息中检测出新闻话题。  相似文献   

基于NewsML的新闻大规模定制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
大规模定制是企业获取竞争力的一项强有力的手段。文章在分析大规模定制思想的基础上,通过制造业生产与新闻发布过程的比较,说明了新闻大规模定制的可行性,在新闻扩展标识语言NewsML的基础上给出了一个基于NewsML的新闻大规模定制的新闻信息发布的原型系统,对探讨我国新闻发布的方式有一定的作用。  相似文献   

We analyze patterns of digital news consumption before and after a “link tax” was introduced in Spain. This new legislation imposed a copyright fee for showing snippets of content created by newspapers and resulted in the shutdown of Google News Spain. The Spanish copyright law is a precedent to the Copyright Directive currently submitted to the European Parliament, which is planning to impose a similar “link tax.” We offer empirical evidence that can help evaluate the impact of that sort of intervention. We analyze data tracking news consumption behavior to assess changes in audience reach and audience fragmentation. We show that the law has no discernible impact on reach, but we identify an increase in the fragmentation of news consumption.  相似文献   

In recent years, news media have been hugely disrupted by news promotion, commentary and sharing in online, social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit). This disruption has been the subject of a significant literature that has largely used AI techniques – machine learning, text analytics and network models – to both (i) understand the factors underlying audience attention and news dissemination on social media (e.g., effects of popularity, type of day) and (ii) provide new tools/guidelines for journalists to better disseminate their news via these social media. This paper provides an integrative review of the literature on the professional reporting of news on Twitter; focusing on how journalists and news outlets use Twitter as a platform to disseminate news, and on the factors that impact readers’ attention and engagement with that news on Twitter. Using the precise definition of a news-tweet (i.e., divided into user, content and context features), the survey structures the literature to reveal the main findings on features affecting audience attention to news and its dissemination on Twitter. From this analysis, it then considers the most effective guidelines for digital journalists to better disseminate news in the future.  相似文献   

新闻提要是一段新闻的简要介绍,它高度概括了整段新闻的主要内容,有效地从新闻视频中提取新闻摘要对于基于内容建立新闻视频数据库非常重要。通过分析新闻视频的特点,给出了详细的检测算法并通过实验对算法进行了检验。  相似文献   

Recently, Brooklyn has seen an explosion of drag culture, with dozens of performers taking the stage in any given week. Social media plays a vital role for members of this community, simultaneously allowing self‐promotion and community solidarity. Drawing on focus group interviews, we analyze the communication practices of Brooklyn's drag performers, examining both the advantages and drawbacks of social media platforms. Using conceptual frameworks of faceted identity and relational labor, our discussion focuses on affordances and constraints of multifaceted identity in online contexts and theories of seamful design. We contend that by analyzing online communication practices of drag performers, it becomes possible to identify gaps between embedded ideologies of mainstream social media technologies and the localized values of outsider communities.  相似文献   

该文介绍了一种基于Linux平台下保证短信的保密性,完整性及可认证性的安全传输技术,具有防伪造、防重放,防抵赖功能。  相似文献   

基于规则分析的新闻视频口播帧检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新闻视频的主体内容是一系列的新闻单元,准确地对新闻单元进行分割是新闻视频自动索引的重要依据,同时也是对新闻视频进行基于内容的视频分析的过程中所要解决的一个基本问题。由于新闻主持人口播镜头的开始通常是一个新闻单元的开始,所以检测新闻主持人口播帧是定位和分割新闻单元的有效途径。论文提出的基于规则分析的口播帧检测方法(DBRA,DetectionBasedonRuleAnalysis)是一种全新的口播帧检测方法,该方法通过分析新闻视频口播帧具有的一些规则(亦可称其为特点),由计算机系统完全独立地对新闻视频进行分析、并自动检测出口播帧。该检测方法与现有的检测方法相比,不仅使用较为方便,而且具有一定的智能性。  相似文献   

The present study adopts the Communication Privacy Management theory and investigates the factors that influence the extent of private information disclosure of Facebook mobile phone users. Using a sample size of 488 adult mobile phone users, the study further investigates the differential impact of age on the extent of private information disclosure. Results from the logistic regressions run reveal that use of smartphones to access social networking sites, use of multiple social networks, and being female decrease the likelihood of private information disclosure. In addition, usability problems increase the likelihood of information disclosure by older adults. The analyses show no association between perceived benefit and private information disclosure.  相似文献   

People have always been concerned with their social image and engaged in strategic self-presentation (Goffman, 1959), but the growth of social networking sites (SNS) has had a major influence on such social endeavors. When people choose how to present themselves online, they use strategies and make choices that influence the liking and respect they receive from others. We examine a model that links: (a) motives for self-presentation, (b) actual online behavior on Facebook, and (c) feedback: social network members' responses (“likes,” comments). One hundred and fifty-six undergraduates (37 males, 119 females, mean age = 24.5) reported on their last three Facebook status updates (468 status updates overall). Based on structural equation modeling, we found that performance goals predict increased levels of self-enhancement on Facebook and increased levels of social feedback – “likes” and comments by others. Mastery goals do not predict increased levels of self-derogation (posting negative contents about self), but those who do choose to derogate also receive increased numbers of “likes” and comments from their network friends.  相似文献   

基于Web Service架构的新闻服务研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Internet特有的时效性,使得网络新闻出版和服务正在步入一个快车道。尽管基于HTTP/HTML架构的Web新闻服务方式在新闻的时空性方面超越了传统媒体,但它的交互性还不足以满足个性化新闻定制和阅读的需求。该文提出了一种基于WebService架构和NewsML置标语言的新闻服务系统框架,讨论了新闻服务提供端、新闻注册端和新闻发现/阅读客户端的工作原理和关键技术。基于WebService架构和新闻语言NewsML的新闻服务系统,支持个性化的新闻定制和服务。  相似文献   

Social networking sites such as Facebook provide new ways of sharing news stories that allow users to act as opinion leaders in their networks, encourage discussion, and potentially increase their involvement in current events. This study identifies the particular features of Facebook that facilitate the discussion of news and tests their effects on involvement and feelings of influence. Participants (N = 265) in a 3 (Broadcast level: news feed vs. wall post vs. direct message) × 3 (Elaboration: opinion vs. question vs. no comment) × 2 (Involving-friends: tag vs. no tag) between-subjects factorial experiment were randomly assigned to share a story from a news website on Facebook. Results show that user involvement in the news content depends on the social affordances of the site, particularly those that allow for audience customization and those that drive network feedback. Asking the network’s opinions and targeting specific friends led to greater involvement in the news content. Discussion through comments led to a greater sense of influence and greater involvement for those sharing the news story. These findings highlight the importance of encouraging individuals to act as sources of information in their networks to drive engagement in current events in the changing news landscape.  相似文献   

林丽 《中文信息学报》2013,27(6):201-209
越南是中国的重要邻国,相应的越南语海量信息处理正日益凸显其重要性。参考国内外有关框架语义标注的研究和实践,我们在构建越南语新闻语料库,对越南语文本进行分词和词性标注、命名实体标注等研究的基础上,尝试构建越南语框架语义知识库并初步探索了框架语义标注在越南语新闻事件抽取中的应用。  相似文献   

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